Jonathan Turley Explained

Jonathan Turley
Birth Date:6 May 1961[1]
Birth Place:Chicago, Illinois, U.S.[2]
Education:University of Chicago (BA)
Northwestern University (JD)
Sub Discipline:Constitutional law, tort law, criminal law, legal theory
Workplaces:George Washington University

Jonathan Turley is an American attorney, legal scholar, writer, commentator, and legal analyst in broadcast and print journalism.[3] A professor at George Washington University Law School, he has testified in United States congressional proceedings about constitutional and statutory issues. He has also testified in multiple impeachment hearings and removal trials in Congress, including the impeachment of President Bill Clinton and both the first and second impeachments of President Donald Trump.[4] [5] Turley is a First Amendment advocate and writes frequently on free speech restrictions in the private and public sectors.[6] [7] [8]

As an attorney, Turley has worked on notable cases in civil rights defense including the defense of Dr. Sami Al-Arian, NSA whistleblower David Faulk, protesters at the World Bank/IMF demonstrations in 2000, and the Brown family in their challenge to Utah polygamy laws. Turley has also served as counsel on prominent Federal cases including the defense of Area 51 workers, and as lead counsel in the 2014 challenge to the Affordable Care Act.

Early life and education

Turley grew up in a politically active Chicago family as the youngest of five children. His father, John (Jack) Turley was an international architect, partner at Skidmore, Owens, and Merrill, and the former associate of famed modernist architect Mies van der Rohe. Turley has written about his father's influence on his constitutional theories.[9] His mother, Angela Piazza Turley, was a social worker and activist who was the former president of Jane Addams Hull-House in Chicago. He is of Irish and Italian ancestry.[10]

Turley served as a House leadership page in 1977 and 1978 under the sponsorship of Illinois Democrat Sidney Yates.[11]

He received a bachelor's degree from the University of Chicago in 1983, and a Juris Doctor degree from Northwestern University School of Law in 1987. He served as Executive Articles Editor of Northwestern University Law Review.

During the Reagan Administration, Turley worked as an intern with the general counsel’s office of the National Security Agency (NSA).[12] [13]


Turley holds the Shapiro Chair for Public Interest Law at The George Washington University Law School, where he teaches torts, criminal procedure, and constitutional law. He is the youngest person to receive an academic chair in the school's history. He runs the Project for Older Prisoners (POP),[14] [15] the Environmental Law Clinic, and the Environmental Legislation Project.

Prior to joining George Washington University, he was on the faculty of Tulane University Law School.[16]

His articles on legal and policy issues have appeared in national publications; he has had articles published in The New York Times,[17] The Washington Post,[18] USA Today,[19] the Los Angeles Times,[14] and the Wall Street Journal.[20] He frequently appears in the national media as a commentator on a multitude of subjects[21] [22] ranging from the 2000 U.S. presidential election controversy to the Terri Schiavo case in 2005.[23] He often is a guest on Sunday talk shows,[21] with more than two-dozen appearances on Meet the Press, ABC This Week, Face the Nation, and Fox News Sunday. He served as a contributor on Countdown with Keith Olbermann from 2003 until 2011 on MSNBC, and later on Current TV[24] in 2011 and early 2012.

Since the 1990s, he has been a legal analyst for NBC News, CBS News, the BBC and Fox News, covering stories that ranged from the Clinton impeachment to presidential elections.[25] [16] He is on the board of contributors of USA Today[26] and is a columnist with The Hill.[27] He is currently a legal analyst with Fox News.[28]


In appearances on Countdown with Keith Olbermann and The Rachel Maddow Show, he called for criminal prosecution of Bush administration officials for war crimes, including torture.[29]

In USA Today in October 2004, he argued for the legalization of polygamy,[30] provoking responses from writers such as Stanley Kurtz.[31] [32]

He has opined that the Supreme Court is injecting itself into partisan politics.[33] He frequently has expressed the view that recent nominees to the court hold extreme views.[34] [35]

In October 2006, in an interview by Keith Olbermann of MSNBC, he expressed strong disapproval of the Military Commissions Act of 2006.[36] Commenting on the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which he contends does away with habeas corpus, Turley says, "It's something that no one thought—certainly I didn't think—was possible in the United States. And I am not too sure how we got to this point. But people clearly don't realize what a fundamental change it is about who we are as a country. What happened today changed us."

