Irish orthography explained

Irish orthography is the set of conventions used to write Irish. A spelling reform in the mid-20th century led to Irish: [[An Caighdeán Oifigiúil]], the modern standard written form used by the Government of Ireland, which regulates both spelling and grammar.[1] The reform removed inter-dialectal silent letters, simplified some letter sequences, and modernised archaic spellings to reflect modern pronunciation, but it also removed letters pronounced in some dialects but not in others.

Irish spelling represents all Irish dialects to a high degree despite their considerable phonological variation, e.g. Irish: crann ("tree") is read pronounced as //kɾˠan̪ˠ// in Mayo and Ulster, pronounced as //kɾˠaːn̪ˠ// in Galway, or pronounced as //kɾˠəun̪ˠ// in Munster. Some words may have dialectal pronunciations not reflected by their standard spelling, and they sometimes have distinct dialectal spellings to reflect this.[2]


Latin script has been the writing system used to write Irish since the 5th century, when it replaced Ogham, which was used to write Primitive Irish and Old Irish.[3] Prior to the mid-20th century, Gaelic type was the main typeface used to write Irish; now, it is usually replaced by Roman type . The use of Ogham and Gaelic type today is restricted to decorative or self-consciously traditional contexts. The dot above a lenited letter in Gaelic type is usually replaced by a following in Roman type (e.g. →).[4]

Letters and letter names

The traditional Irish alphabet (Irish: aibítir) consists of 18 letters: . It does not contain, although they are used in scientific terminology and modern loanwords of foreign origin. occurs in a small number of (mainly onomatopoeic) native words (e.g. Irish: vácarnach "to quack" and Irish: vrác "caw") and colloquialisms (e.g. Irish: víog for Irish: bíog "chirp" and Irish: vís for Irish: bís "screw").[5], when not prefixed to a word initial vowel or after a consonant to show lenition, primarily occurs word initially in loanwords, e.g. Irish: hata "hat". is the only letter not listed by Ó Dónaill.

Vowels may be accented with an acute accent (; see below).[6] Accented letters are considered variants of their unaccented equivalent, and they follow their unaccented equivalents in dictionaries (i.e.,,, ...).

English letter names are generally used in both colloquial and formal speech but there are modern Irish letter names (based on the original Latin names), similar to other languages that use a Latin script alphabet. Tree names were historically used to name the letters. Tradition taught that they all derived from the names of Ogham letters, though it is now known that only some of the earliest were named after trees.

LetterName[7] [8] Name(IPA)Tree Name (Irish: [[Bríatharogam]])Ogham equivalentNotes
AaIrish: á pronounced as //aː//Irish: [[ailm]] (pine)
BbIrish: pronounced as //bʲeː//Irish: [[Beith (letter)|beith]] (birch)
CcIrish: pronounced as //ceː//Irish: [[Coll (letter)|coll]] (hazel)
DdIrish: pronounced as //dʲeː//Irish: [[dair]] (oak)
EeIrish: é pronounced as //eː//Irish: [[eadhadh]] (poplar)
FfIrish: eifpronounced as //ɛfʲ//Irish: [[Fearn (letter)|fearn]] (alder)
GgIrish: pronounced as //ɟeː//Irish: [[Gort (letter)|gort]] (ivy)
HhIrish: héispronounced as //heːʃ//Irish: [[uath]] (hawthorn)
IiIrish: í pronounced as //iː//Irish: [[iodhadh]] (yew)
JjIrish: pronounced as //dʒeː//pronounced as /[dʒ]/ is a foreign sound.
KkIrish: pronounced as //kaː//
LlIrish: eilpronounced as //ɛlʲ//Irish: [[Luis (letter)|luis]] (rowan)
MmIrish: eimpronounced as //ɛmʲ//Irish: [[Muin (letter)|muin]] (vine)
NnIrish: einpronounced as //ɛnʲ//Irish: [[nion]] (ash)
OoIrish: ó pronounced as //oː//Irish: [[onn]] (gorse)
PpIrish: pronounced as //pʲeː// (gooseberry or thorn)See .
Irish: [[Forfeda|peith]] (dwarf alder)
QqIrish: pronounced as //kuː// is used to transliterate Irish: [[ceirt]] (apple).
RrIrish: earpronounced as //aɾˠ//Irish: [[Ruis (letter)|ruis]] (elder)
SsIrish: easpronounced as //asˠ//Irish: [[Sail (letter)|sail]] (willow)
TtIrish: pronounced as //tʲeː//Irish: [[Tinne (letter)|tinne]] (holly)
UuIrish: ú pronounced as //uː//Irish: [[úr]] (heather)
VvIrish: pronounced as //vʲeː//
WwIrish: waepronounced as //weː//
XxIrish: eacspronounced as //ɛksˠ//
YyIrish: pronounced as //jeː//
ZzIrish: zaepronounced as //zˠeː// is used to transliterate Irish: [[straif]] (blackthorn); pronounced as /[zˠ]/ is a foreign sound.

Grapheme to phoneme correspondence

In grapheme to phoneme correspondence tables on this page:

See Irish phonology for an explanation of the symbols used and Irish initial mutations for an explanation of eclipsis and lenition.


Consonants are generally "broad" (velarised) when beside and "slender" (palatalised) when beside .[9] [10] Irish orthography does not allow consonant letters or digraphs to be doubled (except in), in compound words which would result in doubled consonants they are broken up by a hyphen (see below).

