Nation and Freedom Committee explained

Nation and Freedom Committee
Native Name:Комитет «Нация и свобода»
Native Name Lang:ru
  1. 1A0019
Abbreviation:KNS (English)
КНС (Russian)
Leader:Vladimir Basmanov
Predecessor:Movement Against Illegal Immigration
Headquarters:144th building, Varshavskoye Highway, Moscow, Russia
Ideology:Russian ultranationalism
European nationalism
Colours: Yellow
Slogan:"Russia will be Russian and free!"
(Russian: "Россия будет русской и свободной!")

The Nation and Freedom Committee (KNS; Russian: Комитет «Нация и свобода»; КНС; Komitet «Natsiya i svoboda», KNS) is a Russian nationalist socio-political association whose purpose is to ensure the consolidated centralized participation of Russian nationalists in the general civil protest movement and to uphold the rights of the Russian population. KNU is the most active far-right protest organization in the Russian Federation, monthly featured in thematic reviews of human rights defenders who monitor the activities of ultra-right political movements in the Russian Federation.[1] [2] KNS is the core of the right wing of the Russian protest movement, in connection with which the organization's associates are regularly arrested during protests,[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] pressure, less often - searches. Website,[12] YouTube-channel,[13] [14] [15] [16] blog at[17] of KNS were blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation at the request of the authorities. The blocking and removal of the channel on youtube was preceded by the removal of a video criticizing Putin's migration policy.[18] KNS Facebook page was removed by the social network in connection with the propaganda of european nationalism,[19] [20] prohibited by the internal rules of the social network.

The Nation and Freedom Committee is one of the main organizers of the Russian March in Moscow (see links in the section "actions"), the main organizer of the Russian March in St. Petersburg[21] [22] and Novosibirsk,[23] organizer of solidarity actions with the Russian March in a number of regions, the list of which is changing year to year. During its existence, the CND has held more than 10 protest campaigns, a number of conferences, organized or took part in hundreds of street protests, which follows from the organization's annual open reports, accompanied by photographs and videos.[24] [25] [26] [27] [28] The organization has a restrained attitude to participation in elections, but from time to time it supports nationalist and right-liberal candidates in elections.


The Nation and Freedom Committee was created by nationalists who participated or supported the March of Peace on September 21, 2014.[29] [30] Since then, the Nation and Freedom Committee has been participating in general civil protest campaigns by the Russian political opposition, and has also organized its own events and actions aimed at drawing attention to acute social and legal problems, the needs of political prisoners and important historical dates. The Nation and Freedom Committee actively supported the right-liberal political forces in the parliamentary elections,[31] in particular, the PARNAS party, the Democratic Coalition,[32] and other candidates close to national democratic convictions; opposes repressive laws, political repressions against oppositionists and for the abolition of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; actively interacts with right-liberal and democratic organizations;[33] annually takes part in the "Russian March". In its program documents, campaign materials and articles, the KNS speaks from nationalist and sharply anti-communist positions.[34] Vladimir Basmanov, Sofya Budnikova and some other Russian political emigrants took part in the creation of the KNS. The organization operated mainly on the territory of the Russian Federation. The first regional branch (league) of the organization was formed in Moscow, later, the media mentioned the activities of the organization's branches in many other cities.[35] [36] [37]

On July 6, 2017, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, Roskomnadzor blocked the website of the Nation and Freedom Committee, as well as the nationalist portal Sputnik and Pogrom.[38]

On July 29, 2020, the Krasnoyarsk Krai Court recognized the organization Nation and Freedom Committee as extremist and banned its activities on the territory of Russia. The organization plans to appeal the decision.[39]

Organization symbolics

Arms: the image of "Rurik's falcon" on a burgundy background, similar to the coat of arms of the city of Staraya Ladoga, which connects it with the motif of Old Russian statehood.

Flag: two-tone gold-black cloth, black standard with white or gold abbreviation "KNS". The black color symbolizes the Russian land, the nation, gold - the sunrise as the rebirth of the nation.

