Marta Lucía Calvache Explained

Marta Lucía Calvache
Alma Mater:Universidad Nacional de ColombiaUniversity of Auckland (Dip)Louisiana State University (MSc, 1990)Arizona State University (PhD, 1995)
Workplaces:Colombian Geological Survey

Marta Lucía Calvache Velasco is a Colombian geologist and volcanologist, best known for her work on geological hazards and risk reduction in Colombia.


Marta Lucía Calvache graduated in geology from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota.[1] She then went on to study geothermal geology at the University of Auckland, and was awarded a Diploma of Geothermal Technology in 1984, with a thesis on 'Evaluation of some aspects of A.R.A. drillhole No. 1, Parakai, New Zealand'.[2] In 1990, she completed a master's degree at Louisiana State University, with a thesis on the geology and volcanology of Galeras Volcano, Colombia.[3] In 1995, Calvache completed a PhD degree at Arizona State University, where she worked with Stan Williams, with a thesis on the geological evolution of Galeras Volcanic complex.[4] She then continued to a post-doctoral position at the University of Hokkaido, Japan.[1]


Calvache began her career as a geologist with the Geothermal Division of the Colombian power company Central Hidroeléctrica de Caldas (CHEC). In 1985, she joined the team supporting the Committee for Volcanological Studies of the Caldas Department, in response to the renewed volcanic activity at Nevado del Ruiz Volcano. She played an important role in the lead up to and response to the subsequent tragedy, when the town of Armero was overwhelmed by lahars, triggered by the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz.[5] [6] In 1986, she joined the Colombian Geological Survey (SGC), then called INGEOMINAS, where she remained for the rest of her career. In her work with the SGC, she was at times Geologist with the Manizales Volcano Observatory, Director of the Pasto Volcano Observatory and head of the volcanology section at SGC. She became Director of Geohazards for SGC in 2014. Over the course of her career, Calvache has published many scientific papers on the volcanology and volcanism of the active volcanoes of Colombia, including some notable papers on the volcanoes Galeras and Nevado del Ruiz.[7] [8] [9] [10]

In January 1993, Calvache was involved in the rescue operation after the sudden and fatal explosion of Galeras volcano, Colombia, during a volcanological workshop.[11]

Professional service

Calvache was secretary of the World Organisation of Volcano Observatories (WOVO), and served on the executive committee of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior from 2007 to 2011.[12]


Calvache was awarded the Krafft Medal of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of Earth's Interior in 2017, for her "outstanding contributions to volcanology through service to communities threatened by volcanic activity".[13] Calvache has been widely recognised across Colombia for her work on risk reduction.[14] In 2022, she was awarded the Medal 'Orden de Combeima' by the municipality of Ibagué,[15] and the Medalla Cacique Calarcá by the Governor of Tolima Department.[16] In January 2023, Calvache was given Honorary Member status of IAVCEI, at the Scientific Assembly in Rotorua.[17]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Experta en geoamenazas, Marta Lucía Calvache, es "La personaje 10 del día". October 16, 2018 .
  2. Web site: Bibliography of New Zealand Earth Science Theses > "Evaluation of some aspects of A.R.A. drillhole No. 1, Parakai, New Zealand.".
  3. Digital elevation model uncertainty and hazard analysis using a geophysical flow model. E. R.. Stefanescu. M.. Bursik. G.. Cordoba. K.. Dalbey. M. D.. Jones. A. K.. Patra. D. C.. Pieri. E. B.. Pitman. M. F.. Sheridan. February 8, 2012. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 468. 2142. 1543–1563. 10.1098/rspa.2011.0711. 2012RSPSA.468.1543S . 46489733 . free.
  4. Long-period events, the most characteristic seismicity accompanying the emplacement and extrusion of a lava dome in Galeras Volcano, Colombia, in 1991. Fernando Gil. Cruz. Bernard A.. Chouet. May 1, 1997. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 77. 1. 121–158. ScienceDirect. 10.1016/S0377-0273(96)00091-1. 1997JVGR...77..121C .
  5. The 1985 Ruiz Volcano disaster. Darrell G.. Herd. January 13, 1986. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 67. 19. 457–460. 10.1029/EO067i019p00457-03. 1986EOSTr..67..457H .
  6. Web site: How the Armero Tragedy Changed Volcanology in Colombia. Santiago Flórez, Camilo. Garzón. November 30, 2021. Eos.
  7. The chemistry of fumarolic vapor and thermal-spring discharges from the Nevado del Ruiz volcanic-magmatic-hydrothermal system, Colombia. W. F.. Giggenbach. N.. Garcia P.. A.. Londoño C.. L.. Rodriguez V.. N.. Rojas G.. M. L.. Calvache V.. July 30, 1990. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 42. 1. 13–39. ScienceDirect. 10.1016/0377-0273(90)90067-P. 1990JVGR...42...13G .
  8. Pyroclastic deposits of the November 13, 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz volcano, Colombia. Marta Lucia V.. Calvache. July 15, 1990. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 41. 1. 67–78. ScienceDirect. 10.1016/0377-0273(90)90083-R. 1990JVGR...41...67C .
  9. Lithic-dominated pyroclastic flows at Galeras volcano, Colombia—An unrecognized volcanic hazard . 10.1130/0091-7613(1992)020<0539:LDPFAG>2.3.CO;2 . 1992 . Calvache v. . Marta Lucia . Williams . Stanley N. . Geology . 20 . 6 . 539 . 1992Geo....20..539C .
  10. Mt Galeras: activities and lessons to be learned. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2000 . 10.1098/rsta.2000.0606. Calvache Velasco . Marta Lucia . 358 . 1770 . 1607–1617 . 2000RSPTA.358.1607C . 202574519 .
  11. Galeras Volcano: International Workshop and Eruption. F. A.. Muñoz. M. L.. Calvache. G. P.. Cortes. D. M.. Gomez. L.. Narvaez. M.. Ordonez. A.. Ortega. R.. Torres. B.. Silva. S. N.. Williams. C. O.. Sanders. J.. Stix. January 13, 1993. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 74. 26. 281. 10.1029/93EO00391. 1993EOSTr..74..281M .
  12. The centenary of IAVCEI 1919–2019 and beyond: origins and evolution of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior. Ray A.F.. Cas. January 11, 2022. Bulletin of Volcanology. 84. 2. 15. Springer Link. 10.1007/s00445-021-01509-5. 35035015. 8748530. 2022BVol...84...15C .
  13. Web site: galardon.
  14. Web site: Homenaje a Marta Calvache por 36 años de servicios a la gestión del riesgo de desastres | La Gran Noticia.
  16. Web site: Doctora Marta Lucía Calvache, Directora de Geoamenazas del SGC, recibió reconocimientos.
  17. IAVCEI . IAVCEI . IAVCEI_official . 1620926033016016896 . February 1, 2023 . Moments from the IAVCEI awards Cerimony Congratulations to the winners for their brillant achiviements in Volcanology #iavcei2023 #rotorua #medalsforscience #NewZealand . en . February 23, 2023 . . February 2, 2023 . live.