Casper Hoogenraad Explained

Caption:Casper C. Hoogenraad
Birth Date:31 January 1973
Birth Place:Delft, The Netherlands
Citizenship:The Netherlands
Known For:Molecular Neuroscience
Doctoral Advisor:Frank Grosveld, Chris De Zeeuw
Academic Advisors:Morgan Sheng

Casper Hoogenraad is a Dutch Cell Biologist who specializes in molecular neuroscience. The focus of his research is the basic molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate the development and function of the brain. As of January 2020, he serves as Vice President of Neuroscience at Genentech Research and Early Development.

Biography and academic career

Casper Hoogenraad was born in 1973 in Delft and grew up in Gouda, in The Netherlands. He received his B.S. in Biochemistry and M.S. in Molecular Biology from Utrecht University, and his doctorate in Cell Biology from the Erasmus University Rotterdam.[1] In 2002, Hoogenraad started his post-doctoral research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, USA. In 2005, he returned to the Netherlands and joined the faculty of the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam as associate professor in the Department of Neuroscience. In 2011 he joined Utrecht University as full Professor of Molecular Neuroscience, and served as Chair of Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Biophysics for 10 years.[2] He is adjunct professor in Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).[3]

During his career, he discovered molecular mechanisms and cell biological processes that control cytoskeleton remodeling and cargo trafficking during the development and function of the brain. Hoogenraad published over 250 research articles, reviews and books, focused on synaptic function[4] [5] [6] [7] dendritic spine plasticity [8] [9] [10] [11] neuronal polarity[12] [13] [14] [15] organelle sorting mechanisms[16] [17] [18] [19] [20] the axon initial segment [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] cytoskeleton remodeling[26] [27] [28] [29] microtubule dynamics[30] [31] [32] [33] [34] fundamental transport mechanisms[35] [36] [37] [38] [39] axon regeneration[40] [41] and neurodegeneration.[42] [43] [44] [45] See for full publication record - Pubmed,[46] Google Scholar,[47] ORCID[48]

Industrial career

Hoogenraad was recruited to Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, as Senior Fellow and head of Neuroscience.[49] As of January 2020, he is Vice President of Neuroscience at Genentech Research and Early Development.[50] In this role, he is Head of the Neuroscience Department, responsible for research and drug discovery activities in Neuroscience and oversees Genentech's Neuroscience disease pipeline programs. He is also responsible for Translational Neuroscience, Neuroscience Stem Cell group, Department of Translational Imaging, and Department of Molecular Biology.

Honors and Awards

He is an elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organization,[51] The Young Academy’ of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences,[52] Young Academy of Europe [53] and the Editorial Board of Neuron[54] and The EMBO Journal.[55] In 2016 he became the 10th recipient of the IBRO-Kemali Prize, in the field of basic and clinical Neuroscience.[56] Some of his awards: NWO Talent stipendium, Human Frontiers Long-Term Fellowship, European Younng Investigators (EURYI) award, Dutch Innovational Research VIDI and VICI, European Research Council (ERC) - consolidator grant.

Science outreach

In 2013, his laboratory made an animation movie, named 'A Day in the Life of a Motor Protein', which has received >1 million views on YouTube.[57] During this short five-minute movie, we follow John, a motor protein, who has to transport a large package through the narrow streets in the city of Utrecht, illustrating the importance and challenges of intracellular transport.

