1932 Indianapolis 500 Explained

Race Name:20th Indianapolis 500
Race Logo:1932_500_program_cover.jpg
Date:May 30, 1932
Winner:Fred Frame
Team:Harry Hartz
Pole:Lou Moore
Pole Speed:117.363mph
Leader:Fred Frame (58)
Pace Car:Lincoln Model KB
Pace Driver:Edsel Ford
Starter:Gar Wood[1]
Honorary:Edsel Ford

The 20th International 500-Mile Sweepstakes Race was held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Monday, May 30, 1932. Attrition was the story of the race, with 26 of the 40 cars dropping out due to crashes or mechanical failure. A record eight different drivers led laps during the race, with no driver seemingly able to hold the lead without experiencing some sort of trouble. For the third year in a row, Billy Arnold looked as if he would be the dominant car, but he sailed over the turn three wall on lap 59. Rookie Bob Carey also hit the wall while leading. Fred Frame took the lead for good on lap 152, and won from the 27th starting position - the furthest back of any winner except for Ray Harroun in 1911 and later, Louis Meyer in 1936. Frame was accompanied by riding mechanic Jerry Houck.

In the third year of the "stock-based" formula (also known as the "Junk" formula), speeds were beginning to increase once again, but not quite to levels seen in the late-1920s. Lou Moore qualified for the pole position with an average speed of 117.363 mph, the fastest time trial run in three years. Likewise on race day, Frame's winning average speed of 104.144 mph broke Peter DePaolo's record set back in 1925.

The race was part of the 1932 AAA Championship Car season. The month was marred by two fatalities during practice. Riding mechanic Harry Cox was killed in a crash on May 25, and driver Milton Jones died from injuries suffered in a crash on May 27.

Race schedule

Race schedule – May 1932
Time Trials
Time Trials
Time Trials
Time Trials
Time Trials
Time Trials
Time Trials
Time Trials
Indy 500
GreenTrack Available for Practice
Dark BlueTime trials
SilverRace day
BlankNo track activity

Practice – April

The deadline for entries to be received was midnight on Monday May 2. Teams and drivers began arriving at the Speedway in early April, setting up shop in Gasoline Alley. In addition, Tom Beall's popular diner was already open in the garage area.[2] Tony Gulotta was on the track in the Hunt Special on April 6, as was Lou Moore in the Boyle Valve Special.[2] Making news in mid-April was Argentine driver Juan Gaudino, who arrived on April 13 to enter the race for the first time.[3] [4] Gaudino had intended to enter in 1931, but withdrew after a crash in South America just before he was to make the trip.

On Monday April 18, Joe Russo was practicing on the track when he lost control at the north end and crashed into the retaining wall. He suffered minor injuries to his head and face, and needed three stitches to his lip. The frame of the car was bent, but the car was expected to be repaired.[5]

Billy Devore, Terry Curley, S.T. "Pink" Donaldson, and Bert Lustig, all arrived from the west coast on April 21, each looking for rides.[6] [7] Some of the biggest news came on April 27. Babe Stapp was seriously injured in a crash at Legion Ascot Speedway, and would be forced to sit out the month of May.[8]

By the end of April, at least nine cars were already at the Speedway being prepped. Drivers were even spending some free time at the Speedway Golf Course.[9]

Practice – Week 1

The deadline for entries to be received was midnight on Monday May 2.[10] Though initially down from the previous year (72 entries), at least 40 cars had submitted entries by May 1, and more were expected when postmarked entries were all processed.

Practice – Week 2

Practice – Week 3

Time trials

Qualifications was scheduled for seven days, starting on Saturday May 21, and continuing through Friday May 27.[31] Four-lap (10 mile) qualifying runs were used. Each entry was allowed three attempts to qualify. The minimum speed for qualifying was set at 100 mph. Each day of time trials would end at sundown.

Saturday May 21

The first day of time trials was scheduled for Saturday May 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:59 p.m. (sundown). All cars were required to be in line no later than 5 p.m. in order to make a qualifying attempt.[31] Over 12,000 spectators arrived under hot and sunny weather conditions. During a run in the morning, Bryan Saulpaugh driving one of Harry Miller's 16-cylinder machines, had just completed a lap of 116 mph when a tire blew going into turn 1. Traveling more than 120 mph, he entered the turn too fast and the tread sheared off the tire. The car broke into a spin, but Saulpaugh was able to keep the car off the wall. Also having trouble in the morning was Zeke Meyer, who hit the wall in turn four after something broke in the steering mechanism.

