2002 in paleontology explained



Ginkgo dissecta[1] Sp novValidMustoeEarly EoceneMcAbee site, Kamloops Group Canada
Pinus matthewsii[2] Sp novValidMcKown, Stockey, & SchwegerPlioceneCh'ijee's Bluff, Bluefish Basin Canada


Hymenaea mexicana[3] sp novValidPoinar & BrownLate Oligocene - early MioceneMexican amber MexicoA species of Hymenaea, producer of Mexican amber
Trifurcatua flabellata[4] Gen. et sp. nov.ValidMohr & RydinLower CretaceousCrato Formation Brazilputative monocot



Cretomerobius wehri[5] Sp nov.Jr synonymMakarkin, Archibald, OswaldYpresianKlondike Mountain Formation United StatesA drepanepterygine brown lacewing.
Moved to Proneuronema wehri in 2016[6]
Dolichoderus kohlsi[7] Sp novValidDlussky & RasnitsynYpresianGreen River Formation
A dolichoderine ant.
Dolichoderus longipilosus[8] Sp novvalidDlusskyMiddle EoceneBaltic amberA Dolichoderine ant
Dolichoderus nanusSp novvalidDlusskyMiddle EoceneBaltic amberA Dolichoderine ant
Eoformica globularisSp novValidDlussky & RasnitsynYpresianGreen River Formation
A ant of uncertain placement.
Eoformica magnaSp novValidDlussky & RasnitsynYpresianGreen River Formation
A ant of uncertain placement.
Fibla (Reisserella) cerdanica[9] Comb novValid(Nel)Late MioceneAn inocellid snakefly,
moved from Miofibla Nel, 1994
Formica gustawi[10] Sp novvalidDlusskyMiddle EoceneBaltic amberA formicine ant
KlondikiaGen et sp novValidDlussky & RasnitsynYpresianKlondike Mountain Formation
An ant form genus of uncertain placement.
Type species K. whiteae
KohlsimyrmaGen et 2 sp novValidDlussky & RasnitsynYpresianGreen River Formation
An ant form genus of uncertain placement.
Type species K. laticeps
also includes K. gracilis and K. longiceps
Mianeuretus eocenicusSp novValidDlussky & RasnitsynYpresianGreen River Formation
An aneuretine ant
MyrmecitesGen et sp novValidDlussky & RasnitsynYpresianGreen River Formation
A myrmicine ant form genus.
Type species M. rotundiceps
Pachycondyla labandeiraiSp novValidDlussky & RasnitsynYpresianGreen River Formation
A ponerine ant.
PoneritesGen, 3 sp et 1 comb novValidDlussky & RasnitsynYpresianGreen River Formation
A ponerine ant form genus.
Type species P. eocenicus
Also includes P. coloradensis, P. hypoponeroides,
& P. umbrus (moved from Ponera umbrus 1932)
ProiridomyrmexGen et sp novValidDlusskys & RasnitsynYpresianGreen River Formation
A dolichoderine ant form genus
Type species P. vetulus
SolenopsitesGen et sp novValidDlussky & RasnitsynYpresianGreen River Formation
A myrmicine ant form genus.
Type species S. minutus
Wesmaelius mathewesisp. novvalidMakarkin, Archibald, OswaldYpresianColdwater Formationfirst description of fossil Wesmaelius


New taxa



New taxa

Data courtesy of George Olshevsky's dinosaur genera list.[12]