Current leadership

The leader of the KNS is Vladimir Basmanov. He founded and headed the organization already being a political emigrant. On March 15, 2016, as the leader of the Nation and Freedom Committee, he applied to the International Criminal Court in The Hague with a demand to initiate the prosecution of Vladimir Putin. Basmanov accuses the Russian president of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Syria, organizing the persecution and murder of oppositionists and journalists, and building a dictatorial regime in the Russian Federation.[40] [41] [42]

Budnikova Sofya Vladimirovna,[43] born in 1986, General Secretary and emissary for general coordination in the KNS. In 2012, she was a member of the working group under the Russian Opposition Coordination Council; the founder of the "National News Service" (NSN) - the media dealing with the coverage of popular protests (now renamed the NSN "Russian Sector"[44]).


The ruling body of the Committee is the Coordination Council, which consists of the leaders of the "action brigades", as well as special authorized emissaries who have only an advisory vote. Action Brigade is a working group formed to solve specific functional tasks such as campaigning, street actions, interregional communication, human rights protection, public relations or the development and launch of projects. Special authorized emissaries - appointed by the leader of the Committee to resolve certain issues and tasks, the powers of the emissary depend on the text of the appointment order. The KNS has territorial subdivisions - the so-called "local brigades", which enjoy wide autonomy. Several "local brigades", united territorially, form a "league".

Goals and objectives

The Nation and Freedom Committee declares that it will seek:

1. The resignation of Putin and his government, the dissolution of the State Duma, the abolition of anti-popular laws, lustration and condemnation of persons involved in the crimes of the regime.

2. The formation of a government of popular confidence from political forces that have actively shown themselves in the fight against the dictatorship, to carry out legislative and constitutional reforms, as well as to bring the country out of the crisis.

3. Real ensuring the political rights of citizens - freedom of speech, assembly, and unions.

4. Simple registration of new political parties, creation of accessible conditions for their participation in elections at all levels.

5. Cancellation of 282, 280 articles of the Criminal Code and other anti-popular repressive elements of legislation. Dissolution or re-profiling of all anti-extremist structures of the political investigation of the FSB and the MVD.

6. Rehabilitation of those convicted under political offenses, amnesty for all prisoners in whose criminal cases there is a political or ideological component.

7. Complete rejection of the policy of replacement migration.

8. Maximum social support for russians, as the state-forming people of Russia, including through the cancellation of debts on all loans, including mortgages.

9. Complete de-Sovietization, condemnation of the crimes of the period of war communism and the Soviet government, recognition of the mass genocide of the Russian people, committed on class, religious and other grounds. Renaming of streets and dismantling of memorial structures in honor of the participants of the red terror. The prohibition of the CPRF and the United Russia.

10. Peaceful and good-neighborly relations with European countries, primarily Slavic. Condemnation of military aggression against Ukraine.

In other matters, the members of the Committee may adhere to directly opposite opinions and beliefs.[45]

KNS Actions and Campaigns

In its activities, the CND mainly affects the internal political problems of the country, but also goes to the international level in the framework of interaction with like-minded people from other countries.[46]

Repressions against associates of the organization

The loudest episode of the persecution of the KNS comrades-in-arms was the searches in October 2018 of the youth leader from the Moscow Organization of the KNS Georgy Chumachenko, known in right-wing circles as Georgy Krasnov, and two more young supporters of the organization, after which the young men were forced to leave the KNS in connection with the pressure exerted by the security forces.[47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66]

In 2016, Igor Stenin was sentenced to two years in prison in a penal colony for disseminating calls to extremism (part 2 of Art.280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The nationalist was brought to criminal responsibility for the fact that in 2014 he “re-posted” an article that was recognized as extremist, commenting on it with a phrase in support of Ukraine with a call to destroy the “Kremlin occupants”. In February 2019, Igor Stenin left the Russian Federation for fear of further political persecution.[67] [68] Igor Stenin, for a little over a year held the position of responsible for human rights in the KNS.[69]