When the U.S. Senate was about to vote on Michael Mukasey for U.S. attorney general, Turley said, "The attorney general nominee's evasive remarks on 'water-boarding' should disqualify him from the job."[37] On the treatment of terrorism suspect José Padilla, Turley says, "The treatment of Padilla ranks as one of the most serious abuses after 9/11... This is a case that would have shocked the Framers. This is precisely what many of the drafters of the Constitution had in mind when they tried to create a system of checks and balances." Turley considers the case of great import on the grounds that "Padilla's treatment by the military could happen to others."[38]

Turley has said, "It is hard to read the Second Amendment and not honestly conclude that the Framers intended gun ownership to be an individual right."[39]

When Congressional Democrats asked the Justice Department to investigate the CIA's destruction of terrorist interrogation tapes Turley said, "these are very serious allegations, that raise as many as six identifiable crimes ranging from contempt of Congress, to contempt of Justice, to perjury, to false statements."[40]

Turley disagrees with the theory that dealing with bullies is just a part of growing up, claiming that they are "no more a natural part of learning than is parental abuse a natural part of growing up" and believes that "litigation could succeed in forcing schools to take bullying more seriously".[41]

He has written extensively in opposition to the death penalty, noting, "Human error remains a principal cause of botched executions... eventually society will be forced to deal directly with a fundamental moral question: Has death itself become the intolerable element of the death penalty?"[42]

He is a critic of special treatment for the church in law, asking why there are laws that "expressly exempt faith-based actions that result in harm."[43]

On October 11, 2016, Libertarian Party candidate for President, Gary Johnson, announced that if he was elected President, Turley would be one of his two top choices for the Supreme Court seat that remained open following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.[44] Turley has been repeatedly named as a top pick for the Court by libertarian presidential candidates, including in 2020.[45]

In a 2017 column for The Hill, Turley was critical of military intervention in the Middle East and questioned its constitutionality. He also mentioned that he supported the Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch.[46]

In the wake of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Turley argued that, despite his doubts that fraud existed, Americans should welcome the involvement of the courts to vet and validate the election results.[47]

Obama administration views

In another commentary, Turley defended Judge Henry E. Hudson's ruling declaring the individual mandate in health insurance unconstitutional for violating the Commerce Clause of the Constitution: "It's very thoughtful—not a screed. I don't see any evidence this is motivated by Judge Hudson's personal beliefs... Anybody who's dismissing this opinion as a political screed has obviously not read the opinion."[48]

Turley described U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in an op-ed as President Barack Obama's sin-eater, writing:

In a December 2013 congressional hearing, responding to a question from Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) about presidential power in the Obama administration, Turley said:

On November 21, 2014, Turley agreed to represent House Speaker John Boehner and the Republican Party in a suit filed against the Obama administration alleging unconstitutional implementation of the Affordable Care Act, specifically the individual mandate.[49] In 2016, the federal court ruled that the Obama Administration violated the separation of powers in ordering billions to be paid to insurance companies without an appropriation of Congress.[50]

Testimony before Congress

The conceptual thread running through many of the issues taken on by Turley is that they involve claims of executive privilege. For example, he said that the president's claim of executive authority based on Article Two "would put our system on a slippery slope."[51] He has argued against national security exceptions to fundamental constitutional rights.[34] [52]

He is a frequent witness before the House and Senate on constitutional and statutory issues,[53] as well as tort reform legislation.[16]

Turley has testified regularly during national controversies. He testified at the confirmation hearings of Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch,[54] Attorney General Loretta Lynch,[55] and Attorney General William Barr.[56] He also testified during the Clinton impeachment hearings.[5] Turley, in his capacity as a constitutional scholar,[57] testified in favor of the Clinton impeachment.[58] [59] He was quoted extensively by congressman James Rogan during the Clinton impeachment hearings.[60]

Turley also testified in Congress against President George W. Bush's warrantless domestic surveillance program and was lead counsel in a case challenging it. In regard to warrantless wiretaps he noted that, "Judge Anna Diggs Taylor chastised the government for a flagrant abuse of the Constitution and, in a direct message to the president, observed that there are no hereditary kings in America."[61]

Views on Trump impeachments

On December 4, 2019, Turley testified before the House Judiciary Committee regarding the constitutional grounds for presidential impeachment in the impeachment inquiry against then-President Donald Trump, arguing against a Trump impeachment.[62] [63] [64]