Frank Brisko (111.149 mph) was the first driver to complete a qualifying run. Luther Johnson blew a tire and pulled into the pits during his first attempt. The early qualifiers were led by Billy Arnold, who put in a four-lap average of 116.290 mph. Bryan Saulpaugh, who had avoided serious mishap during a practice run, rebounded to post a four-lap average of 114.369 mph, good enough for the front row.

Late in the day, Lou Moore took the track, and grabbed the pole position with a four-lap average of 117.363 mph. His fourth lap (118.577 mph) was a single-lap track record for a non-supercharged engine. Last year's polesitter Russ Snowberger qualified fourth.

The day ended with the field filled to 21 cars.

Name Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Lap 4
Average Speed
18 Lou Moore116.595117.249117.066118.577117.363
25 Billy Arnold 115.920116.279116.279116.686116.290
327 Bryan Saulpaugh 114.373114.518114.460114.126114.369
44 Russ Snowberger113.967114.141114.708114.489114.326
535 Ira Hall113.967113.737114.358114.767114.206
66 Howdy Wilcox II 113.794114.358113.350112.388113.468
716 Louis Meyer 112.599112.122112.136113.037112.471
817 Paul Bost112.402112.416111.566111.166111.885
92 Billy Winn111.704111.607112.346111.552111.801
1022 Cliff Bergere111.001111.773111.690111.552111.503
1146 Luther Johnson110.633111.607111.345111.290111.218
1210 Bill Cummings111.070111.043111.303111.400111.204
1332 Frank Brisko110.343111.152111.455111.649111.149
1461 Bob Carey 110.538111.359111.483110.906111.070
1555 Joe Huff110.2541110.1321110.647110.579110.402
1648 Wesley Crawford109.237111.400111.469109.516110.396
1718 Pete Kreis109.877110.146110.728110.335110.270
1829 Al Miller 109.930109.944110.443110.200110.129
1924 Deacon Litz111.070110.308108.108108.748109.546
2025 Tony Gulotta109.078108.630108.946108.932108.896
2141 Joe Russo108.499108.395108.893109.383108.791

Sunday May 22

The second day of time trials was held Sunday May 22. Only two cars qualified, Wilbur Shaw and Al Aspen. Shaw's four-lap average speed (114.326 mph) time was identical to Russ Snowberger's from a day earlier.

Name Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Lap 4
Average Speed
223 Wilbur Shaw113.737114.548114.987114.040114.326
2321 Al Aspen108.199107.953107.373108.512108.008

Monday May 23

The third day of time trials was held Monday May 23. Hartwell "Stubby" Stubblefield wowed the crowd with a first lap of 117.310 mph, nearly as fast as the pole position. He upped his speed to 117.540 mph, and appeared to be on his way to becoming the fastest qualifier. On his fourth and final lap, however, he sensed he had a tire going down. Going into turn 3, he backed off and attempted to coast around to the pits, intending to abort the run. He shut the engine off on the mainstretch, but inadvertently coasted across the finish line. Officials ruled that he had completed the run, and the time would stand. His fourth lap of 101.488 pulled his four-lap average down to 112.988 mph. Instead of being the fastest qualifier, he had to settle for the slower speed, but nevertheless, was safely qualified.

Bob McDonogh made a conservative run of 113.279 mph, to be the fastest car of the afternoon, and the first four-wheel drive car in Indy history. Phil Shafer was the only other qualifier, putting in a speed of 110.708 mph without wearing a helmet.

By the end of the third day, only 26 (of 40) grid position had been filled. With many strong contenders still in the garage area, officials reiterated that qualifications would continue through Saturday as needed, to ensure all cars had the opportunity to qualify.

Name Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Lap 4
Average Speed
2458 Bob McDonogh112.938112.388113.179114.635113.279
2515 Stubby Stubblefield117.310117.570117.005101.488112.899
2633 Phil Shafer110.769110.240110.674110.152110.708

Tuesday May 24

The fourth day of time trials was held Tuesday May 24. Qualifications continued to move at a slow pace, as only two cars completed runs Tuesday. Late in the day, Gus Schrader was the first driver out, in the four-wheel drive Miller Special. The car had only been on the track three days, and the 112.003 mph average, though safe to make the field, was said to be modest to its capabilities. Fred Frame was the only other driver on the track, also driving a newly arrived machine. Frame's car had arrived only three days earlier, and had been on the track only once, but not at speed.

