LV Legislature of the Mexican Congress explained

55th Congress
(LV Legislatura)
Body:Congress of the Union
Meeting Place:Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro (Chamber of Deputies/Congress)
Casona de Xicoténcatl (Senate)
Election:18 August 1991
Chamber1:Senate of the Republic
Chamber1 Image:LV Legislatura de México Senado.svg
Chamber2:Chamber of Deputies
Chamber2 Image:LV Legislatura de México Cámara de Diputados.svg
Session1 End:-->

The LV Legislature of the Congress of the Union of Mexico (55th Congress) met from 1 September 1991 to 31 August 1994.

32 senators and all of the deputies had been elected in the 1991 legislative elections. The deputies served three years and the senators six, continuing into the 56th Congress.

The PRI regained near-total control of the legislature, with nearly two-thirds of the deputies and all but three senators.


New Laws

TitleVotesSigned by
the executive
Entry dateActive
DOF 29-06-1992Ley de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos
DOF 15-07-1992Ley de Asociaciones Religiosas y Culto Público
Repeals DOF 18-01-1927 (XXXII Legislature), DOF 30-12-1931 (XXXIV Legislature)
DOF 16-07-1992Ley Orgánica de Petróleos Mexicanos y Organismos Subsidiarios
Repeals DOF 06-02-1971 (XLVIII Legislature); Repealed by DOF 28-11-2008 (LX Legislature)


By political party

Party Senators

By federative entity

State Senator Party State Senator Party
César Moreno Martínez de Escobar
Alternate for Margarita Ortega Villa
José Epifanio Godoy Hernández
Alternate for Mario Villanueva Madrid
Alicia López de la Torre
Alternate for Rogelio Montemayor
Armando Hopkins Durazo
Alternate for Luis Donaldo Colosio
Ernesto García Sarmiento
Alternate for José Antonio Álvarez Lima
José Nerio Torres Ortiz
Alternate for Dulce María Sauri Riancho

Parliamentary coordinators

Chamber of Deputies

The Chamber of Deputies had 500 legislators, elected for three-year terms with no immediate reelection. 300 deputies were elected from single-member districts and the other 200 from party lists in each of the five proportional representation electoral regions.

Deputies by political party

Party Deputies (SMD) Deputies (PR) Total Deputies
11 78 89
289 31 320
0 12 12
0 15 15
0 23 23
0 41 41

Deputies from single-member districts

State District Deputy Party State District Deputy Party
Enrique Edgardo Jacob Rocha
Yolanda Robinson Manríquez
Alternate for Guillermo Mercado Romero
Sara Cruz Olvera
Efraín Zavala Cisneros
Alternate for Eduardo Villaseñor Peña
Irma Mayela Adame Aguayo
Alternate for Mariano López Mercado
NayaritJuan Alonso Romero
Alternate for Rigoberto Ochoa Zaragoza
Distrito FederalJuan Morales Salinas
Jaime Heliodoro Rodríguez Calderón
Arturo de la Garza González Junior
Eloy Cantú Segovia
Distrito FederalNuevo León
Vitalicio Cándido Coheto Martínez
Rafael Sergio Vera Cervantes
Distrito Federal
Distrito Federal
Francisco Felipe Ángel Villarreal
José Manuel Vera López
Melquíades Morales Flores
Alberto Jiménez Arroyo
Distrito FederalGuillermo Pacheco Pulido
Distrito Federal
San Luis PotosíHoracio Sánchez Unzueta
Suplenrte Enrique Rosales Morales
Eleazer Ayala Rodríguez
Enrique Chavero Ocampo
Alejandro Ontiveros GómezSalvador Valencia Carmona
Juan José Bañuelos Guardado
Ramón Ferrari Pardiño
22Gustavo Carvajal Moreno
Luis Alberto Beauregard Rivas
Cupertino Juárez Gutiérrez
Pablo Casas Jaime
Antonio Huitrón VeraPedro de León Sánchez
Amador Monroy Estrada

Parliamentary coordinators