bbroadpronounced as //bˠ//Irish: bain pronounced as //bˠanʲ// "take" (imper.), Irish: scuab pronounced as //sˠkuəbˠ// "broom"
slenderpronounced as //bʲ//Irish: béal pronounced as //bʲeːlˠ// "mouth", Irish: cnáib pronounced as //knˠaːbʲ// "hemp"
bhbroadpronounced as //w//Irish: bhain pronounced as //wanʲ// "took", Irish: ábhar pronounced as //ˈaːwəɾˠ// "material", Irish: dubhaigh pronounced as //ˈd̪ˠʊwiː// "blacken" (imper.), Irish: taobh pronounced as //t̪ˠiːw// "side", Irish: dubh pronounced as //d̪ˠʊw// "black"
slenderpronounced as //vʲ//Irish: bhéal pronounced as //vʲeːlˠ// "mouth" (lenited), Irish: cuibhreann pronounced as //ˈkɪvʲɾʲən̪ˠ// "common table", Irish: aibhneacha pronounced as //ˈavʲnʲəxə// "rivers", Irish: sibh pronounced as //ʃɪvʲ// "you" (pl.)
See below for
(eclipsis of )
broadpronounced as //w//Irish: bhfuinneog pronounced as //ˈwɪn̠ʲoːɡ// "window" (eclipsed)
slenderpronounced as //vʲ//Irish: bhfíon pronounced as //vʲiːnˠ// "wine" (eclipsed)
(eclipsis of)
broadpronounced as //bˠ//Irish: bpoll pronounced as //bˠoːl̪ˠ// "hole" (eclipsed)
slenderpronounced as //bʲ//Irish: bpríosún pronounced as //ˈbʲɾʲiːsˠuːnˠ// "prison" (eclipsed)
cbroadpronounced as //k//Irish: cáis pronounced as //kaːʃ// "cheese", Irish: mac pronounced as //mˠak// "son"
slenderpronounced as //c//Irish: ceist pronounced as //cɛʃtʲ// "question", Irish: mic pronounced as //mʲɪc// "sons"
chbroadpronounced as //x//Irish: cháis pronounced as //xaːʃ// "cheese" (lenited), Irish: taoiseach pronounced as //ˈt̪ˠiːʃəx// "chieftain, Prime Minister of Ireland"
slenderbefore Irish: boichte pronounced as //bˠɔxtʲə// "poorer"
usuallypronounced as //ç//Irish: cheist pronounced as //çɛʃtʲ// "question" (lenited), Irish: deich pronounced as //dʲɛç// "ten", Irish: oíche pronounced as //ˈiːçə// "night"
dbroadpronounced as //d̪ˠ//Irish: dorn pronounced as //d̪ˠoːɾˠn̪ˠ// "fist", Irish: nead pronounced as //n̠ʲad̪ˠ// "nest"
slenderpronounced as //dʲ//Irish: dearg pronounced as //dʲaɾˠəɡ// "red", Irish: cuid pronounced as //kɪdʲ// "part"
dhbroadinitiallypronounced as //ɣ//Irish: dhorn pronounced as //ɣoːɾˠn̪ˠ// "fist" (lenited)
elsewherepronounced as //∅//Irish: ádh pronounced as //aː// "luck"
slenderusuallypronounced as //j//Irish: dhearg pronounced as //ˈjaɾˠəɡ// "red" (lenited), Irish: fáidh pronounced as //fˠaːj// "prophet"
finallypronounced as //j//pronounced as //∅//pronounced as //ɟ//
See below for . See Exceptions in verb forms for - at the end of verbs endings.
dtbroadeclipsis of pronounced as //d̪ˠ//Irish: dtaisce pronounced as //ˈd̪ˠaʃcə// "treasure" (eclipsed)
elsewhere pronounced as //t̪ˠ//Irish: greadta pronounced as //ˈɟɾʲat̪ˠə// "beaten"
slendereclipsis of pronounced as //dʲ//Irish: dtír pronounced as //dʲiːɾʲ// "country" (eclipsed)
elsewherepronounced as //tʲ//Irish: goidte pronounced as //ˈɡɛtʲə// "stolen"
fbroadpronounced as //fˠ//Irish: fós pronounced as //fˠoːsˠ// "still", Irish: graf pronounced as //ɡɾˠafˠ// "graph"
slenderpronounced as //fʲ//Irish: fíon pronounced as //fʲiːnˠ// "wine", Irish: stuif pronounced as //sˠt̪ˠɪfʲ// "stuff"
See Exceptions in verb forms for -- in future and conditional personal verb endings.
fhpronounced as //∅//Irish: fhuinneog pronounced as //ˈɪn̠ʲoːɡ// "window" (lenited), Irish: fhíon pronounced as //iːnˠ// "wine" (lenited)
gbroadpronounced as //ɡ//Irish: gasúr pronounced as //ˈɡasˠuːɾˠ// "boy", Irish: bog pronounced as //bˠɔɡ// "soft"
slenderpronounced as //ɟ//Irish: geata pronounced as //ˈɟat̪ˠə// "gate", Irish: carraig pronounced as //ˈkaɾˠəɟ// "rock"
(eclipsis of )
broadpronounced as //ɡ//Irish: gcáis pronounced as //ɡaːʃ// "cheese" (eclipsed)
slenderpronounced as //ɟ//Irish: gceist pronounced as //ɟɛʃtʲ// "question" (eclipsed)
ghbroadinitiallypronounced as //ɣ//Irish: ghasúr pronounced as //ˈɣasˠuːɾˠ// "boy" (lenited)
elsewherepronounced as //∅//Irish: Eoghan pronounced as //ˈoːənˠ// (male name)
slenderusuallypronounced as //j//Irish: gheata pronounced as //ˈjat̪ˠə// "gate" (lenited), Irish: dóigh pronounced as //d̪ˠoːj// "way, manner"
finallypronounced as //j//pronounced as //∅//pronounced as //ɟ//
See below for . See Exceptions in verb forms for at the end of verbs.
hpronounced as //h//Irish: hata pronounced as //ˈhat̪ˠə// "hat", Irish: na héisc pronounced as //nə heːʃc// "the fish" (plural)
j (loan consonant)pronounced as //dʒ//Irish: jab pronounced as //ˈdʒabˠ// "job", Irish: jíp pronounced as //dʒiːpʲ// "jeep"
lbroadinitiallyusuallypronounced as //l̪ˠ//Irish: luí pronounced as //l̪ˠiː// "lying (down)"
lenitedpronounced as //lˠ//Irish: lann pronounced as //lˠaːn̪ˠ// "blade" (lenited)
elsewherepronounced as //lˠ// or pronounced as //l̪ˠ//Irish: béal pronounced as //bʲeːlˠ// "mouth"
slenderinitiallyusuallypronounced as //l̠ʲ//Irish: leisciúil pronounced as //ˈl̠ʲɛʃcuːlʲ// "lazy"
lenitedpronounced as //lʲ//Irish: leanbh pronounced as //ˈlʲanˠəw// "baby" (lenited)
elsewherepronounced as //lʲ// or pronounced as //l̠ʲ//Irish: siúil pronounced as //ˈʃuːlʲ// "walk"
llbroadpronounced as //l̪ˠ//poll pronounced as //poːl̪ˠ// "hole"
slenderpronounced as //l̠ʲ//coill pronounced as //kəil̠ʲ// "woods"
mbroadpronounced as //mˠ//Irish: mór pronounced as //mˠoːɾˠ// "big", Irish: am pronounced as //aːmˠ// "time"
slenderpronounced as //mʲ//Irish: milis pronounced as //ˈmʲɪlʲəʃ// "sweet", Irish: im pronounced as //iːmʲ// "butter"
(eclipsis of)