Name Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Lap 4
Average Speed
2734 Fred Frame113.479113.364113.982114.606113.856
2845 Gus Schrader 112.740112.528111.193111.566112.003

Wednesday May 25

The fifth day of time trials was held Wednesday May 25. To the increasing chagrin of officials, only one car completed a qualifying attempt, further dragging out the already slow qualifying process. Chet Miller secured the 29th spot in the field, leaving eleven spots open. The day was marred by the death of Harry Cox, the riding mechanic for Bennie Benefiel. The car hit the inside wall, lost a wheel, then skidded into the outside wall. The car went over the outside retaining wall in turn 1, and dropped twenty feet to the ground. It hit two trees, then came to rest against another tree. Benefiel and Cox were thrown from the car. Benefiel was conscious but seriously injured. Cox suffered a broken neck and other injuries, and died at the scene.

Louis Schneider had his car out on the track for practice, but came in complaining of steering problems. Roy Painter announced his car was withdrawn due to an illegal tread width.

Thursday May 26

The sixth day of time trials was held Thursday May 26. For the second day in a row, only one car completed a run. Louis Schneider, driving the same Bowes Seal Fast entry he won with in 1931, took the 30th starting position.

Friday May 27

The seventh day of time trials was held on Friday May 27. The day was marred by the second fatality in three days. Milton Jones and his riding mechanic Harold Gray were on a practice run early in the day when car went out of control in turn one. The car went over the wall in turn one, and landed upright on a grassy plot outside of the track. Both Jones and Gray were thrown from the car. Gray survived, suffering a broken arm and internal injuries. Jones died about six hours later at City Hospital. In a separate incident, Ira Hall crashed his already-qualified car in turn 3. The car was badly damaged, but Hall was not injured. Also having trouble was Paul Rice, whose car broke a front axle. He narrowly missed hitting the outside wall at the exit of turn four.[40]

Seven cars completed qualifying runs, but George Howie would eventually be "crowded out" (bumped) from the field on Saturday. Gene Haustein made an unsuccessful attempt.

Name Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Lap 4
Average Speed
317 Ernie Triplett114.899114.577115.237115.031114.935
3257 Malcolm Fox 110.988111.221111.635110.756111.149
3349 Johnny Krieger 108.669109.290109.369109.783109.276
3472 Ray Campbell 108.212109.676109.904108.108108.969
3565 Freddie Winnai109.250108.212108.212109.369108.755
3614 Juan Gaudino 106.257107.463108.082108.082107.466
DNQ47 George Howie102.658103.401103.746104.167103.490Bumped 5/28
DNQ23 Gene Haustein106 106 0.000 0.000 Incomplete

Saturday May 28

The final day of time trials was held on Saturday May 28. Due to the number of spots remaining, and the number of entries still to qualify, the hours for qualifying were extended to 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for Saturday. The field was filled to 40 cars, and two drivers (George Howie and James Patterson) were "crowded out." Kelly Petillo made the field just before the close of qualifying.

After qualifying concluded, the track was closed to clean up oil spills and prepare the surface for the race. A brief session was allowed late Sunday afternoon for the traditional "carburetion tests."

Name Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Lap 4
Average Speed
3726 Al Gordon 111.649111.207111.649110.660111.290
3837 Zeke Meyer109.887110.660111.207111.246110.745
3942 Doc MacKenzie 107.630107.940108.431108.630108.154
4036 Kelly Petillo 104.554104.372104.457105.202104.645
DNQ75 James Patterson 101.260100.919101.203101.603101.246Bumped 5/28

Starting grid

1 Lou Moore Billy Arnold Bryan Saulpaugh
2 Russ Snowberger Ira Hall Howdy Wilcox II
3 Louis Meyer Paul Bost Billy Winn
4 Cliff Bergere Luther Johnson Bill Cummings
5 Frank Brisko Bob Carey Joe Huff
6 Wesley Crawford Pete Kreis Al Miller
7 Deacon Litz Tony Gulotta Joe Russo
8 Wilbur Shaw Al Aspen Bob McDonogh
9 Stubby Stubblefield Phil Shafer Fred Frame
10 Gus Schrader Chet Miller Louis Schneider
11 Ernie Triplett Malcolm Fox Johnny Krieger
12 Ray Campbell Freddie Winnai Juan Gaudino
13 Al Gordon Zeke Meyer Doc MacKenzie
14 Kelly Petillo   


