Grigore Grigoriu (footballer) explained

Grigore Grigoriu
Birth Date:1899
Birth Place:Romania
Death Date:after 1975
Clubs2:Rapid București
Clubs4:Rapid București

Grigore Grigoriu (1899 – after 1975) was a Romanian football player.[1]

Grigoriu was the first team captain of Rapid București and one of its founders.[2] [3] [4] He had previously played for Venus București (1918–1923).[2] [3] The team's first jerseys were made in his house by hand by the wife of another Rapid founder Geza Ginzer, who chose the burgundy color instead of white because it was easier for her to wash it.[5] [6]

Grigoriu only played for two years for Rapid, before leaving for a wealthier team, Juventus București, in 1925.[7] [8] Although he felt bad to leave the team he helped be created, he was allowed to leave for a more prestigious team of the time.[9] [10] [11]


Venus București

1919–20, 1920–21

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Imagini cu cel care a fondat Rapid!. Romanian . Images with the founder of Rapid. 24 May 2016 . 5 June 2020.
  2. Web site: Rapidul sărbătorește 89 de ani de la primul meci oficial!. Romanian . Rapid celebrates 89 years since its first official match!. 27 October 2012 . 5 June 2020.
  3. Web site: Rapid, cel mai vechi club din București, sărbătorește 90 de ani de existență. Romanian . Rapid, the oldest club in Bucharest, celebrates 90 years of existence. 25 October 2015 . 5 June 2020.
  4. Web site: Interviu de colecție cu primul căpitan din istoria Rapidului! "Fotbalul trebuie să rămână un spectacol! Amărăciunea eșecului oricum trece". Romanian . Collection interview with the first captain in the history of Rapid! "Football must remain a spectacle! The bitterness of failure passes anyway". 2 January 2024 . 30 June 2024.
  5. Web site: Nu ştim dacă Rapidul va supravieţui sau se va stinge. Dar Ioan Chirilă a scris, acum 45 de ani, cu har şi emoţie despre naşterea echipei din Giuleşti. "Este Biblia rapidistului", spunea chiar autorul . Romanian. We don't know if the Rapid will survive or disappear. But Ioan Chirilă wrote, 45 years ago, with grace and emotion about the birth of the team from Giuleşti. It is the "Bible of the Rapid fan", as the author himself said. 8 August 2013. 5 June 2020.
  6. Web site: Rămân doar amintirile. Cinci momente de aur din istoria Rapidului . Romanian. Only memories are left. Five golden moments from the history of Rapid. 21 July 2016. 5 June 2020.
  7. Web site: File de poveste ale clubului Petrolul Ploiesti – perioada Juventus! Episodul III – "MARTOR LA CUCERIREA UNUI TITLU EUROPEAN". Romanian . Story files of Petrolul Ploiesti club - Juventus period! Episode III – "WITNESS TO THE CONQUEST OF A EUROPEAN TITLE". 2 February 2014 . 7 December 2022.
  8. Web site: File de poveste – perioada Juventus! Episodul IV – "VICECAMPIOANĂ A ŢĂRII LA DOAR UN AN". Romanian . Story files - the Juventus period! Episode IV – "VICE CHAMPION OF THE COUNTRY IN JUST ONE YEAR". 9 February 2014 . 7 December 2022.
  9. Web site: File de poveste – perioada Juventus! Episodul V – "Campioana capitalei, la un pas de…retrogradare" . Romanian. Story pages – Juventus period! Episode V – "The champion of the capital, one step away from relegation". 15 February 2014. 5 June 2020.
  10. Web site: File de poveste – perioada Juventus! Episodul VI – "TITLU RATAT DIN CAUZA INDISCIPLINEI" . Romanian. Story files - the Juventus period! Episode VI – "LOST TITLE DUE TO INDISCIPLINE". 22 February 2014. 7 December 2022.
  11. Web site: File de poveste – perioada Juventus! Episodul VII – "DIN NOU VICECAMPIOANA DISTRICTULUI" . Romanian. Story files - the Juventus period! Episode VII – "AGAIN DISTRICT VICE CHAMPION". 1 March 2014. 7 December 2022.