Roman Catholic Diocese of Grosseto explained

Latin:Dioecesis Grossetana
Province:Siena-Colle di Val d'Elsa-Montalcino
Area Km2:1,239
Population As Of:2016
Denomination:Catholic Church
Rite:Roman Rite
Sui Iuris Church:Latin Church
Established:transferred 9 April 1138
Cathedral:Cattedrale di S. Lorenzo
Priests:47 (diocesan)
19 (Religious Orders)
6 Permanent Deacons
Bishop Title:Bishop
Bishop:Giovanni Roncari, OFMCap
Emeritus Bishops:Rodolfo Cetoloni
Map:Italy Tuscany Diocese map Grosseto.svg
Website:Diocesi di Grosseto

The Diocese of Grosseto (Latin: Dioecesis Grossetana) is a Latin Church diocese of the Catholic Church in Italy, a suffragan of the archdiocese of Siena-Colle di Val d'Elsa-Montalcino, in Tuscany. Its current bishop is Giovanni Roncari, OFMCap.[1] [2]


Rusellæ was an episcopal city from the fifth century.[3] In January 591, Pope Gregory I appointed Balbinus, Bishop of Rusellæ, to be the Apostolic Visitor to the diocese of Populonia.[4]

On 9 April 1138, Pope Innocent II transferred the see to Grosseto, citing the large number of robbers in the area and the reduction of the people of the area to desolation and poverty.[5] Rolandus, the last Bishop of Roselle, became the first Bishop of Grosseto. The transfer, however, did not proceed without incident. Some of the Canons of the cathedral of Roselle decided to stay in their accustomed home, and therefore demanded an apportionment of the Chapter's property with the Canons who had migrated to Grosseto. The dispute finally was submitted to Rome. On 23 December 1143, Pope Clement III wrote to the Provost and Chapter of Grosseto, ordering that the property and rights (to the tithe, and to death duties, for example) should be divided between the two groups; that the Canons in Roselle should elect their own Prior; but that they owed obedience to the bishop of Grosseto and due reverence to the Chapter of Grosseto.[6]


A diocesan synod was an irregularly held, but important, meeting of the bishop of a diocese and his clergy. Its purpose was (1) to proclaim generally the various decrees already issued by the bishop; (2) to discuss and ratify measures on which the bishop chose to consult with his clergy; (3) to publish statutes and decrees of the diocesan synod, of the provincial synod, and of the Holy See.[7]

Bishop Restaurus (1306–1328) held a diocesan synod in Grosseto in November 1320.[8]

On 14–15 April 1692, Bishop Cesare Ugolini (1665–1699) presided over a diocesan synod in Grosseto, and issued statutes which were published.[9] On 21–22 April 1705, a diocesan synod was held by Bishop Giacomo Falconetti (1703–1710).[10]

From 1858 to 1867, for political and economic reasons, the see remained vacant.

List of bishops

Bishops of Roselle











[Baulfus] (Ballolfo) (circa 1090)[24]

Bishops of Grosseto

1138 to 1500

Cardinal Antonio Casini (1427–1439) Administrator[49]

Cardinal Giuliano Cesarini (1439–1444) Administrator[50]

1500 to 1800

since 1837

Sede vacante (1858–1867)


The 50 parishes of the diocese all fall within the province of Grosseto, in Tuscany. They are divided into four pastoral areas (urban, sub-urban, coastal and hills).[72] [73]