Failed to qualify

Race summary


The race began at 10:00 a.m. with Edsel Ford driving the Lincoln Model KB pace car and Theodore E. "Pop" Meyers riding along, marshaling the start. Honorary starter Gar Wood joined Seth Kline to wave the green flag. At the start, Lou Moore took the lead into turn one from the pole position. Billy Arnold was second, Billy Winn third, and Ernie Triplett fourth. Arnold took the lead on the second lap, and began setting the pace. Arnold's average speed after 10 laps was 110.250 mph, breaking the previous record set in 1928.

On lap 3, Al Gordon crashed over the outside wall in turn 4. Stubby Stubblefield sideswiped Gordon, but was able to continue Gordon and his riding mechanic were uninjured. Also crashing out on lap 7 was Gus Schrader.

First half

Attrition started to mount early with several cars dropping out in the first 100 miles. Several other cars were into the pits with early tire wear, and Joe Huff needed a three-minute pit stop to repair a leaking radiator cap.

At the 50-mile mark, Billy Arnold led Lou Moore by 49 seconds. By the 100-mark, the lead had stretched to a minute and 18 seconds, and Bob Carey had moved up to second. By lap 50, Arnold had lapped the entire field except for Carey, and was running a record pace.

On lap 59, Billy Arnold's day came to end in a bad crash in turn 3. Arnold and riding mechanic Spider Matlock crashed over the wall while leading. Arnold suffered a broken shoulder and Matlock a broken pelvis – injuries similar (but opposite) to those suffered by them in a crash a year earlier. Arnold would retire from racing after the crash. The incident put Bob Carey in the lead from lap 59–94. After the race, Arnold found out that his grandmother had died the day before the race.

Carey led Lou Moore as the race passed the 200-mile distance. The race was still running at a record-shattering pace. Moore dropped out with bad timing gears, and Ernie Triplett moved up to second. On lap 94, Carey hit the outside wall in turn 4 while leading, spun around three times, and drove the car back to the pits with a damaged left front wheel. He lost ten minutes in the pits, and that handed the lead to Ernie Triplett.

Also in the pits was 8th place Fred Frame, who had water boiling from the radiator. Frame was about four laps down, and was in the pits for about one minute.

Second half

At the halfway point, Ernie Triplett led Howdy Wilcox II, Louis Schneider and Cliff Bergere. Triplett's time in front was short-lived. Ira Hall took the lead on lap 110, and Triplett dropped out after 125 laps with a failed clutch. Schneider dropped out at the same time with a broken frame.

With contenders dropping out in quick succession, Fred Frame came to the lead on lap 126. Frame led Wilbur Shaw, the only other car on the lead lap. Howdy Wilcox II and Cliff Bergere were running 3rd-4th one lap down.

As the race reached the 400-mile mark, Frame continued to lead. Wilbur Shaw lost over nine minutes after stalling his car in the pits then eventually dropped out with a broken axle. Frame was now all alone out front, and controlled the race to the finish. In the final 20 laps, Frame held an over 40-second lead over Howdy Wilcox II, with Cliff Bergere in third.


Late in the race, three incidents brought attention. On lap 182, Ira Hall blew a tire, spun and brushed the wall in the south end of the track. He was able to continue, but left his riding mechanic behind when he limped back to the pits. He re-joined the race, and was issued a one-lap penalty for driving off without the riding mechanic. He completed the 500 miles in 7th place. Luther Johnson lost a wheel on the mainstretch, and Tony Gulotta blew a tire in turn one. Gulotta's tire flung off the wheel, and nearly went over the fence into the stands. On the 178th lap, Pete Kreis skidded and crashed on the mainstretch.

Fred Frame led 58 of the final 75 laps and won the race by 44 seconds over Howdy Wilcox II. After strong showings in previous years, Frame, accompanied by riding mechanic Jerry Houck won with an average speed of 104.144mi/h, a time that broke the seven-year-old record set by Peter DePaolo (1925). Frame charged from 27th starting position, aided by high attrition and a steady pace. It was the furthest back at that time that any driver had won the race except for Ray Harroun in 1911. Louis Meyer would equal Ray Harroun's furthest back to win (28th) in 1936. Frame's drive was not without incident, as he required six pit stops, each time taking on water to battle an overheating engine.

