Demographics of the Arab world explained

The Arab world consists of 22 states. As of, the combined population of all the Arab states was around 475 million people.

The most populous Arab state is Egypt, the North African nation with a population of million residents. Comoros, the Indian Ocean nation is the least populated, with around inhabitants. The largest city in the Arab World is Cairo, Egypt.

Population growth

The population of the Arab world as estimated in 2022 was 464.68 million inhabitants,[1] but no exact figures of the annual population growth, fertility rate, or mortality rate are known to exist.

Most of the Arab population is concentrated in and around major urban areas.

Islam and Christianity were founded in areas that are now Arab countries. Consequently, the majority of the Arab citizens are either Muslims or Christians. The Arab countries host several holy cities and other religiously significant locations, including Alexandria, Mecca, Medina, Kirkuk, Arbil, and Baghdad. Sunni Muslims constitute vast majority of the Arab world's residents. However, Shi'a make up the slight majority in areas of Iraq and Bahrain.

Christianity is the second largest religion, with over 20 million Christians living in countries such as Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Bahrain, Syria, Kuwait and Jordan. There are smaller Jewish populations living mainly in the western part of the Arab world. Places such as Bahrain, Morocco, Algeria, Yemen, Tunisia, Syria, Egypt and Iraq all have Jewish populations. However, most Arab Jews emigrated from the Arab states to Israel after its founding in 1948.[2] Other minor religions such as Druze religion, the Baháʼí Faith, Mandeanism, Yazdanism, Zoroastrianism, Shabak religion and Yarsan are practiced on a much smaller scale.

Arab countries by religion (percentage of population)



In general, Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the official language in the Arab world, but additional languages are often used in the daily lives of some citizens. Arabs, however, don't natively speak MSA but their native varieties of Arabic, which are grouped based on shared features into Peninsular, Mesopotamian, Levantine, Egyptian, and Maghrebi. Currently, three major non-Arabic languages are widely used: Kurdish (in northern Iraq and parts of Syria), Berber (in North Africa), and Somali (in the Horn of Africa).

There are several minority languages that are still spoken today, such as Afar, Armenian, Hebrew, Nubian, Persian, Aramaic, and Turkish. Twenty percent of the Arab population natively speak a non-Arabic language, most commonly, Somali, Berber and Kurdish languages.


Many Arab countries in the Persian Gulf have sizable (10–30%) non-Arab populations. Iraq, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman have a Persian speaking minority. The same countries also have Hindi-Urdu speakers and Filipinos as sizable minority. Balochi speakers are a good size minority in Oman. Additionally, countries like Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Kuwait have significant non-Arab and non-Muslim minorities (10–20%) like Hindus and Christians from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and the Philippines.

Many non-Arab countries bordering the Arab states have large Arab populations, such as in Chad, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Turkey.

The table below shows the distribution of populations in the Arab world and Palestine, as well as the official language(s) within the various Arab states.

Arab statedata-sort-type="number" Population% ArabsOfficial language(s)Notes
Algeria44,903,225 [3] 85%[4] Arabic official language with BerberThe Mixing between Arabs and Berbers in Algeria makes it difficult to trace the roots of many people. The percentage mentioned also includes people with Berber roots and identify themselves as Arabs.
Bahrain1,733,100[5] 51%[6] Arabic official language
Comoros780,971[7] 0.1%[8] Arabic co-official language with Comorian and French
Djibouti810,179[9] 4%[10] Arabic co-official language with FrenchIt is estimated that there are about 37,000 Arabs in Djibouti.
Egypt102,069,001[11] 90%[12] Arabic official language[13]
Iraq46,081,677[14] 75–80%[15] Arabic co-official language with Kurdish
Jordan10,255,04598%[16] Arabic official language
Kuwait4,268,873 [17] 59.2%[18] Arabic official language
Lebanon6,810,12395%[19] Arabic official language
Libya6,244,174[20] 97%[21] Arabic official language
Mauritania3,516,806[22] 80%[23] Arabic official languageThe majority of the population of Mauritania belong to the Moors or "Moroccans". These are a mixture of Arabs and Africans to a lesser extent.
Morocco37,457,971[24] 75%[25] Arabic co-official language with BerberThe Mixing between Arabs and Berbers in Morocco makes it difficult to trace the roots of many people. The percentage mentioned also includes people with Berber roots and identify themselves as Arabs.
Oman5,174,81481%Arabic official language
Palestine5,163,46290%Arabic official languageWest Bank