Notes and References

  1. "Diocese of Grosseto"
  2. "Diocese of Grosseto"
  3. V. Burattini (1990), "Sancta rosellana ecclesia. La sede vescovile paleocristiana e medievale," in: Bollettino della Società Storica Maremmana 1990, pp.55-67.
  4. Umberto Benigni 1910). "Grosseto." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 7. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. Retrieved: 27 November 2019. Kehr III, p. 259, no. 1.
  5. Cappelletti XVII, p. 646: "quoniam Rosellana ecclesia multorum predonum in circuitu habitantium stimulis et infestationibus agitatur et populus ejusdem loci ad magnam desolationem atque paucitatem peccatis exigentibus est redactus, communicato fratrum nostrorum consilio, dignitatem episcopalis sedis in eadem urbe hactenus habitam, in grossulanara civitatem apostolica auctoritate transferimus, atque ut idem locus de caetero episcopalis apicis culmine decoretur presentis privilegii sanctione decernimus." Ronzani, "«Prima della «cattedrale»". p. 26.
  6. Kehr III, p. 260, no. 9. Ronzani, "«Prima della «cattedrale»". pp. 27-28.
  7. Book: Benedictus XIV. Benedicti XIV ... De Synodo dioecesana libri tredecim. Tomus primus. 1842. Hanicq. Mechlin. la. 42–49. Lib. I. caput secundum. De Synodi Dioecesanae utilitate. John Paul II, Constitutio Apostolica de Synodis Dioecesanis Agendis (19 March 1997): Acta Apostolicae Sedis 89 (1997), pp. 706-727.
  8. The decrees of this synod were published by Ughelli III, pp. 664-666; and by Cappelletti, pp. 651-654.
  9. Cesare Ugolino (1692). Hortus conclusus nempe Crassetanae constitutiones in diocesana synodus sancitae. (Romae: ex. typ. Io. Franciscus Buagnis 1692).
  10. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XXXVIter (Arnhem & Leipzig: H. Welter 1924), p. 884.
  11. Vitalianus: Lanzoni, p. 554.
  12. Balbinus: In January 591, Pope Gregory I appointed Bishop Balbinus to be the Visitor of the diocese of Populonia, and to install a cardinal priest and two deacons to take charge, and in three parishes to install priests. Gregory I, Register, volume I, no. 15 (J. Migne, Patrologiae Latinae Tomus LXXVII (Paris 1862), pp. 460-461. Bishop Balbinus was also present at the third Lateran council of Pope Gregory I, which Migne attributes to the year 601; Migne, p. 486, 488. Lanzoni, p. 554.
  13. Bishop Theodorus took part in the lateran council of Pope Martin I. Ughelli, p. 661. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus X (Florence: A. Zatta 1764), p. 867. Cappelletti, p. 640.
  14. Bishop Valerianus took part in the Roman synod of Pope Agatho in 680. Ughelli, p. 661. Mansi, Tomus XI (Florence: A. Zatta 1765), p. 775. Cappelletti, p. 640.
  15. On 1 July 715, on the order of King Liutprand, Bishop Gaudioso gave testimony at Siena concerning events in the diocese of Arezzo. Cappelletti, pp. 388, 640.
  16. Bishop Raupertus attended the Roman synod of Pope Eugenius II on 15 November 826. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIV (Venice: A. Zatta 1769), p. 1000. Ughelli, p. 661. Cappelletti, p. 640 (who calls him Ramperto).
  17. Bishop Otto subscribed a diploma for Emperor Louis II and Pope Leo IV in 853. In 861 he was present at the Roman council of Pope Nicholas I, which discussed the matter of Bishop Joannes of Ravenna. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XV (Venice: A. Zatta 1770), p. 603. Cappelletti, p. 640.
  18. Bishop Radaldus was present at the synod of Ravenna on 25 April 967. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XVIII (Venice: A. Zatta 1773), p. 500. Schwartz, p. 252.
  19. Bishop Rainerius was present at the Roman synod of Pope Benedict VIII in 1015. Ughelli III, p. 661. Schwartz, p. 252.
  20. Cappelletti, p. 641, posits a bishop Otto between Rainerius and Crescentius, based on a letter of Pope Gregory VII (III. 13). The letter, however, does not support Cappelletti's thesis, as Schwartz notes, p. 262, note 1.
  21. Bishop Crescentius was present at the Roman synod of Pope Benedict IX on 2 November 1039. Ughelli, p. 661. Cappelletti, p. 641. Schwartz, p. 252.
  22. Bishop Gerardus was present at the Roman synod of Pope Leo IX on 2 May 1050, and at the synod of Pope Nicholas II in May 1059. He subscribed a bull on 18 January 1060. Schwartz, p. 252.