broadpronounced as //mˠ//Irish: mbaineann pronounced as //ˈmˠanʲən̪ˠ// "takes" (eclipsed)
slenderpronounced as //mʲ//Irish: mbéal pronounced as //mʲeːlˠ// "mouth" (eclipsed)
mhbroadpronounced as //w//Irish: mhór pronounced as //woːɾˠ// "big" (lenited), Irish: lámha pronounced as //ˈl̪ˠaːwə// "hands", Irish: léamh pronounced as //l̠ʲeːw// "reading"
slenderpronounced as //vʲ//Irish: mhilis pronounced as //ˈvʲɪlʲəʃ// "sweet" (lenited), Irish: uimhir pronounced as //ˈɪvʲəɾʲ// "number", Irish: nimh pronounced as //n̠ʲɪvʲ// "poison"
See below for .
nbroadinitiallyusuallypronounced as //n̪ˠ//Irish: naoi pronounced as //n̪ˠiː// "nine"
lenitedpronounced as //nˠ//Irish: nótaí pronounced as //nˠoːt̪ˠiː// "notes" (lenited)
after non initial cons.pronounced as //ɾˠ//pronounced as //nˠ// pronounced as //mˠɾˠaː// "women", pronounced as //ˈkɾˠapʲə// "press"
usuallypronounced as //nˠ// or pronounced as //n̪ˠ//Irish: bean pronounced as //bʲanˠ// "woman"
slenderinitiallyusuallypronounced as //n̠ʲ//Irish: neart pronounced as //n̠ʲaɾˠt̪ˠ// "strength"
lenitedpronounced as //nʲ//Irish: neart pronounced as //nʲaɾˠt̪ˠ// "strength" (lenited)
after non initial cons.pronounced as //ɾʲ//pronounced as //nʲ// "sex", pronounced as //ˈcɾʲiːpˠəɾʲə// "skinflint"
usuallypronounced as //nʲ// or pronounced as //n̠ʲ//Irish: Eoin pronounced as //oːnʲ// (male name)
ncbroadpronounced as //ŋk//Irish: ancaire pronounced as //ˈaŋkəɾʲə// "anchor"
slenderpronounced as //ɲc//Irish: rinc pronounced as //ɾˠɪɲc// "dance"
(eclipsis of )
broadpronounced as //n̪ˠ//Irish: ndorn pronounced as //n̪ˠoːɾˠn̪ˠ// "fist" (eclipsed)
slenderpronounced as //n̠ʲ//Irish: ndearg pronounced as //ˈn̠ʲaɾˠəɡ// "red" (eclipsed)
ngbroadeclipsis of pronounced as //ŋ//Irish: ngasúr pronounced as //ˈŋasˠuːɾˠ// "boy" (eclipsed)
elsewherepronounced as //ŋ(g)//Irish: long pronounced as //l̪ˠuːŋɡ// "ship", Irish: teanga pronounced as //ˈtʲaŋɡə// "tongue"
slendereclipsis of pronounced as //ɲ//Irish: ngeata pronounced as //ˈɲat̪ˠə// "gate" (eclipsed)
elsewherepronounced as //ɲ(ɟ)//Irish: cuing pronounced as //kɪɲɟ// "yoke", Irish: ingear pronounced as //ˈɪɲɟəɾˠ// "vertical"
nnbroadpronounced as //n̪ˠ//Irish: ceann pronounced as //caːn̪ˠ// "head"
slenderpronounced as //n̠ʲ//Irish: tinneas pronounced as //ˈtʲɪn̠ʲəsˠ// "illness"
pbroadpronounced as //pˠ//Irish: poll pronounced as //pˠoːl̪ˠ// "hole", Irish: stop pronounced as //sˠt̪ˠɔpˠ// "stop"
slenderpronounced as //pʲ//Irish: príosún pronounced as //ˈpʲɾʲiːsˠuːnˠ// "prison", Irish: truip pronounced as //t̪ˠɾˠɪpʲ// "trip"
phbroadpronounced as //fˠ//Irish: pholl pronounced as //fˠoːl̪ˠ// "hole" (lenited)
slenderpronounced as //fʲ//Irish: phríosún pronounced as //ˈfʲɾʲiːsˠuːnˠ// "prison" (lenited)
rbroadpronounced as //ɾˠ//Irish: ruán pronounced as //ˈɾˠuːaːnˠ// "buckwheat", Irish: cumhra pronounced as //kuːɾˠə// "fragrant", Irish: fuar pronounced as //fˠuəɾˠ// "cold"
slenderinitiallyIrish: pronounced as //ɾˠiː// "king"
before Irish: airde pronounced as //aːɾˠdʲə// "height", Irish: duirling pronounced as //ˈd̪ˠuːɾˠl̠ʲən̠ʲ// "stony beach", Irish: coirnéal pronounced as //ˈkoːɾˠn̠ʲeːlˠ// "corner", Irish: cuairt pronounced as //kuəɾˠtʲ// "visit", Irish: oirthear pronounced as //ˈɔɾˠhəɾˠ// "east"
after Irish: sreang pronounced as //sˠɾˠaŋɡ// "string"
usuallypronounced as //ɾʲ//Irish: tirim pronounced as //ˈtʲɪɾʲəmʲ// "dry", Irish: fuair pronounced as //fˠuəɾʲ// "got"
rrpronounced as //ɾˠ//carr pronounced as //kaːɾˠ// "car, cart"
sbroadpronounced as //sˠ//Irish: Sasana pronounced as //ˈsˠasˠənˠə// "England", Irish: tús pronounced as //t̪ˠuːsˠ// "beginning"
slenderinitially before Irish: sféar pronounced as //sˠfʲeːɾˠ// "sphere", Irish: speal pronounced as //sˠpʲalˠ// "scythe", Irish: sméar pronounced as //sˠmʲeːɾˠ// "blackberry", Irish: sreang pronounced as //sˠɾˠaŋɡ// "string"
usuallypronounced as //ʃ//Irish: sean pronounced as //ʃanˠ// "old", Irish: cáis pronounced as //kaːʃ// "cheese"
shpronounced as //h//Irish: Shasana pronounced as //ˈhasˠənˠə// "England" (lenited), Irish: shiúil pronounced as //huːlʲ// "walked"
tbroadpronounced as //t̪ˠ//Irish: taisce pronounced as //ˈt̪ˠaʃcə// "treasure", Irish: ceart pronounced as //caɾˠt̪ˠ// "correct"
slenderpronounced as //tʲ//Irish: tír pronounced as //tʲiːɾʲ// "country", Irish: beirt pronounced as //bʲɛɾˠtʲ// "two (people)"
thusuallypronounced as //h//Irish: thuaidh pronounced as //huə// "north", Irish: thíos pronounced as //hiːsˠ// "below", Irish: athair pronounced as //ˈahəɾʲ// "father", Irish: coinnithe pronounced as //ˈkɪn̠ʲɪhə// "kept", Irish: ith pronounced as //ɪh// "eat", Irish: foghlamtha pronounced as //ˈfˠoːlˠəmˠhə// "learned", Irish: ruaigthe pronounced as //ˈɾˠuəcə// "chased", Irish: scuabtha pronounced as //ˈsˠkuəpˠə// "swept"
finally after a long vowel or diphthongpronounced as //∅//Irish: bláth pronounced as //bˠlˠaː// "blossom", Irish: cliath pronounced as //clʲiə// "harrow"
(mutation of - after "the")
broadpronounced as //t̪ˠ//Irish: an tsolais pronounced as //ə(n̪ˠ) ˈt̪ˠɔlˠəʃ// "the light (gen.)"
slenderpronounced as //tʲ//Irish: an tSín pronounced as //ə(nʲ) tʲiːnʲ// "China"
v (loan consonant)broadpronounced as //w//Irish: vóta pronounced as //ˈwoːt̪ˠə// "vote"
slenderpronounced as //vʲ//Irish: veidhlín pronounced as //ˈvʲəilʲiːnʲ// "violin"
z (loan consonant)broadpronounced as //zˠ//Irish: pronounced as //zˠuː// "zoo"
slenderpronounced as //ʒ//Irish: Zen pronounced as //ʒɛnʲ// "Zen"


