Kenneth McDuff explained

Kenneth McDuff
Birthname:Kenneth Allen McDuff
Height:1.93 m
Alias:The Broomstick Murderer
The Broomstick Killer
Birth Date:March 21, 1946
Birth Place:Rosebud, Falls County, Texas
Death Date:November 17, 1998
Death Place:Huntsville Unit, Huntsville, Texas, U.S.
Cause:Execution by lethal injection
Country:United States
Beginyear:August 6, 1966
Endyear:March 1, 1992
Apprehended:For the final time on May 4, 1992
Conviction:Murder with malice (1968)
Capital murder (1993)
Sentence:Death, commuted to life with parole (1966)
Death (1993)
Criminal Status:Executed

Kenneth Allen McDuff (died November 17, 1998) was an American serial killer from Texas. In 1966, McDuff and an accomplice kidnapped and murdered three teenagers who were visiting from California. He was given three death sentences for these crimes but avoided execution after the 1972 U.S. Supreme Court ruling Furman v. Georgia. He was resentenced to life and was paroled in 1989. Between October 1989 and March 1992, McDuff raped and killed at least six women, receiving another death sentence and was later executed in 1998.

Early life and background

Kenneth Allen McDuff was raised on 201 Linden Street in the central Texas town of Rosebud, the fifth of six children born to John Allen "JA" and Addie McDuff. His father ran a successful concrete business during the Texas construction boom of the 1960s. McDuff was indulged by his family, particularly his mother Addie, nicknamed the "pistol-packing mama" because she threatened a school bus driver with a gun after the driver kicked McDuff's twin brother Lonnie off the bus.

At Rosebud High School, McDuff earned the reputation of being a bully. He was careful to pick on weaker individuals after the large but not strong McDuff lost a fight he had picked with an athletic and popular boy named Tommy Sammons. As a result, he quit school and worked for his father's business doing manual labor. McDuff would often brag in later interviews that old ladies loved how he mowed their lawns, making others jealous. McDuff was convicted of a series of burglaries and put in prison.[1]

Earlier criminal activities

McDuff's criminal record began two years before his first murder conviction. In 1964, at age 18, McDuff was convicted of 12 counts of burglary and attempted burglary in three Texas counties: Bell, Milam, and Falls. He was sentenced to 12 four-year prison terms to be served concurrently. He made parole in December 1965.[1]

McDuff briefly returned to prison after becoming involved in a fight but was soon released. While he had not been convicted of any murders at this time, his accomplice in the 1966 triple murder, Roy Dale Green, said that McDuff bragged openly about his criminal record and claimed to have raped and killed two young women.[1]

Broomstick murders

On August 6, 1966, McDuff and Green, whom he had met around a month earlier through a mutual acquaintance, spent the day pouring concrete for McDuff's father. They then drove around, as McDuff said he was looking for a girl. At 10 pm, Robert Brand (aged 17), his girlfriend Edna Louise Sullivan (aged 16), and Brand's 15-year-old cousin Mark Dunnam were standing beside their parked car on a baseball field in Everman, Texas.[1]

While cruising around, McDuff noticed Sullivan and parked around 150 yards away from the soon-to-be victims. He threatened the trio with his .38 Colt revolver and ordered them to get into the trunk of their car. With Green following in McDuff's car, McDuff drove the victims' Ford along a highway and then into a field, where he ordered Sullivan out of the trunk of the Ford and instructed Green to put her into the trunk of his Dodge Coronet. At this point, according to Green's statement, McDuff said he would have to "knock 'em off"; he proceeded to fire six shots into the trunk of the Ford despite Dunman and Brand's pleas not to. McDuff then instructed Green to wipe the fingerprints off the Ford.