  23. [Pope Gregory VII]
  24. Gams, p. 754, column 2. Schwartz, p. 252, points out that the name derives from Ughelli III, p. 661, who provides no documentary support. Schwartz rejects Baulfus.
  25. On 7 April 1101, Bishop Ildebrandus invested the abbot of Albarense with the entire tithe of that territory. Ughelli, pp. 661-662. Kehr, p. 260, no. 5. Schwartz, p. 252.
  26. Berardus signed a document on 9 August 1118. Though his personal name is not used, two angry letters were sent to him by Pope Calixtus II in 1122 and 1123. Cappelletti, pp. 642-643. Kehr III, p. 260, nos. 6-7. Schwartz, p. 253. He is unknown to Ughelli III, p. 663.
  27. Rolandus: Minucci, pp. 200-209.
  28. Rolandus was appointed Bishop of Roselle c. 1133. His episcopal seat was transferred to Grosseto on 9 April 1138. In 1160, he was commanded by Pope Alexander III to lay the foundation stone of a church which was to be built for the nuns of Monte-Cellese by Count Ildobrandino. Cappelletti, pp. 644-649.
  29. Book: Minucci, Giotto. La città di Grosseto e i suoi vescovi (498-1988). The city of Grosseto and its bishops (498-1988). Florence. Lucio Pugliese. 1988.
  30. Bishop Martinus was present at the Third Lateran Council of Pope Alexander III in March 1179. J.-D. Mansi (ed.) Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XXII (Venice: A. Zatta 1778), p. 459. Cappelletti, p. 649. Minucci, p. 210.
  31. On 12 April 1188, Pope Clement III issued the bull "In Eminenti", at the request of Bishop Gualfredus, taking the diocese of Grosseto under papal protection, and enumerating the various territories which formed the diocese. Book: Julius von Pflugk-Harttung. Acta pontificum romanorum inedita . III. 1886. Kohlhammer Verlag. Stuttgart. de, la. 359–261, no. 414. Kehr III, p. 261, no. 12. Cappelletti, p. 649. Minucci, p. 210-216.
  32. Azzo: Minucci, p. 210
  33. Hermannus, who had previously been Provost of the cathedral of Siena, died on 1 February 1216, according to the necrology of the cathedral of Siena. Cappelletti, p. 649: "Anno Domini MCCXVI Kalendis Februarii obiit Hermannus, qui fuit Senis Propositus et postea Grossetanus episcopus." Minucci, p. 210.
  34. Pepus was elected in 1216. He is wrongly believed to have been a Franciscan. Ughelli, p. 663. Cappelletti, pp. 649-650. Minucci, p. 217.
  35. Azzo (Actius): In a letter of 12 April 1239, Pope Gregory IX assigns the duty of consecrating him to the Archbishop of Pisa. Ughelli, pp. 663-664. Cappelletti, p. 650. Minucci, p. 218.
  36. Ugo: Eubel I, p. 268. Minucci, pp. 218-219.
  37. Bartolomeo was approved by Pope Nicholas III on 9 April 1278, and was consecrated by the Pope personally. He was immediately dispatched to Constantinople to negotiate the union of western and eastern churches. He was also appointed Inquisitor against heresy in the Patrimony of S. Peter, Orvieto, and the Romagna. He served as papal Vicar for the city of Rome, however, from 1288 to 1291. In 1290 he was sent to England as apostolic Legate. He died in 1291. Ughelli III, p. 664. Cappelletti, p. 650. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica I, p. 268 with note 2.
  38. The cathedral Chapter proceeded to elect a successor to Bishop Offreduccio by "the way of compromise." Two canons chose Giovanni, who was approved by Pope Boniface VIII on 12 October 1296. He died around the year 1305. Cappelletti, pp. 650-651. A. Thomas, Les registres de Boniface VIII Tome I (Paris: E. Thorin 1884), pp. 499-500, no. 1402. Eubel I, p. 268.
  39. Restaurus had been guardian of the convent in Massa. He was elected by the Chapter, and approved by Pope Clement V on 17 February 1306. He held a diocesan synod in November 1320. Ughelli III, pp. 664-666. Eubel I, p. 268.
  40. Filippo was appointed Bishop of Grosseto by Pope John XXII on 7 November 1328. He was the first bishop made by papal appointment without a previous election by the cathedral Chapter of Grosseto. Pope John XXII had reserved to himself all the appointments to offices and benefices in Italy. Filippo was dead before 12 February 1330, when his successor was appointed. Ughelli, p. 666. Eubel I, p. 269.
  41. De Porta Sola: Eubel I, p. 269 with note 5.