In his testimony, Turley objected to the effort to craft articles of impeachment around four criminal allegations: bribery, extortion, obstruction of justice, and campaign finance violations.[65] He argued that the evidence did not meet the standard definitions of those crimes, contrary to the testimony of three witnesses that such legal definitions have always been used as a measure for impeachment deliberations. Turley characterized the charges against Trump as a lowering of impeachment standards to "fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger."[66] The Committee ultimately rejected all four of those articles and adopted the two that Turley argued could be legitimate if proven: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.[67] Where the Committee departed from the testimony was the rejection of Turley's call for more time to develop a more complete record rather than fulfill a promise to impeach by Christmas—an issue that was rekindled by the delay in the submission of the articles to the Senate as new evidence emerged in 2020.[68]

It was observed that his prior reasoning for the impeachment of President Bill Clinton contradicted the opinions he shared against the Trump impeachment. Turley sought to clarify his positions regarding the two impeachments the next day in an op-ed.[69] Turley noted that in both hearings he stressed that a president could be impeached for non-criminal acts, including abuse of power, and House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler ended the Trump impeachment hearings by quoting him to that effect. He has noted that the only disagreement was the sufficiency of the record and his calling on House to issue subpoenas for key witnesses such as former national security adviser John Bolton. The push for additional time was due in part to Turley's concern that the House was going to impeach a president for going to the courts rather than yielding to congressional demands for witnesses and documents.[70] Given the short period of investigation, Turley objected that such a move would effectively make seeking judicial review as high crime and misdemeanor. He noted that both Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton were able to go all the way to the Supreme Court on their challenges before impeachment.[71] While Turley told the Committee that such judicial opinions were not required to impeach on obstruction, the abbreviated period of investigation undermined the foundation of that article.[72]

Turley was cited by both the White House and House managers in their arguments before the United States Senate in the Trump impeachment trial.[73] During the trial, Turley opposed the White House argument that impeachment requires a criminal allegation.[74] Turley wrote in The Washington Post that "If some of the president’s critics are adopting a far too broad understanding of impeachable offenses, the White House is adopting a far too narrow one."[75]

After the second impeachment of Donald Trump, he said there could not be a trial after Trump left office.[76] Turley's views were also cited on the House floor in Trump's second impeachment in January 2021 in the aftermath of the January 6 United States Capitol attack, particularly his opposition to what he called a "snap impeachment."[77] Turley opposed the decision to forego any hearing to consider the implications of such a rapid impeachment, consider changes to the language, and allow for a formal response from Trump.[78] While Turley said that Trump's conduct could amount to an impeachable offense, he expressed reservations over the specific language of the article on free speech grounds.[78] He condemned Trump's speech before the riot on Twitter when it was still being given and opposed from the outset the challenge to the electoral votes that decided the election in favor of Joe Biden brought by pro-Trump Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives.[79] He argued for a bipartisan, bicameral vote of censure to condemn Trump's words and actions leading up to the riot.[79] Turley declined to represent Trump,[80] but did speak to Republican senators before both the first Trump trial[81] and the second Trump trial.[82]


Turley was ranked as 38th in the top 100 most cited "public intellectuals" (and second most cited law professor) in a 2001 study by Judge Richard Posner of intellectuals referenced in the media and public debates.[83]

In 2005, Turley was given the Columnist of the Year award for Single-Issue Advocacy for his columns on civil liberties by the Aspen Institute[16] and The Week magazine.[84]

In 2008 he was awarded an honorary doctorate of law from John Marshall Law School in recognition of his career as an advocate of civil liberties and constitutional rights.[85]

He was ranked among the nation's top 500 lawyers in 2008.[86] Turley was found to be the second most cited law professor in the country as well as being ranked as one of the top ten military lawyers.[16]

In 2008 his blog was ranked as the top law professor blog and legal theory blog by the American Bar Association Journal survey of the top 100 blogs.[87] [88] His work with older prisoners has been honored in various states, including his selection as the 2011 recipient of the Dr. Mary Ann Quaranta Elder Justice Award at Fordham University.[25] He has also been ranked in the top five most popular law professors on Twitter.[89]  He has received other awards including the James Madison award and was declared one of four university fellows at the Utah Valley University in 2019.[25]

Prominent cases

Turley has served as counsel in notable cases; representing whistleblowers, military personnel, and a wide range of other clients in national security, environmental, and constitutional law cases. His cases as lead counsel have secured decisions striking down both a federal and a state law,[25] among them:

Personal life

Turley married his wife, Leslie, in 1997. They have four children.[104] [105]


On December 29, 2023, Turley was targeted as part of the 2023 swatting attempts of American politicians.[106]

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Jonathan Turley - Res ipso loquitur ("The thing itself speaks") . .
  2. Web site: Jonathan Turley . August 8, 2023 .
  3. News: Who Is Jonathan Turley? Republicans' Lone Expert on Impeachment. 2021-08-30. New York Times. December 4, 2019. en-us. Sullivan. Eileen. Savage. Charlie. October 11, 2021. live.
  4. News: Justine. Coleman. December 4, 2019. GOP witness to say Trump impeachment would set a 'dangerous precedent'. The Hill. en. December 4, 2019. December 4, 2019. live.
  5. Web site: Clinton Impeachment Testimony: House Judiciary Committee. August 20, 2007. Jonathan Turley. May 7, 2019. December 6, 2019. live.
  6. Web site: Turley . Jonathan . Cancel culture came for Clarence Thomas at George Washington law. Now, he's stepped aside. . 2022-12-14 . . en-US.
  7. Web site: Jonathan . Turley . 2022-04-26 . Our digital town square: An easy solution for Musk to restore free speech to Twitter . 2022-12-14 . . en-US.
  8. Web site: Jonathan . Turley . 2022-11-26 . No joke: Supreme Court case could take a big bite out of the First Amendment . 2022-12-14 . . en-US.
  9. George Washington Law Review . Madisonian Tectonics: How Form Follows Function In Constitutional and Architectural Interpretation . 2015 . 83 . 305–378 .
  10. Web site: Jonathan Turley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know . December 4, 2019 .
  11. Web site: Turley . Jonathan . Farewell to Sidney Yates . Chicago Tribune . October 10, 2000.
  12. Web site: Turley . Jonathan . Report: NSA Spied On Lawyers In Confidential Communications With Clients . Jonathan Turley . 26 February 2020 . February 17, 2014 . February 1, 2021 . . live .
  13. Web site: Turley . Jonathan . Richard Grenell Achieves A Historic Milestone As Acting Director Of National Intelligence . Jonathan Turley . 26 February 2020 . February 24, 2014 . July 7, 2021 . . live .
  14.,0,243039.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions Release Elderly Inmates
  15. Web site: George Washington University Law School, The Project for Older Prisoners. dead. April 14, 2011. May 7, 2019.
  16. Web site: Jonathan Turley | GW Law | The George Washington University. May 7, 2019. July 24, 2021. live.
  17. Get Congress Out of the Page Business
  18. The Free World Bars Free Speech
  19. News: Turley . Jonathan . A liberal's lament: The NRA might be right after all . September 6, 2012 . . October 4, 2007 . . October 10, 2008 . A 11 . . dead .
  20. Perjury Isn't a Political Decision
  21. News: Ruth. Marcus. Jonathan Turley Takes His Case to TV. The Washington Post. July 30, 1998. September 2, 2017. August 2, 2020. live.
  22. Jonathan Turley at MSNBC
  23. Temptation tops the Constitution
  24. At New Network, Olbermann Sets Sights on MSNBC
  25. Web site: Bio. August 18, 2007. Jonathan Turley. May 7, 2019. November 11, 2021. live.
  26. USA Today's Board of Contributors
  27. News: Jonathan Turley. The Hill. May 7, 2019. February 4, 2021. live.
  28. Web site: Fox News Legal Analyst Says Jan. 6 Hearing Revelations 'Should Disturb Everyone' . 2022-12-14 . . July 12, 2022 . en-US.
  29.,%20Jonathan%20Turley%20On%20War%20Crimes Rachel Maddow Show: Jonathan Turley on War Crimes
  30. "Polygamy laws expose our own hypocrisy"
  31. "Polygamy vs. Democracy"
  32. "The Floodgates Open: USA Today Promotes Polygamy"
  33. Scalia to Talk About Constitution to House Members
  34. "Troubling Times, a Troubling Nominee ", USA Today, January 9, 2006
  35. "The Roberts Court: Seeing Is Believing ", USA Today, July 5, 2006
  36. National yawn as our rights evaporate
  37.,0,1182359.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions Mukasey's confirmation: a vote about torture
  38. In Padilla interrogation, no checks or balances