Notes and References

  1. Book: PhD thesis. EUR, Erasmus University Rotterdam. 12 September 2001. 978-90-77017-07-4.
  2. Web site: Utrecht lab . UU, Utrecht University. 20 December 2023 .
  3. Web site: UCSF lab.
  4. Sheng M, Hoogenraad CC. The postsynaptic architecture of excitatory synapses: a more quantitative view. . Annu Rev Biochem . 2007 . 76 . 823–47 . 17243894 . 10.1146/annurev.biochem.76.060805.160029 .
  5. Hoogenraad CC, Milstein AD, Ethell IM, Henkemeyer M, Sheng M. GRIP1 controls dendrite morphogenesis by regulating EphB receptor trafficking. . Nat Neurosci . 2005 . 8 . 7 . 906–15 . 15965473 . 10.1038/nn1487 . 23686585 .
  6. Hoogenraad CC, Popa I, Futai K, Martinez-Sanchez E, Wulf PS, van Vlijmen T . etal. Neuron specific Rab4 effector GRASP-1 coordinates membrane specialization and maturation of recycling endosomes. . PLOS Biol . 2010 . 8 . 1 . e1000283 . 20098723 . 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000283 . free. 2808209 .
  7. Lindhout FW, Cao Y, Kevenaar JT, Bodzęta A, Stucchi R, Boumpoutsari MM . etal. VAP-SCRN1 interaction regulates dynamic endoplasmic reticulum remodeling and presynaptic function. . EMBO J . 2019 . 38 . 20 . e101345 . 31441084 . 10.15252/embj.2018101345 . 6792018 .
  8. Jaworski J, Kapitein LC, Gouveia SM, Dortland BR, Wulf PS, Grigoriev I . etal. Dynamic microtubules regulate dendritic spine morphology and synaptic plasticity. . Neuron . 2009 . 61 . 1 . 85–100 . 19146815 . 10.1016/j.neuron.2008.11.013 . free .
  9. Hotulainen P, Hoogenraad CC. Actin in dendritic spines: connecting dynamics to function. . J Cell Biol . 2010 . 189 . 4 . 619–29 . 20457765 . 10.1083/jcb.201003008 . 2872912 .
  10. Esteves da Silva M, Adrian M, Schätzle P, Lipka J, Watanabe T, Cho S . etal. Positioning of AMPA Receptor-Containing Endosomes Regulates Synapse Architecture. . Cell Rep . 2015 . 13 . 5 . 933–43 . 26565907 . 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.09.062 .
  11. Schätzle P, Esteves da Silva M, Tas RP, Katrukha EA, Hu HY, Wierenga CJ . etal. Activity-Dependent Actin Remodeling at the Base of Dendritic Spines Promotes Microtubule Entry. . Curr Biol . 2018 . 28 . 13 . 2081–2093.e6 . 29910073 . 10.1016/j.cub.2018.05.004 . free . 2018CBio...28E2081S.
  12. Kuijpers M, van de Willige D, Freal A, Chazeau A, Franker MA, Hofenk J . etal. Dynein Regulator NDEL1 Controls Polarized Cargo Transport at the Axon Initial Segment. . Neuron . 2016 . 89 . 3 . 461–71 . 26844830 . 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.01.022 . free .
  13. Franker MA, Esteves da Silva M, Tas RP, Tortosa E, Cao Y, Frias CP . etal. Three-Step Model for Polarized Sorting of KIF17 into Dendrites. . Curr Biol . 2016 . 26 . 13 . 1705–1712 . 27265394 . 10.1016/j.cub.2016.04.057 . free . 2016CBio...26.1705F.
  14. Tortosa E, Adolfs Y, Fukata M, Pasterkamp RJ, Kapitein LC, Hoogenraad CC. Dynamic Palmitoylation Targets MAP6 to the Axon to Promote Microtubule Stabilization during Neuronal Polarization. . Neuron . 2017 . 94 . 4 . 809–825.e7 . 28521134 . 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.04.042 . free .