Agnosphitys[13] gen et sp novValidFraser, Padian, Walkden, & Davislate TriassicA possible chimera
Anabisetia[14] gen et sp novValidCoria & CalvoLate Cretaceous Cerro Lisandro FormationAn Iguanodont
Aucasaurus[15] gen et sp novValidCoria, Chiappe, & DingusSantonianAnacleto FormationAn Abelisaurid
"Byranjaffia"[16] gen novNomen nudumNovacekLate CretaceousOfficially named Byronosaurus
Crichtonsaurus[17] gen et sp novValidDongLate CretaceousSunjiawan FormationAn ankylosaurid
"Cryptovolans"[18] gen et sp novJunior synonymCzerkas, Zhang, Li, & LiJiufotang FormationJr synonym of Microraptor
"Epidendrosaurus"[19] gen et sp novjunior synonymZhang, Zhou, Xu, & WangLate JurassicYixian Formationjr synonym of Scansoriopteryx
Erliansaurus[20] gen et sp novValidXu et al.Late CretaceousIren Dabasu FormationA Therizinosauroid
"Fusinasus"[21] gen et sp novJunior synonym of EotyrannusHuttEarly CretaceousWessex FormationJr synonym of Eotyrannus
"Huaxiasaurus" Nomen nudumReyOfficially named Huaxiagnathus in 2004
Incisivosaurus[22] gen et sp novValidXu, Wang, & ChangBarremianYixian FormationAn Oviraptorosaurid
Liaoceratops[23] gen et sp novValid
  • Xu et al.
BerremianYixian FormationA Ceratopsian
Pycnonemosaurus[24] gen et sp novValidKellner & CamposBauru-type red conglomerate sandstoneMaastrichtianAn Abelisaurid
Scansoriopteryx[25] gen et sp novValidCzerkas & YuanLate JurassicYixian FormationPossible junior synonym of Epidendrosaurus
Sinovenator[26] gen et sp novValidXu et al.Early CretaceousYixian FormationA Troodontid
Sphaerotholus[27] Gen. 2 sp. novValidWilliamson & CarrLate CretaceousKirtland Formation, Hell Creek Formation A pachycephalosaurine; originally described with two species, S. goodwini and S. buchholtzae.