  39. News: Turley. Jonathan. October 4, 2007. A liberal's lament: The NRA might be right after all. A 11. USA Today. Gannett Company. dead. September 6, 2012. October 10, 2008.
  40. CIA, US Justice Dept. to Investigate Destruction of Interrogation Tapes
  41. "Bullying's Day in Court ", USA Today, July 15, 2008
  42. The Punishment Fits the Times
  43. When a child dies, faith is no defense. Why do courts give believers a pass?
  44. News: October 12, 2016. Gary Johnson Announces His Top 2 SCOTUS Picks. en-US. The Libertarian Republic. October 13, 2016. January 24, 2021. live.
  45. Web site: Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian nominee, releases her Supreme Court list. The Washington Times. October 7, 2020. October 10, 2020. live.
  46. Web site: Tan. Anjelica. March 29, 2017. Is America's military effort in the Middle East constitutional?. May 7, 2019. The Hill. February 2, 2021. live.
  47. Web site: Jonathan Turley: America should welcome review for close counts. November 7, 2020. November 19, 2020. February 21, 2021. live.
  48. Health-law judge's prosecutor past
  49. News: Boehner: House GOP files Obamacare suit . Deirdre Walsh and Dana Bash. CNN. May 7, 2019. February 26, 2021. live.
  50. News: Hsu. Spencer. May 12, 2016. Judge strikes down Obama health law insurance subsidy in victory for House GOP. The Washington Post. live. December 4, 2021. December 14, 2020.
  51. Web site: Legal scholars split on wiretaps. The Washington Times. January 17, 2006. . December 10, 2019 .
  52. Web site: Can Congress stop the war?. USA Today. January 17, 2007. . June 4, 2007 .
  53. Web site: Restoring the Republic 2008: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties. . October 20, 2011. The Future of Freedom Foundation. June 6, 2008.
  54. Web site: Turley Testifies in Sentate Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing. March 23, 2017. Jonathan Turley. May 7, 2019. August 24, 2021. live.
  55. Web site: Turley Testimony In Senate Confirmation Hearing Of Loretta Lynch. January 29, 2015. Jonathan Turley. May 7, 2019. February 2, 2021. live.
  56. Web site: Turley Testifies in Barr Confirmation Hearing. January 16, 2019. Jonathan Turley. May 7, 2019. September 18, 2021. live.
  57. Matt. Taibbi. Matt Taibbi. The Worst Congress Ever. Rolling Stone. October 17, 2006. November 30, 2006.
  58. News: Ruth . Marcus. House Takes Up Impeachment Task With Time Short. The Washington Post. November 15, 2008. . March 23, 2021 .
  59. Clinton Impeachment Testimony
  60. News: The Impeachment Hearings, Debate on Article IV. . Federal News Service. December 12, 1998. . August 17, 2000 .
  61. Web site: NSA ruling much like a pig in parlor. The Chicago Tribune. August 20, 2006. . September 30, 2012 .
  62. Web site: The GOP's only impeachment witness on Wednesday contradicted his own previous testimony. Business Insider. Sonam. Sheth. December 4, 2019. December 5, 2019. December 5, 2019.
  63. Web site: Jonathan Turley Is Exhibit A That the Clinton Debacle Never Really Ended. Esquire. Charles. Pierce. December 4, 2019. December 11, 2019. December 5, 2019.
  64. Web site: James. Crowley. Trump impeachment hearings: Legal scholars' testimony in both Trump, Clinton cases stress 'Abuse of power'. Newsweek. December 4, 2019. December 5, 2019. December 5, 2019.
  65. Web site: Opening statement . . January 18, 2020 . February 1, 2021 . . live .
  66. Web site: House Judiciary Committee holds first impeachment hearing. Bloomberg. Anna. December 5, 2019. January 18, 2020. September 27, 2020. live.
  67. Web site: Turley: Testifying for Republicans should not be a sin for academics . The Hill. December 28, 2019 . January 18, 2020 . February 14, 2021 . . live .
  68. Web site: Democratic impeachment case collapses under weight of time . The Hill. January 4, 2020 . January 18, 2020 . March 9, 2021 . . live .
  69. Web site: Turley: Democrats offering passion over proof in Trump impeachment . The Hill. December 5, 2019 . January 18, 2020 . May 7, 2021 . . live .