Vowel sequences are common in Irish spelling due to the "Irish: caol le caol agus leathan le leathan" ("slender with slender and broad with broad") rule, i.e. that the vowels on either side of any consonant (or consonant cluster) must be both slender or both broad, to unambiguously determine if the consonant(s) are broad or slender.An apparent exception is, which is followed by a broad consonant despite the .[11]

The pronunciation of vowels in Irish is mostly predictable from the following rules:

astressedusuallypronounced as //a//Irish: fan pronounced as //fˠanˠ// "stay" (imper.)
before pronounced as //aː//Irish: garda pronounced as //ˈɡaːɾˠd̪ˠə// "policeman", Irish: tarlú pronounced as //ˈt̪ˠaːɾˠl̪ˠuː// "happening", Irish: carnán pronounced as //ˈkaːɾˠn̪ˠaːnˠ// "(small) heap", Irish: barr pronounced as //bˠaːɾˠ// "tip, point"
before syllable-final and -pronounced as //a//pronounced as //aː//pronounced as //əu//Irish: mall pronounced as //mˠaːl̪ˠ// "slow, late", Irish: ann pronounced as //aːn̪ˠ// "there", Irish: am pronounced as //aːmˠ// "time"
unstressedusuallypronounced as //ə//Irish: ólann pronounced as //ˈoːlˠən̪ˠ// "drink" (present), Irish: mála pronounced as //ˈmˠaːlˠə// "bag"
before pronounced as //a//pronounced as //ə//Irish: Domhnach pronounced as //ˈd̪ˠoːnˠəx// "Sunday"
á, áipronounced as //aː//Irish: bán pronounced as //bˠaːnˠ// "white", Irish: dáil pronounced as //d̪ˠaːlʲ// "assembly", Irish: gabháil pronounced as //ˈɡawaːlʲ// "taking"
ae, aeipronounced as //eː//Irish: Gaelach pronounced as //ˈɡeːlˠəx// "Gaelic", Irish: Gaeilge pronounced as //ˈɡeːlʲɟə// "Irish (language)"
aistressedusuallypronounced as //a//Irish: baile pronounced as //ˈbˠalʲə// "home"
before pronounced as //aː//Irish: airne pronounced as //aːɾˠn̠ʲə// "sloe", Irish: airde pronounced as //aːɾˠdʲə// "height"
before syllable-final pronounced as //a//pronounced as //aː//pronounced as //əi//Irish: caillte pronounced as //ˈkaːl̠ʲtʲə// "lost, ruined", Irish: crainn pronounced as //kɾˠaːn̠ʲ// "trees"
unstressedpronounced as //ə//Irish: eolais pronounced as //ˈoːlˠəʃ// "knowledge" (genitive)
, aíopronounced as //iː//Irish: maígh pronounced as //mˠiːj// "claim" (imper.), Irish: gutaí pronounced as //ˈɡʊt̪ˠiː// "vowels", Irish: naíonán pronounced as //ˈn̪ˠiːnˠaːnˠ// "infant", Irish: beannaíonn pronounced as //ˈbʲan̪ˠiːnˠ// "blesses"
aopronounced as //iː//pronounced as //eː//Irish: saol pronounced as //sˠiːlˠ// "life"
aoipronounced as //iː//Irish: gaois pronounced as //ɡiːʃ// "shrewdness", Irish: naoi pronounced as //ˈn̪ˠiː// "nine"
e, eistressedusuallypronounced as //ɛ//Irish: te pronounced as //tʲɛ// "hot", Irish: ceist pronounced as //cɛʃtʲ// "question"
before pronounced as //eː//Irish: eirleach pronounced as //ˈeːɾˠl̠ʲəx// "destruction", Irish: ceirnín pronounced as //ˈceːɾˠnʲiːnʲ// "record album", Irish: ceird pronounced as //ceːɾˠdʲ// "trade, craft"
before pronounced as //ɪ//Irish: creimeadh pronounced as //ˈcɾʲɪmʲə// "corrosion, erosion", Irish: sceimhle pronounced as //ˈʃcɪvʲlʲə// "eroded", Irish: seinm pronounced as //ˈʃɪnʲəmʲ// "playing"
before syllable-final and -pronounced as //ɪ//pronounced as //iː//pronounced as //əi//Irish: greim pronounced as //ɟɾʲiːmʲ// "grip"
unstressedpronounced as //ə//Irish: míle pronounced as //ˈmʲiːlʲə// "thousand"
é, éa, éipronounced as //eː//Irish: pronounced as //ʃeː// "he", Irish: déanamh pronounced as //ˈdʲeːnˠəw// "doing", Irish: buidéal pronounced as //ˈbˠɪdʲeːlˠ// "bottle", Irish: scéimh pronounced as //ʃceːvʲ// "beauty", Irish: páipéir pronounced as //ˈpˠaːpʲeːɾʲ// "papers"
ea, eaistressedusuallypronounced as //a//Irish: bean pronounced as //bʲanˠ// "woman", Irish: veain pronounced as //vʲanʲ// "van"
before pronounced as //aː// pronounced as //caːɾˠd̪ˠiː// "craftsman", Irish: bearna pronounced as //ˈbʲaːɾˠn̪ˠə// "gap", pronounced as //fʲaːɾˠ// "better"
before syllable-final pronounced as //a//pronounced as //aː//pronounced as //əu//Irish: feall pronounced as //fʲaːl̪ˠ// "treachery", Irish: feanntach pronounced as //ˈfʲaːn̪ˠt̪ˠəx// "severe"
unstressedusuallypronounced as //ə//Irish: seisean pronounced as //ˈʃɛʃənˠ// "he" (emphatic)
before pronounced as //a//pronounced as //ə//Irish: taoiseach pronounced as //ˈt̪ˠiːʃəx// "chieftain"
, eáipronounced as //aː//Irish: Seán pronounced as //ʃaːnˠ// "John", Irish: caisleán pronounced as //ˈkaʃl̠ʲaːnˠ// "castle", Irish: meáin pronounced as //mʲaːnʲ// "middles", Irish: caisleáin pronounced as //ˈkaʃl̠ʲaːnʲ// "castles"
eo, eoiusuallypronounced as //oː//Irish: ceol pronounced as //coːlˠ// "music", Irish: dreoilín pronounced as //ˈdʲɾʲoːlʲiːnʲ// "wren"
in four wordspronounced as //ɔ//anseo pronounced as //ənʲˈʃɔ// "here", deoch pronounced as //dʲɔx// "drink", eochair pronounced as //ˈɔxəɾʲ// "key", seo pronounced as //ˈʃɔ// "this"
istressedusuallypronounced as //ɪ//Irish: pic pronounced as //pʲɪc// "pitch", Irish: ifreann pronounced as //ˈɪfʲɾʲən̪ˠ// "hell"
before syllable-final and -pronounced as //ɪ//pronounced as //iː//Irish: cill pronounced as //ciːl̠ʲ// "church", Irish: cinnte pronounced as //ˈciːn̠ʲtʲə// "sure", Irish: im pronounced as //iːmʲ// "butter"
unstressedpronounced as //ə//Irish: faoistin pronounced as //ˈfˠiːʃtʲənʲ// "confession"
í, íopronounced as //iː//Irish: gnímh pronounced as //ɟnʲiːvʲ// "act, deed" (gen.), Irish: cailín pronounced as //ˈkalʲiːnʲ// "girl", Irish: síol pronounced as //ʃiːlˠ// "seed"
ia, iaipronounced as //iə//Irish: Diarmaid pronounced as //dʲiərmədʲ// "Dermot", Irish: bliain pronounced as //bʲlʲiənʲ// "year"
, iáipronounced as //iː.aː//Irish: bián pronounced as //ˈbʲiːaːnˠ// "size", Irish: liáin pronounced as //ˈl̠ʲiːaːnʲ// "trowel" (gen.)