Source: The Indianapolis News[48] [49] [50] [51]

Box score

12734 Fred FrameHarry HartzWetterothMiller113.8568200Running
266 Howdy Wilcox II William CantlonStevensMiller113.4689200Running
31022 Cliff BergereThe Studebaker CorporationRiglingStudebaker111.50316200Running
41461 Bob Carey Louis MeyerStevensMiller111.07022200Running
544 Russ SnowbergerRussell SnowbergerSnowbergerHupmobile114.3266200Running
63837 Zeke MeyerThe Studebaker CorporationRiglingStudebaker110.74524200Running
7535 Ira Hall
(Eddie Meyer Laps 115–124)
G. B. HallStevensDuesenberg114.2067200Running
83565 Freddie WinnaiHenry MaleyDuesenbergDuesenberg108.75536200Running
992 Billy Winn
(James Patterson Laps 98–200)
Fred FrameDuesenbergDuesenberg111.80115200Running
101555 Joe Huff
(Dusty Fahrnow Laps 99–155)
S. C. GoldbergDuesenbergDuesenberg110.40227200Running
112633 Phil ShaferPhil ShaferRiglingBuick110.70825197Flagged
124036 Kelly Petillo Milton JonesWhippetMiller104.64540189Flagged
132025 Tony GulottaThe Studebaker CorporationRiglingStudebaker108.89634184Flagged
142515 Stubby StubblefieldSparks & WeirickAdamsMiller112.89911178Flagged
151718 Pete KreisThe Studebaker CorporationRiglingStudebaker110.27029178Crash T1
161146 Luther JohnsonThe Studebaker CorporationRiglingStudebaker111.21818164Lost wheel FS
17223 Wilbur ShawRalph HepburnMillerMiller114.3265157Rear axle
181924 Deacon LitzJohn RutnerDuesenbergDuesenberg109.54631152Rod
191210 Bill Cummings
(Frank Brisko Laps 106–128)
B. L. SchneiderStevensMiller111.20419151Crankshaft
203257 Malcolm Fox William H. RichardsStudebakerStudebaker111.14920132Spring
21299 Chet Miller
(Al Miller Laps 101–125)
R. G. "Buddy" MarrHudsonHudson111.05323125Engine
22317 Ernie TriplettWilliam S. WhiteMillerMiller114.9353125Clutch
23301 Louis Schneider
(Bill Cummings Laps 110–118)
B. L. SchneiderStevensMiller110.68126125Frame
242141 Joe RussoGeorge A. HenryRiglingDuesenberg108.79135107Rod
2518 Lou MooreM. J. BoyleMillerMiller117.363179Timing gear
263614 Juan Gaudino
(Joseph Bonadeo Laps 65–69)
Juan GaudinoChryslerChrysler107.4663971Clutch
271829 Al Miller R. G. "Buddy" MarrHudsonHudson110.1293066Engine
283942 Doc MacKenzie Ray T. BradyStudebakerStudebaker108.1543765Engine
291332 Frank BriskoF. Brisko & D. AtkinsonStevensMiller111.1492161Clutch
303472 Ray Campbell E. D. Stairs, Jr.GrahamGraham108.9693360Crankshaft
3125 Billy Arnold Harry HartzSummersMiller116.290259Crash T3
32327 Bryan Saulpaugh William S. WhiteMillerMiller114.369455Oil line
33716 Louis Meyer Alden Sampson IIStevensMiller112.4711250Crankshaft
342321 Al AspenG. Nardi & Ray BradyDuesenbergStudebaker108.0083831Rod
353349 Johnny Krieger Fred P. DuesenbergDuesenbergDuesenberg109.2763230Rod
361648 Wesley CrawfordM. J. BoyleMillerDuesenberg110.3962828Crankshaft
37817 Paul BostPaul B. BostCooperMiller111.8851418Crankshaft
382458 Bob McDonoghFour Wheel Drive Auto CompanyMillerMiller113.2761017Oil line
392845 Gus Schrader William BurdenMillerMiller112.003137Crash T4
403726 Al Gordon G. D. HarrisonMillerMiller111.290173Crash T4
[52] [53]

Note: Relief drivers in parentheses[54]

