List of crinoid genera explained

This list of crinoid genera is an attempt to create a comprehensive listing of all genera that have ever been considered to be crinoids, excluding purely vernacular terms. The list includes all commonly accepted genera, but also genera that are now considered invalid, doubtful (nomina dubia), or were not formally published (nomina nuda), as well as junior synonyms of more established names, and genera that are no longer considered crinoids.

Naming conventions and terminology

Naming conventions and terminology follow the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). Technical terms used include:

A name that is formally published, but which has already been used for another taxon. This second use is invalid (as are all subsequent uses) and the name must be replaced. As preoccupied names are not valid generic names, they will also go unitalicized on this list.


Stukalina proposed a classification of columnals.[1] [2] Most families in this classification are based on a single genus. It may also be that separate families have been erected for different parts of the stem of a single crinoid genus. No families have been added for columnal genera in the initial input of data in the following table. These genera may be identified by the use of "[columnal]" in the family column of the table. It should also be noted that, where the same generic name has been used for columnals and cups/crowns, there is often considerable uncertainty that they actually belong in the same genus. As studies of columnals continue, it is hoped that things will improve and a classification will emerge that is based on the whole animal.

Notes and References

  1. Stukalina, G. A., 1966. On the principles of classification of Paleozoic crinoid stems. Paleontological Journal(3), pp 94-102
  2. Stukalina, G. A., 1988. Studies in Paleozoic crinoid-columnals and stems. Palaeontographica, v. 204, pp 1-66
  3. Web site: Bowsher, A. L. . 1955 . New genera of Mississippian camerate crinoids, Echinodermata Article 1 . 0075-5044. The Paleontological Institute, The University of Kansas. 1–23 .
  4. Webster, G.D. Bibliography and index of paleozoic crinoids, coronates and hemistreptocrinoids, 1758-2012.
  5. Webster, G. D. . 1981 . New crinoids from the Naco Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) of Arizona and a revision of the Family Cromyocrinidae . SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology . Journal of Paleontology . 55 . 6 . 1176–1199 . 1304548 .
  6. Web site: Moore, R. C.. Plummer, F. B.. 1940 . Crinoids from the Upper Carboniferous and Permian strata in Texas . University of Texas Publication 3945. 1–468 .
  7. Angelin, N. P., 1878. Iconographia Crinoideorum. in stratis Sueciae Siluricis fossilium. Samson and Wallin, Holmiae, 62pp
  8. Laudon, L. R. . Severson, J. L. . 1953 . New crinoid fauna, Mississippian, Lodgepole Formation, Montana . Journal of Paleontology . 27 . 4 . 505–536 . 1300177 .
  9. Strimple, H. L. . 1963 . Crinoids of the Hunton Group . Oklahoma Geological Survey Bulletin 100 . University of Oklahoma .
  10. Gary Lane, N. . 1963 . Two new Mississippian camerate (Batocrinidae) crinoid genera . Journal of Paleontology . 37 . 3 . 691–702 . University of California . Los Angeles. 1301386 .
  11. Bohatý, J. . 2005 . Doppellagige Kronenplaten: Ein neues anatomisches Merkmal paläozoischer Crinoiden und Revision der Familie Cupressocrinitidae (Devon) . Paläontologische Zeitschrift . 79 . 2 . 201–225 . 10.1007/BF02990185 . de . Double-layered crown plates: A new anatomical feature of Paleozoic crinoids and revision of the family Cupressocrinitidae (Devonian).
  12. Kolata, D. R. . 1982 . Sprinkle, J. . Echinoderm faunas from the Bromide Formation (Middle Ordovician) of Oklahoma . University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Monograph 1 . 170–205 . The University of Kansas Paleontological Institute. Lawrence, Kansas . 0278-9744.
  13. Wanner, J., 1920. Über Armlose Krinoiden aus dem jüngeren Palaeozoikum. Verhandelingen Geologie Mijnbouw Genootoch, Geologic Series, v. 5, p. 21-35