2,731,052 (83% Palestinian Arabs)[26] Gaza Strip: 1,816,379 (100% Palestinian Arabs)[27]

Qatar2,906,25740%[28] Arabic official languageQatari citizens are about 20% of the total population and they are mostly Arab Qahhah. About 20% of the remaining population is made of Arab immigrants, mostly Egyptians and Levantines. The rest are non-Arab foreign workers such as Indians and Pakistanis.
Saudi Arabia36,408,820[29] 97%[30] Arabic official language
Somalia17,597,511[31] 0.3%[32] Arabic co-official language with SomaliIt is estimated that there are about 30,000 Arabs in Somalia.
Sudan46,874,204 [33] 70%[34] Arabic co-official language with English
17,723,46190%Arabic official language
Tunisia12,356,117 [35] 98%[36] Arabic official languageThe Mixing between Arabs and Berbers in Tunisia makes it difficult to trace the roots of many people. The percentage mentioned also includes people with Berber roots and identify themselves as Arabs.
United Arab Emirates10,102,678[37] 40%[38] Arabic official languageLess than 20% of the UAE's population are citizens and the majority are workers of foreigners.
Yemen30,168,99898%[39] Arabic official language


The Arab world has between 400,000 and 500,000 Armenians inhabiting its geographical area. Armenians are largely concentrated in countries such as Lebanon (150,000 to 250,000) and Syria (100,000 to 150,000) as well as Palestine, and to a lesser degree Egypt and Iraq, but Armenians can also be found in countries like Qatar and the UAE. These Armenians are economic migrants from Lebanon and Syria.

Prior to World War I, there were some 2,000–3,000 Armenians in Palestine, mostly in Jerusalem. From 1915 and onward, thousands of Armenian genocide survivors from Cilicia (Adana Vilayet) found refuge, and settled in Palestine, increasing its Armenian population.[40] [41] In 1925, around 15,000 Armenians are believed to have lived in all of Palestine, with the majority in Jerusalem.[40] During Mandatory Palestine period, the number of Armenians is estimated to have reached up to 20,000.[40] [42] However, the 1931 British census showed only 3,524 Armenians in all of Palestine.[40]

A large number of Armenian monks are recorded to have settled in Jerusalem as early as the 4th century,[43] [44] after the uncovering of Christian holy places in the city.[40] However, the first written records are from the 5th century.[45] Jerusalem is thus considered the oldest living diaspora community outside the Armenian homeland.[46] Nowadays, there are estimated 7500 living in the region of Historical Palestine.[47]

Most Armenians are Christians mainly following the Orthodox Armenian Apostolic Church. The church has one of its two headquarters in Antelias, Lebanon, called The Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia (the other being in Armenia called Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin). There are also Armenian Catholics. The world headquarters of the Armenian Catholic Church is also located in Beirut, Lebanon (and historically in Bzoummar, Lebanon). There are also a minority Armenian Evangelical Protestants. The Middle East headquarters of the Armenian Evangelical Church is in Beirut called Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East.


Assyrians (also known as Chaldo-Assyrians) can be found in Iraq, north eastern Syria, and to a lesser degree north western Iran and south eastern Turkey. They are an ancient Semitic people who retain Aramaic as a spoken language. They are exclusively Christian and are descendants of the ancient pre Arab Assyrians/Mesopotamians. Almost all Christians in Iraq are ethnic Assyrians, where they number approximately 400,000. 500,000 are in Syria but are harder to identify, because they are often included in with the general Christian population and speak Arabic, however the Christians of the Tur Abdin and Al Hasakah regions in the north east are predominantly Assyrian.


See also: Amazigh. Berbers are an ethnic group indigenous to North Africa. They are distributed in an area stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Siwa Oasis in Egypt, and from the Mediterranean Sea to the Niger River. Historically, they spoke Berber languages, which together form the Berber branch of the Afro-Asiatic family. Since the Muslim conquest of North Africa in the seventh century, a large number of Berbers inhabiting the Maghreb have acquired different degrees of knowledge of varieties of Maghrebi Arabic.


