List of names on Mount Kenya explained

Mount Kenya (5199m (17,057feet)) is the second highest mountain in Africa and the highest mountain in Kenya, after which the country is named.[1] It lies just south of the equator and currently has eleven small glaciers.[2] [3] Various expeditions reached it in the following years.[4] [5] It was first climbed in 1899 by Halford Mackinder. The mountain became a national park in 1949, played a key role in the Mau Mau events in the 1950s, and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.[6] It is climbed and walked up by up to 15,000 tourists every year.[7]

Mount Kenya

Mount Kenya received its current name by European missionaries who, wrote the name as 'Kenya' from the Akamba word 'kiinyaa'. The first missionaries, Johann Ludwig Krapf, and Johannes Rebmann, were led into Kenyas interior by Akamba long-distance traders. So when they asked the name of the mountain, they were given the name 'kiima kya kenia'. 'kenia' in Kamba means to glitter, or to shine, hence the Akamba people referred to it as the mountain that glitters, or the shining mountain. So these missionaries recorded it as Mt. Kenya, a Kamba word, and the country was then later named after this mountain. Wangari Maathai tells the following story about the naming: Krapf and Johannes Rebmann asked their guide, a member of the Kamba community, who was carrying a gourd, what they called the mountain, and the guide, believing that the Germans were referring to the gourd, replied kĩĩ-nyaa, which became the name of the mountain and then the country.[8] Other ethnic groups living around the mountain such as the Agikuyu called this mountain 'Kirinyaga'; 'nyaga' in Kikuyu means white patches, hence it is also the Kikuyu word for Ostrich, and 'kiri' means with: so in essence they called it the 'mountain with patches like an ostrich'. The Aembu called it 'kirinyaa'. The Maasai call it Ol Donyo Keri, which mean "black & white mountain" or "the speckled mountain" respectively.[9] [10]

Krapf was staying in a Wakamba village when he first saw the mountain.[11] Krapf, however, recorded the name as both Kenia and Kegnia.[11] According to some sources, this is a corruption of the Wakamba Kiinyaa.[12] Others however say that this was on the contrary a very precise notation of a native word pronounced pronounced as /ˈkenia/.[13] Nevertheless, the name was usually pronounced in English.

It is important to note that at the time this referred to the mountain without having to include mountain in the name. The current name Mount Kenya was used by some as early as 1894,[14] but this was not a regular occurrence until 1920 when Kenya Colony was established.[15] Before 1920 the area now known as Kenya was known as the British East Africa Protectorate and so there was no need to mention mount when referring to the mountain.[15] Mount Kenya was not the only English name for the mountain as shown in Dutton's 1929 book Kenya Mountain.[16] By the 1930s Kenya was becoming the dominant spelling, but Kenia was occasionally used.[1] At this time both were still pronounced pronounced as /ˈkiːnjə/ in English.[12]

Kenya achieved independence in 1963, and Jomo Kenyatta was elected as the first president.[17] He had previously assumed this name to reflect his commitment to freeing his country and his pronunciation of his name resulted in the pronunciation of Kenya in English changing back to an approximation of the original native pronunciation, the current pronounced as /ˈkɛnjə/.[12] So the country was named after the colony, which in turn was named after the mountain as it is a very significant landmark.[15] [18] To distinguish easily between the country and the mountain, the mountain became known as Mount Kenya with the current pronunciation pronounced as /ˈkɛnjə/. Mount Kenya is featured on the coat of arms of Kenya.


The peaks of Mount Kenya have been given names from three different sources. Firstly, several Maasai chieftains have been commemorated, with names such as Batian, Nelion and Lenana. These names were suggested by Mackinder, on the suggestion of Sidney Langford Hinde, who was the resident officer in Maasailand at the time of Mackinder's expedition. They commemorate Mbatian, a Maasai Laibon (Medicine Man), Nelieng, his brother, and Lenana and Sendeyo, his sons.[16] Terere is named after another Maasai headman.