  15. Farías GG, Fréal A, Tortosa E, Stucchi R, Pan X, Portegies S . etal. Feedback-Driven Mechanisms between Microtubules and the Endoplasmic Reticulum Instruct Neuronal Polarity. . Neuron . 2019 . 102 . 1 . 184–201.e8 . 30772082 . 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.01.030 . free .
  16. van Spronsen M, Mikhaylova M, Lipka J, Schlager MA, van den Heuvel DJ, Kuijpers M . etal. TRAK/Milton motor-adaptor proteins steer mitochondrial trafficking to axons and dendrites. . Neuron . 2013 . 77 . 3 . 485–502 . 23395375 . 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.11.027 . free .
  17. Lipka J, Kapitein LC, Jaworski J, Hoogenraad CC. Microtubule-binding protein doublecortin-like kinase 1 (DCLK1) guides kinesin-3-mediated cargo transport to dendrites. . EMBO J . 2016 . 35 . 3 . 302–18 . 26758546 . 10.15252/embj.201592929 . 4741305 .
  18. Gumy LF, Katrukha EA, Grigoriev I, Jaarsma D, Kapitein LC, Akhmanova A . etal. MAP2 Defines a Pre-axonal Filtering Zone to Regulate KIF1- versus KIF5-Dependent Cargo Transport in Sensory Neurons. . Neuron . 2017 . 94 . 2 . 347–362.e7 . 28426968 . 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.03.046 . free .
  19. Pan X, Cao Y, Stucchi R, Hooikaas PJ, Portegies S, Will L . etal. MAP7D2 Localizes to the Proximal Axon and Locally Promotes Kinesin-1-Mediated Cargo Transport into the Axon. . Cell Rep . 2019 . 26 . 8 . 1988–1999.e6 . 30784582 . 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.01.084 . 6381606 .
  20. Zahavi EE, Hummel JJA, Han Y, Bar C, Stucchi R, Altelaar M . etal. Combined kinesin-1 and kinesin-3 activity drives axonal trafficking of TrkB receptors in Rab6 carriers. . Dev Cell . 2021 . 56 . 4 . 494–508.e7 . 33571451 . 10.1016/j.devcel.2021.01.010 . 7907685 .
  21. van Beuningen SFB, Will L, Harterink M, Chazeau A, van Battum EY, Frias CP . etal. TRIM46 Controls Neuronal Polarity and Axon Specification by Driving the Formation of Parallel Microtubule Arrays. . Neuron . 2015 . 88 . 6 . 1208–1226 . 26671463 . 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.11.012 . free .
  22. Fréal A, Fassier C, Le Bras B, Bullier E, De Gois S, Hazan J . etal. Cooperative Interactions between 480 kDa Ankyrin-G and EB Proteins Assemble the Axon Initial Segment. . J Neurosci . 2016 . 36 . 16 . 4421–33 . 27098687 . 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3219-15.2016 . 6601828 .
  23. Janssen AFJ, Tas RP, van Bergeijk P, Oost R, Hoogenraad CC, Kapitein LC. Myosin-V Induces Cargo Immobilization and Clustering at the Axon Initial Segment. . Front Cell Neurosci . 2017 . 11 . 260 . 28894417 . 10.3389/fncel.2017.00260 . free . 5581344 .
  24. Fréal A, Rai D, Tas RP, Pan X, Katrukha EA, van de Willige D . etal. Feedback-Driven Assembly of the Axon Initial Segment. . Neuron . 2019 . 104 . 2 . 305–321.e8 . 31474508 . 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.07.029 . 6839619 .
  25. Özkan N, Koppers M, van Soest I, van Harten A, Jurriens D, Liv N . etal. ER - lysosome contacts at a pre-axonal region regulate axonal lysosome availability . Nature Communications. 2021 . 12 . 1 . 4493 . 34301956 . 10.1038/s41467-021-24713-5 . 8302662 . 2021NatCo..12.4493O.
  26. Stiess M, Maghelli N, Kapitein LC, Gomis-Rüth S, Wilsch-Bräuninger M, Hoogenraad CC . etal. Axon extension occurs independently of centrosomal microtubule nucleation. . Science . 2010 . 327 . 5966 . 704–7 . 20056854 . 10.1126/science.1182179 . 2010Sci...327..704S.
