John Mearsheimer bibliography explained

This is a list of works by John Mearsheimer. In his later years, he focused increasingly on current events.[1]



Journal articles

Magazine and newspaper articles



Book reviews


Notes and References

  1. 2023-05-18 . Anton . Gruber . Alexander . Tekles . Lutz . Bornmann . John Mearsheimer's academic roots: a reference publication year spectroscopy of a political scientist's oeuvre . 3867–3877 . Scientometrics . 128 . 1588-2861 . 1 . 10.1007/s11192-023-04721-6 . On the one hand, the publication years in which Mearsheimer derived his fundamental theory of International Relations can be inferred. On the other hand, later years show his subsequent thematic focuses and his preoccupation with current events and conflicts.. free .
  2. 1980 . Daniel . Gouré . Gordon . McCormick . Debate on precision-guided munitions: PGM: No Panacea) . 15–19 . 10.1080/00396338008441859 . Survival . 0039-6338 . 22 . 1.
  3. 1980 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Debate on precision-guided munitions: Rejoinder . 20–22 . 10.1080/00396338008441860 . Survival . 0039-6338 . 22 . 1.
  4. 2004 . Robert . Mandel . The Wartime Utility of Precision Versus Brute Force in Weaponry . 171–201 . 48608627 . Armed Forces and Society . 0095-327X . 30 . 2. 10.1177/0095327X0403000203 .
  5. 2020-10-12 . David . Blagden . Strategic stability and the proliferation of conventional precision strike: a (bounded) case for optimism? . 123–136 . The Nonproliferation Review . 1073-6700 . 27 . 1–3. 10.1080/10736700.2020.1799569 .
  6. 2022-07-11 . Lauren . Kahn . Michael C. . Horowitz . Who Gets Smart? Explaining How Precision Bombs Proliferate . 3–37 . Journal of Conflict Resolution . 1552-8766 . 67 . 1. 10.1177/00220027221111143 .
  7. 1985 . Barry R. . Posen . Measuring the European Conventional Balance: Coping with Complexity in Threat Assessment . International Security . 0162-2889 . 9 . 3.
  8. 1983 . David Patrick . Calleo . Domestic Priorities and the demands of alliance: An American perspective . 2–11 . 10.1080/05679328308457436 . The Adelphi Papers . 0567-932X . 23 . 184.
  9. Book: Facer, Roger L. L. . 1985 . Conventional Forces and the NATO Strategy of Flexible Response . 0-8330-0623-1.
  10. 1988 . Joshua Morris . Epstein . Dynamic Analysis and the Conventional Balance in Europe . 154–165 . 10.2307/2538999 . International Security . 0162-2889 . 12 . 4. 2538999 .
  11. Web site: G. S. . Lauer . School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College . Maneuver Warfare Theory and The Operational Level of War: Misguiding The Marine Corps? . Fort Leavenworth.
  12. 1990 . Alex Raymond . McKeown . University of Wisconsin . An Analysis of the Conventional Military Balance on the European Central Front: Some Implications for NATO Strategy and Tactics . Madison.
  13. 1996 . John C. III . Matthews . Current Gains and Future Outcomes: When Cumulative Relative Gains Matter . 112–146 . International Security . 0162-2889 . 21 . 1 . 10.2307/2539110 . 2539110 . It was thought by som analysts that NATO forces were at a good force-to-space ratio, and that cuts might jeopardize the ability of the NATO divisions to hold..
  14. 1984 . Samuel Phillips . Huntington . Conventional Deterrence and Conventional Retaliation in Europe . 32–56 . International Security . 0162-2889 . 8 . 3s. 10.2307/2538699 . 2538699 .
  15. 1983 . Samuel Phillips . Huntington . Broadening the strategic focus: Comments on Michael Howard's paper . 27–32 . 10.1080/05679328308457439 . The Adelphi Papers . 0567-932X . 23 . 184.
  16. Barry R. . Posen . Stephen . Van Evera . Defense Policy and the Reagan Administration: Departure from Containment . 3–45 . International Security . 1983 . 0162-2889 . 8 . 1 . 10.2307/2538484 . 2538484 . An excellent essay on the NATO conventional balance.
  17. June 1984 . Hans Günter . Brauch . Lutz . Unterseher . Review Essay: Getting Rid of Nuclear Weapons: A Review of a Few Proposals for a Conventional Defense of Europe . 193–199 . 10.1177/002234338402100209 . Journal of Peace Research . 0022-3433 . 21 . 2 . The ESEC study is in line with the 'bean counting' philosophy, a force balance that only marginally takes into account qualitative aspects — contrasting what Mearsheimer has done recently in a convincing manner..
  18. 1985 . Eckhard . Lübkemeier . Extended Deterrence: Implications for Arms Limitation and Reduction . 249–254 . 10.1177/096701068501600306 . Bulletin of Peace Proposals . 0007-5035 . 16 . 3.