Circassians are a people who originate in the North Caucasus. They are predominantly Muslim, and can be found in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon and Egypt in relatively small numbers.

Coptic Christians

Egyptian Coptic Christians are a religious group who do not usually identify themselves as Arabic and they follow the Coptic Orthodox Church. They place heavy emphasis on the Egyptian aspect of their identity and their Christian heritage. Their numbers are heavily disputed but are estimated to compromise roughly 5.35% of the Egyptian population. They are mainly followers of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, there are however a minority among them who are members of the Coptic Catholic Church, and an even smaller group who belong to the Coptic Evangelical Church. The Egyptian Coptic language, which is a late script that was developed in Roman Egypt, written in the Greek alphabet and descending from the late form of the Egyptian language of ancient Egypt, continues to be used as the liturgical language of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria.


The Jewish tribes of Arabia were Arabian tribes professing the Jewish faith that inhabited the Arabian Peninsula before and during the advent of Islam. It is not always clear whether they were originally Israelite in ancestry, genealogically Arab tribes that converted to Judaism, or a mixture of both. In Islamic tradition the Jewish tribes of the Hejaz were seen as the offspring of the ancient Israelites.[48] According to Muslim sources, they spoke a language other than Arabic, which Al-Tabari claims was Persian. This implies they were connected to the major Jewish center in Babylon.[48] Certain Jewish traditions records the existence of nomadic tribes such as the Rechabites that converted to Judaism in antiquity. The tribes collapsed with the rise of Islam, with many either converting or fleeing the Arab peninsula. Some of those tribes are thought to have merged into Yemenite Jewish community, while others, like the residents of Yatta consider themselves Islamized descendants of Khaybar, a Jewish tribe of Arabia.

Jews from Arab countries – included in the Mizrahi Jewish communities– are not categorized as, and do not consider themselves to be, Arabs, as Jews are a separate nation from Arabs, with different history and culture.[49] However, sometimes the term Arab Jews is used to describe Jews from Arab countries, though the term is highly controversial. Sociologist Sammy Smooha stated "This ("Arab Jews") term does not hold water. It is absolutely not a parallel to 'Arab Christian'".[50] Those who dispute the historicity of the term make the claim that Middle Eastern Jews are similar to Assyrians, Berbers, and other Middle Eastern groups who live in Arab societies as distinct minority groups with distinct identity and therefore are not categorized as Arabs.


In the northern regions of Iraq (15-20%) and Syria (10%) live a group called the Kurds, an Indo-European ethnic group who speak Kurdish, a language closely related to Persian and using Persian alphabet, except in Turkey where Kurdish is written using a Latin alphabet orthography. The majority of Kurds are Sunni Muslim, others are Alevi Muslim, with Christian and Yarsan minorities. The nationalist aspiration for self-rule or for a state of Kurdistan has created conflict between Kurdish minorities and their governments in Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey


Mandaeans, sometimes also called Sabians, are a people found mainly in southern Iraq. Their numbers total no more than 70,000. They follow Mandaeism, a gnostic religion.


Mhallami are a tiny minority unknown origins who have converted to Islam.


See also: Nubians. Nubians, found in Northern Sudan and Southern Egypt, are a different ethnicity from their northern and southern neighbors in Egypt and Sudan, numbering 1.7 million in Sudan and Egypt. The Nubian people in Sudan inhabit the region between Wadi Halfa in the north and Al Dabbah in the south. The main Nubian groups from north to south are the Halfaweyen, Sikut (Sickkout), Mahas, and Danagla. They speak different dialects of the Nubian language.

Ancient Nubians were famous for their vast wealth, their trade between Central Africa and the lower Nile valley civilizations, including Egypt, their skill and precision with the bow, their 23-letter alphabet, the use of deadly poison on the heads of their arrows, their great military, their advanced civilization, and their century-long rule over the united upper and lower Egyptian kingdoms.


Roma are to be found in many parts of the Middle East and North Africa; their numbers are unknown. They speak their own language and may loosely follow the predominant religion of the country they live in.[51]


Shabaks are mainly found in Iraq, they are either Muslim or follow native religions. They are also related to Kurds, but like the Yazidi, emphasise their separate identity.


