November 2016 Israel fires explained

November 2016 Israel fires
Location:Various regions in Israel, mainly in Haifa, Judaean Mountains and the Sharon Plain.
Coordinates:32.7721°N 35.0188°W
Cause:Arson, negligence, weather conditions
Landuse:Residential; Open space
Pushpin Map:Israel haifa

In November 2016, a wave of wildfires and urban fires occurred in Israel from Beersheva in the south to Nahariya in the north.[1] [2] Some of the fires occurred naturally; others were arson attacks.[3] On November 28, after eight days of fire fighting, the firefighting services announced that the emergency condition was over. Firefighters fought 1,773 fires, at least 39 were reported as major fires that required at least ten crews or more.[4] The largest fire occurred in Haifa, where 527 apartments were destroyed among 77 buildings, leaving 1,600 people homeless.[5] Some 75,000 residents, about a quarter of the city's population, were evacuated from eleven neighborhoods.[6] [7] Other major fires occurred in Zikhron Ya'akov and in the Jerusalem area, as well as smaller fires throughout Israel and the West Bank. Israel's Nature and Parks Authority reported that more than 20000dunam of forests, brush land, and open space were burnt, the largest amount since the Mount Carmel forest fire (2010).[8]

While most of the fires were caused by weather conditions and negligence, some of the fires were caused by arsonists suspected of being nationally motivated Arabs. Two Arab citizens of Israel confessed they deliberately set fires. At least 35 people were arrested on suspicion of setting fires or inciting to do so. More than 15 were citizens of the Palestinian Authority and at least 10 were Arab citizens of Israel. Officials in Israel have stated that the deliberate setting of fires is a form of terrorism.[9] As of November 28, at least 25 fires were suspected to have been caused by arson.[4]

On January 13, 2017, the Israeli fire investigation's "Gal Report" found that of 80 fires, 71 resulted from arson.[10] On April 4, 2017, the head of the Israeli fire investigation unit declared: "The fires were acts of terrorism committed by members of the Arab population against the Jewish population. Ninety percent of the fires were caused by arson."[11]


The fires came after two months of drought in the area. Regions of Jerusalem and the West Bank were also affected. Officials identify "extreme weather", including high temperatures and dry winds, as helping fires spread.[12]



Fires in Haifa occurred in dozens of areas and consumed buildings in five locations. Some 75,000 residents of 11 neighborhoods were evacuated by firefighters and the search and rescue Kedem Battalion of the Home Front Command. Two schools were evacuated: Fichman School and Reali (Beit Biram), while there was a fire burning inside Beit Biram itself. At 17:08 (ISTׁ) it was reported that 163 people were injured[13] including three children and a 6-month-old baby, mainly from smoke inhalation. One woman was moderately injured.[6] [14] 350 firefighters and 115 firefighting vehicles operated in the city.[15] Three residents were detained by police forces under suspicion of arson after being spotted near one of the epicenters. The fire calmed down in the night between November 24 and 25[16] and residents were allowed to return home in the afternoon of November 25 while fires were still raging outside the city.[17]

The estimated cost of damages from the fire in Haifa was 500 million New Israeli Shekels.[18]

Zikhron Ya'akov

The fires in Zikhron Ya'akov started on November 22 in the Givat Eden neighborhood in the northern part of the town as a result of arson. Eight people, including two children and a 10-day-old infant were treated for smoke inhalation. Thirty homes were burnt and at least ten homes were destroyed. Several roads were closed, including Highway 4 and Highway 70.[19] Residents of Givat Eden and the surrounding areas were told to shut their gas lines and were evacuated.[20] Residents were allowed to return after 29 hours of fighting, except those whose houses were damaged by the fire.[21] Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said evidence was found indicating that the initial fire was the result of arson involving gasoline.[22]

Two fires erupted near Nataf. The first occurred on November 23 when a small fire lit by road workers to make coffee quickly spread through the wadi between Har Haruah and Har Rafid, one kilometer east of Nataf. The residents of Nataf were evacuated to the nearby community of Yad Hashmona. The fire burned one house completely and caused damage to several others. Two days later, a second fire started in Wadi Kefira below Kibbutz Ma'aleh Hahamisha and quickly spread westward. It burnt the restaurant, Rama's Kitchen[23] and 25000dunam in the Kefira nature reserve that surrounds Nataf. Residents were again evacuated and sheltered in the community center of the neighboring Arab village, Abu Ghosh. Firefighters from the Palestinian Authority joined the local residents and the Israel Fire and Rescue Services. A fire-fighting super tanker from the USA joined the fight by spraying water over the burning area.[24] After the second fire, remains of Molotov cocktails were found near the separation barrier and a Palestinian from the West Bank was arrested on suspicion of arson.[25] [26]

On November 25, a fire erupted around 02:00 (IST) next to Beit Meir. The residents, including 300 people who were staying at the guest house, were evacuated, mostly to the nearby community of Shoresh. Some houses were damaged. Twenty-five firefighting crews extinguished the flames shortly before 05:30. The police conducted search operations to find the cause of the fire. Residents reported they saw several people fleeing the area after the fire began to spread.[27] [28]


Fires erupted on the eve of November 25 and consumed large parts of Halamish and the surrounding forest. About 40 houses were set ablaze, of which 15 were burnt to the ground.[29] The fire was the result of arson by Palestinians and was denounced by Israeli ministers as "terrorism of fire".[30]

Other fires


Initially, some of the fires were suspected to have been caused by arsonists.[46] The Israel Police commissioner Roni Alsheikh and the Israel Security Agency announced that the arsons were "likely nationalistically motivated" and that suspects were arrested.[47]

Gilad Erdan, Israel's public security minister, told Army Radio that the professional assessment was that almost half the fires were the result of arson. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attributed the fires to "natural and unnatural" causes and said that "any fire caused by arson or incitement to arson is terrorism in every sense of the word, and we will treat it as such."