In the fall of 2016, the ex-head of the Moscow Organization of the KNS was conditionally sentenced for publishing music on Vkontakte, despite the fact that the post was made 5 years ago, when Vladimir was still in school.[70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79] Later, the verdict was appealed and commuted to correctional labor. Ratnikov headed the KNS of Moscow until the spring of 2018, the last action of the KNS under the leadership of Ratnikov was a column of nationalists on the march against political terror in 2018, then he devoted himself entirely to another political project, Black Bloc. In this capacity, he was arrested in the summer of 2018, in connection with charges under political articles of the Criminal Code, the Memorial Human Rights Center announced probable political motives in the persecution of Ratnikov.[80] The Black Bloc case is still in court.

On January 21, 2016, searches were carried out in the houses of the parents and brother of the head of the KNS Vladimir Basmanov, the formal reason for the searches is presumably the unwanted publications of Vladimir Basmanov on the Internet.[81] [82]


In the spring of 2018, Novaya Gazeta accused the Nation and Freedom Committee of preparing mass riots, in connection with a statement of its readiness to "support protest actions and other political forces in connection with the falsification of elections, if such will be announced by our allies."[83]

Life also announced that the KNS associates, together with their political allies, were preparing the Maidan in Moscow on May 5, 2018.[84] On this day, during a general civil protest for the resignation of Putin, several comrades-in-arms of the KNS and allied organizations of the KNS organizations were detained.[85] [86]

In February 2019, the Federal News Agency accused the KNU of the fact that, due to too close cooperation of nationalists and liberals, the ultra-left feels redundant in political protests and is forced to create terrorist groups.[87]

In spring 2020, the International Bureau of Human Rights called the anti-immigration campaign of the KNS aggressive.[88]