Somali and Arabic are the two official languages in Somalia, both of which belong to the Afro-Asiatic family. Article 3 of the constitution outlines the country's founding principles, establishing it as a Muslim state, and a member of the Arab and African nations.[52] About 85% of local residents are ethnic Somalis,[53] who have historically inhabited the northern part of the country.[54] Many self-identify as Somali instead of Arab despite centuries-old ties to Arabia.[55] There are also a number of Bravanese, Bantus, Bajunis, Ethiopians, Indians, Pakistanis, Persians, Britons and Italians.[54] [56]

Djibouti, whose demographics are approximately 60% Somali and 35% Afar, is in a similar position. Arabic is one of the official languages, 94% of the nation's population is Muslim, and its location on the Red Sea places it in close proximity to the Arabian Peninsula. Somali and Afar are also recognized national languages.[57]


See also: Turks in the Arab world. The Arab world is home to sizeable populations of Turks throughout North Africa, the Levant, and the Arabian Peninsula.

There is a notable Turkish minority in Egypt; prior to the Egyptian revolution in 1919, the ruling and upper classes were mainly Turkish, or of Turkish descent (see Turks in Egypt), which was part of the heritage from the Ottoman rule of Egypt.

In the Levant the Turks are scattered throughout the region. In Iraq and Syria the Turkish minorities are commonly referred to as "Turkmen", "Turkman" and "Turcoman"; these terms have historically been used to designate Turkish speakers in Arab areas, or Sunni Muslims in Shitte areas. The majority of Iraqi Turkmen and Syrian Turkmen are the descendants of Ottoman Turkish settlers.[58] and share close cultural and linguistic ties with Turkey, particularly the Anatolian region.[59] [58] In 2013 the Iraqi Ministry of Planning estimated that Iraqi Turkmen numbered 3 million out of the country's 34.7 million inhabitants (approximately 9% of the total population).[60] Estimates of the Syrian Turkmen population range from several hundred thousand to 3.5 million.[61] There is also Turkish minorities located in Jordan (Turks in Jordan) and Lebanon (Turks in Lebanon). In Lebanon, they live mainly in the villages of Aydamun and Kouachra in the Akkar District, as well as in Baalbek, Beirut, and Tripoli. The Lebanese Turks number approximately 80,000.[62] However, there has also been a recent influx of Syrian Turkmen refugees (125,000 to 150,000 in 2015) who now outnumber the long establish Ottoman descended Turkish minority.

In the Arabian Peninsula, there are Turkish minorities who have lived in the region since the Ottoman era. The Turks live predominately in Saudi Arabia (see Turks in Saudi Arabia) and Yemen (see Turks in Yemen).


The Yazidi are a religious Kurdish community who represent an ancient religion that is linked to Zoroastrianism. They number 500,000 in Iraq and 14,000 in Syria.

Modern identities

North Africans

See also: Sudan.

See also: Mauritania. North Africans are the inhabitants of the North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt). Maghrebis mostly speak Maghrebi Arabic, which is descended from Classical Arabic and has a marked Berber substratum, while Egyptians speak Egyptian Arabic which is mainly based on Coptic grammar rather than Classical Arabic.

In 647 AD (the year 27 of the Hijrah), the first Muslim expedition to Africa took place. By 700 AD, the area had been conquered and converted to the Islamic faith. We know little of the early Islamic town, but by the tenth century the area outside of the fortress was once more filled with houses: on the site of the Roman baths over twelve of these were excavated, with large courtyards surrounded by long, thin, rooms.[63]

After ruling over Cairo, the Fatimids left the rule in Tunisia and parts of eastern Algeria to the Zirids (972–1148).[64] The invasion of Tunisia which was known as Ifriqiya, was done by the Banu Hilal, an Arab tribe encouraged by the Fatimids to seize North Africa.[65]


Y chromosome

Listed here are the human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups in main regions of the Arab world (Maghreb, Mashriq and Arabian peninsula).[66]

Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Iraq27410.180.040.04-0.330.620.44---1.248.72-0.845.36
Arabian Peninsula6180.160.810.970.810.325.661.940.49--0.322.43-0.165.66
Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Iraq0.155.47-2.8430.8321.050.693.430.150.070.661.23.390.365.471.970.473.98
Arabian Peninsula1.292.912.1-44.0111.324.372.27-0.650.321.466.310.16-2.430.160.49

