1875 Dinar earthquake explained

1875 Dinar earthquake
Location:38.3°N 29.9°W
Affected:Dinar (District), Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
Casualties:1,300 fatalities

The 1875 Dinar earthquake occurred in Afyonkarahisar Province in present-day Turkey. More than 1,300 people died and 1,000 homes were destroyed when the 6.77 earthquake struck. The communities of Çivril and Yaka were destroyed while Işıklı and Dinar were badly damaged. Ground fissures and hot springs appeared near Civril although these reports may have been exaggerated. There was minor damage in Uşak and Afyon.[2]

The shock was associated with rupture along the Baklan Fault which was also associated with another destructive shock in 1995.[3] It produced of faulting.[4]

At Işıklı, 200 homes were razed while the remaining 100 were damaged to the extent they were unliveable for occupants. Two mosque however, stood intact. Nearly all homes in Çivril were badly damaged or destroyed and 500 bodies were recovered from debris. Early reports from the Ottoman press reported 133 to 164 deaths and 1,879 injuries. In the village of Tatar, Uşak, about 200 people died.[5]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Ambraseys . N. N. . Jackson . J. A. . Faulting associated with historical and recent earthquakes in the Eastern Mediterranean region . Geophysical Journal International . 1998 . 133 . 2 . 390–406 . 10.1046/j.1365-246X.1998.00508.x. free . 1998GeoJI.133..390A .
  2. Web site: National Geophysical Data Center / World Data Service (NGDC/WDS): NCEI/WDS Global Significant Earthquake Database. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information . 1972 . 10.7289/V5TD9V7K . National Geophysical Data Center . NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information .
  3. Kürçer . Akın . Özdemir . Ersin . Olgun . Şeyda . Özalp . Selim . Çan . Tolga . Elmacı . Hasan . Active tectonic and paleoseismological characteristics of the Dinar Fault, SW Anatolia, Turkey . Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews . 2021 . 3 . 2 . 219–251 . 10.1007/s42990-021-00052-x. 2021MGRv....3..219K .
  4. Web site: Krdae . B.Ü. . Regional Earthquake-Tsunami Monitoring and Evaluation Center . . 28 December 2023.
  5. Satılmış . Selahattin . Dinar, Çivril, Işıklı ve Dazkırı Bölgesinde Tarihsel Depremler (1875-1900). Historical Earthquakes in Dinar, Çivril, Işıklı and Dazkırı Region (1875-1900) . Journal of History and Future . 2020 . 6 . 1 . 166–179 . 10.21551/jhf.686161 . free .