  27. Kapitein LC, Hoogenraad CC (2015) Building the Neuronal Microtubule Cytoskeleton. Neuron 87 (3):492-506. DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2015.05.046 PMID 26247859
  28. Harterink M, da Silva ME, Will L, Turan J, Ibrahim A, Lang AE . etal. DeActs: genetically encoded tools for perturbing the actin cytoskeleton in single cells. . Nat Methods . 2017 . 14 . 5 . 479–482 . 28394337 . 10.1038/nmeth.4257 . 5419720 .
  29. Lindhout FW, Portegies S, Kooistra R, Herstel LJ, Stucchi R, Hummel JJA . etal. Centrosome-mediated microtubule remodeling during axon formation in human iPSC-derived neurons. . EMBO J . 2021 . 40 . 10 . e106798 . 33835529 . 10.15252/embj.2020106798 . 8126955 .
  30. Akhmanova A, Hoogenraad CC, Drabek K, Stepanova T, Dortland B, Verkerk T . etal. Clasps are CLIP-115 and -170 associating proteins involved in the regional regulation of microtubule dynamics in motile fibroblasts. . Cell . 2001 . 104 . 6 . 923–35 . 11290329 . 10.1016/s0092-8674(01)00288-4 . free .
  31. Stepanova T, Slemmer J, Hoogenraad CC, Lansbergen G, Dortland B, De Zeeuw CI . etal. Visualization of microtubule growth in cultured neurons via the use of EB3-GFP (end-binding protein 3-green fluorescent protein). . J Neurosci . 2003 . 23 . 7 . 2655–64 . 12684451 . 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.23-07-02655.2003 . 6742099 .
  32. Yau KW, van Beuningen SF, Cunha-Ferreira I, Cloin BM, van Battum EY, Will L . etal. Microtubule minus-end binding protein CAMSAP2 controls axon specification and dendrite development. . Neuron . 2014 . 82 . 5 . 1058–73 . 24908486 . 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.04.019 . free .
  33. Yau KW, Schätzle P, Tortosa E, Pagès S, Holtmaat A, Kapitein LC . etal. Dendrites In Vitro and In Vivo Contain Microtubules of Opposite Polarity and Axon Formation Correlates with Uniform Plus-End-Out Microtubule Orientation. . J Neurosci . 2016 . 36 . 4 . 1071–85 . 26818498 . 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2430-15.2016 . 4728718 .
  34. Cunha-Ferreira I, Chazeau A, Buijs RR, Stucchi R, Will L, Pan X . etal. The HAUS Complex Is a Key Regulator of Non-centrosomal Microtubule Organization during Neuronal Development. . Cell Rep . 2018 . 24 . 4 . 791–800 . 30044976 . 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.06.093 . 6083040 .
  35. Hoogenraad CC, Akhmanova A, Howell SA, Dortland BR, De Zeeuw CI, Willemsen R . etal. Mammalian Golgi-associated Bicaudal-D2 functions in the dynein-dynactin pathway by interacting with these complexes. . EMBO J . 2001 . 20 . 15 . 4041–54 . 11483508 . 10.1093/emboj/20.15.4041 . 149157 .
  36. Matanis T, Akhmanova A, Wulf P, Del Nery E, Weide T, Stepanova T . etal. Bicaudal-D regulates COPI-independent Golgi-ER transport by recruiting the dynein-dynactin motor complex. . Nat Cell Biol . 2002 . 4 . 12 . 986–92 . 12447383 . 10.1038/ncb891 . 7953140.
  37. van Bergeijk P, Adrian M, Hoogenraad CC, Kapitein LC. Optogenetic control of organelle transport and positioning. . Nature . 2015 . 518 . 7537 . 111–114 . 25561173 . 10.1038/nature14128 . 5063096 . 2015Natur.518..111V .