External links

KNS resources
References to KNS
Opponents and criticism

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Московское Бюро по правам человека.
  2. Web site: Центр Сова.
  3. Web site: Руководитель московского отделения Комитета "Нация и Свобода" задержан людьми в штатском.
  4. Web site: Задержанного возле немецкого посольства Дениса Романова допрашивали сотрудники ЦПЭ.
  5. Web site: Суд оштрафовал четырех участников "Русского марша".
  6. Web site: На "Русском марше" в Люблино задержано несколько десятков человек.
  7. Web site: У памятника Солженицыну "похоронили" Конституцию России.
  8. Web site: Русские националисты выступили против поправок в Конституцию, легализующих продление правления антинародного диктатора Путина. 2022-06-02. 2020-07-29. live.
  9. Web site: В Москве задержали активистов, которые хотели устроить "похороны Конституции".
  10. Web site: В Москве оштрафовали троих участников митинга "За свободный интернет".
  11. Web site: На согласованном митинге "За свободный интернет" задержали более 20 националистов.
  12. Web site: 6 July 2017. За что устроили погром сайтам русских националистов: мнение.
  13. News: 9 July 2017. Роскомнадзор требует заблокировать видеоканал Комитета "Нация и свобода". Радио Азаттык.
  14. News: 9 July 2017. Роскомнадзор добивается блокировки видеоканала националистов. Радио Свобода.
  15. Web site: YouTube удалил официальный канал Комитета "Нация и Свобода" за пропаганду националистического мировоззрения. 2022-06-02. 2020-07-29. live.
  16. Web site: Подборка идеологических роликов КНС удалённых с ютуба. 2022-06-02. 2020-07-29. live.
  17. Web site: Подельники Путина заблокировали сайт Комитета "Нация и Свобода". 2022-06-02. 2020-07-29. live.
  18. Web site: Ютуб окончательно удалил ролик с критикой миграционной политики путина.. 2022-06-02. 2020-07-29. live.
  19. Web site: В facebook продолжаются удаления страниц русских националистов. 2022-06-02. 2020-07-29. live.
  20. Web site: Группу Комитета "Нация и Свобода" снова заблокировали в Facebook! Второй раз за год!. 2022-06-02. 2020-07-29. live.
  21. Web site: Националисты возложили цветы к дому Колчака в Петербурге.
  22. Web site: В Санкт-Петербурге Русский Марш прошёл в формате возложения цветов в память о русских героях. 5 November 2019.
  23. Web site: "Русский марш" в Новосибирске: без лозунгов "против режима".
  24. Web site: 2019. Комитет "Нация и Свобода". Итоги года и хроника нашей борьбы. 2021-03-21. 2020-07-29. live.
  25. Web site: Комитет "Нация и Свобода". Итоги 2018. 2021-03-21. 2019-12-22. live.
  26. Web site: Комитет "Нация и Свобода". Итоги 2017. 2021-03-21. 2020-07-29. live.
  27. Web site: Комитет "Нация и Свобода". Итоги 2016. 2021-03-21. 2020-07-29. live.
  28. Web site: Комитет "Нация и Свобода". Итоги 2015. 2021-03-21. 2020-07-29. live.
  29. Марш Мира 21 сентября
  30. Web site: Русские националисты на Марше Мира. Фото и видео репортаж НСН. 2017-08-04. 2016-08-13.
  31. Web site: Кандидаты по одномандатным округам. 2016-08-13. 2016-08-06. dead.
  32. News: Националисты призвали поддержать Демкоалицию на выборах. Радио Свобода . 8 April 2016.
  33. Националисты призвали поддержать Демкоалицию на выборах
  34. Web site: Комитет "Нация и Свобода" поддержит инициативу Эстонии о Международном трибунале над коммунизмом. 2016-08-12. 2016-08-13.
  35. Web site: Националисты возложили цветы к дому Колчака в Петербурге.
  36. Web site: 5 November 2019. В Санкт-Петербурге Русский Марш прошёл в формате возложения цветов в память о русских героях.
  37. Web site: "Русский марш" в Новосибирске: без лозунгов "против режима".
  38. Роскомнадзор заблокировал «Спутник и погром» по той же схеме, что и «Грани.ру», — не объяснив, за какие материалы
  39. Web site: 2020-07-29. Суд запретил "Комитет "Нация и Свобода"" за экстремизм.
  40. Дождаться Путина в Гааге
  41. Националист Басманов потребовал расследовать преступления Путина в Гааге
  42. Web site: Владимир Басманов: Путина ждет судьба Бембы, и никакая хитрость "непризнания" Римского Статута ему не поможет.
  43. Web site: Будникова Софья Владимировна — биография. 2016-08-13. 2016-04-05. dead.
  44. Web site: Национальная Служба Новостей. 2016-08-13. 2016-08-09. dead.
  45. Web site: Группа Комитета "Нация и Свобода" в социальной сети Вконтакте. 2016-07-22.