  14. Book: Alcide d'Orbigny, M. . 1850–1852 . Prodrome du paléontologie stratigraphique universelle des animaux mollusques et rayonnés faisant suite au cours élémentaire de plaéontologie et de géologie stratigraphique . v.1 . Paris . Victor Masson.
  15. Miller, S. A. . Gurley, W.F.E. . 1888 . Description of some new genera and species of Echinodermata from the Coal Measures and Subcarboniferous rocks of Indiana, Missouri, and Iowa . Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources, 16th Annual Report . 327–373 . registration .
  16. Wachsmuth, C.. Springer, F.. 1897 . The North American Crinoidea Camerata . Harvard College Museum of Comparative Zoology . Memoirs . 21 . 360–897 .
  17. Roemer, F. A. . 1850. Acanthocrinus, ein neues Krinoiden-Genus . Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie . 679–680 . de . Acanthocrinus, a new Crinoid genus.
  18. Yeltyschewa, R. S., 1979. Стебли Палеозойских лилий Прибалтики (Верхний Ордовик) [Stems of Paleozoic crinoids from the Pribaltic (Upper Ordovician)]. Вопросы палеонтологии, v. 8, pp 94-106 In Russian
  19. Biese, Walter. 1935–1937. Crinoidea jurassica. In W. Quenstedt, ed., Fossilium Catalogus, I. Animalia, pt. 70, 73, 76. W. Junk. s’Gravenhage. 739 p.
  20. Hess, H. & Messing, C. 2011. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part T. Echinodermata 2 Revised. Crinoidea Volume 3. The University of Kansas Paleontological Institute Lawrence, Kansas. 291 + xxx pp. url=
  21. Wanner, J., 1924. Die permischen Krinoiden von Timor. Jaarbook van net Mijnwezen Nederlandes Oost-Indie, Verhandlungen (1921), Gedeelte, v. 3, pp 1-348
  22. Sisova, E. N., 1979. Флорициклиди позднего девона Восточного Казахстана и Средней Азии [Floricyclids of the Late Devonian of eastern Kazakhstan and central Asia]. Ежегодник Всесоюзного Палеонтологического Общества, v. 22, pp 166-172 In Russian
  23. Schultze, L. . 1867 . Monographie der Echinodermen des Eifler Kalkes . Denkschriften der Kaiserlich Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe . 26 . 2 . 113–230 . de . Monograph of the Echinoderms of the Eifel Limestone.
  24. Eckert, J. D. . Brett, C. . 2001 . Early Silurian Llandovery crinoids from the Lower Clinton Group, western New York State . Bulletins of American Paleontology . 360 .
  25. Kesling, R. V. . Paul, C.R.C. . 1971 . Agostocrinus and Acolocrinus, two new Ordovician crinoids with peculiary and respiratory structures . University of Michigan Contributions from Museum of Paleontology . 23 . 14. 221–237 .
  26. Trautschold, Hermann. 1859. Recherches géologiques aux environs de Moscou. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 32(3):109–121, 2 pl.
  27. Yandell, L. P. . 1855 . Description of a new genus of crinoidea . American Journal of Science . Series 2 . 20 . 70 . 135–137 .
  28. Book: Miller, J. S. . 1821 . A natural history of the Crinoidea, or lily-shaped animals; with observations on the genera, Asteria, Euryale, Comatula and Marsupites . Bristol, England . Bryan & Co. .
  29. Müller, J. . 1841 . Über die Gattungen und Arten der Comatulen . de . About the genera and species of Comatula . Monatsberichte Königlich Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin . 1840-42 . 179–189 .
  30. Kirk, E. . 1947 . Three new genera of inadunate crinoids from the Lower Mississippian. . American Journal of Science . 245 . 5 . 287–303 . 10.2475/ajs.245.5.287 .
  31. Pabian, R. K., and Strimple, H. L., 1985. Classification, paleoecology and biostratigraphy of crinoids from the Stull Shale (Late Pennsylvanian) of Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa. University of Nebraska State Museum Bulletin, v. 11, pp 1-81
  32. Messing, C. G. . 2013 . A revision of the genus Atelecrinus PH Carpenter (Echinodermata: Crinoidea) . Zootaxa . 3681 . 1 . 1–43 . 10.11646/zootaxa.3681.1.1 . 25232582 .
  33. Web site: Phillips, J. . 1841 . Figures and descriptions of the Palaeozoic fossils of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset; observed in the course of the ordinance geological survey of that district . London . Longmans, Brown, Green, and Longmans .
  34. Clark A.H. . 1907 . New genera of recent free crinoids . Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections . 50 . 3 . 343–364 .