iobefore pronounced as //ɪ//Irish: fios pronounced as //fʲɪsˠ// "knowledge", Irish: bior pronounced as //bʲɪɾˠ// "spit, spike", Irish: cion pronounced as //cɪnˠ// "affection", Irish: giota pronounced as //ˈɟɪt̪ˠə// "bit, piece", Irish: giodam pronounced as //ˈɟɪd̪ˠəmˠ// "restlessness", Irish: friotháil pronounced as //ˈfʲɾʲɪhaːlʲ// "attention"
before pronounced as //ɪ//pronounced as //ʊ//Irish: siopa pronounced as //ˈʃʊpˠə// "shop", Irish: liom pronounced as //lʲʊmˠ// "with me", Irish: tiocfaidh pronounced as //ˈtʲʊkiː// "will come", Irish: Siobhán pronounced as //ˈʃʊwaːnˠ// "Joan", Irish: briogáid pronounced as //ˈbʲɾʲʊɡaːdʲ// "brigade", Irish: tiomáin pronounced as //ˈtʲʊmaːnʲ// "drive" (imper.), Irish: ionga pronounced as //ˈʊŋɡə// "(finger)nail"
before syllable-final pronounced as //ʊ//pronounced as //uː//Irish: fionn pronounced as //fʲʊn̪ˠ// "light-haired"
, ióipronounced as //iː.oː//Irish: sióg pronounced as //ˈʃiːoːɡ// "fairy", Irish: pióg pronounced as //ˈpʲiːoːɡ// "pie", Irish: grióir pronounced as //ˈɟɾʲiːoːɾʲ// "weakling"
iupronounced as //ʊ//Irish: fliuch pronounced as //fʲlʲʊx// "wet"
, iúipronounced as //uː//Irish: siúl pronounced as //ʃuːlˠ// "walk", Irish: bailiú pronounced as //ˈbˠalʲuː// "gathering", Irish: ciúin pronounced as //cuːnʲ// "quiet", Irish: inniúil pronounced as //ˈɪn̠ʲuːlʲ// "able, fit"
ostressedusuallypronounced as //ɔ//Irish: post pronounced as //pˠɔsˠt̪ˠ// "post"
before pronounced as //oː//Irish: bord pronounced as //bˠoːɾˠd̪ˠ// "table", Irish: orlach pronounced as //ˈoːɾˠl̪ˠəx// "inch"
before pronounced as //ɔ//pronounced as //ʊ//Irish: conradh pronounced as //ˈkʊnˠɾˠə// "agreement", Irish: cromóg pronounced as //ˈkɾˠʊmˠoːɡ// "hooked nose"
before syllable-final and -pronounced as //uː//pronounced as //əu//Irish: fonn pronounced as //fˠuːn̪ˠ// "desire, inclination", Irish: trom pronounced as //t̪ˠɾˠuːmˠ// "heavy", Irish: long pronounced as //l̪ˠuːŋɡ// "ship"
unstressedpronounced as //ə//Irish: mo pronounced as //mˠə// "my", Irish: cothrom pronounced as //ˈkɔɾˠəmˠ// "equal"
ó, óipronounced as //oː//Irish: póg pronounced as //pˠoːɡ// "kiss", Irish: armónach pronounced as //ˈaɾˠəmˠoːnəx// "harmonic", Irish: móin pronounced as //mˠoːnʲ// "sod, turf", Irish: bádóir pronounced as //ˈbˠaːd̪ˠoːɾʲ// "boatman"
oistressedusuallypronounced as //ɛ//Irish: scoil pronounced as //sˠkɛlʲ// "school", Irish: troid pronounced as //t̪ˠɾˠɛdʲ// "fight" (imper.), Irish: toitín pronounced as //ˈt̪ˠɛtʲiːnʲ// "cigarette", Irish: oibre pronounced as //ˈɛbʲɾʲə// "work" (gen.), Irish: thoir pronounced as //hɛɾʲ// "in the east", Irish: cloiche pronounced as //ˈklˠɛçə// "stone" (gen.)
before pronounced as //ɔ//Irish: cois pronounced as //kɔʃ// "foot" (dat.), Irish: cloisfidh pronounced as //ˈkl̪ˠɔʃiː// "will hear", Irish: boicht pronounced as //bˠɔxtʲ// "poor" (gen. sg. masc.), Irish: doirse pronounced as //ˈd̪ɔɾˠʃə// "doors", Irish: goirt pronounced as //ɡɔɾˠtʲ// "salty", Irish: oirthear pronounced as //ˈɔɾˠhəɾˠ// "east"
before pronounced as //oː//Irish: coirnéal pronounced as //ˈkoːɾˠn̠ʲeːlˠ// "corner", Irish: oird pronounced as //oːɾˠdʲ// "sledgehammers"
next to pronounced as //ɪ//Irish: anois pronounced as //əˈnˠɪʃ// "now", Irish: gloine pronounced as //ˈɡlˠɪnʲə// "glass", Irish: cnoic pronounced as //knˠɪc// "hills", Irish: roimh pronounced as //ɾˠɪvʲ// "before", Irish: coimeád pronounced as //ˈkɪmʲaːd̪ˠ// "keep" (imper.), Irish: loinge pronounced as //ˈl̪ˠɪɲɟə// "ship" (gen.)
before syllable-final and -pronounced as //ɪ//pronounced as //iː//Irish: foinn pronounced as //fˠiːnʲ// "wish" (gen.), Irish: droim pronounced as //d̪ˠɾˠiːmʲ// "back"
before syllable-final pronounced as //əi//pronounced as //iː//Irish: goill pronounced as //gəil̠ʲ// "grieve, hurt", Irish: coillte pronounced as //ˈkəil̠ʲtʲə// "forests"
unstressedpronounced as //ə//Irish: éadroime pronounced as //eːdˠɾˠəmʲə// "lightness"
, oíopronounced as //iː//Irish: croíleacán pronounced as //ˈkɾˠiːlʲəkaːnˠ// "core", Irish: croíonna pronounced as //ˈkɾˠiːn̪ˠə// "hearts"
ustressedusuallypronounced as //ʊ//Irish: dubh pronounced as //d̪ˠʊw// "black"
before pronounced as //uː//Irish: burla pronounced as //ˈbˠuːɾˠl̪ˠə// "bundle", Irish: murnán pronounced as //ˈmˠuːɾˠn̪ˠaːnˠ// "ankle"
in English loanwordspronounced as //ɔ// or pronounced as //ʊ//Irish: bus pronounced as //bˠɔsˠ//, Irish: club pronounced as //klˠɔbˠ//
unstressedpronounced as //ə//Irish: agus pronounced as //ˈaɡəsˠ// "and"
ú, úipronounced as //uː//Irish: tús pronounced as //t̪ˠuːsˠ// "beginning", Irish: súil pronounced as //suːlʲ// "eye", Irish: cosúil pronounced as //ˈkɔsˠuːlʲ// "like, resembling"
ua, uaipronounced as //uə//Irish: fuar pronounced as //fˠuəɾˠ// "cold", Irish: fuair pronounced as //fˠuəɾʲ// "got"
, uáipronounced as //uː.aː//Irish: ruán pronounced as //ˈɾˠuːaːnˠ// "buckwheat", Irish: duán pronounced as //ˈd̪ˠuːaːnˠ// "kidney, fishhook", Irish: fuáil pronounced as //ˈfˠuːaːlʲ// "sewing, stitching"
uistressedusuallypronounced as //ɪ//Irish: duine pronounced as //ˈd̪ˠɪnʲə// "person"
before pronounced as //ɪ//pronounced as //uː//Irish: duirling pronounced as //ˈd̪ˠuːɾˠlʲənʲ// "stony beach", Irish: tuirne pronounced as //ˈt̪ˠuːɾˠn̠ʲə// "spinning wheel"
before syllable-final and -pronounced as //iː//Irish: tuillteanach /ˈt̪ˠiːl̠ʲtʲənˠəx/ "deserving", Irish: puinn /pˠiːn̠ʲ/ "much", Irish: suim /sˠiːmʲ/ "interest"
unstressedpronounced as //ə//Irish: aguisín pronounced as //ˈaɡəʃiːnʲ// "addition"
, uíopronounced as //iː//Irish: buígh pronounced as //bˠiːj// "turn yellow" (imper.), Irish: buíon pronounced as //bˠiːnˠ// "band, troop"
, uóipronounced as //uː.oː//Irish: cruóg pronounced as //ˈkɾˠuːoːɡ// "urgent need", Irish: luóige pronounced as //ˈl̪ˠuːoːɟə// "pollock" (gen.)

