2023 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug gubernatorial election explained

Election Name:2023 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug gubernatorial election
Country:Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
Previous Election:2018 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug gubernatorial election
Previous Year:2018
Next Election:2028 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug gubernatorial election
Next Year:2028
Election Date:8–10 September 2023
Candidate1:Vladislav Kuznetsov
Party1:United Russia
Popular Vote1:
Candidate2:Yulia Butakova
Image3: CPRF
Candidate3:Vladimir Galtsov
Map Size:250px
Posttitle:Elected Governor
Before Election:Vladislav Kuznetsov (acting)
Before Party:United Russia
After Election:Vladislav Kuznetsov
After Party:United Russia

The 2023 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug gubernatorial election took place on 8–10 September 2023, on common election day. Acting Governor Vladislav Kuznetsov was elected for a full term.


In July 2008 then-Governor of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Roman Abramovich asked for his resignation, which was approved by President Dmitry Medvedev, who in turn appointed Deputy Governor Roman Kopin as Abramovich's replacement.[1] A week later Kopin was unanimously elected to the position by members of Duma of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. After direct gubernatorial election were returned in 2012, Kopin won reelection to his second term in 2013 with 79.84% of the vote.[2] Kopin won election to his third term in 2018 with just 57.83% losing to LDPR candidate Yulia Butakova in okrug's capital Anadyr and nearly triggering a runoff.[3]

By 2023 Roman Kopin led the remote region for 14 years, second-longest to Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. The length of Kopin's gubernatorial tenure and lack of notable accomplishments, coupled with gradual withdrawal of Roman Abramovich from politics, led to speculations about governor's possible resignation. In early 2023 the governor was rumoured to be considering not running for a fourth term in office and eventual retirement.[4] On 15 March Roman Kopin asked President Vladimir Putin for resignation, which was granted. Putin then appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of Lugansk People's Republic Vladislav Kuznetsov, a former Sibur executive, as acting Governor of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.[5]


In Chukotka Autonomous Okrug candidates for Governor can be nominated only by registered political parties, self-nomination is not possible. However, candidates are not obliged to be members of the nominating party. Candidate for Governor of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug should be a Russian citizen and at least 30 years old. Candidates for Governor should not have a foreign citizenship or residence permit. Each candidate in order to be registered is required to collect at least 9% of signatures of members and heads of municipalities (28 signatures).[6] Also gubernatorial candidates present 3 candidacies to the Federation Council and election winner later appoints one of the presented candidates.


Eliminated at United Russia convention


Candidates for Federation Council


All sums are in rubles.

Financial Report Source Butakova Galtsov Kuznetsov Semerikov
bgcolor= bgcolor= bgcolor= bgcolor=
First [14] 510,000 90,000 1,860,000 100,000
Final 1,510,000 270,000 11,410,000 449,500


|- style="background-color:#E9E9E9;text-align:center;"! style="text-align:left;" colspan=2| Candidate! style="text-align:left;"| Party! width="75"|Votes! width="30"|%|-| style="background-color:"|| style="text-align:left;"| Vladislav Kuznetsov (incumbent)| style="text-align:left;"| United Russia| | 72.34|-| style="background-color:"|| style="text-align:left;"| Yulia Butakova| style="text-align:left;"| Liberal Democratic Party| | 15.84|-| style="background-color:"|| style="text-align:left;"| Vladimir Galtsov| style="text-align:left;"| Communist Party| | 5.23|-| style="background-color:"|| style="text-align:left;"| Aleksandr Semerikov| style="text-align:left;"| A Just Russia — For Truth| | 4.14|-| style="text-align:left;" colspan="3"| Valid votes| | 97.56|-| style="text-align:left;" colspan="3"| Blank ballots| | 2.44|- style="font-weight:bold"| style="text-align:left;" colspan="3"| Total| | 100.00|-| style="background-color:#E9E9E9;" colspan="6"||-| style="text-align:left;" colspan="3"| Turnout| | 53.42|-| style="text-align:left;" colspan="3"| Registered voters| | 100.00|-| colspan="5" style="background-color:#E9E9E9;"||- style="font-weight:bold"| colspan="4" |Source:|[15] |}

Governor Kuznetsov re-appointed incumbent Senator Anna Otke (United Russia) to the Federation Council.[16]

See also

Notes and References

  1. https://ria.ru/20080703/112884616.html Медведев назначил Романа Копина врио губернатора Чукотки
  2. https://otr-online.ru/news/roman-kopin-izbran-gubernatorom-chukotki-9601.html Роман Копин избран губернатором Чукотки
  3. https://regnum.ru/news/2478724.html Руководить Чукоткой продолжит Роман Копин: итоги выборов
  4. https://www.vedomosti.ru/politics/articles/2023/02/03/961506-otstavki-gubernatorov-budut-tochechnimi Отставки губернаторов в этом году будут точечными, а среди кандидатов на выход называют Романа Копина
  5. https://ria.ru/20230315/gubernator-1858160330.html Путин освободил Романа Копина от должности главы Чукотки
  6. Web site: Закон "О порядке проведения выборов Губернатора Чукотского автономного округа" (с изменениями на 22 марта 2023 года). docs.cntd.ru. 2023-05-16.
  7. https://tass.ru/politika/18145711 Два кандидата от ЛДПР и СРЗП подали документы на выборы губернатора Чукотки
  8. https://prochukotku.ru/news/ofitsialno/kprf_vydvinula_vladimira_galtsova_v_gubernatory_chukotki/ КПРФ выдвинула Владимира Гальцова в губернаторы Чукотки
  9. https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5899952 Губернаторам подыскивают конкурентов
  10. https://ria.ru/20230611/kuznetsov-1877490947.html "Единая Россия" выдвинула Кузнецова кандидатом на пост главы Чукотки
  11. https://spravedlivo.ru/13265010 Состоялось заседание Президиума Центрального совета Партии СПРАВЕДЛИВАЯ РОССИЯ – ЗА ПРАВДУ
  12. Web site: Врио губернатора Чукотки Кузнецов выдвинут кандидатом от ЕР на пост главы региона. 2023-06-13.
  13. https://www.vedomosti.ru/politics/articles/2023/06/07/979006-putin-vstretilsya-pochti-so-vsemi-glavami-regionov Владимир Путин встретился почти со всеми главами регионов, которые осенью пойдут на переизбрание
  14. http://www.chukot.izbirkom.ru/vybory-i-referendumy/vybory-2023/Выборы%20Губернатора%20Чукотского%20автономного%20округа/svedeniya-o-vydvinutykh-i-zaregistrirovannykh-kandidatakh-na-dolzhnost-gubernatora-chukotskogo-avton.php Финансовые отчеты
  15. http://www.chukot.vybory.izbirkom.ru/region/region/chukot?action=show&root=1&tvd=2872000466771&vrn=2872000466767&region=87&global=&sub_region=0&prver=0&pronetvd=null&vibid=2872000466771&type=234 Результаты выборов Губернатора Чукотского автономного округа, 2023
  16. https://www.vedomosti.ru/strana/far_eastern/news/2023/09/12/994757-anna-otke-prodolzhit Анна Отке продолжит работу в Совете Федерации от Чукотки