  35. Guensburg, T. E. . Sprinkle, J. . 2003 . The oldest known crinoids (Early Ordovician, Utah) and a new crinoid plate homology system . Bulletins of American Paleontology . 364 .
  36. Webster, G. D. . 1997 . Lower Carboniferous echinoderms from northern Utah and western Wyoming . Utah Geological Survey Bulletin 128, Paleontology Series . 1 . . 2017-03-19 .
  37. Kirk, E. . 1938 . Five new genera of Carboniferous Crinoidea Inadunata . Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences . 28 . 158–172 . Washington Academy of Sciences .
  38. Strimple, H. L. . 1973 . Aenigmocrinus, a new Chesteran crinoid genus . Fossil Crinoid Studies, University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Paper 66 . 3 . 15–18 . 0075-5052.
  39. Ubaghs, G. . 1969 . Aethocrinus moorei Ubaghs N. Gen., N. sp., le Plus ancien Crinoide dicyclique Connu . University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Paper 38 . 1–25 .
  40. Ausich, W. I. and Copper, P., 2010. The Crinoidea of Anticosti Island, Québec (Late Ordovician to Early Silurian). Palaeontolgraphica Canadiana, No. 29, 157 pp
  41. Strimple, H. L. . Watkins, W. T. . 1969 . Carboniferous crinoids of Texas with stratigraphic implications . Palaeontographica Americana . 6 . 40 . 139–275 .
  42. Knapp, W.D. . 1969 . Declinida, a new order of late Paleozoic inadunate crinoids . Journal of Paleontology . 43 . 2 . 340–391 . 1302315 .
  43. Hall, J. . 1858 . Chapter 8. Palaeontology of Iowa . Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Iowa. Embracing the Results of Investigations Made During Portions of the Years 1855, 56 &. 57 . 1 . part II; Palaeontology. 473–724 .
  44. Owen, D. D. . Shumard, B. F. . 1852 . Descriptions of seven new species of crinoidea from the subcarboniferous of Iowa and Illinois . Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 2 . 2 . 89–94 .
  45. Schewtschenko, T. W., 1967. Раннедевонские морские лилии семейства Parahexacrinidae fam. nov. Servschanskogo hrebta. Палеонтологический журнал, no. 3, pp 76-88 in Russian
  46. Schewtschenko, T. W., 1968. Early Devonian sea lilies of the family Parahexacrinidae fam. nov. from the Zeravshan stage. Paleontological Journal. no. 3, pp 76-88
  47. Strimple, H. L. . 1961 . Late Desmoinesian crinoids . Oklahoma Geological Survey, Bulletin . 93 .
  48. Clark A.H. . 1913 . Notes on the recent crinoids in the British Museum . Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections . 61 . 15 . 1–89 .
  49. Webster, G. D. . Lane, N. G. . 1967 . Additional Permian crinoids from southern Nevada . University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Paper 27 . 1–32 .
  50. Jaekel, O. . 1895 . de . Beiträge zur Kenntniss der palaeozoischen Crinoiden Deutschlands . Paläontologisches Abhandlungen . 7 . 3 . 1–116 .
  51. Weller, J. M. . 1930 . A group of larviform crinoids from Lower Pennsylvanian strata of the eastern Interior Basin . Illinois Geological Survey, Report of Investigations . 21 . 1–43 . . 2019-08-21.
  52. Taylor, P.D. 1983. Ailsacrinus gen. nov., an aberrant millericrinid from the Middle Jurassic of Britain. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology 37:37–77, 48 fig.
  53. Wright, J., 1939. The Scottish Carboniferous Crinoidea. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, v. 60(1), pt. 1, pp 1-78
  54. Hagdorn, H. . 1988 . Ainigmacrinus calyconodalis n. g. n. sp., eine ungewöhnliche Seelilie aus der Obertrias der Dolomiten . de . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Monatshefte . 71–96 . 10.1127/njgpm/1988/1988/71 .
  55. Prokop, R. J. . 2010 . Aishacrinidae, a new family of camerate crinoids from the Silurian of Bohemia, Czech Republic . Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series . 179 . 5 . 41–46 . . 2020-07-02.
  56. Donovan, S. K. . Veltkamp, C. J. . 1993 . Crinoids from the upper Ashgill (Upper Ordovician) of Wales . Journal of Paleontology . 67 . 4 . 604–613 . 10.1017/S002233600002494X . 1305934 . 1993JPal...67..604D .
  57. Hashimoto, K., 1995. Akiyoshicrinus, a new erisocrinid crinoid genus from the Upper Carboniferous of the Akiyoshi Limestone Group, southwest Japan (Crinoid studies of Akiyoshi - 1). Bulletin of the Akiyoshi-dai Museum of Natural History, v. 30, pp 1-14