After driving to another location, McDuff and Green, the latter allegedly under duress, raped Sullivan. After she was raped repeatedly, McDuff asked Green for something with which to strangle her. Green gave him his belt. However, in the end, McDuff opted to use a 3adj=midNaNadj=mid piece of broomstick from his car. He choked Sullivan, and then Green and he dumped her body in some bushes. They purchased Coca-Cola from a Hillsboro gas station before driving to Green's house to spend the night. The following day, McDuff buried his revolver beside Green's garage, and their mutual acquaintance Richard Boyd allowed McDuff to wash his car at his house. The next day, Green confessed to Boyd's parents, who told Green's mother, who convinced him to turn himself in. McDuff was arrested by Falls County Sheriff Albert Brady Pamplin (who served with Texas Rangers before serving in World War II with United States Army Air Corps) and Deputy U.S. Marshal Thomas Parnell “T.P.” McNamara Sr.[1]

McDuff received a death sentence in Texas' electric chair; Green received a 25-year sentence and was released in 1979.[2] McDuff's death sentence was commuted to a life sentence, and he hired a lawyer, who amassed a dossier of various evidence that claimed to show that Green was the real killer. Some members of the parole board were impressed by the dossier. During a one-on-one interview with a board member, McDuff offered him a bribe to secure a favorable decision on the parole application. He was given a two-year sentence for trying to bribe the official. It proved meaningless, as board members thought McDuff could still "contribute to society" and decided to grant him parole. He was released in 1989.[1]

Post-release crimes

McDuff was one of 20 former death-row inmates and 127 murderers to be paroled. After being released, he got a job at a gas station making $4 an hour while taking a class at Texas State Technical College in Waco.[3] Within three days of his release, he is widely believed to have begun killing again. The body of 29-year-old Sarafia Parker was discovered on October 14, 1989, in Temple, a town 48 miles south of Waco along the I-35 corridor. McDuff was not charged with this crime. However, he was soon returned to prison on a parole violation for making death threats to an African American youth in Rosebud.[1]

Addie McDuff paid $1,500, plus an additional $700 for expenses, to two Huntsville attorneys in return for their "evaluating" her son's prospect of release. On December 18, 1990, McDuff was again released from prison. On the night of October 10, 1991, he picked up a sex worker named Brenda Thompson in Waco. He tied her up but then stopped his truck about 50 ft from a police checkpoint. When a policeman walked toward McDuff's vehicle, Thompson repeatedly kicked at the windshield of McDuff's truck, cracking it several times.

McDuff accelerated very quickly and drove at the officers. According to a statement filed by the officers later, three had to jump to avoid being hit. The police officers gave chase, but McDuff eluded them by turning off his lights and traveling the wrong way down one-way streets. Ultimately, he parked his truck in a wooded area near U.S. Route 84 and tortured Thompson to death. Her body was not discovered until 1998.

Five days later, on October 15, 1991, McDuff and a 21-year-old sex worker named Regenia DeAnne Moore were witnessed arguing at a Waco motel. Shortly thereafter, the pair drove in McDuff's pickup truck to a remote area beside Texas State Highway 6, near Waco. McDuff tied her arms and legs with stockings before killing her. She had been missing from home for seven years by the time her body was discovered on September 29, 1998. McDuff is also believed to have murdered Cynthia Renee Gonzalez, 23, who was found dead in a creek bed near County Road 313 in heavily wooded terrain 1 mile west of I-35 on September 21, 1991, some six days after she was reported missing in Arlington.[4]

McDuff and an accomplice, Alva Hank Worley, murdered Colleen Reed, a Louisiana native, on December 29, 1991. McDuff and Worley drove to an Austin car wash and kidnapped Reed in plain sight of eyewitnesses before driving away. Worley admitted in an April 1992 interview with the Bell County Sheriff's Department that he had raped Reed and tortured her with cigarettes, but he stated that he did not participate in her murder.

McDuff's next victim was Valencia Joshua, a sex worker who was last seen alive knocking on McDuff's door. He strangled Joshua on February 24, 1992. Her body was discovered on March 15 at a golf course near their college. Next was Melissa Northrup, a 22-year-old store clerk at a Waco Quik-Pak (the same store McDuff had worked in at one point), pregnant when she went missing from the store. The kidnapper also took $250 from the cash register. McDuff was a suspect because he had been seen in the vicinity of the Quik-Pak at the time of Northrup's disappearance. During the investigation, before the body was found, a college friend of McDuff's told police officers that he had attempted to enlist his help in robbing the store. Northrup died on March 1, 1992, and a fisherman found her body on April 26.

A major problem for investigators was that McDuff's post-release victims were spread out across several Texas counties. This made a single coordinated investigation difficult. However, the police learned that McDuff was peddling drugs and had an illegal firearm, both federal offenses. Consequently, on March 6, 1992, a local state attorney issued a warrant for his arrest. In April 1992, Bell County investigators had brought in Worley for questioning because he was a known acquaintance of McDuff's. Worley admitted to his involvement in the kidnapping of Reed. He was held in a Travis County jail while the police continued their search for McDuff.