Former Indianapolis 500 winner

Indianapolis 500 Rookie


Lap Leaders
1 Lou Moore
2–58 Billy Arnold
59–94 Bob Carey
95–108 Ernie Triplett
109 Howdy Wilcox II
110–115 Ira Hall
116–125 Wilbur Shaw
126–134 Fred Frame
135–151 Wilbur Shaw
152–200 Fred Frame
Total laps led


See also

Works cited


Notes and References

  1. Book: Fox, Jack C.. The Illustrated History of the Indianapolis 500 1911-1994. Carl Hungness Publishing. 4th. 1994. 22. en. 0-915088-05-3.
  2. News: Speedway Is Taking on Race Atmosphere. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 22. Newspapers.com. April 7, 1932. April 15, 2015.
  3. News: Foreign Champion To Enter Speedway Race. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 21. Newspapers.com. April 13, 1932. April 15, 2015.
  4. News: Hearty Greetings From "Gasoline Alley". The Indianapolis News. 11. Newspapers.com. April 23, 1932. April 15, 2015.
  5. News: Joe Russo Cracks Up Racer On Speedway. The Indianapolis News. 20. Newspapers.com. April 19, 1932. April 15, 2015.
  6. News: Four Auto Jockeys Arrive At Speedway. The Indianapolis News. 25. Newspapers.com. April 21, 1932. April 15, 2015.
  7. News: Auto Factories Expected To Come Out In Open At Speedway. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 17. Newspapers.com. April 27, 1932. April 15, 2015.
  8. News: Babe Stapp Cracks Up At Legion Ascot. The Indianapolis News. 22. Newspapers.com. April 28, 1932. April 15, 2015.
  9. News: Things Are Beginning to Hum at Speedway Track. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 31. Newspapers.com. April 29, 1932. April 15, 2015.
  10. News: Forty Racing Cars Entered in 500-Mile Race Ar Speedway And More Are Coming. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 12. Newspapers.com. April 30, 1932. April 15, 2015.
  11. News: More Than 100 M.P.H. Guess on Speed in 500-Mile Race. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 17. Newspapers.com. May 2, 1932. April 16, 2015.
  12. News: 28 More Race Cars Added to Entry List at Speedway. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 16. Newspapers.com. May 3, 1932. April 16, 2015.
  13. News: Form Three-Car Team in Speedway Race. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 17. Newspapers.com. May 3, 1932. April 16, 2015.
  14. News: Speedway Entry List Goes to Seventy-One. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 20. Newspapers.com. May 4, 1932. April 16, 2015.
  15. News: Juan Guadino Burned When Torch Explodes. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 27. Newspapers.com. May 5, 1932. April 16, 2015.
  16. News: Speedway Gossip. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 11. Newspapers.com. May 7, 1932. April 16, 2015.
  17. News: Speedway Gossip. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 9. Newspapers.com. May 9, 1932. April 16, 2015.
  18. News: Racing Car Costs. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 17. Newspapers.com. May 10, 1932. April 16, 2015.
  19. News: Billy Arnold Brings New Fan, His Bride, To Speedway Race. The Indianapolis News. 13. Newspapers.com. May 16, 1932. April 20, 2015.
  20. News: Seconds Valuable In Big Race. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 8. Newspapers.com. May 11, 1932. April 16, 2015.
  21. News: Leon Duray Comes Tp Town. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 23. Newspapers.com. May 12, 1932. April 16, 2015.
  22. News: Comparative Speed of Cars Entered in 500-Mile Race. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 37. Newspapers.com. May 13, 1932. April 16, 2015.
  23. News: It's In the Book. The Indianapolis News. 36. Newspapers.com. May 13, 1932. April 16, 2015.
  24. News: Two Unknown Quantities Listed in 500-Mile Race. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 11. Newspapers.com. May 14, 1932. April 20, 2015.
  25. News: Drivers Hustle for First Qualifications Saturday. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 9. Newspapers.com. May 16, 1932. April 20, 2015.
  26. News: Wilbur Shaw, Hometown Racing Product, Due In City This Week. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 17. Newspapers.com. May 17, 1932. April 20, 2015.