Comparison of the members

CountryArea (km2)Population GDP PPP (in billions $)TFR
2,381,740284.72.80 (2020)
76034.961.74 (2019 est)
2,2350.9114.3 (2012 est)
23,2002.5052.8 (2010 est)
1,001,450551.42.63 (2021 est)
438,317249.43.6 (2018 est)
89,34240.022.6 (2020 est)
17,818165.82.03 (2020 est)
10,45251.4741.74 (2014 est)
1,759,54073.62.20 (2020 est)
1,030,7008.2045.20 (2021)
710,8501801.87 (2020)
309,50094.862.66 (2020)
11,58626.371.67 (2020 est)
2,149,690927.81.92 (2018)
637,6575.8965.70 (2018 est)
1,861,48489.974.49 (2012)
185,180107.63.0 (2012)
163,610108.41.86 (2020)
83,600269.81.75 (2016 est)
527,96861.634.4 (2013)

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Arab world - total population 2013-2023 .
  2. Web site: Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries. 20 August 2015.
  3. Web site: World Bank Open Data .
  4. Web site: 2019-09-12. Africa :: Algeria — The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  5. Web site: Countries in the world by population (2021). Worldometer.
  6. Web site: 2019-09-12. Middle East :: Bahrain – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  7. Web site: 26 July 2016. CIA World Factbook: Comoros.
  8. Web site: 2019-09-12. Africa :: Comoros – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  9. Web site: 23 June 2014. CIA World Factbook: Djibouti.
  10. Web site: 2012-10-14. Ethnologue report for Djibouti. 2021-02-05. 2012-10-14.
  11. Web site: 11 May 2020. Egypt Population (2017).
  12. Web site: 2019-09-30. Africa :: Egypt – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-30.
  13. Web site: Egypt. 2021-02-05. Ethnologue. en.
  14. Web site: 20 March 2014. CIA World Factbook: Iraq.
  15. Web site: 2019-09-12. Middle East :: Iraq – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  16. Web site: 2019-09-12. Middle East :: Jordan – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  17. Web site: World Bank Open Data .
  18. Web site: 2019-09-12. Middle East :: Kuwait – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  19. Web site: 2019-09-12. Middle East :: Lebanon – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  20. Web site: 20 June 2014. CIA World Factbook: Libya.
  21. Web site: 2019-09-12. Africa :: Libya – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  22. Web site: 20 June 2014. CIA World Factbook: Mauritania.
  23. Web site: 2019-09-12. Africa :: Mauritania – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  24. Web site: World Bank Open Data .
  25. Web site: 2019-09-12. Africa :: Morocco – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  26. Web site: 2019-07-06. Middle East :: West Bank – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-07-06.
  27. Web site: 2019-09-16. Middle East :: Gaza Strip — The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-16.
  28. Web site: 2019-09-12. Middle East :: Qatar – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  30. Web site: 2019-09-12. Middle East :: Saudi Arabia – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  31. Web site: World Bank Open Data .
  32. Web site: 2019-09-12. Africa :: Somalia – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  34. Web site: 2019-09-12. Africa :: Sudan – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  35. Web site: World Bank Open Data .
  36. Web site: 2019-09-12. Africa :: Tunisia – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  37. Web site: 20 June 2014. CIA World Factbook: United Arab Emirates.
  38. Web site: 2019-09-12. Middle East :: United Arab Emirates – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-12.
  39. Web site: 2019-09-19. Middle East :: Yemen – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency. 2021-02-05. 2019-09-19.
  40. Der Matossian. Bedross. The Armenians of Palestine 1918–48. Journal of Palestine Studies. 2011. 41. 1 . 10.1525/jps.2011.XLI.1.24 . 10.1525/jps.2011.XLI.1.24 . 25, 29–30.
  41. Shemassian. Vahram. Armenian Genocide Survivors in the Holy Land at the End of World War I. Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies. 21. 2012. 247–77.