Followed by

When followed by, a short vowel usually forms a diphthong or lengthens. For, see - in exceptions in verb forms.

(e)abh, (e)abha, (e)abhaipronounced as //oː// or pronounced as //əu//pronounced as //əu//Irish: Feabhra pronounced as //ˈfʲəuɾˠə// "February", Irish: leabhair pronounced as //l̠ʲəuɾʲ// "books", Irish: sabhall pronounced as //sˠəul̪ˠ// "barn"
(e)adh, (e)adha, (e)adhai, (e)agh, (e)agha, (e)aghaistressedpronounced as //eː// or pronounced as //əi//pronounced as //əi//Irish: meadhg pronounced as //mʲəiɡ// "whey", Irish: adharc pronounced as //əiɾˠk// "horn", Irish: adhairt pronounced as //əiɾˠtʲ// "pillow", Irish: saghsanna pronounced as //ˈsˠəisˠən̪ˠə// "sorts, kinds", Irish: deagha pronounced as //d̪ˠəi// "centaury", Irish: aghaidh pronounced as //əij// "face"
unstressedpronounced as //uː//pronounced as //ə//Irish: margadh pronounced as //ˈmˠaɾˠəɡə// "market", Irish: briseadh pronounced as //ˈbʲɾʲɪʃə// "breaking"
aidh, aidhe, aigh, aighe, aigheastressedpronounced as //əi//Irish: aidhleann pronounced as //ˈəilʲən̪ˠ// "rack", Irish: aidhe pronounced as //əi// "aye!", Irish: aighneas pronounced as //əinʲəsˠ// "argument, discussion", Irish: aighe pronounced as //əi// "cow, ox" (gen.), Irish: caighean pronounced as //kəinˠ// "cage"
unstressedpronounced as //iː//pronounced as //ə//pronounced as //əɟ//cleachtaidh pronounced as //ˈclʲaxt̪ˠiː// "practice" (gen.), Irish: bacaigh pronounced as //ˈbˠakiː// "beggar" (gen.)
(e)amh, (e)amha, (e)amhaistressedpronounced as //əu//Irish: ramhraigh pronounced as //ˈɾˠəuɾˠiː// "fattened", Irish: amhantar pronounced as //ˈəun̪ˠt̪ˠəɾˠ// "venture", Irish: [[Samhain]] pronounced as //sˠəunʲ// "November"
unstressedpronounced as //uː//pronounced as //ə(w)//pronounced as //əw// pronounced as //ˈakəd̪ˠəw// "academy", pronounced as //ˈcɾʲɛdʲəw// "belief, religion"
eidh, eidhea, eidhipronounced as //eː//pronounced as //əi//Irish: feidhm pronounced as //fʲəimʲ// "function", Irish: eidheann pronounced as //əin̪ˠ// "ivy", Irish: meidhir pronounced as //mʲəiɾʲ// "mirth"
eigh, eighea, eighiIrish: feighlí pronounced as //ˈfʲəilʲiː// "overseer", Irish: leigheas pronounced as //l̠ʲəisˠ// "healing", Irish: feighil pronounced as //fʲəilʲ// "vigilance"
idh, (u)ighstressedpronounced as //iː//pronounced as //ɪɟ//Irish: ligh pronounced as //l̠ʲiː// "sit", Irish: guigh pronounced as //giː// "pray"
unstressedpronounced as //iː//pronounced as //ə//pronounced as //əɟ//Irish: tuillidh pronounced as //ˈt̪ˠɪl̠ʲiː// "addition" (gen.), Irish: coiligh pronounced as //ˈkɛlʲiː// "rooster" (gen.)
oidh, oidhea, oidhipronounced as //əi//Irish: oidhre pronounced as //əiɾʲə// "heir", Irish: oidheanna pronounced as //əin̪ˠə// "tragedies"
oigh, oighea, oighiIrish: oighreach pronounced as //ˈəiɾʲəx// "glacial", Irish: oigheann pronounced as //əin̪ˠ// "oven", Irish: loighic pronounced as //l̪ˠəic// "logic"
(e)obh, (e)obha, (e)obhaipronounced as //oː//pronounced as //əu//Irish: lobhra pronounced as //ˈl̪ˠəuɾˠə// "leprosy", Irish: lobhar pronounced as //l̪ˠəuɾˠ// "leper", Irish: lobhair pronounced as //l̪ˠəuɾʲ// "lepers"
(e)odh, (e)odha, (e)odhaiIrish: bodhrán pronounced as //ˈbˠəuɾˠaːnˠ// "deaf person", Irish: bodhar pronounced as //bˠəuɾˠ// "deaf", Irish: bodhair pronounced as //bˠəuɾʲ// "deaf people"
(e)ogh, (e)ogha, (e)oghaiIrish: doghra pronounced as //ˈd̪ˠəuɾˠə// "misery", Irish: bogha pronounced as //bˠəu// "bow", Irish: broghais pronounced as //bˠɾˠəuʃ// "afterbirth (of animal)"
(e)omh, (e)omha, (e)omhaipronounced as //oː//Irish: Domhnach pronounced as //ˈd̪ˠoːnˠəx// "Sunday", Irish: comhar pronounced as //koːɾˠ// "partnership", Irish: domhain pronounced as //d̪ˠoːnʲ// "deep"
(i)ubhpronounced as //uː//pronounced as //ʊ(w)//pronounced as //ʊw//Irish: dubh pronounced as //d̪ˠʊw// "black", Irish: tiubh pronounced as //tʲʊw// "dense"
(i)umh, (i)umha, (i)umhaipronounced as //uː//Irish: cumhra pronounced as //ˈkuːɾˠə// "fragrant", Irish: Mumhan pronounced as //ˈmˠuːnˠ// "Munster" (gen.), Irish: ciumhais pronounced as //cuːʃ// "edge"