McDuff had moved to Kansas City, Missouri, where he was working at a refuse collection company and living under the assumed name of Richard Fowler. On May 1, 1992, a coworker of his named Gary Smithee watched the Fox television program America's Most Wanted. Smithee noticed how similar McDuff, featured on the program, was to his new coworker. After discussing the matter with another coworker, Smithee telephoned the Kansas City Police Department, which searched Fowler's name and found he had been arrested and fingerprinted for soliciting sex workers. A comparison of the fingerprints taken from Fowler to those of McDuff showed they were the same. On May 4, 1992, a surveillance team of six officers arrested McDuff as he drove to a landfill south of Kansas City. The arresting officers included Deputy U.S. Marshal Thomas Parnell McNamara Jr., his brother, Deputy U.S. Marshal Mike McNamara, and Falls County Sheriff Larry Pamplin, whose fathers had arrested McDuff in 1966.[1]


!Name!Age!Death Date!Details of Murder
Robert Brand17August 6, 1966He was kidnapped with Mark Dunman and Edna Sullivan. He was forced into the trunk of his car with Mark before McDuff fired six shots into it.
Mark Dunman15August 6, 1966He was kidnapped with Robert Brand and Edna Sullivan. He was forced into the trunk of Mark's car with Robert before McDuff fired six shots into it.
Edna Louise Sullivan16August 6, 1966She was kidnapped, repeatedly raped by McDuff and Green, and strangled with a broomstick so violently it broke her neck. Her body was dumped in some bushes.
Sarafia Parker29Found October 14, 1989She was beaten, strangled, and dumped in a field.
Brenda Thompson36October 10, 1991She was tied up, raped, and tortured to death. She almost escaped when she kicked at and cracked McDuff's windshield in front of a police checkpoint, but McDuff evaded police.
Regenia DeAnne Moore21October 15, 1991She was tied up with stockings, raped, and murdered.
Colleen Reed28December 29, 1991She was kidnapped in plain sight from an Austin car wash by McDuff and Worley. Both repeatedly raped her and tortured her with cigarettes before McDuff murdered her.
Valencia Joshua22February 24, 1992She was strangled to death and found at a golf course near Texas State Technical College in Waco (where both she and McDuff were students).
Melissa Northrup 22March 1, 1992She was kidnapped from the Waco Quik-Pak, where she worked, and strangled with a rope. She was pregnant with her third child at the time of her murder and was found in a Dallas County gravel pit with her hands still tied behind her back.

Trial and execution

McDuff was indicted on one count of capital murder for Northrup's murder in McLennan County, Texas, on June 26, 1992. He was found guilty. In Texas, juries determine whether or not an individual convicted of capital murder receives life imprisonment or the death penalty. Journalist Gary Cartwright expressed the hope he would be executed, saying: "If there has ever been a good argument for the death penalty, it's Kenneth McDuff."[1]

On February 18, 1993, the jury, in a special punishment hearing, opted to sentence him to death. Following several delays while appeals were heard, the Western District Court denied habeas corpus relief and rescheduled the execution date for November 17, 1998. As he was denied authorization for another, he gave up Reed's burial location a few weeks before his execution.

McDuff is buried in the Captain Joe Byrd Cemetery, also known as "Peckerwood Hill", in Huntsville, Texas.[5] Prisoners buried there are those whose families chose not to claim their remains. His headstone contains only his date of execution (11-17-98), an "X" (meaning that the State of Texas executed him), and his death row number (999055).[1]

See also


External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Free to Kill. August 1992. Texas Monthly. Gary. Cartwright. 27 July 2017.
  2. Web site: In the Shadow of the Tower (Part 2): A "Savage Individual" Hometown by Handlebar. 2022-01-16.
  3. News: Mike. Cochran. McDuff likely to take grisly secrets to grave. Associated Press. July 26, 2007. May 26, 1997.
  4. News: Dead man prime suspect in Gonzalez murder. Cleburne Times-Review. Pete Kendall. March 30, 2009 . 27 July 2017.
  5. Alan Turner, "Eternity's gate slowly closing at Peckerwood Hill." Houston Chronicle. August 3, 2012. Retrieved on March 16, 2014.