Chozen Toguchi Explained

Chozen Toguchi
Series:The Karate Kid
First Major:The Karate Kid II (1986)
First Issue:
Per - minor works include TV episodes, chapters, songs and game missions -->
Last Major:Cobra Kai
Last Issue:-->
Portrayer:Yuji Okumoto
Shigi Ohtsu (young)
for non-humans only -->
Occupation:Karate instructor (sensei)
Affiliation:Miyagi-Do karate in Okinawa
Family:Sato (uncle)
Unnamed Father (deceased)
Significant Others:-->

Chozen Toguchi is a fictional character who appears as the main antagonist of the motion picture The Karate Kid Part II (1986), and a supporting character (beginning with Season 3) of the series Cobra Kai (2021). He is portrayed by Yuji Okumoto, whose performance has received widespread acclaim.


Adult Chozen

See main article: Cobra Kai.

Season 3

Episode 4

In 2018, after Daniel learns that his business rival Tom Cole has convinced Doyona Industries to cut their business ties with LaRusso Auto Group due to Daniel's reputation being tarnished by Robby's affiliation with Miyagi-Do and actions against Miguel during the school brawl, he travels to Tokyo, Japan to try to persuade them not to. His attempt fails, however, prompting Daniel to travel to Okinawa and revisit old memories of Mr. Miyagi. He returns to Tomi Village to find that it has been turned into a mall and sees Kumiko dancing. They meet for tea and catch up on the past few decades. Daniel confides in Kumiko and tells her of his troubles with Doyona, as well as his loss of confidence in general.

The next day Kumiko meets Daniel. While they talk in a bar, Chozen appears in the doorway.

Episode 5

Chozen approaches Daniel and Kumiko, and bows. The three then sit together in awkward silence, as Chozen says that he never married and has no children. When he leaves to get a drink for Daniel, Kumiko confesses that she invited him to meet Daniel, saying that he has changed since they last met. She then leaves them to spend the day together.

Chozen takes Daniel to a mountain top, and Daniel recognizes it as the place where Karate was born through Miyagi Shimpo sensei. Daniel then tells the story that Mr. Miyagi told him, of Miyagi Shimpo sensei traveling to China and returning 10 years later with the "secret" of Miyagi-Do Karate. While Daniel is confident that Mr. Miyagi taught him everything, Chozen is skeptical and asks Daniel to follow him.

They arrive at the Miyagi-Do Dojo where Daniel finds original scrolls containing the family techniques. Chozen explains that Mr. Miyagi's father taught Sato, who then taught him. After Sato died, Chozen inherited all of the Miyagi family artifacts. However, Chozen suddenly takes the scroll from Daniel's hand, saying that Daniel is a foreigner who cannot take their secrets. When Daniel says that Mr. Miyagi treated him like a son, Chozen challenges him to a fight to see how much Daniel really knows. Daniel is then surprised to find himself beaten when Chozen uses unknown techniques, and Chozen tells him that Mr. Miyagi did not teach him everything.

Chozen then tells Daniel the real story behind Miyagi-Do Karate. Centuries ago, the Miyagi ancestors were at war with Japanese invaders, so they designed their own techniques designed to kill their enemies. Chozen suspects that Mr. Miyagi thought that Daniel would not be able to learn the more deadlier aspects that seemed to defy Mr. Miyagi's "self-defense" approach.

As they continue to fight, Chozen uses techniques that disable Daniel's arms and legs, leaving Daniel at his mercy. He tells Daniel that he has waited a long time for getting payback on Daniel, but instead comically honks his nose (a reference to when Daniel honked Chozen's in The Karate Kid Part II). Chozen then drops all pretense of anger and Daniel realizes that it was all a facade, as Chozen adopts a friendlier demeanor. He then explains to Daniel that the move he used was a pressure point technique and agrees to teach him these techniques. He tells Daniel: "If an enemy insists on war, then you take away their ability to wage it".

As they say goodbye, Daniel is utterly amazed at his new perspective of Miyagi-Do Karate, and says he understands why Mr. Miyagi never taught it to him. Chozen praises Mr. Miyagi, says he hopes he will be like him, and becomes overcome with guilt when he recalls his actions and how he treated Daniel three decades ago. He says that after their fight, he was suicidal, only rescued by the encouragement of Sato to prove himself, and that is what he has been doing ever since, becoming a sensei in Okinawa and passing on the teaching of Miyagi Do to his students. Daniel then says that he forgives him for the events of the past, and Chozen is grateful for it. He then offers Daniel the scroll, telling him "You keep for your collection" (a callback to when he said the same thing to Kumiko, though in a lascivious context, during Karate Kid II).

At the end of Season 3, Daniel saves his own life by using these techniques against a surprise and murderous attack from Kreese.

Season 4

Episode 10

After Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang Karate lose to Cobra Kai in the 2019 All-Valley Karate Tournament, Daniel decides to go back on his previous deal to shut down Miyagi-Do and decides to go on the offensive to get the dojo shut down. While visiting Miyagi's grave, it is revealed that Chozen has willingly teamed up with Daniel and they bow to Mr. Miyagi's grave.