After a short vowel, an unwritten epenthetic pronounced as //ə// gets inserted between + (as well as, when derived from devoiced), when within a morpheme boundary, e.g. Irish: gorm pronounced as //ˈɡɔɾˠəmˠ// "blue", Irish: dearg pronounced as //ˈdʲaɾˠəɡ// "red", Irish: dorcha pronounced as //ˈd̪ˠɔɾˠəxə// "dark", Irish: ainm pronounced as //ˈanʲəmʲ// "name", Irish: deilgneach pronounced as //ˈdʲɛlʲəɟnʲəx// "prickly, thorny"’ Irish: leanbh pronounced as //ˈl̠ʲanˠəw// "child", Irish: airgead pronounced as //ˈaɾʲəɟəd̪ˠ// "silver, money". The main exception to this is which is mainly used for pronounced as //ŋ// or pronounced as //ɲ//.

Epenthesis does not occur after long vowels and diphthongs, e.g. Irish: téarma pronounced as //tʲeːɾˠmˠə// "term" or Irish: dualgas pronounced as //ˈd̪ˠuəlˠɡəsˠ// "duty", or across morpheme boundaries (i.e. after prefixes and in compound words), e.g. Irish: garmhac pronounced as //ˈɡaɾˠwak// "grandson" (from Irish: gar- "close, near" + Irish: mac "son"), Irish: an-chiúin pronounced as //ˈan̪ˠçuːnʲ// "very quiet" (from Irish: an- "very" + Irish: ciúin "quiet"), Irish: carrbhealach pronounced as //ˈkaːɾˠvʲalˠəx// "carriageway, roadway" (from Irish: carr "car" + Irish: bealach "way, road").

In Munster, epenthesis also occurs across morpheme boundaries, when follow (after any vowel) or (after short vowels), and when follows .

Exceptions in verb forms

See also: Irish conjugation. In verb forms, some letters and letter combinations are pronounced differently from elsewhere.

-dhbroadpreteritepronounced as //w//pronounced as //ɡ//Irish: moladh é pronounced as //ˈmˠɔlˠəw eː// "he was praised"
elsewherebefore initial pronounspronounced as //tʲ//pronounced as //x//Irish: osclaíodh sí pronounced as //ˈɔsˠklˠiːtʲ ʃiː// "let her open"
usuallypronounced as //w//pronounced as //x//Irish: bheannódh mé pronounced as //ˈvʲan̪ˠoːx mʲeː// "I would bless"
slenderbefore subject pronounspronounced as //∅// pronounced as //ˈbʲan̪ˠoː// "will bless"
-ea-in forms of "be"pronounced as //ɛ//Irish: bheadh sé pronounced as //ˈvʲɛtʲ ʃeː// "he would be"
-eo(i), ó(i)-verb endingspronounced as //oːxə//pronounced as //oː//Irish: bheannóinn pronounced as //ˈvʲan̪ˠoːn̠ʲ// "I would bless"
-f-in personal verb endingspronounced as //h//Irish: dhófadh pronounced as //ˈɣoːhəx// "would burn, Irish: déarfaidh pronounced as //ˈdʲeːɾˠhiː// "will say", Irish: brisfidh pronounced as //ˈbʲɾʲɪʃiː// "will break", Irish: scuabfadh pronounced as //ˈsˠkuəpəx// "would sweep"
-(a)impronounced as //əmˠ//pronounced as //əmʲ//Irish: molaim pronounced as //ˈmˠɔlˠəmʲ// "I praise"
-(a)ighbefore subject pronounspronounced as //ə//Irish: bheannaigh mé pronounced as //ˈvʲan̪ˠə mʲeː// "I blessed"


currently uses one diacritic, the acute accent, though traditionally a second was used, the overdot. If diacritics are unavailable, e.g. on a computer using ASCII, the overdot is replaced by a following, e.g. → "He/It was" and there is no standard for replacing an acute accent, though sometimes it is indicated by a following slash, e.g. Irish: fírinne → Irish: fi/rinne "truth".[12]

The acute accent (; Irish: agúid or Irish: (síneadh) fada "long (sign)") is used to indicate a long vowel, as in Irish: bád pronounced as //bˠaːd̪ˠ// "boat". However, there are other conventions to indicate a long vowel, such as:

The overdot (; Irish: ponc séimhithe "dot of lenition") was traditionally used to indicate lenition, though Irish: An Caighdeán exclusively uses a following for this purpose. In Old Irish, the overdot was only used for, while the following was used for and the lenition of other letters was not indicated. Later the two methods were used in parallel to represent lenition of any consonant (except) until the standard practice became to use the overdot in Gaelic type and the following in Roman type. Thus the dotted letters (Irish: litreacha buailte "struck letters") are equivalent to letters followed by a, i.e. .

Lowercase has no tittle in Gaelic type, and road signs in the Republic of Ireland. However, as printed and electronic material like books, newspapers and web pages use Roman type almost invariably, the tittle is generally shown. Irish does not graphemically distinguish dotted i and dotless ı, i.e. they are not different letters as they are in, e.g. Turkish and Azeri.


Irish punctuation is similar to English. An apparent exception is the Tironian et (;) which abbreviates the word Irish: agus "and", like the ampersand abbreviates "and" in English. It is generally substituted by a seven in texts.