The second type of names that were given to peaks are after climbers and explorers. Some examples of this are Shipton, Sommerfelt, Tilman, Dutton and Arthur. Shipton made the first ascent of Nelion, and Sommerfelt accompanied Shipton on the second ascent. Tilman made many first ascents of peaks with Shipton in 1930. Dutton and Arthur explored the mountain between 1910 and 1930. Arthur Firmin, who made many first ascents, has been remembered in Firmin's Col. Humphrey Slade, of Pt Slade, explored the moorland areas of the mountain in the 1930s, and possibly made the first ascent of Sendeyo.

The remaining names are after well-known Kenyan personalities, with the exception of John and Peter, which were named by the missionary Arthur after two disciples. Pigott was the Acting Administrator of Imperial British East Africa at the time of Gregory's expedition, and there is a group of four peaks to the east of the main peaks named after governors of Kenya and early settlers; Coryndon, Grigg, Delamere and McMillan.

The majority of the names were given by Melhuish and Dutton, with the exception of the Maasai names and Peter and John. Pt Thomson is not named after Joseph Thomson, who confirmed the mountain's existence, but after another J Thomson who was an official Royal Geographical Society photographer.

NameReason for namingNamed byDate named
BatianNamed after Mbatian, the chief medicine man (Laibon) of Maasai when Europeans first discovered Maasailand.[19] [20] [21] Mackinder1899
NelionNamed after Nelieng, the brother of MbatianMackinder1899
Pt LenanaNamed after Lenana, the second son of Mbatian and next chief medicine man. Lenana was the medicine man at the time of first ascent of Batian.Mackinder1899
Coryndon PeakNamed after Sir Robert Coryndon, the Governor of Kenya Colony between 1922 and 1925.[22]
Pt PiggottNamed after J. R. W. Piggott, the administrator of British East Africa in 1893. He assisted Gregory's expedition to Mount Kenya.[23] Gregoryby 1900
Pt ThomsonNamed after Joseph Thomson, who, in 1863, confirmed Krapf's claim of the existence of Mount Kenya.Mackinderby 1900
Pt DuttonE. A. T Dutton explored the mountain.
Pt JohnNamed by a Scottish missionary after the disciple.Arthur[24]
Pt MelhuishNamed after J. D. Melhuish, who was responsible for most of the first maps and photographs of the mountain.Arthur
Krapf RognonNamed after Dr Krapf, who was the first European to see the mountain in 1849.Mackinder
Pt PeterNamed by a Scottish missionary after the disciple.Arthur
Pt SladeNamed after Humphrey Slade, who explored the moorland zone of Mount Kenya. He possibly also made the first ascent of Sendeyo.
TerereNamed after Terere, a Maasai laibon.Mackinder1899
SendeyoNamed after Sendeyo, the eldest son of Mbatian and brother of Lenana.Mackinder1899
Midget PeakNamed after Madge Anderson, friend of Eric Shipton in Kenya, resp. her nickname "Midget"Eric Shipton1930
The Hat
Delamere PeakNamed after Rt. Hon. Lord Delamere, who was one of the early explorers of East Africa. He arrived in Kenya Colony in 1897.Melhuish and Dutton
Macmillan PeakNamed after Sir Northrup Macmillan, an early pioneer.Melhuish and Dutton
Grigg PeakNamed after Lieut-Col. Sit Edward Grigg, who was the Governor of Kenya Colony from 1925.Arthur
Höhnel Peak (The Castle)Named after Lieut. Ludwig von Höhnel, who was the cartographer on Teleki's expedition to the mountain. When he drew the mountain from the Ndoro, to the south, he clearly marked this peak, so Gregory named it after him.Gregoryby 1894
Arthur's SeatNamed after Rev. J. W. Arthur, who made several attempts to reach the summit.Melhuish
Sommerfelt PeakNamed after G. A. Sommerfelt, who climbed Batian with Shipton and Harris on 8 January 1929.Dutton
Three SistersNamed for their appearance. "Three slim columns of rock separated from each other by the merest cracks."Melhuish and Dutton
The ToothNamed for its appearance.Melhuish and Dutton
The Castle (Höhnel Peak)
Gate of MistsNamed for its physical appearance, and because "Kenya" is a corruption of the Maasai word for "mist".Mackinder1899
Shipton PeakNamed after E. E. Shipton, who made the first ascent of Nelion and second ascent of Batian in 1929.Dutton
Grand and Petit GendarmesNamed for their physical appearance.Shipton and Tilman1930
Tilman PeakNamed after Tilman, who made many climbs with Shipton in 1930.
Pt John Minor
Thomson's Flake
Western Terminal
Eastern Terminal
Giants Billiards Table (also known as Kilingo)Visually the mountain is very flat topped.Name mentioned on Mackinder's 1900 mapby 1900
Kilingo (also known as Giants Billiards Table)
Mugi Hillby 1926
The Barrow
East Mountain (later renamed Ithanguni)Mackinder1899
Highland Castle
The TwinsPhotographed (and potentially named) by Melhuish.