  70. Web site: Jonathan Turley On His Impeachment Testimony . . 2019-12-05 . 2020-01-18 . January 26, 2021 . . live .
  71. Web site: Opinion on the hearing . December 9, 2019 . . 2020-01-18 . September 5, 2021 . . live .
  72. Web site: House impeachment vote. December 18, 2019. Los Angeles Times. 2020-01-18. January 31, 2021. live.
  73. Web site: Michael. Ruiz. Jonathan Turley chides Dem impeachment manager Neguse for calling 1992 position 'recent'. Fox News. February 9, 2021. February 17, 2024.
  74. News: Viewpoint: 'No crime, no impeachment' is a shaky defence. BBC News. January 21, 2020. January 22, 2020. June 14, 2021. live.
  75. News: Opinion Jonathan Turley: Where the Trump defense goes too far . The Washington Post. April 17, 2020. July 2, 2021. live.
  76. News: January 18, 2021. Outnumbered. Fox News. live. September 22, 2021.
  77. Web site: Brian. Naylor. House Impeachment Vote: Live Updates. NPR. February 2, 2022. January 14, 2021. November 17, 2021. live.
  78. Web site: Turley: Swift new impeachment would damage the Constitution. The Hill. January 9, 2021. January 14, 2021. January 11, 2021. live.
  79. Web site: The case for censuring Trump. January 11, 2021. The Hill. January 14, 2021. January 31, 2021. live.
  80. Web site: Brianna. Budelli. Law professor declines to defend Trump for impeachment. The GW Hatchet. February 3, 2021. February 12, 2021. July 26, 2021. live.
  81. Web site: Mariam. Khan. Senate likely to take up impeachment trial after holiday recess, McConnell says. ABC News. January 26, 2021. September 30, 2021. live.
  82. Web site: Dareh. Gregorian. Most Senate Republicans back measure saying Trump impeachment trial is unconstitutional. NBC News. January 26, 2021 . January 26, 2021. November 10, 2021. live.
  83. Public intellectuals : a study of decline, Richard A. Posner, Harvard University Press, 2001,
  84. History of the Opinion Awards
  85. The John Marshall Law School
  86. The Lawdragon 500 for 2008
  87. The Blawg 100
  88. The Turley Blog Leads in Vote on Best Law Professor and Legal Theory Blogs
  89. News: Ranking Law Professors in the Twitterverse - Above the LawAbove the Law . August 19, 2022 .
  90. House Staff Member Cleared in Inquiry on Leak of Iraq Intelligence Estimate
  91. Jonathan Turley to Advise NSA Whistle-blower
  92. Elizabeth Morgan Act and Legislating Family Values
  93. Senate takes up impeachment of Louisiana judge
  94. Web site: U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 111th Congress - 2nd Session. December 5, 2019. April 1, 2021. live.
  95. Web site: Michael A. Memoli. Senate convicts Louisiana federal judge in impeachment trial. Los Angeles Times. 2010-12-09. 2019-12-05. The Senate also voted to bar him from ever holding public office in the future... The vote on the first count was unanimous, 96-0. On subsequent counts, the votes were 69-27, 88-8, and 90-6. Impeachment required a vote of two-thirds of the Senate.. October 22, 2018. live.
  96. Dr. Al-Arian's Lawyers in Virginia
  97. News: Muslim cleric, given life sentence for promoting religious combat, released pending appeal. The Washington Post. October 7, 2020. September 16, 2020. live.
  98. Lawyer views high court appeal of Area 51 lawsuit a longshot
  99. At last, a glimpse of Area 51
  100. Pershing Park lawyers fees top $2M
  101. Some Flats data public
  102. Web site: Jonathan Turley testimony. The Hill. 4 December 2019. 2 July 2020. January 25, 2021. live.
  103. News: Johnson. Robert. 10 Congressmen And A Law Professor Just Sued To Stop The War In Libya. 2021-12-04. Business Insider. en-US. December 4, 2021. live.
  104. Web site: December 31, 2013 . Happy New Year's Eve!!! . Jonathan Turley . October 29, 2016 . March 3, 2021 . . live .
  105. Web site: 2007-11-01. Luxury Homes: November 2007 Washingtonian (DC). 2021-09-26. Washingtonian. en-US. September 26, 2021. live.
  106. Web site: 2023-12-29 . Legal scholar Jonathan Turley becomes latest 'swatting' victim . 2023-12-30 . . en-US.