A hyphen (Irish: fleiscín) is used in Irish after when prefixed to a masculine vowel-initial word as an initial mutation, e.g. Irish: an t-arán "the bread", Irish: a n-iníon "their daughter". However, it is omitted when the vowel is capitalised, e.g. Irish: an tAlbanach "the Scotsman", Irish: Ár nAthair "Our Father". No hyphen is used when is prefixed to a vowel-initial word, e.g. Irish: a hiníon "her daughter".

A hyphen is also used in compound words under certain circumstances:

An apostrophe (Irish: uaschamóg) is used to indicate an omitted vowel in the following cases:


Capitalisation rules are similar to English. However, a prefixed letter remains in lowercase when the base initial is capitalised (Irish: an tSín "China"). For text written in all caps, the prefixed letter is kept in lowercase, or small caps (Irish: STAIR NA {{sc|H "THE HISTORY OF IRELAND").[13] An initial capital is used for:[14]


Most Irish abbreviations are straightforward, e.g. Irish: leathanach → ("page → p.") and Irish: mar shampla → (" (for example) → e.g."), but two that require explanation are: Irish: is é sin|italic=yes → ("that is → i.e.") and Irish: agus araile → ("et cetera (and so forth) → &c./etc.").[17] Like in English, follows an ordinal numeral, e.g. "St. Patrick's day is the 17th [day] of March".

Spelling reform

The literary Classical Irish which survived till the 17th century was archaic; the first attempt at simplification was not until 1639.[18] The spelling represented a dialect continuum including distinctions lost in all surviving dialects by the Gaelic revival of the late 19th century.

The idea of a spelling reform, linked to the use of Roman or Gaelic type, was controversial in the early decades of the 20th century.[19] The Irish Texts Society's 1904 Irish-English dictionary by Patrick S. Dinneen used traditional spellings. After the creation of the Irish Free State in 1922, all Acts of the Oireachtas were translated into Irish, initially using Dinneen's spellings, with a list of simplifications accumulating over the years. When Éamon de Valera became President of the Executive Council after the 1932 election, policy reverted to older spellings, which were used in the enrolled text of the 1937 Constitution. In 1941, de Valera decided to publish a "popular edition" of the Constitution with simplified spelling and established a committee of experts, which failed to agree on recommendations.[20] Instead, the Oireachtas' own translation service prepared a booklet, Irish: Litriú na Gaeilge: Lámhleabhar an Chaighdeáin Oifigiúil, published in 1945.

Some pre-reform spellings criticised by T. F. O'Rahilly and their modern forms include: Irish: beirbhiughadh → Irish: beiriú, Irish: imthighthe → Irish: imithe, Irish: faghbháil → Irish: fáil, Irish: urradhas → Irish: urrús, Irish: filidheacht → Irish: filíocht.

The booklet was expanded in 1947,[21] and republished as Irish: [[An Caighdeán Oifigiúil]] "The Official Standard" in 1958, combined with the standard grammar of 1953.[22] It attracted initial criticism as unhistorical and artificial; some spellings fail to represent the pronunciation of some dialects, while others preserve letters unpronounced in any dialect. Its status was reinforced by use in the civil service and as a guide for Tomás de Bhaldraithe's 1959 English–Irish dictionary and Niall Ó Dónaill's 1977 Irish–English dictionary. A review of the written standard, including spelling, was announced in 2010, aiming to improve "simplicity, internal consistency, and logic".[23] The result was the 2017 update of .[24]

See also



  1. Web site: 2018-02-02 . Publications by the Houses of the Oireachtas . 2022-07-13 . Houses of the Oireachtas . en-ie.
  2. Web site: Irish Gaelic dialects . 2023-12-13 .
  3. Web site: Celtic languages - Irish . 2022-12-31 . Britannica . en.
  4. Web site: Irish language, alphabet and pronunciation . 2023-12-13 .
  5. Book: Ó Dónaill, Niall . Tomás De Bhaldraithe . Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla . 2007 . An Gúm . 978-1-85791-038-4 . 670042711.
  6. Learn Irish
  7. Book: Graiméar Gaeilge na mBráithre Críostaí . 22 September 1999 . An Gúm . 9781857913279.
  8. Web site: Irish Orthography . 2022-10-23 .
  9. Web site: Litreacha na h-aibítre sa Ghaeilge . 2023-12-13 .
  10. Web site: Irish Orthography . 2023-12-13 .
  11. Web site: Pronunciation Key . 2023-12-13 . Daltaí na Gaeilge . en-US.
  12. Web site: Brian M. . Scott . 1996-04-08 . [Reply to] Gaelic Translation Needed ]. Usenet newsgroup . . ... the corresponding Irish Gaelic word is 'ge/ar' (slash indicating an acute accent on the previous vowel).... ... the later spelling of the patronymic, which I've also recast in its feminine form, is 'ni/ Chlu/mha/in'.. Further examples in the next comment by Heather Rose Jones, a significant voice in SCA heraldry..
  13. Graiméar Gaeilge na mBráithre Críostaí, §3.2
  14. Graiméar Gaeilge na mBráithre Críostaí, §3.1
  15. Graiméar Gaeilge na mBráithre Críostaí, §§ 3.1, 7.6, 10.2-10.3
  16. Graiméar Gaeilge na mBráithre Críostaí, §§ 3.1, 3.4
  17. Web site: Abbreviations . 2023-12-13 . Daltaí na Gaeilge . en-US.
  18. Crowley . Tony . 2005 . Encoding Ireland: Dictionaries and Politics in Irish History . Éire-Ireland . 40 . 3 . 119–139 . 10.1353/eir.2005.0017 . 1550-5162 . 154134330.
  19. Book: Ó Cearúil . Micheál . Bunreacht na hÉireann: a study of the Irish text . Ó Murchú . Máirtín . Stationery Office . 1999 . 0-7076-6400-4 . Dublin . 27–41 . Script and Spelling . . 21 July 2011.
  20. Dáil debates Vol.99 No.17 p.3
  21. Book: Litriú na Gaeilge – Lámhleabhar An Chaighdeáin Oifigiúil . Stationery Office / Oifig an tSoláthair . 1947 . Dublin . Irish . 30 March 2020.
  22. Ó Laoire . Muiris . 1997 . The Standardization of Irish Spelling: an Overview . dead . Journal of the Spelling Society . 22 . 2 . 19–23 . . 22 July 2011.
  23. Web site: Central Translation Unit . The Scope of the Process . dead . . 5 October 2013 . 2012-02-12 . Review of Caighdeán Oifigiúil na Gaeilge . Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs.
  24. Web site: Rannóg an Aistriúcháin > An Caighdeán Oifigiúil . In September 2014, members of the public and other interested parties were asked to make submissions regarding An Caighdeán Oifigiúil. An Advisory Committee was also established, which worked tirelessly for a year and a half to identify issues and to make recommendations. The result of this work is the new edition of An Caighdeán Oifigiúil, published by the Houses of the Oireachtas Service in 2017..