NameReason for namingNamed byDate named
Carr ValleyNamed after Ernest Carr, who discovered the Carr Lakes and erected two huts on the mountain. He built a road up the east side of the mountain from Chogoria, and was the founder of the Mountain Club of East Africa.Melhuish and Dutton
Gorges ValleyNamed after Brig-General Edmund Howard Gorges, who reinforced Mackinder's expedition in 1899.Mackinderby 1900
Hausberg ValleyNamed after C. B. Hausberg, who attained the summit of Batian with Mackinder, and was the photographer of the expedition.Mackinderby 1900
Hinde ValleyNamed after Sidney Langford Hinde, who assisted Mackinder's expedition.Mackinderby 1900
Hobley ValleyNamed after C. W. Hobley, who made an expedition to the mountain with Dundas in 1891 where they traversed the forest zone. The expedition probably would have reached this valley, had they penetrated the forest.Gregoryby 1900
Höhnel ValleyNamed after Lieut. Ludwig von Höhnel, who was the cartographer on Teleki's expedition to the mountain.Gregoryby 1894
Teleki ValleyNamed after Count Samuel Teleki, who led the first expedition to penetrate the forest zone of Mount Kenya in 1887. The expedition entered this valley.[25] Gregoryby 1894
Mackinder ValleyNamed after Mackinder, who made the first ascent of Batian in 1900
Guaso Mairi ValleyThis valley was named after the river that originates here.Gregory


NameReason for namingNamed byDate namedCo-ordinates
Carr LakesNamed after Ernest Carr, who discovered the Carr Lakes and erected two huts on the mountain. He built a road up the east side of the mountain from Chogoria, and was the founder of the Mountain Club of East Africa.Melhuish and Dutton
Lake EllisNamed after Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis, who was the first European to reach the lake in 1927.Dutton
Gitchini Tarn (now known as Hanging Tarn)Named after Gitchini, the personal servant of Melhuish, who accompanied him on many expeditions.Melhuish and Dutton
Hall TarnsNamed after F. G. Hall, the District Commissioner at Fort Hall.Mackinderby 1900
Harris TarnNamed after P. Wyn Harris, who made the first ascent of Nelion and second ascent of Batian with Shipton in 1929.Dutton1926-1929
Lake HöhnelNamed after Lieut. Ludwig von Höhnel, who was the cartographer on Teleki's expedition to the mountain.Gregory1894
Lake MichaelsonNamed after a friend of Mackinder who took an interest in his expedition in 1899.Mackinderby 1900
Teleki TarnsNamed after Count Samuel Teleki, who led the first expedition to penetrate the forest zone of Mount Kenya in 1887.Gregoryby 1894
Thompson TarnsNamed after W. Bird Thompson, who was the leader of the British East African expedition to the mountain in 1891.Gregory
Gallery TarnNamed for its appearance.Melhuish and Dutton
Curling PondArthur taught Melhuish to curl on this pond.Melhuish1919
Hook TarnNamed after Raymond Hook.Melhuish and Dutton
Simba TarnPorters insisted they saw a lion here in 1924.Melhuish and Dutton
Lake AliceNamed after the Duchess of Gloucester, who visited Kenya just after the lake was discovered.Melhuish and Dutton
Polishman's TarnNamed because a Polish artist was looking for a good view of the peaks and was directed to this tarn.Melhuish and Dutton
KikamiKikami is the Kĩkũyũ word for hyrax, and there are lots of hyrax here.Melhuish and Dutton
Hanging Tarn (used to be known as Gitchini Tarn)Melhuish and Dutton
Oblong Tarn
Square Tarn
Kami Tarn
Emerald Tarn
Nanyuki TarnThe tarn is named after the river that it flows into. Nanyuki means red-brown in Maasai; the colour of the river when it floods in the wet season.[26]
Hut Tarn
Tyndall Tarn
Lewis Tarn
Hidden Tarn
Enchanted Lake
Kech Tarn
Lake Rutundu
Naro Moru Tarn
Sacred Lake