Season 5

Episode 1

Daniel has Chozen live in his house as they figure out a way to prevent Terry Silver's Cobra Kai from taking over the Valley. After being introduced to Terry Silver, Chozen asks Daniel to take him to the new Cobra Kai dojo. While Chozen did not personally experience what Daniel did back in 1985, he realizes that Silver is a student of Kim Sun-Yung, a master of Tang Soo Do while watching him spar against an opponent. However, he knows that Kim Sun-Yung taught a different method, one which he explains to Daniel is based on deception, without honor or mercy, a style considered controversial by other martial artists including Sato. When Daniel is surprised that Mr. Miyagi never told him about any of this, Chozen tells him that because Miyagi left during World War II, he would not have known about Kim-Sun Yung, who only came to public notice during the Korean War. Thus, Chozen knows that Silver is very dangerous. The two then concoct a plan to expose Silver, which involves him posing as a local sensei that Silver is looking to hire.

Episode 2

Chozen introduces himself to Silver using the name Jokichi Tatsuya, a local sensei originating from Kyoto. He works with Tory, but senses that her heart is not in it. She then asks him why he is a sensei, to which Chozen replies, "honor". Tory is surprised and asks if that is the only reason, to which Chozen replies that honor is everything. He then tells Silver that he is training Tory and that as a teacher his task is to train the mind and then body. He also tells Tory that if she wants to break free of troubles she must face them directly. Chozen then does a demonstration which leads Silver to ask if he knows Tang Soo Do. Chozen says that he does and receives an invitation to dinner at Silver's mansion.

Daniel helps him prepare for the dinner, but is nervous. He says that Silver is a man without honor. Chozen understands and says that when he was young, Sato tried to teach him about honor, but at the time he wasn't ready as he was a coward who had no honor himself.

During dinner, Silver confirms Chozen's suspicion that his karate master was Kim Sun-Yung. Chozen tells him that he was raised by his uncle as his father died when he was young, implied to have been by suicide. Silver slowly seduces Chozen into letting his guard down, inadvertently blowing his cover when Silver suggests a toast; Chozen says "Karii", the Okinawan term for cheers instead of "Kanpai", the Japanese word for cheers.

The next day in the dojo, Silver reveals that he knows Chozen's true identity due to this mistake, and has the remaining senseis attack him. Chozen easily defeats all of them within minutes. He then turns to Silver and threatens him to leave Miyagi-Do and the LaRusso family alone or he will fight back.

Episode 3

Daniel takes Chozen, Louie, and Anoush for a game of golf at the country club which Chozen easily wins. Terry suddenly appears at the club and warns Daniel to stop interfering with Cobra Kai. Terry then tells him that if he continues, he is playing with fire. Chozen looks directly at Terry and makes a comical remark that he is gasoline. Silver leaves confused.

The next day at Miyagi-Do, Daniel and Chozen try to figure out what to do. Since Silver said he has many people to call, Chozen suggests that they contact these people first. Daniel immediately thinks of Mike Barnes. They then go to Mike's house where Daniel tells Chozen about his past with Mike Barnes. They follow him to his place of work, a furniture store in Agoura Hills and Chozen waits in the car while Daniel goes to investigate inside.

Unbeknownst to Chozen, Barnes had turned his life around, is married, and turns out to be the owner of the store. He also took responsibility for what happened in 1985 and apologized to Daniel. Worried when Daniel doesn't appear, Chozen goes inside and sees what he thinks is a fight, when in reality Mike and Daniel are joking about a re-match. Chozen then attacks Barnes and his workers, until Daniel finally stops the fight and apologizes to Mike. Chozen tells Mike that the couch that they are sitting on is very comfortable and Mike offers it for $2000 even though the price is $1200 due to Chozen attacking him and his staff.

Episode 4

While Daniel and Amanda go to an auction, Chozen stays at home to keep a watch on the house. He also becomes deeply involved in the reality series, 90 Day Fiancé, while doing so.

Episodes 5 and 6

When Amanda leaves town over Daniel's agenda against Silver, Chozen suggest they track down Raymond "Stingray" Porter over supposedly lying about his assault based on a newspaper clipping, but Stingray is uncooperative. This results in Daniel destroying some of Stingray's property until Chozen points out that he won't speak because he is afraid. When Daniel decides to give up his vendetta, Chozen plans to head back to Japan, but he cancels his trip when Silver brutalizes Daniel. When Daniel decides to give up, Chozen teams up with Johnny to take on one of Silver's new Cobra Kai senseis, but flee when Kim Da-Eun shows up with the other senseis. They realize they need Daniel to help them fight, so they arrange all of the Miyagi-do and Eagle Fang students to inspire Daniel to carry on.