  42. Angelo Cerretani: Eubel I, p. 269 with note 6.
  43. Benedetto Cerretani had been secular Prior of the collegiate church of Cerreto. Eubel I, p. 269.
  44. Tolomei: Eubel I, p. 269.
  45. Malvolti: Eubel I, p. 269.
  46. Giovanni had been Bishop of Venus . He was transferred to the diocese of Grosseto on 14 November 1390 by Pope Boniface IX. Gams, p. 755. Eubel I, p. 269.
  47. Malavolti: Gams, p. 755. Eubel I, p. 269.
  48. A native of Siena and a holder of the degree of Doctor in utroque iure, Bellanti had previously been Bishop of Monteverde, Bishop of Veroli (from 1384), Bishop of Narni (by 1387), on appointment of Pope Urban VI. He was transferred to the diocese of Grosseto by Gregory XII in 1407. He died on 6 July 1417, at the age of nearly 100. Ughelli, p. 670. Eubel I, pp. 269; 357 with note 6; 523.
  49. The son of a niece of Pope Urban VI, Casini was already Archbishop of Siena (1408–1439). He held the church of Grosseto in commendam from 12 September 1427, on the appointment of Pope Martin V, until his death on 4 February 1439. He was papal Legate in Bologna from 1427 to 1429. Ughelli, pp. 670-671. Cappelletti XVII, p. 646. Gams, p. 755. Eubel I, p. 269.
  50. Giuliano Cesarini (seniore) was never consecrated a bishop. He was appointed Administrator of the diocese of Grosseto in February 1439. He was named papal Legate to Hungary in March 1442, and died in Hungary at the Battle of Varna on 10 November 1444. Ughelli, pp. 671-680. Eubel Hierarchia catholica II, p. 161.
  51. Memmius had been a Canon of the cathedral of Siena, and held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure. He was appointed Bishop of Grosseto by Eugenius IV on 30 July 1445. He died in Siena in 1452. Eubel II, p. 161.
  52. Giovanni was a native of Siena, and held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure. He was named Bishop of Grosseto on 22 September 1452 by Pope Nicholas V. Eubel states that he died in 1488; he does not accept Cappelletti's and Gams' statement that Giovanni Pannocchieschi d'Elci succeeded him in 1471. Ughelli III, pp. 680-682. Eubel II, p. 161.
  53. Ughelli, pp. 682-689. Cappelletti, 656, 663, offering no clear proof that the Giovanni is Giovanni d'Elci.
  54. A native of Siena and nephew of Cardinal Girolamo Ghinucci, Ghinucci, who had been a scriptor litterarum Apostolicarum, had previously been Bishop of Soano (1470–1489). He was transferred to the diocese of Grosseto on 9 March 1489 by Pope Innocent VIII. He died in 1497, according to Ughelli III, p. 690. Eubel II, pp. 161, 243.
  55. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica III, p. 206.
  56. Cappelletti, p. 665. Eubel III, p. 206.
  57. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, pp. 197-198.
  58. "Bishop Giulio Sansedoni"
  59. "Bishop Francesco Piccolomini"
  60. "Bishop Ascanio Turamini"
  61. Book: Masini, Roberta. GORI PANNILINI, Giovanni Battista. Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani. Enciclopedia italiana Treccani. 58. 2002.
  62. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, p. 213 with note 3; 294 with note 4.
  63. Falconetti: Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, p. 213 with note 4.
  64. Pecci: Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, p. 213 with note 5.
  65. Franci: Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VI, p. 229 with note 2.
  66. Selvi: Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VI, p. 229 with note 3.
  67. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, p. 207.
  68. Born in the village of S. Lucia in the diocese of Pistoia e Prato, Fauli was appointed Bishop of Grosseto by Pope Pius IX on 22 February 1867. He died on 30 January 1876. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VIII, p. 292.
  69. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VIII, pp. 81, 292.
  70. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VIII, pp. 292, 360.
  71. Pięta, Hierarchia catholica IX, pp. 50, 189.
  72. Web site: Le parrocchie. it. Diocese of Grosseto official website. December 2014 . 15 April 2020.
  73. Book: Guerrini, Giuseppe. La Diocesi di Grosseto. Parrocchie, chiese e altri luoghi di culto, dalle origini ai nostri giorni. Roccastrada. Il mio amico. 1996.