NameReason for namingNamed byDate namedArea (km2)<-- this needs a date, as the size is changing all the time. Either in the title or needs to be area and date in the column. -->Date when this area was recorded
LewisNamed as a memorial to Prof. Henry Carvell Lewis who revolutionised views on British and American glacial geology.[27] Gregoryby 18940.31983
GregoryNamed after Dr. J. W. Gregory, who was the first European to reach the glaciers of Mount Kenya in 1892 (1893?).Mackinderby 19000.081983
TyndallNamed after John Tyndall, who wrote works on Alpine Glaciers, movements of glaciers and glaciation.Gregoryby 19000.091983
ForelNamed after Forel, a Swiss geologist. Named because it was useful for the glaciers to have names when they were being surveyed.Gregory0.031983
HeimNamed after Heim, a Swiss geologist. Named because it was useful for the glaciers to have names when they were being surveyed.Gregory0.021983
KrapfNamed after Dr Krapf, who was the first European to see the mountain in 1849.Mackinderby 19000.041983
BarlowNamed after A. R. Barlow, who ascended to the peaks three times and made a collection of photographs of the mountain.Melhuish and ArthurLast recorded 1926
CesarNamed after Cesar Ollier, a guide on Mackinder's expedition in 1899.Mackinderby 19000.031983
DarwinNamed after Charles Darwin, who made the first precise description of a glacial corrie in Britain.Gregoryby 19290.041983
DiamondNamed because it is so hard.Mackinder18990.011983
JosefNamed after Josef Brocherel, a guide on Mackinder's expedition in 1899.Gregory Mackinder or Arthur and Melhuishby 19000.031983
MelhuishNamed after J. D. Melhuish, who was responsible for most of the first maps and photographs of the mountain.ArthurLast recorded 1978
NortheyNamed after Major-General Sir Edward Northey, a Governor of Kenya in the 1920s.Melhuish and Arthur0.031983
KolbeNamed after Dr Kolbe, who reached the open moorland above the eastern forest on Mount Kenya.Gregory Mackinder or Melhuish and Arthurby 1900Last recorded 1947
MackinderLast recorded 1899
Northwest PiggottLast recorded 1926
ArthurLast recorded 1926
PeterLast recorded 1926


Rivers starting above 3000m (10,000feet) are listed clockwise around the mountain from the north. Tributaries rivers which include the original name in their names are not listed, for example Liki North and Liki South. The rivers on Mount Kenya have been named after the villages on the slopes of the mountain that they flow close to. The Thuchi River is the district boundary between Meru and Embu. Mount Kenya is a major water tower for the Tana river which in 1988 supplied 80% of Kenya's electricity using a series of seven hydroelectric power stations and dams.[28]