New taxa

Adelalopus [28] ValidGen. et Sp. nov.Mayr & SmithEarly OligoceneBorgloon Formation
A palaelodid
Type species A. hoogbutseliensis
Aegialornis germanicus [29] ValidSp. nov.MlíkovskýMiddle Eocene
An Aegialornithid
Archaeotrogon nocturnus ValidSp. nov.MlíkovskýEocene or Early OligocenePhosphorites du QuercyAn archaeotrogonid
Athene trinacriae [30] ValidSp. nov.Pavia & Mourer-ChauviréPleistocene
A strigid owl.
Belonopterus downsi [31] ValidSp. nov.Campbell, Jr.Late PleistoceneLa Brea Tar Pits
A charadriid lapwing.
Camusia quintanai [32] ValidGen. et Sp. nov.SeguíPlioceneVroeg-Midden
A gruid crane.
Cathayornis aberransis [33] ?ValidSp. nov.Hou, Zhou, Zhang, & GuValanginianJiufotang FormationA cathayornithid
Cimolopteryx petra [34] ValidSp. nov.HopeMaastrichtianLance Formation
A cimolopterygid
moved to Lamarqueavis petra in 2010[35]
Collocalia manuoi [36] ValidSp. nov.SteadmanQuaternaryAn apodid swiftlet.
Colymboides belgicus ValidSp. nov.Mayr & SmithEarly OligoceneBorgloon Formation
A gaviid.
Delphinornis arctowskii [37] ValidSp. nov.Myrcha et al.EoceneLa Meseta FormationA spheniscid penguin.
Delphinornis gracilis ValidComb. nov.(Wiman)EoceneLa Meseta FormationA spheniscid penguin
Moved from Ichtyopteryx gracilis (1905)
Enaliornis seeleyi [38] ValidSp. nov.Galton & MartinEarly Cretaceous
An enaliornithid
Eocathayornis [39] ValidGen et Sp nov.ZhouValanginianJiufotang FormationAn enantiornithelian,
Type species E. walkeri
Giganhinga [40] ValidGen et Sp nov.Rinderknecht & NoriegaPliocene-PleistoceneSan José FormationAn anhingid
Type species G. kiyuensis
Gigantohierax [41] ValidGen et Sp. nov.Arredondo & ArredondoQuaternaryCave depositsAn Accipitridae
Type species G. suarezi
Halimornis [42] ValidGen et Sp nov.Chiappe, Lamb Jr., & EricsonEarly-Middle CampanianMooreville Chalk Formation
An Euenantiornithalean
Type species H. thompsoni
Hesperornis bairdi [43] ValidSp. nov.Martin & LimCampanianPierre Shale Formation
A hesperornithid
Hesperornis chowi ValidSp. nov.Martin & LimCampanianPierre Shale Formation
A hesperornithid
Hesperornis macdonaldi ValidSp. nov.Martin & LimCampanianPierre Shale Formation
A hesperornithid
Hesperornis mengeli ValidSp. nov.Martin & LimCampanianPierre Shale Formation
A hesperornithid
?Idiornis anthracinus [44] ValidSp. nov.MayrMiddle Eocene
A cuculid cuckoo
Moved to Dynamopterus anthracinus (2013)[45]
Jeholornis [46] ValidGen et Sp. nov.Zhou & ZhangEarly CretaceousJiufotang FormationA jeholornithid
Type species J. prima
Jiliniornis [47] ValidGen et Sp nov.Hou & EricsonMiddle EoceneHuadian FormationA charadriid
Type species J. huadianensis
Jinzhouornis jr synonymGen et 2 Sp. nov.Hou, Zhou, Zhang, & GuEarly CretaceousYixian FormationA confuciusornithid
Type species J. yixianensis, also included J. zhangjiyingia
Genus and species synonymized with Confuciusornis sanctus 2018[48]
Jixiangornis [49] ValidGen et Sp nov.Ji et al.Early CretaceousJiufotang FormationAn avialaen
Type species J. orientalis
Larus utunui [50] ValidSp. nov.SteadmanSubrecentA larid gull.
Marambiornis ValidGen et Sp nov.Myrcha et al.EoceneLa Meseta FormationA penguin
Type species M. exilis
Masillastega [51] ValidGen et Sp nov.MayrEarly Middle EoceneMessel Formation
A sulid
Type species M. rectirostris
thumb|center|upright|Masillastega rectirostris
Mesetaornis ValidGen et Sp nov.Myrcha et al.EoceneLa Meseta FormationA penguin.
Type species M. polaris
Miodytes serbicus [52] ValidGen et Sp nov.Dimitreijevich, Gál, & KesslerEarly MioceneValjevo BasinA podicipedid grebe.
Novacaesareala [53] ValidGen et Sp nov.Parris & HopeEarly DanianHornerstown Formation
A possible torotigid
Type species N. hungerfordi
Oligosylphe ValidGen et Sp nov.Mayr & SmithEarly OligoceneBorgloon Formation
A sylphornithid
Type species O. mourerchauvireae
Omnivoropteryx[54] ValidGen et Sp nov.Czerkas & JiEarly CretaceousJiufutang FormationAn Omvivoropterygidae
Type species O. sinousaorum
Oxyura doksana ValidSp. nov.MlíkovskýEarly MioceneA possible sea duck.
Paraortygoides radagasti [55] ValidSp. nov.Dyke * GulasEarly EoceneLondon Clay
A gallinuloidid
Parasarcoramphus [56] ValidGen et Sp nov.Mourer-ChauviréBartonian-Late OligocenePhosphorites du Quercy
A cathartid. Type species P. milneedwardsi
Plesiocathartes geiselensis [57] ValidSp. nov.MayrMiddle Eocene
A leptosomiformean.
Plesiocathartes kelleri[58] ValidSp. nov.MayrMiddle EoceneMessel Formation
A Leptosomiformean.
Polarornis [59] ValidGen et Sp nov.ChatterjeeLate CretaceousLópez de Bertodano Formation
Seymour Island
A vegaviid[60]
Type species P. gregorii
Sapeornis[61] ValidGen et Sp nov.Zhou & ZhangEarly CretaceousJiufotang FormationA omnivoropterygid
Type species S. chaoyangensis
Septentrogon [62] ValidGen et Sp nov.KristoffersenYpresianFur FormationA trogonid
Type species S. madseni
Shenzhouraptor [63] validGen et sp nov.Ji et al.Early CretaceousJiufotang FormationAn Avialae. Type species S. sinensis
Spheniscus urbinai [64] ValidSp. nov.StucchiLate Miocene-Early PliocenePisco FormationA spheniscid penguin.
Taubatornis [65] ValidGen et sp nov.Olson & de AlvarengaLate Oligocene or Early MioceneTremembé FormationA teratorn
Type species T. campbelli
Teratornis olsoni [66] jr synonymSp. nov.Arredondo & ArredondoPleistoceneCave depositsA teratorn
Moved to Oscaravis olsoni in 2009[67]
Teratornis woodburnensis [68] ValidSp. nov.Campbell & StengerLate Pleistocene United States
A teratorn
Teviornis [69] ValidGen et Sp nov.Kurochkin, Dyke, & KarhuMaastrichtianNemegt FormationA presbyornithid
Type species T. gobiensis
Tyto balearica cyrneichnusae [70] ValidSubsp. nov.LouchartLate Pleistocene
A tytonid owl subspecies.


