Hosea 1 Explained

Hosea 1 is the first chapter of the Book of Hosea in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. This book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophet Hosea, son of Beeri, and this chapter especially sets forth the spiritual whoredom of Israel by symbolical acts. It is a part of the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets.[1] [2]


The original text was written in Hebrew. This chapter is divided into 11 verses in English Bibles, but in Hebrew Bibles verses 10 and 11 appear in chapter 2.[3] [4] This article generally follows the common numbering in Christian English Bible versions, with notes to the numbering in Hebrew Bible versions.

Some early manuscripts containing the text of this chapter in Hebrew are of the Masoretic Text tradition, which include the Codex Cairensis (895), the Petersburg Codex of the Prophets (916), Aleppo Codex (10th century), Codex Leningradensis (1008). Fragments containing parts of this chapter were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, including 4Q79 (4QXIId; 75–50 BCE) with extant verses 6–11 (verses 1:6-9, 2:1-5 in the Hebrew Bible),[5] [6] and 4Q82 (4QXIIg; 25 BCE) with extant verses 10–11 (verses 2:1-2 in Hebrew Bible).[5] [7]

There is also a translation into Koine Greek known as the Septuagint, made in the last few centuries BCE. Extant ancient manuscripts of the Septuagint version include Codex Vaticanus (B;


B; 4th century), Codex Alexandrinus (A;


A; 5th century) and Codex Marchalianus (Q;


Q; 6th century). Chapter 1 has 11 verses in the Septuagint.[8]


NKJV groups this chapter into:

Superscription (1:1)

The word of the Lord that came unto Hosea, the son of Beeri,

in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah,

and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel.[9]

The activities of Hosea was mainly in the second half of the 8th century BCE, from the reign of Jeroboam (c. 787-747 BCE; the last year of Jeroboam coincides with the 15th of Uzziah) to the reign of Hoshea (c. 731-722 BCE) in the northern kingdom of Israel, which may coincide with the first year of Hezekiah (of the Kingdom of Judah), for about 69 years, Despite reigning earlier than most king's of Judah listed here, Jeroboam king of Israel is mentioned last, because Hosea's prophecy starts in Jeroboam's reign and mainly against the kingdom of Israel. Apparently Hosea was contemporary with the prophets Isaiah (cf.), Amos, and Micah, as well as Lycurgus the lawgiver of the Lacedemonians, and Hesiod the Greek poet. During Hosea's lifetime, the city of Rome began to be built.[13]

The children of Hosea's marriage with Gomer (1:2–9)

This part records the account of Hosea marrying Gomer and having three children 'bearing sign-names of judgement for Israel'.

Verse 2

The beginning of the word of the Lord by Hosea.

And the Lord said to Hosea,

Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms:

for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from the Lord.[14]

Verse 3

So he went and took Gomer the daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.[16]

Verse 4

And the Lord said unto him, Call his name Jezreel;

for yet a little while, and I will avenge the blood of Jezreel upon the house of Jehu,

and will cause to cease the kingdom of the house of Israel.[17]

Verse 6

And she conceived again and bore a daughter. Then God said to him:

"Call her name Lo-Ruhamah,

For I will no longer have mercy on the house of Israel,

But I will utterly take them away."[18]

Verse 8

Now when she had weaned Lo-Ruhamah, she conceived and bore a son.[21]

Verse 9

Then God said:

“Call his name Lo-Ammi,

For you are not My people,

And I will not be your God."[22]

Oracle of Salvation: The Reversal of Judgement (1:10–11)

The three verses, consisting of Hosea 1:10, 11 and continued to 2:1, reverse the negative meanings of the children's names and apply them to the nation of Israel. The Masoretic Text numbers the verses as 2:1-3.[23]

Verse 10

Yet the number of the children of Israel will be as the sand of the sea,

which cannot be measured nor numbered;

And in the place where it was said to them,

"You are not My people,"

there it will be said to them,

“You are the children of the living God.”[24]

Verse 11

Then will the Judahites and the children of Israel be gathered together,

and appoint themselves one head,

and they will come up out of the land,

for great will be the day of Jezreel.[26] As Yahweh is one, then His chosen people must also be one (cf. 3:3 KJV3:4 KJV, KJV, KJV), so the schism of north (Kingdom of Israel-Samaria) and south (Kingdom of Judah) will be healed (cf. 11:13 KJV, 37:22 KJV).[23]

See also


. Joseph Fitzmyer . A Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 2008. 9780802862419. Grand Rapids, MI .

. Ernst Würthwein . The Text of the Old Testament . Wm. B. Eerdmans . Grand Rapids, MI . 1995 . Erroll F.. Rhodes . 0-8028-0788-7 . January 26, 2019.

External links



Notes and References

  1. [Bruce M. Metzger|Metzger, Bruce M.]
  2. Keck, Leander E. 1996. The New Interpreter's Bible: Volume: VII. Nashville: Abingdon.
  3. Notes on Hosea 1:10 and Hosea 2:1 in the English Standard Version
  4. 2:1-2 HE in the Mechon Mamre edition
  5. https://thewaytoyahuweh.com/dead-sea-scrolls/general-info/#hosea Dead sea scrolls - Hosea
  6. https://www.deadseascrolls.org.il/explore-the-archive/manuscript/4Q79-1 4Q79 at the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library
  7. https://www.deadseascrolls.org.il/explore-the-archive/manuscript/4Q82-1 4Q82 at the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library
  8. [Lancelot Brenton|Brenton, L.]
  9. 1:1 KJV KJV
  10. Exell, Joseph S.; Spence-Jones, Henry Donald Maurice (Editors). On "Hosea 1". In: The Pulpit Commentary. 23 volumes. First publication: 1890. Accessed 24 April 2019.
  11. [Albert Barnes (theologian)|Barnes, Albert]
  12. Robert Jamieson, Andrew Robert Fausset; David Brown. Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown's Commentary On the Whole Bible. 1871.
  13. [John Gill (theologian)|John Gill]
  14. 1:2 KJV KJV
  15. Note on Hosea 1:2 in NKJV
  16. 2 Hosea NKJV
  17. 1:4 KJV KJV
  18. 2 Hosea NKJV
  19. Note [a] on Hosea 1:6 in NKJV
  20. Note [b] on Hosea 1:6 in NKJV
  21. 2 Hosea NKJV
  22. 2 Hosea NKJV
  23. [Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges]
  24. 2 Hosea MEV
  25. https://biblehub.com/text/hosea/1-10.htm Hebrew Text Analysis: Hosea 1:10
  26. 2 Hosea MEV