  38. Kevenaar JT, Bianchi S, van Spronsen M, Olieric N, Lipka J, Frias CP . etal. Kinesin-Binding Protein Controls Microtubule Dynamics and Cargo Trafficking by Regulating Kinesin Motor Activity. . Curr Biol . 2016 . 26 . 7 . 849–61 . 26948876 . 10.1016/j.cub.2016.01.048 . 2016CBio...26..849K.
  39. Hummel JJA, Hoogenraad CC. Inducible manipulation of motor-cargo interaction using engineered kinesin motors. . J Cell Sci . 2021 . 134 . 15 . 34342354 . 10.1242/jcs.258776 . 8353518 .
  40. Erez H, Malkinson G, Prager-Khoutorsky M, De Zeeuw CI, Hoogenraad CC, Spira ME. Formation of microtubule-based traps controls the sorting and concentration of vesicles to restricted sites of regenerating neurons after axotomy. . J Cell Biol . 2007 . 176 . 4 . 497–507 . 17283182 . 10.1083/jcb.200607098 . 2063984 .
  41. Hellal F, Hurtado A, Ruschel J, Flynn KC, Laskowski CJ, Umlauf M . etal. Microtubule stabilization reduces scarring and causes axon regeneration after spinal cord injury. . Science . 2011 . 331 . 6019 . 928–31 . 21273450 . 10.1126/science.1201148 . 3330754 . 2011Sci...331..928H.
  42. Teuling E, Ahmed S, Haasdijk E, Demmers J, Steinmetz MO, Akhmanova A . etal. Motor neuron disease-associated mutant vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein (VAP) B recruits wild-type VAPs into endoplasmic reticulum-derived tubular aggregates. . J Neurosci . 2007 . 27 . 36 . 9801–15 . 17804640 . 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2661-07.2007 . 6672975 .
  43. Kuijpers M, Yu KL, Teuling E, Akhmanova A, Jaarsma D, Hoogenraad CC. The ALS8 protein VAPB interacts with the ER-Golgi recycling protein YIF1A and regulates membrane delivery into dendrites. . EMBO J . 2013 . 32 . 14 . 2056–72 . 23736259 . 10.1038/emboj.2013.131 . 3715857 .
  44. Tortosa E, Sengupta Ghosh A, Li Q, Wong WR, Hinkle T, Sandoval W . etal. Stress-induced vesicular assemblies of dual leucine zipper kinase are signaling hubs involved in kinase activation and neurodegeneration. . EMBO J . 2022 . 41 . 14 . e110155 . 35611591 . 10.15252/embj.2021110155 . 9289706 .
  45. Adrian M, Weber M, Tsai MC, Glock C, Kahn OI, Phu L . etal. Polarized microtubule remodeling transforms the morphology of reactive microglia and drives cytokine release. . Nat Commun . 2023 . 14 . 1 . 6322 . 37813836 . 10.1038/s41467-023-41891-6 . 10562429 . 2023NatCo..14.6322A.
  46. Web site: Casper Hoogenraad Pubmed . en-US.
  47. Web site: Casper Hoogenraad Google Scholar profile . en-US.
  48. Web site: Casper Hoogenraad ORCID profile . en-US.
  49. Web site: ASCB profile . ASCB Press - Mary Spiro. 8 July 2020 . en-US.
  50. Web site: Genentech lab . Genentech, member of the Roche group.
  51. Web site: EMBO member. EMBO Press. . 2015-12-01.
  52. Web site: Casper Hoogenraad - DJA-KNAW . 2020-08-02.
  53. Web site: Casper Hoogenraad - YAE . 18 December 2016. 2020-08-02.
  54. Web site: Editorial Board: Neuron . Cell Press.
  55. Web site: Editorial Board: The EMBO Journal . EMBO Press.
  56. Web site: IBRO Kemali Prize . IBRO, IBRO, the International Brain Research Organization. dead. . 2015-09-05.
  57. A Day in the Life of a Motor Protein . Youtube . REDRUM, Ede, The Netherlands.