Episode 7

Daniel and Johnny go to visit Kreese in prison. Chozen gives the students an exercise by giving each of them an egg for them to protect. Chozen is successful at breaking all of their eggs so he forces them to do the lesson again. Anthony gets the idea to put all of the eggs in a basket and work as a team to protect them, successfully fending off Chozen. He then explains that the exercise was meant to provide an advantage over Cobra Kai in their defense.

Episode 9

While out at a club with Daniel, Johnny, Amanda, and Carmen to celebrate Carmen's pregnancy, Chozen gets drunk and lets slip to Johnny that he has feelings for Kumiko. Johnny relays those feelings to Daniel, who learns that Kumiko was the one who helped Chozen reconnect with Sato. Daniel encourages Chozen to let her know. Chozen leaves a drunken voicemail confessing his feelings and saying that he should have brought her with him to the United States. While in a party limo en route to another bar with Daniel and Johnny, Chozen finds the car doors to be locked when they seem to be going in the wrong direction and suspects that Silver has kidnapped them.

Episode 10

In the highway, Barnes is revealed to be the hijacker, who wants revenge over his life being ruined after his furniture store was burned, even accusing him, Johnny and Daniel if they're at fault even though they didn't. When they explain that Silver was responsible, Barnes suggests they get payback on him, which Chozen and Johnny agree to, while Daniel refuses to, and leave him behind in the middle of the freeway. At Silver's house, Barnes is quickly knocked out and Johnny fights the other Cobra Kai senseis. Chozen faces off against Silver in hand-to-hand combat and later weapons, Chozen a pair of sais and Silver a katana. Chozen is able to knock Silver down and is about to kill him when he is distracted by Johnny's screams, allowing Silver to slice Chozen's back and seemingly leave him for dead. However, he is later rescued by Barnes and Johnny, who defeat the other senseis. Chozen ultimately survives and is put into an ambulance, being helped out by Barnes and Johnny just as they arrive at the Cobra Kai Encino dojo where Terry Silver had recently been defeated by Daniel and arrested for his crimes.


Yuji Okumoto had appeared in the films Real Genius and Better Off Dead before appearing in The Karate Kid Part II as Chozen Toguchi.[1] The experience stayed with him, as he noted that "when you play such an iconic bad guy in a successful film, you kind of keep that memory always with you. You always wonder what happened to this character, where did he go after this all went down, where he lost his honor and all that stuff…I never forgot about Chozen, because he was a big part of my life".

Okumoto received a call in September 2019 asking if he was interested in joining Cobra Kai. While he had hoped that Chozen would be written into the narrative, he was concerned with "how Chozen would be portrayed".[2] He wanted to make certain that "the character is well-written, well-developed…that they paid deference to the character and his development. So they sent me the script and initially I thought it needed a little work. But I gave a little bit of input and the writers and also the producers, they really did a great job in capturing the essence of Chozen and how he would probably be after 30-odd years".[3] Okumoto was pleased by the investment of the writers in his perspective on the character, noting that "they actually took the notes and incorporated into developing the character. And they really had a great grasp on the direction, which made my job lot easier".[4] He also thinks that "Chozen has gone through a lot of soul searching after losing his fight with Daniel. I think that he saw the light, and — this is just my take — I think through the dedication that he put into getting back into martial arts for the right reasons, I think he started to understand what the true meaning of martial arts is, and what the true meaning of honor is".[2] Okumoto also enjoyed working with Ralph Macchio again, saying that "it's like reuniting with an old friend… I can't say enough about how fortunate I was to be brought onto the show and to be reunited with him".[2] He further stated that "it felt like we're back on the set of Karate Kid II. Working with Ralph especially, he's just so professional. No ego, you conversate [sic] and have a good time, and reminisce about a lot of this stuff. And we talked about, you know, our kids, family stuff. And so it was really a wonderful experience".[5] Regarding Chozen, Okumoto says that he "wanted him to evolve as a character… [and] didn't want him just to be there as a person to push the story along. I wanted him to go through a journey, to go through a soul-searching".[6]

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Meet Yuji Okumoto. 2021-01-06.
  2. Yuji Okumoto on Cobra Kai season 3: 'Chozen has gone through a lot of soul searching'. 2021-01-04. Baldwin. Kristen. 2020-12-18. Entertainment Weekly.
  3. In Netflix's 'Cobra Kai', Seattle restaurateur Yuji Okumoto reprises a role — and a life — he thought he'd left behind. 2021-01-04. Talbott. Chris. 2021-01-04. The Seattle Times.
  4. Web site: 'Cobra Kai' actor, co-owner of Seattle restaurant on how show became Netflix hit. 2021-01-19. Show. GeeandUrsula. 2021-01-19. MyNorthwest.
  5. Web site: Seattle actor reprises his most famous role for Netflix hit series 'Cobra Kai'. 2021-01-29. Riddle. Eric. 2021-01-28. KING-TV.
  6. At Netflix, 'Cobra Kai' broke out. Now its whiteness is under a new spotlight. 2021-01-08. Yamato. Jen. 2021-01-08. Los Angeles Times.