  19. 1986 . Jonathan . Dean . Assessing the Warsaw Pact Threat to NATO's Central Front . 26–34 . 10.1080/03932728608456594 . The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs . 0393-2729 . 21 . 3.
  20. Web site: 1983-07-15 . John M. . Weinstein . All Features Grate and Stall: Soviet Strategic Vulnerabilities and the Future of Deterrence .
  21. 1985 . Hew . Strachan . Conventional Defence in Europe . 27–43 . 10.2307/2619778 . International Affairs . 1473-799X . 61 . 1. 2619778 .
  22. 1985 . John . Simpson . New conventional weapon technologies and conventional disarmament . 82–96 . 10.1080/01440388508403813 . Arms Control . 0099-4561 . 6 . 1.
  23. 1985 . Jack Lewis . Snyder . Richness, Rigor, and Relevance in the Study of Soviet Foreign Policy . 89–108 . 10.2307/2538588 . International Security . 0162-2889 . 9 . 3. 2538588 .
  24. Book: Kaufmann, William Weed . 1983 . Nonnuclear Deterrence . 88–89 . Alliance Security: NATO and the No-First-Use Question . Brookings Institution . 0815781180.
  25. Book: Mako, William P. . 1983 . U.S. Ground Forces and the Defense of Central Europe . Brookings Institution . 0815754442 .
  26. 1983 . Andrew . Hamilton . Redressing the Conventional Balance: NATO's Reserve Military Manpower . 111–136 . 10.2307/2538792 . International Security . 0162-2889 . 10 . 1. 2538792 .
  27. Book: Corcoran, Edward A. . 1983-06-01 . Improving Europe's Conventional Defense . Strategic Issues Research Memorandum.
  28. 1988 . Jack Lewis . Snyder . Limiting Offensive Conventional Forces: Soviet Proposals and Western Options . 48–77 . International Security . 0162-2889 . 12 . 4. 10.2307/2538994 . 2538994 .
  29. 1988 . Eliot Asher . Cohen . Toward Better Net Assessment: Rethinking the European Conventional Balance . 50–89 . International Security . 0162-2889 . 13 . 1. 10.2307/2538896 . 2538896 .
  30. 1988 . Aaron Louis . Friedberg . Review: The Assessment of Military Power: A Review Essay . 190–202 . 10.2307/2538805 . International Security . 0162-2889 . 12 . 3. 2538805 .
  31. 1988-08-17 . Allen Gregory . Sens . University of British Columbia . NATO and the INF Controversy: Nuclear Weapons, Deterrence, and the Atlantic Alliance . Vancouver.
  32. 1988 . Samuel M. . Makinda . Moscow and the INF treaty . 133–144 . 10.1080/10357718808444974 . Australian Outlook . 1035-7718 . 42 . 3.
  33. 1989 . James A. . Thomson . An Unfavorable Situation: NATO and the Conventional Balance . 72–102 . The Adelphi Papers . 0567-932X . 29 . 236. 10.1080/05679328908448874 .
  34. 1989 . Phillipp . Borinski . Mitigating West Germany's Strategic Dilemmas . 531–549 . 10.1177/0095327X8901500404 . Armed Forces & Society . 0095-327X . 15 . 4.
  35. 1985 . Peter . Jones . New Conventional Technologies and Their Possible Impact on Conventional Arms Control Verification in Europe . 152–167 . 10.1080/01440388908403907 . Arms Control . 0099-4561 . 10 . 2.
  36. Book: Van Evera, Stephen . 2009 . Foreword . xi-xvi . American Foreign Policy and the Politics of Fear: Threat inflation since 9/11 . 9780203879092.
  37. 2018 . James A. . Thomson . James Thomson (executive) . Deterrence Then and Now . 1–8 . SIRIUS - Zeitschrift für Strategische Analysen . 2510-2648 . 2 . 2. 10.1515/sirius-2018-0024 .
  38. 2007-12-24 . Barry D. . Watts . Ignoring reality: Problems of theory and evidence in security studies . 115–171 . 10.1080/09636419708429344 . Security Studies . 0963-6412 . 7 . 2.
  39. October 2016 . Kenton . White . Credibility Analysis – Mearsheimer's viewpoint . 283–288 . British Defence Planning and Britain's NATO commitment, 1979 – 1985 .
  40. 2017 . Kenton . White . Mearsheimer's Folly: NATO's Cold War Capability and Credibility . Infinity Journal . 2312-5888 . 5 . 4.
  41. Book: Heydarian Pashakhanlou, Arash . 2016-10-23 . Fear in the Works of Morgenthau, Waltz and Mearsheimer . 23–44 . 10.1007/978-3-319-41012-8_2 . Realism and Fear in International Relations: Morgenthau, Waltz and Mearsheimer Reconsidered . 978-3-319-41012-8.