NameCo-ordinate at 3000m (10,000feet)General flow directionTributary of
Sirimon[29] -0.0333°N 54°WNWEwaso Ng'iro
Marania0°N 37°WNNEEwaso Ng'iro
Luguso0°N 64°WNNEEwaso Ng'iro
Kazita-0.0333°N 65°WNETana
Mutonga-0.1167°N 66°WSETana
Nithi-0.1667°N 63°WSETana
Ruguti-0.2°N 62°WSETana
Thuchi-0.2167°N 61°WSETana
Rupingazi-0.2333°N 59°WSSENyamindi then Tana
Nyamindi-0.2667°N 56°WSSEReservoirs then Tana
Keringa-0.2833°N 53°WSSWSagana then Tana
Sagana-0.25°N 52°WSWReservoirs then Tana
Thego-0.2333°N 51°WSWSagana then Tana
Nairobi-0.2°N 50°WWSagana then Tana
Naro Moru-0.1667°N 50°WWEwaso Ng'iro
Burguret-0.15°N 51°WWEwaso Ng'iro
Nanyuki-0.1167°N 51°WNWEwaso Ng'iro
Liki-0.0833°N 52°WWNWEwaso Ng'iro
Ontulili[30] -0.05°N 53°WWNWEwaso Ng'iro

Other features

NameType of featureReason for namingNamed byDate named
Shipton's CaveCaveNamed after E. E. Shipton, who used the cave as a base camp when exploring the northern side of the mountain with Tilman in 1930.
Vivienne FallsWaterfallNamed after Miss Vivienne de Watteville, who was an explorer on the mountain when Shipton was there in 1929.Mackinder
The GatesWaterfallNamed after the gorge that the Nithi River runs 1926
Vertical Bog
Foxes CaveCave
Kampi ya Farasi
Kampi ya Machengeni
Percival's Bridge
The Scoop
Raguti SpringsSoda water springsMentioned by Dutton
MbairunyiClearing in the bamboo zone at 2500m (8,200feet)The name means "Place of Fighting". According to Dutton it is the highest point to which the local people used to climb on Mount Kenya, and is the site of a fight between the Embu and Meru.Named before Dutton
GachenoSmall glade in the forest zoneThe name means "Place of Danger" as the local people were afraid of starvation this high on the mountain.Named before Dutton
KethimbuiSmall glade in the forest zone.The name means "Place of Rest".Named before Dutton
The Temple300m (1,000feet) cliff
The SaddleMoorland, large area between main peaks and IthanguniMackinder1899
Firmin's TowerA pillar of rock on the north face of BatianArthur Firmin climbed this tower on the first ascent of the North Face Standard Route up Batian1944