  46. Web site: PEGIDA и Комитет "Нация и Свобода". Первые шаги по сближению. 2017-08-03. 2016-08-13.
  47. Web site: Проявления агрессивной ксенофобии в Российской Федерации в октябре 2018 г..
  48. Web site: ФСБ допросила двух несовершеннолетних москвичей по делу об эктремистских призывах.
  49. Web site: 16 October 2018. В Москве сотрудники ФСБ задержали двух подростков по подозрению в терроризме.
  50. Web site: В Москве сотрудники ФСБ задерживают сторонников Комитета "Нация и свобода".
  51. Web site: ФСБ задержала в Москве двух подростков по делу о призывах.
  52. Web site: В Москве задержали двух 17-летних подростков по делу о призывах к экстремизму.
  53. Web site: 16 October 2018. Сотрудники ФСБ устроили обыски у двух 17-летних москвичей и увезли их для допроса по подозрению в экстремизме.
  54. Web site: 16 October 2018. ФСБ задержала в Москве двух подростков по статье о призывах к экстремизму.
  55. Web site: ФСБ задержала в Москве двух подростков по подозрению в экстремизме.
  56. Web site: ФСБ по подозрению в экстремизме задержала двух подростков.
  57. Web site: В Москве увезли двух подростков на допрос в ФСБ.
  58. Web site: Двух подростков обыскали и задержали по делу об экстремизме в Москве.
  59. Web site: ФСБ задержала в Москве двух 17-летних подростков по делу об экстремизме.
  60. News: 16 October 2018. В Москве двух несовершеннолетних увезли на допрос в ФСБ. Радио Свобода.
  61. Web site: Сотрудники ФСБ в Москве задержали двух подростков по подозрению в призывах к экстремизму.
  62. Web site: 16 October 2018. Сотрудники ФСБ задержали двух 17-летних москвичей по делу о призывах к экстремизму.
  63. Web site: 16 October 2018. По делу о призывах к экстремизму в Москве задержаны два подростка.
  64. Web site: 16 October 2018. ФСБ задержала в Москве двух 17-летних подростков, узнали СМИ.
  65. Web site: ФСБ задержала в Москве 17-летних подростков по делу о призывах к экстремизму.
  66. Web site: Москва: три человека, в том числе двое 17-летних, задержаны по делу об экстремизме.
  67. Web site: Игорь Стенин покинул Российскую Федерацию.
  68. Web site: Активист из Астрахани Игорь Стенин уехал из России, опасаясь преследования.
  69. Web site: О правозащитной деятельности Игоря Стенина в Рамках КНС. 2022-06-02. 2020-07-29. live.
  70. Web site: Владимир Ратников обжалует свой приговор по 282 статье. 2022-06-02. 2020-07-29. live.
  71. Web site: Мосгорсуд оставил в силе приговор националисту Ратникову за песни "Коловрата".
  72. Web site: 22 March 2017. Большинство экстремистов найдены в интернете. Центр "Сова" подготовил доклад о противодействии национализму в 2016 году.
  73. News: 27 September 2016. Националиста Ратникова осудили условно за песни группы "Коловрат". Радио Свобода.
  74. Web site: Лидера РФО "Память" Ратникова осудили условно за публикацию песен группы "Коловрат" в соцсетях.
  75. Web site: Лидер РФО "Память" осужден за песни групп "Коловрат" и "Банды Москвы" в соцсети.
  76. Web site: Руководитель московского отделения Комитета "Нация и Свобода" получил условный срок.
  77. Web site: 14 March 2018. Дайджест российских СМИ – 14 марта.
  78. Web site: Лидера РФО "Память" Ратникова приговорили к обязательным работам за репост песен группы "Коловрат".
  79. Web site: Обвинение просит приговорить националиста Владимира Ратникова к 2 годам колонии-поселения.
  80. Web site: 30 March 2019. Страница политзаключённого Владимира Ратникова на сайте Мемориала.
  81. Web site: Сегодня прошли обыски у семей лидеров националистов - главы Комитета "Нация и Свобода" Владимира Басманова, и Александра Белова, экс-лидера Объединения Русские.. 2022-06-02. 2020-07-29. live.
  82. Web site: Адвокат: Следователи назвали повод для обыска у жены националиста Поткина.
  83. Web site: Оппозиция готовит акции к инаугурации президента.
  84. Web site: "Онижедети". Как праворадикалы пытались 5 мая в Майдан поиграть. 11 May 2018.
  85. Web site: На акции "Он нам не царь" в Москве задержаны больше 500 человек.
  86. Web site: 29 July 2020. 5-6 мая. Народ требует отставки Путина. Что делать дальше?. 2 June 2022. 29 July 2020. live.
  87. Web site: 29 July 2020. Деятельность Навального привела к образованию террористической группировки "Сеть". 2 June 2022. 29 July 2020. live.
  88. Web site: Проявления агрессивной ксенофобии в Российской Федерации в марте 2020 г..