  42. Book: Bremer, Joerg. v. Voss. Huberta. Portraits of Hope: Armenians in the Contemporary World. Swan Song in the Holy Land: The Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem. 2007. Berghahn Books. 9781845452575. 273.
  43. Book: Hewsen, Robert H.. Robert H. Hewsen. Armenia: A Historical Atlas. University of Chicago Press. Chicago. 2001. 978-0-226-33228-4. 89.
  44. Book: Grgearyan. Hakob. Hakobjanyan. Davit. Soviet Armenian Encyclopedia Volume 3. Երուսաղեմ [Jerusalem]. 1977. 641–642. Soviet Armenian Encyclopedia.
  45. Book: Vaux, Bert. Bert Vaux. The Armenians in Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Peeters Pub & Booksellers. 2002. Ervine. Roberta R. Stone. Michael E.. Stone. Nira. Michael E. Stone. The Armenian Dialects of Jerusalem. 5 . . . March 21, 2016.
  46. Web site: Tchilingirian . Hratch . Hratch Tchilingirian . The Armenian Church: A Brief Introduction . hygradaran . Armenian Church Library . . 23 April 2019 . 8 . According to Vatican sources, some 250,000 Armenians are members of the "Armenian Rite" of the Catholic Church (others put the number closer to 150,000) with communities in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, Jerusalem and the US..
  47. Web site: الأرمن في فلسطين | مركز المعلومات الوطني الفلسطيني.
  48. Book: Gil, Moshe. The origin of the Jews of Yathrib. 1997. BRILL . 9789004138827.
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  51. Web site: Provisional Constitution . . 1 August 2012 . Article 5 . 25 March 2016 . . 2 April 2015 . dead . dmy-all .
  52. Web site: Central Intelligence Agency. Somalia. The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Langley, Virginia. 2011. 7 July 2013.
  53. Book: Abdullahi, Mohamed Diriye . Culture and customs of Somalia . Greenwood . 2001 . 8–11 . registration . 978-0-313-31333-2.
  54. Book: David D. Laitin . Politics, Language, and Thought . . 1977 . 0226467910 . 50. University of Chicago Press .
  55. Book: Gale Research Inc.. Worldmark encyclopedia of the nations, Volume 2. 1984. Gale Research. 278.
  56. Web site: Djibouti . CIA Factbook. 6 December 2023 .
  57. News: The New York Times. The New York Times. 2015. Who Are the Turkmens of Syria?. The New York Times. In the context of Syria, though, the term ["Turkmen"] is used somewhat differently, to refer mainly to people of Turkish heritage whose families migrated to Syria from Anatolia during the centuries of the Ottoman period — and thus would be closer kin to the Turks of Turkey than to the Turkmens of Central Asia...Q. How many are there? A. No reliable figures are available, and estimates on the number of Turkmens in Syria and nearby countries vary widely, from the hundreds of thousands up to 3 million or more..
  58. News: BBC. Who's who in Iraq: Turkmen . June 18, 2004. 2011-11-23. The predominantly Muslim Turkmen are an ethnic group with close cultural and linguistic ties to Anatolia in Turkey..
  59. Web site: Bassem. Wassim. 2016. Iraq's Turkmens call for independent province. Al-Monitor. Turkmens are a mix of Sunnis and Shiites and are the third-largest ethnicity in Iraq after Arabs and Kurds, numbering around 3 million out of the total population of about 34.7 million, according to 2013 data from the Iraqi Ministry of Planning.. 2016-10-17. 2016-10-17. dead.
  60. News: BBC. BBC. 2015. Who are the Turkmen in Syria?. BBC News. There are no reliable population figures, but they are estimated to number between about half a million and 3.5 million..
  61. Web site: Al-Akhbar. Lebanese Turks Seek Political and Social Recognition. 2012-03-02. 2018-06-20. dead.
  62. E. Fentress, ed., Fouilles de Sétif 1977–1984 BAA supp. 5, Algiers, 114–151
  63. Book: Stearns. Peter N.. Leonard Langer. William. The Encyclopedia of World History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged. limited. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2001. 6. 129–131. 0-395-65237-5.
  64. Web site: François Decret, Les invasions hilaliennes en Ifrîqiya – Clio – Voyage Culturel. 2015-11-21.
  65. Bekada A, Fregel R, Cabrera VM, Larruga JM, Pestano J, et al. (2013) Introducing the Algerian Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Profiles into the North African Landscape. PLoS ONE 8(2): e56775. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056775