  42. 2020-09-30 . Rachel . Tecott . Andrew . Halterman . The Case for Campaign Analysis: A Method for Studying Military Operations . International Security . 0162-2889 . 45 . 4.
  43. 1990 . Richard J. . Stoll . The Russians Are Coming: A Computer Simulation . 193–213 . Armed Forces & Society . 0095-327X . 16 . 2. 10.1177/0095327X9001600202 . 1911/75021 .
  44. June 1991 . Bristow . Hardin . University of California . The militarized social democracy and racism: The relationships between militarism, racism and social welfare policy in the United States . Santa Cruz.
  45. 2015 . Christine M. . Leah . Deterrence and Arms Control in a Second Conventional Age . 401–421 . 10.1080/01495933.2015.1089122 . Comparative Strategy . 0149-5933 . 34 . 5.
  46. Web site: 2018-04-20 . Dylan . Motin . The Institute for Basic Social Science . The Making of a Blitzkrieg: Russia's Decision to Go to War with Afghanistan, Georgia, but not Ukraine . 2022-04-12 .
  47. 2022-08-17 . Julian T. . Rippy . Department of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology . A Mixed-Methods Approach to Force Estimation in Military Operations Other Than War .
  48. June 2024 . Dylan . Motin . The Logic of U.S. Deployment in Norway: The Trump Administration and NATO's Northern Front . 50–71 . Journal of Global Strategic Studies . 2798-4427 . 4 . 1.
  49. Web site: 2019 . Joshua T. . Christian . School of Advanced Military Studies, US Army Command and General Staff College . An Examination of Force Ratios . Fort Leavenworth.
  50. Book: Rohn, Laurinda L. . May 1990 . Conventional Forces in Europe: A New Approach to the Balance, Stability, and Arms Control . 0-8330-0687-8 .
  51. 1989 . Joshua M. . Epstein . The 3:1 Rule, the Adaptive Dynamic Model, and the Future of Security Studies . 90–127 . 10.2307/2538781 . International Security . 0162-2889 . 13 . 4. 2538781 .
  52. 1999-07-14 . Moshe . Kress . Irit . Talmor . A new look at the 3:1 rule of combat through Markov Stochastic Lanchester models . 733–744 . 10.1057/palgrave.jors.2600758 . Journal of the Operational Research Society . 0160-5682 . 50. 7 .
  53. 2013-09-17 . Timothy J. . Junio . Thomas G. . Mahnken . Conceiving of Future War: The Promise of Scenario Analysis for International Relations . 374–395 . 10.1111/misr.12061 . International Studies Review . 1521-9488 . 15 . 3.
  54. 2006-10-30 . recorded 2006-08-28 . John J. . Mearsheimer . 1 . National Press Club, Bill Hughes . Prof. John Mearsheimer on the Israel Lobby . YouTube .
  55. 2019-08-07 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Centre for Independent Studies . The liberal international order . YouTube . 54:15.
  56. News: 2022-06-23 . John J. . Mearsheimer . The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine War . Russia Matters.
  57. 2021-02-02 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Gilford John . Ikenberry . The Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership . The Future of the Liberal International Order . YouTube .
  58. 2022-06-16 . John J. . Mearsheimer . The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies . The causes and consequences of the Ukraine war . YouTube . 2:07:15.
  59. 2022-06-08 . Cai-Göran Alexander . Stubb . Alexander Stubb . Why Mearsheimer is wrong about Russia and the war in Ukraine: Five arguments from Alexander Stubb . YouTube . Understanding the War . 18.
  60. Web site: 2022-06-28 . Veronica . Anghel . Dietlind . Stolle . In praise of reality, not realism: An answer to Mearsheimer . EUIdeas.
  61. Web site: 2022-07-11 . Filip . Kostelka . John Mearsheimer's lecture on Ukraine: Why he is wrong and what are the consequences . EUIdeas.
  62. 2001-11-01 . Vojtech . Mastny . A Different World . Foreign Affairs . 0015-7120.
  63. 2018-11-22 . recorded 2012-10-17 . John J. . Mearsheimer . University of Ottawa . Why China Cannot Rise Peacefully . YouTube . 1:30:45.
  64. 2011-08-02 . John J. . Mearsheimer . . Imperial by Design . YouTube . 45:39.
  65. 2013-03-07 . recorded 2012-10-18 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Carleton University . America's Imperial Impulse . YouTube . Political Science Speaker Series. 51:03.
  66. 2015-09-25 . John J. . Mearsheimer . The University of Chicago . Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? . YouTube . 1:14:15.
  67. 2014-10-17 . Michael Anthony . McFaul . Moscow's Choice . 167–171 . Foreign Affairs . 0015-7120 . 93 . 6.