  27. News: Elimination Trials Start Saturday - Last for a Week. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 16. Newspapers.com. May 18, 1932. April 21, 2015.
  28. News: Gar Wood To Wave Pilots On Their Way. The Indianapolis News. 16. Newspapers.com. May 18, 1932. April 21, 2015.
  29. News: Stock Cars Increase Under New Rules at Speedway. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 22. Newspapers.com. May 19, 1932. April 21, 2015.
  30. News: Pilots and Fast Car Await First Qualifying Trials. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 16. Newspapers.com. May 20, 1932. April 21, 2015.
  31. News: Race Drivers Compete for Places in 500-Mile Lineup. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 10. Newspapers.com. May 21, 1932. April 21, 2015.
  32. News: Time Trials Begin For 500-Mile Race (Part 1). The Indianapolis News. 1. Newspapers.com. May 21, 1932. April 22, 2015.
  33. News: Time Trials Begin For 500-Mile Race (Part 2). The Indianapolis News. 21. Newspapers.com. May 21, 1932. April 22, 2015.
  34. News: Qualification Trials to Continue Through Week. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 15. Newspapers.com. May 23, 1932. April 27, 2015.
  35. News: Many Fast Cars Remain in List Yet to Qualilfy for Race. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 16. Newspapers.com. May 24, 1932. April 27, 2015.
  36. News: Race Pilots Slowly Fill Gaps in Starting Lineup. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 16. Newspapers.com. May 25, 1932. April 27, 2015.
  37. News: Tardy Drivers May Have to Scramble for Places. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 22. Newspapers.com. May 26, 1932. April 27, 2015.
  38. News: First Speedway Tragedy of 1932 Kills One In Same Car In Which Death Rode Last Year. The Indianapolis News. 11. Newspapers.com. May 26, 1932. April 27, 2015.
  39. News: Deadline Approaches as Tardy Drivers Urge Cars. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 28. Newspapers.com. May 27, 1932. April 27, 2015.
  40. News: Injuries Fatal To Race Driver. The Elwood Call Leader. 6. Newspapers.com. May 28, 1932. April 28, 2015.
  41. News: Racers Injured Cars Damaged. The Indianapolis News. 1. Newspapers.com. May 27, 1932. April 27, 2015.
  42. News: Jones Also Dies of Speedway Injuries Second In Two Days To Crash At Southeast Track Turn. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 10. Newspapers.com. May 28, 1932. April 28, 2015.
  43. News: Racers Injured Cars Damaged. The Indianapolis Star. 1. Newspapers.com. May 28, 1932. March 18, 2015.
  44. News: Track Is Ahum With Last Qualifying Rush. The Indianapolis News. 10. Newspapers.com. May 28, 1932. April 28, 2015.
  45. News: Track Daredevils Await Classic's Starting GunWinners To Get $100,000. The Sandusky Register. 1. Newspapers.com. May 29, 1932. April 28, 2015.
  46. News: 40 Will Start; Five Roar Over Wire Last Day. The Indianapolis Star. 1. Newspapers.com. May 29, 1932. March 18, 2024.
  47. The Talk of Gasoline Alley - 1070-AM WIBC, May 14, 2004
  48. News: Gordon's No 26 Goes Over Wall at Speedway. The Indianapolis News. 1. Newspapers.com. May 30, 1932. May 2, 2015.
  49. News: Frame's 34, Wilcox's 6, Bergere's 22 Winners (Part 1). The Indianapolis News. 25. Newspapers.com. May 30, 1932. May 2, 2015.
  50. News: Frame's 34, Wilcox's 6, Bergere's 22 Winners (Part 2). The Indianapolis News. 28. Newspapers.com. May 30, 1932. May 2, 2015.
  51. News: Story of Best and Fastest Race in 21 Years of 500-Mile Racing at Speedway. The Indianapolis News. Sturm. William F.. 16. Newspapers.com. May 31, 1932. May 2, 2015.
  52. Web site: Indianapolis 500 1932 . Ultimate Racing History . 16 January 2012 . https://archive.today/20130205102949/http://www.ultimateracinghistory.com/race.php?raceid=19557 . 5 February 2013 . live .
  53. Book: The Indianapolis 500 Chronicle. Publications International, Ltd.. Rick. Popely. L. Spencer. Riggs. 1998. 0-7853-2798-3. Lincolnwood, Illinois.
  54. Web site: ChampCarStats.com. International 500 Mile Sweepstakes – May 30, 1932.
  55. Book: Blazier, John E. . Rollings, Tom. Forgotten Heroes of the Speedways: The Riding Mechanics. 1994.