Nihon no Uta Hyakusen explained

is a selection of songs and nursery rhymes widely beloved in Japan, sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Parents-Teachers Association of Japan. A poll was held in 2006 choosing the songs from a list of 895. The results were announced in 2007. Although it is called a compilation of 100 songs, the list includes 101 songs.

The idea for the compilation came from famed psychologist and agency chief Hayao Kawai, to prevent juvenile delinquency and to combat the "weakening" of Japan's shared cultural heritage. The agency released a CD and a songbook with printed melodies for all 101 songs to be used in public schools.[1] The Asahi Shimbun used this list to compile a list of 15 most endangered children's songs.[2]

The composer and lyricist for several songs published by the Japanese Ministry of Education in the early 1900s are unknown.

The songs

The songs are numbered by the Japanese syllabary in gojūon ordering.

No. Japanese title English title (rōmaji) DateLyricist/translator Composer Notes
1 仰げば尊し 1884Fumihiko Ōtsuki, Satomi Tadashi, Kabe Iwao H.N.D.
2 1922
3 1927
4 1946 (森まさる)
5 1924
6 1925
7 1925
8 1962 (鶴見正夫) (湯山昭)
9 1978
10 1962 (佐伯孝夫) (吉田正)
11 1960Yoshimi Satō (佐藤義美)
12 上を向いて歩こう 1961also known as "Sukiyaki" originally sung by Kyu Sakamoto
13 1941 (林柳波) (井上武士)
14 1935Hachirō Satō (サトウハチロー) (河村光陽)
15 江戸子守唄 Edo periodtraditional; lyricist and composer unknown
16 1941 (林柳波) (松島つね)
17 melody "Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree", traditional English folk song
lyricist unknown
Jaromír Weinberger composed an orchestral work based on the tune in 1939.
18 大きな古時計 1940melody "My Grandfather's Clock" (1876), American popular song
19 おかあさん 1954 (田中ナナ)
20 1901 (東くめ)
21 おはなしゆびさん 1962Yoshiko Kōyama (香山美子) (湯山昭)
22 1914
23 1981 (増子とし) (本多鉄麿)
24 1962 (越部信義)
25 1954 (窪田聡) (窪田聡)
26 1921
27 1923 (西條八十)
28 1937 (武内俊子) (河村光陽)
29 1925
30 川の流れのように 1989
31 1912Ministry of Education Aira Ōwada (大和田愛羅)
32 1938 (富原薫)
33 1966 (金子詔一) (金子詔一)
34 1919 (清水かつら)
35 こいのぼり 1931 (近藤宮子) composer unknown
36 1963 (丘灯至夫) (遠藤実)
37 荒城の月 1901 (土井晩翠)
38 1977sung by Momoe Yamaguchi
39 1927
40 1963
41 さくら貝の歌 1949 (土屋花情) (八洲秀章)
42 さくらさくら 1888traditional; lyricist and composer unknown
43 サッちゃん 1959 (阪田寛夫)
44 1945 (斎藤信夫) (海沼實)
45 幸せなら手をたたこう 1964 (木村利人) melody "If You're Happy and You Know It", traditional Spanish (or Latvian, or American) folk song
46 叱られて 1972 (清水かつら)
47 1970? (荒木とよひさ) (荒木とよひさ)
48 時代 1975
49 シャボン玉 1922
50 Warabe uta
lyricist and composer unknown
51 スキー Sukī (Skiing) 1942 (時雨音羽)
52 1923 (海野厚)
53 2003
54 1953
55 1913 (吉丸一昌) (中田章)
56 1941 (巽聖歌) (渡辺茂)
57 1955Hachirō Satō (サトウハチロー)
58 1912Ministry of Education Ministry of Education
59 チューリップ Chūrippu (Tulip) 1932 (近藤宮子) (井上武士)
60 1923 (加藤まさを) (佐々木すぐる)
61 1971 (山上路夫) (村井邦彦)
62 1961 (やなせたかし) (いずみたく)
63 通りゃんせ Edo periodWarabe uta
lyricist and composer unknown
64 どこかで春が 1923 (百田宗治)
65 ドレミのうた 1959from the musical The Sound of Music
66 Taishō period (青木存義)
67 1949 (額賀誠志)
68 ないしょ話 1939 (結城よしを) (山口保治)
69 涙そうそう 1998original Okinawan language lyrics by BEGIN
70 1949 (江間章子)
71 1896
72 七つの子 1921
73 1980
74 1900 (武島羽衣)
75 1947 (江間章子)
76 1889melody "Home! Sweet Home!" from the opera Clari, Maid of Milan (1823)
77 浜千鳥 1919 (鹿島鳴秋)
78 浜辺の歌 1916 (林古渓)
79 1910
80 1912
81 1911 (巌谷小波) Ministry of Education
82 1913Ministry of Education Ministry of Education
83 1947 (堀内敬三) melody "Mollie Darling" (1871), American popular song
84 故郷 1914
85 蛍の光 1881 (稲垣千穎) melody "Auld Lang Syne", traditional Scottish song
86 1932 (杉村楚人冠) (船橋榮吉)
87 見上げてごらん夜の星を 1963 (いずみたく)
88 1946 (加藤省吾) (海沼實)
89 1910Ministry of Education Ministry of Education
90 1947Ministry of Education melody "Go Tell Aunt Rhody" from the opera Le devin du village (1752)
91 村祭 1942 (南能衛)
92 1950 (茶木滋)
93 1911
94 1936Toraji Ōnaka (大中寅二)
95 夕日 1921 (室崎琴月)
96 1923 (中村雨紅)
97 1911Ministry of Education Ministry of Education
98 1921
99 1907melody "Dreaming of Home and Mother" (1851), American popular song
100 Ringo no uta1945Hachirō Satō (サトウハチロー) (万城目正) from the 1945 film directed by Yasushi Sasaki
101 1910 (宮原晃一郎) Ministry of Education

External links

Notes and References

  1. [Yomiuri Shimbun]
  2. [Asahi Shimbun]