  68. 2014-10-17 . Stephen . Sestanovich . How the West Has Won . 171–175 . Foreign Affairs . 0015-7120 . 93 . 6.
  69. 2014-10-17 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Mearsheimer Replies . 175–178 . Foreign Affairs . 0015-7120 . 93 . 6.
  70. Web site: 2015-09-01 . Susan Elaine . Eisenhower . Perils of cornering Russia . United States Studies Centre.
  71. 2011-11-04 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Jefferson Literary and Debating Society . Can China Rise Peacefully? . YouTube. Part 1. Part 2. 1:20:34.
  72. 2013-12-18 . John J. . Mearsheimer . The University of Chicago . Can China Rise Peacefully? . YouTube . Harper Lectures. 1:21:47.
  73. 2024-05-02 . delivered 2024-04-16 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Reed College . Can China Rise Peacefully? . Public Policy Lecture Series . YouTube . 1:24:41.
  74. 2022-02-11 . John . Ikenberry . The Real Liberal Bet . Foreign Affairs . 0015-7120.
  75. 2022-02-11 . Andrew James . Nathan . The China Threat in Perspective . Foreign Affairs . 0015-7120.
  76. 2022-02-11 . Susan . Ashton Thornton . The Barriers to War . Foreign Affairs . 0015-7120.
  77. 2022-02-11 . Sun . Zhe . In Search of a Strategy . Foreign Affairs . 0015-7120.
  78. 2022-02-11 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Mearsheimer Replies . Foreign Affairs . 0015-7120.
  79. Book: Orr, George E. . July 1983 . Effective Command of Combat Operations . 90–113 . Combat Operations C³I: Fundamentals and Interactions . Airpower Research Institute, Air University Press, 4th printing . 1585661023.
  80. 1985 . Jed C. . Snyder . Review: Conventional Deterrence . 111–112 . Naval War College Review . 0028-1484 . 38 . 3.
  81. 2023 . Ilkka . Mäki-Ullakko . Contribution of Military Logistics to Conventional Deterrence in the Case of Ukraine . 1969.1/6465 .
  82. April 2008 . Corbin . Williamson . . Factors Affecting the Feasibility of a Warsaw Pact Invasion of Western Europe .
  83. Book: Romero, Philip J. . 1991 . A New Approach for the Design and Evaluation of Land Defense Concepts . 0-8330-0936-2 .
  84. 2008-05-23 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Stephen M. . Walt . Our lobby, his lobby: The Israel Lobby authors reply to Gershom Gorenberg's criticisms in the last issue of Prospect . Prospect . 2059-6731.
  85. 2007-12-20 . John J. . Mearsheimer . . Iraq, the Neocons and the Israel Lobby . YouTube . 6:24.
  86. 2008-05-29 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Council for the National Interest, Bill Hughes . On AIPAC and Congress . YouTube. Part 1. Part 2. 16:57.
  87. 2011-05-27 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Code Pink . Professor John Mearsheimer Speaks at Move Over AIPAC . YouTube. Part 1. Part 2. 25:28.
  88. 2012-08-13 . recorded 2007-10-29 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Stephen . Walt . GBH Forum Network . John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt - The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy . YouTube . 1:21:32.
  89. 2012-12-02 . recorded 2008-06-17 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Stephen . Walt . Center for International and Regional Studies . The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy . YouTube . 38:05.
  90. 2015-08-28 . John J. . Mearsheimer . The University of Chicago . The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy . YouTube . 1:21:11.
  91. 2018-04-05 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Bruce . Feiler . . Debating the Israel Lobby . Nonzero . 1:10:22.
  92. 2010-09-23 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Centre for International Governance Innovation . Lying in International Politics . YouTube . 1:35:33.
  93. 2012-03-01 . John J. . Mearsheimer . The University of Chicago . Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics with John Mearsheimer . YouTube . 1:25:46.
  94. 2020 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Response to C. William Walldorf Jr.'s Review . 894–895 . 10.1017/S1537592720001796 . Perspectives on Politics . 1537-5927 . 18 . 3.
  95. 2018-10-10 . John J. . Mearsheimer . The Bush School of Government and Public Service . The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities . YouTube . 1:16:49.
  96. 2020-02-13 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Carleton University . The Great Delusion . FPA Research Series . YouTube .
  97. 2019-01-24 . recorded 2019-01-21 . John J. . Mearsheimer . SOAS University of London . The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities . YouTube .
  98. 2018-11-12 . recorded 2018-11-07 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Center for International Security and Governance . The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities . YouTube .
  99. 2019-02-26 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Burhanettin . Duran . Book Discussion with John Mearsheimer . YouTube . 1:18:09.
  100. 2023-10-03 . John J. . Mearsheimer . Ashley J. . Tellis . . How States Think: The Rationality of Foreign Policy . YouTube . 1:31:54.