CoRoT-23b explained

Discoverer:CoRoT space telescope
Discovery Method:Transit
Period:3.6314 d
Mean Radius:1.08
Single Temperature:1509 K[2]

CoRoT-23b is a transiting Hot Jupiter exoplanet found by the CoRoT space telescope in 2011.

Host star

See main article: CoRoT-23. CoRoT-23b orbits CoRoT-23 in the constellation of Serpens. It is a G0V star with an effective temperature of 5900K, a mass of 1.14, a radius of 1.61, and a near-solar metallicity of . Its age is 6.2 - 8.2 Gyr.


The planet may be in an unstable orbit and subject to a merger with the host star in the future.[3]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Notes on CoRoT-23 b . . February 25, 2019.
  2. Web site: CoRoT-23 Planets in the system . February 25, 2019.
  3. 2012A&A...537A..54R . Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission . XIX. CoRoT-23b: A dense hot Jupiter on an eccentric orbit . Rouan . D. . Parviainen . H. . Moutou . C. . Deleuil . M. . Fridlund . M. . Ofir . A. . Havel . M. . Aigrain . S. . Alonso . R. . Auvergne . M. . Baglin . A. . Barge . P. . Bonomo . A. S. . Bordé . P. . Bouchy . F. . Cabrera . J. . Cavarroc . C. . Csizmadia . Sz. . Deeg . H. J. . Diaz . R. F. . Dvorak . R. . Erikson . A. . Ferraz-Mello . S. . Gandolfi . D. . Gillon . M. . Guillot . T. . Hatzes . A. . Hébrard . G. . Jorda . L. . Léger . A. . Astronomy and Astrophysics . 2012 . 537 . A54 . 10.1051/0004-6361/201117916 . 1112.0584 . 55219945 . 1 .