New taxa

EdgarosaurusGen et sp novValidDruckenmillerAlbianThermopolis Shale
A polycotylid
Type species E. muddi
KaiwhekeaGen et sp novValidCruickshank & FordyceMaastrichtianKatiki Formation
An aristonectine elasmosaurid
Type species K. katiki
VinialesaurusGen et comb novValidGasparini et al.OxfordianJagua FormationA cryptoclidid
Type species V. caroli
Moved from Cryptocleidus caroli (1949)


In October, a partial Mesadacylus wing was discovered in the Kingsview Quarry of Colorado. This find marks the first time that a Morrison pterosaur has been found at more than one site in the formation.[71]

New taxa

Austriadactylusgen et sp novValidDalla Vecchia, Wild, & ReitnerLate TriassicSeefelder Beds
Hatzegopteryx[72] gen et sp novValidBuffetaut, Grigorescu, & CsikiLate CretaceousDensuș-Ciula Formationpossibly a jr synonym of Quetzalcoatlus
Jeholopterusgen et sp novValidWang & ZhouLate JurassicDaohugou Beds
Piksigen et sp novValidVarricchioLate CretaceousTwo Medicine FormationAt first thought to be a bird, but subsequently reinterpreted as a pterosaur, likely a member of Ornithocheiroidea.[73]
Pterorhynchusgen et sp novValidCzerkas & JiLate JurassicDaohugou Beds
Thalassodromeusgen et sp novValidKellner & Camposearly CretaceousSantana Formation
Utahdactylusgen et sp novValidCzerkas & MickelsonLate JurassicMorrison Formation, Utah



New taxa

"Lakumasaurus"[74] Gen et sp novJr synonymNovas et al.Late CampanianSanta Marta Formation
Prognathodon currii[75] Sp novValidChristiansen & BondeLate CampanianMishash FormationA large mosasaur



Criocephalosaurus[76] gen novValidKammerer & SidorUpper Permian South AfricaA dinocephalian. Replacement name for Criocephalus Broom, 1928, preoccupied by Criocephalus Mulsant 1839.
Kitchinganomodon[77] Gen novValidMaischUpper Permian South AfricaA dicynodont. New genus for "Platycyclops" crassus Broom, 1948.
Kwazulusaurus[78] gen et sp novValidMaischUpper PermianBeaufort Group South AfricaA dicynodont. The type species is Kwazulusaurus shakai.
Lanthanocephalus[79] gen et sp novPreoccupiedModesto, Rubidge, & WelmanUpper PermianKoonap Formation South AfricaGenus preoccupied by Lanthanocephalus Williams & Starmer, 2000, moved to the replacement Lanthanostegus in 2003
Neotrirachodon[80] gen et sp novValidTatarinovMiddle TriassicDonguz FormationA cynodont. The type species is Neotrirachodon expectatus.
Ruhuhucerberus[81] gen et sp novValidMaischUpper PermianKawinga FormationA gorgonopsian. The type species is Ruhuhucerberus terror.
Titanogorgongen novValidMaischUpper PermianKawinga FormationA gorgonopsian. New genus for "Gorgonognathus" maximus von Huene, 1950.

Notes and References

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  28. Mayr . G . Smith . R . 2002 . Avian Remains from the Lowermost Oligocene of Hoogbutsel (Belgium) . Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique . 72 . 139–150 .
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  30. Pavia . M. . Mourer-Chauviré . C. . 2002 . Avian An Overview of the Genus Athene in the Pleistocene of the Mediterranean Islands, with the Description of Athene trinacriae n. sp. (Aves: Strigidae) . Proceedings of the 5th Symposium of the Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution, Beijing, 1–4 June 2000 . 1 . 13–27 . 23 May 2022 . 24 July 2020 . https://web.archive.org/web/20200724140116/http://www2.nrm.se/ve/birds/sape/GlobalOwlProject/Fossil_owls/Athene%20trinacriae%20Pavia%20%26%20Mourer-Chauvire.pdf . dead .
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  32. Seguí . B. . 2002 . A New Genus of Crane (Aves: Gruiformes) from the Late Tertiary of the Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean . Ibis . 144 . 3 . 411–422 . 10.1046/j.1474-919x.2002.00074.x.
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  40. Rinderknecht . A. . Noriega . J. . 2002 . Un Nuevo Género de Anhingidae (Aves: Pelecaniformes) del Plioceno-Pleistoceno del Uruguay (Formación San José) . Ameghiniana . 39 . 2 . 183–191 .
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