Notes and References

  1. The spelling of Kenya. J.H. Reynolds, Secretary Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, RGS. Letters to the editor. 8 February 1932. 8. 46051.
  2. Rough Guide. Rough Guide Map Kenya. 9. 2006. World Mapping Project. 1:900,000. Rough Guide Map. 1-84353-359-6.
  3. Book: Hastenrath , Stefan . The Glaciers of Equatorial East Africa . 1984 . D. Reidel Publishing Company . Dordrecht, Holland . 90-277-1572-6 . registration .
  4. Book: Lieutenant Ludwig von Höhnel. Ludwig von Höhnel. Count Samuel Teleki . Discovery of Lakes Rudolf and Stefanie. 1894. Longmans. London.
  5. Book: John Walter Gregory. John Walter Gregory. The Great Rift Valley. 1968. Frank Cass & Co. Ltd. London. 1896.
  6. Web site: UNESCO World Heritage Site . 2007-05-26 . dead . . 30 December 2006 .
  7. Gichuki . Francis Ndegwa . Threats and Opportunities for Mountain Area Development in Kenya . Ambio . 28 . 5 . 430–435 . Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences . August 1999 . dead . . 16 May 2008 .
  8. Book: Unbowed: a memoir. registration. Wangari Maathai. Alfred A. Knopf. New York. 6. 2006. 0307263487.
  9. Book: Thomson, Joseph . Joseph Thomson (explorer). 3 . Through Masai Land . 1968. Frank Cass & Co Ltd . London . 1885. 1-141-95717-5.
  10. Book: Burns , Cameron . Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya; A Climbing and Trekking Guide. 1998. Cordee. Leicester. 1-871890-98-5.
  11. Krapf . Johann Ludwig . Johann Ludwig Krapf . 13 May 1850 . Extract from Krapf's diary . Church Missionary Intelligencer . i . 452.
  12. Book: Foottit, Claire . 2004 . Kenya . The Brade Travel Guide . 2006 . Bradt Travel Guides Ltd . 1-84162-066-1.
  13. B. J. Ratcliffe . The Spelling of Kenya. Journal of the Royal African Society . 42–44. 42. 166 . January 1943 . 717465.
  14. Gregory . J. W. . John Walter Gregory. Contributions to the Geology of British East Africa.--Part I. The Glacial Geology of Mount Kenya. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. 50 . 1–4 . 515–530. Geological Society of London . 1894. 10.1144/GSL.JGS.1894.050.01-04.36. 129865997 .
  15. British East Africa Annexed--"Kenya Colony". Reuter . News . 8 July 1920 . 13 . 42457 .
  16. Book: Dutton, E.A.T.. Kenya Mountain. Charles Whittingham and Griggs. 1929. London.
  17. Book: Castro, Alfonso Peter . Facing Kirinyaga . Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd. . 1995 . London . 1-85339-253-7.
  18. Encyclopedia: Encyclopædia Britannica . 15 . East Africa: Kenya: History: Kenya Colony . 17 . 801, 1b . 2002 . 0-85229-787-4.
  19. Mackinder . H. J. . Halford John Mackinder . May 1900 . A Journey to the Summit of Mount Kenya . The Geographical Journal . 15 . 5 . 453–476 . 10.2307/1774261 . Blackwell Publishing . 1774261 .
  20. Book: Shipton , Eric . Eric Shipton . Illustrations by Biro . That Untravelled World . 2nd . 1977 . Hodder and Stoughton . London . 0-340-21609-3 . 1969 .
  21. Book: Shipton , Eric . Eric Shipton . Introduction by Jim Perrin, Appendix by Charles Warren . The Six Mountain-Travel Books . 1 . Diadem Books . London . 0-906371-56-2 . 1985 .
  22. Book: Dutton , E. A. T. . Introduction by Hilaire Belloc . Kenya Mountain . 1 . Jonathan Cape . London . 1929 .
  23. Book: Gregory , J. W. . John Walter Gregory . Editorial adviser: John Ralph Willis . The Great Rift Valley . 2 . 1968 . Frank Cass & Co . London . 1896 . 0-7146-1812-8 .
  24. Book: Mountain Club of Kenya . Iain Allan . The Mountain Club of Kenya Guide to Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro . 1959 . 4 . October 1998 . Mountain Club of Kenya . Nairobi . 9966-9856-0-3 .
  25. Gregory. J.W.. John Walter Gregory . Contributions to the Geology of British East Africa.—Part II. The Geology of Mount Kenya. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. 56. 205–222. Geological Society of London. 1900. 1–4. 10.1144/GSL.JGS.1900.056.01-04.12. 219242189.
  26. Book: Benuzzi , Felice . No Picnic on Mount Kenya: A Daring Escape, a Perilous Climb. 2005. The Lyons Press. 978-1-59228-724-6. 1953.
  27. Gregory. J. W.. Contributions to the Geology of British East Africa.--Part I. The Glacial Geology of Mount Kenya. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. 50. 1–4. 515–530. Geological Society of London. 1894. 10.1144/GSL.JGS.1894.050.01-04.36. 129865997.
  28. 10.2307/3673659. Ojany. Francis F.. Mount Kenya and its environs: A review of the interaction between mountain and people in an equatorial setting. Mountain Research and Development. 13. 3. 305–309. International Mountain Society and United Nations University. 1993. 3673659.
  29. Andrew Wielochowski and Mark Savage. Mt Kenya 1:50000 Map and Guide. 1. 1991. West Col Productions. 1:50000 with 1:25000 inset. 0-906227-39-9.
  30. Edward Stanford Ltd . Geological Map of the Mount Kenya Area . . dead . 7 August 2011 . 1st . 1966 . B. H. Baker, Geological Survey of Kenya . 1:125000 . Geological Survey of Kenya .