  58. Book: Leach, W. E. . 1815 . The Zoological Miscellany; Being Descriptions of New, or Interesting Animals. R.P. Nodder . London . 2 . 1–154 .
  59. Book: Clark, A.H. . 1908 . The Nomenclature of the Recent Crinoids, Proc . US National Museum . 34 . 435–536 .
  60. Stukalina, G. A., and Tujutjan, Yu. A., 1970. Новые представители группы пентамерата из ордовика Казахстана [New specimens of the group pentamerata from the Ordovician of Kazakhstan]. Известия Академии Наук Казахстанской ССР, Серия Геологище(1), pp 57-65 In Russian
  61. Kirk . Edwin . 1929-10-01 . The status of the genus Mariacrinus Hall . American Journal of Science . 18 . 106 . 337–346 . 10.2475/ajs.s5-18.106.337 . 1929AmJS...18..337K . . 2020-06-26.
  62. Clark A.H. . 1947 . A monograph of the existing crinoids . 1 . 4b . Bulletin of the United States National Museum V82 .
  63. Herbert Carpenter, P. . Etheridge, R. Jr. . 1881 . Contributions to the study of the British Paleozoic crinoids. - No. 1. On Allagecrinus, the representative of the Carboniferous limestone series . Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 5 . 7 . 281–298 .
  64. Michelotti, G. 1861. Description de quelques nouveaux fossiles du terrain miocène de la colline de Turin. Revue Magasin Zoologie (série 2) 13:353–354.
  65. Wanner, J., 1937. Neue beiträge zur kenntnis der Permischen echinodermen von Timor, VIII-XIII. Palaeontographica, Supplement 4, IV Abteilungen, Abschnitt 1, pp 1-212
  66. Wachsmuth, C., and Springer, F., 1890. A new genus (Allocrinus) from the Niagara Group of western Tennessee. Illinois Geological Survey, v. 8, pt. 2, Palaeontology of Illinois, sec. 2, pp 206-208
  67. Messing . C.G. . 1995 . Alloeocomatella, a new genus of reef-dwelling feather star from the tropical Indo-western Pacific (Echinodermata: Crinoidea: Comasteridae) . Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington . 108 . 436–450 .
  68. Casseday, S. A. . Lyon, S. S. . 1862 . Description of two new genera and eight new species of fossil Crinoidea from the rocks of Indiana and Kentucky . Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences . 5 . 16–31 .
  69. Strimple, H. L. . 1949 . Crinoid studies. Part V, Allosocrinus, a new crinoid genus from the Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma . Bulletins of American Paleontology . 32 . 133 . 15–20 [265–270] .
  70. Witzke . Brian J.. Strimple . Harrell L. . 1981 . Early Silurian crinoids of eastern Iowa . Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science . 88 . 3 . 101–137 .
  71. Guensburg . Thomas E. . 2010 . Alphacrinus new genus and origin of the disparid clade . Journal of Paleontology . 84 . 6 . 1209–1216 . 10.1666/10-030.1 . 40925993 .
  72. Tansey, V. O. . 1924 . The fauna and the correlation of the Bailey Limestone In: the Little Saline Creek area of Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri . The Devonian of Missouri. Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines . 2 . 17 (1922) . 166–212 .
  73. Stukalina, G. A., 1979. Криноидеи Криволуцкого, Мангазейского, Долборского и Кецкого Горизонтов В кн. Фауна Ордовика Средней Сибири [Crinoids of the Krivolutsky, Mangazeisky, Dolbrosky and Ketsky Horizons. In: Menner, V. V., (ed.), Ordovician faunas of Middle Siberia]. Издательство Наука, Труды, v. 330, pp 131-158 In Russian
  74. Webster, G. D. . Maples, C. G. . Mawson, R. . Dastanpour, M. . 2003 . A cladid-dominated Early Mississippian crinoid and conodont fauna from Kerman Province, Iran and revision of the glossocrinids and rhenocrinids . Journal of Paleontology . 77 . 3 . 1–35 . 10.1666/0022-3360(2003)77[1:ACEMCA]2.0.CO;2 . 4095813 .
  75. Waters, J. A. . Maples, C. G. . Lane, N. G. . Marcus, S. . Liao, Z-T. . Liu, L. . Hou, H-F. . Wang, J-X . 2003 . A quadrupling of Famennian pelmatozoan diversity: new Late Devonian blastoids and crinoids from northwest China . Journal of Paleontology . 77 . 5 . 922–948 . 10.1666/0022-3360(2003)077<0922:AQOFPD>2.0.CO;2 . 4094763 . 2003JPal...77..922W .
  76. Klikushin, V. G. 1984. Fossil crinoids of the suborder Hyocrinina. Palaeontologicheskiy Zhurnal 3:74–85, 2 fig., pl. 6–7. In Russian.