Following the fires, the Israeli fire investigation unit began investigating the events.

On November 30, early investigation led to the statement that most of the fires were arson attacks.[48] According to the head of the fire investigation unit "at first, the number of suspected arson fires was the same as the number of natural fires. But as time went by, reports began arriving that many of the fires were the result of arson."[48] In a later report In April 2017, the head of the investigation unit reported that 90% of the fires were caused by arson and that the fires were acts of terrorism.[11]


Cyprus, Greece, Russia, Croatia, Italy, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Azerbaijan, France, and Ukraine sent aircraft and other equipment to help fight the fires.[49] Israel's Home Front Command called in soldiers and rescuers to aid with the effort.[50] Netanyahu asked for "Super Tanker" aircraft from the USA.[51] The Palestinian Authority sent eight firefighting crews, four to the Haifa area and four to the Jerusalem area.[52] Spain sent four planes (CL-215T and CL-415) to help fight the fires.[53]

Croatia sent two CL-415 with four crews (to ensure non-stop turnaround) on November 23, immediately after receiving Israel's request.[54]

Cyprus sent 69 men: 28 firemen, 24 rescuers of the Civil Defense, and 17 forest firefighters.[55]

Greece sent three firefighter planes (CL-415, a C-130) with 18 airmen, 14 technicians, and operation support supplies, on November 23, immediately after receiving Israel's request.[56]

Insurance and restoration

In Israel, private insurance companies do not compensate damages considered to be acts of hostile acts such as war and terrorism. Hence, people who lost property were unable to make insurance claims and receive money to repair and rebuild their properties.

On November 30, 2016, Israeli Insurance companies and the Israel Ministry of Finance came to an agreement whereby the government will fund 90% of the insured victims.[57] The Israeli tax authority had published a list of settlements that will receive funds for rebuilding the lost property where they are considering the fires being an act of aggression.[58]

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 26-22 בנובמבר 2016: סיכום אירועי השריפות ברחבי הארץ.
  2. News: Friedson. Yael. Rabad. Ahia. חמישה ימי אש: כ-180 נפגעים, יותר מ-560 דירות נשרפו, כ-30 עצורים [Five days of fire: about 180 hurt, more than 560 apartments destroyed, 30 suspects arrested|url=,7340,L-4884631,00.html|work=[[Ynet]]|date=27 November 2016|language=Hebrew.
  3. News: Wootliff. Raoul. Heralding state compensation, arson confirmed in several major fires. 30 November 2016. Times of Israel. 29 November 2016.
  4. News: Kubovich. Yaniv. Firefighting services go back to normal, after over 1,700 fires in 8 days. Haaretz. 28 November 2016.
  5. News: Rabad. Ahia. חיפה: 527 דירות אינן ראויות למגורים, יותר מ-1,600 דיירים נותרו ללא בית [Haifa: 527 apartments not habitable, more than 1,600 homeless]]. Ynet. 27 November 2016. Hebrew.
  6. News: Winer. Straut. Rabinowitz. Gavin. Israelis reach out to Haifa's 75,000 fire-ravaged homeless. Times of Israel. 24 November 2016.
  7. News: Kershner. Isabel. As Wildfires Rage, Israel Suggests Arson and Asks for Foreign Help. New York Times. 24 November 2016.
  8. News: Rinat. Zafrir. Israeli Blazes Damage Almost as Much Land as 2010 Carmel Fire. Haaretz. 27 November 2016.
  9. News: 2 Israeli Arabs confess to starting wildfires — report. Times of Israel. 27 November 2016.
  10. Web site: דוח גל השריפות קובע: כמעט כל השריפות שנחקרו נגרמו מהצתה.
  11. News: ראש מחלקת חקירות בכיבוי אש שובר שתיקה: "השריפות בנובמבר – טרור". mida. 4 April 2017.
  12. Web site: Israel Wildfires: 50,000 Evacuated As Bushfires Hit Haifa . . 24 November 2016.
  13. News: Ashkenazi. Eli. Blumenfeld. Revital. מניין נפגעי העשן בשריפות בחיפה עלה ל-163. Walla!. 25 November 2016. Hebrew.
  14. News: At least 132 injured in Haifa fire. Haaretz. 24 November 2016.
  15. News: Rabad. Ahia. חיפה: 350 כבאים ו-115 רכבי כיבוי פועלים בכיבוי השריפות בעיר [Haifa: 350 firefighters and 115 firefighting vehicles are operating to stop the fires across the city]]. Ynet. 24 November 2016. Hebrew.
  16. News: Hasson. Nir. Shpigel. Noa. Homes ignite in fire near Jerusalem, blaze in Haifa calms. Haaretz. 25 November 2016.
  17. News: Shpigel. Noa. Police: All evacuees from Haifa may return home. Haaretz. 25 November 2016.
  18. News: As fires rage, Israeli lawmaker says arsonists should be treated as terrorists. i24 News. 26 November 2016.
  19. News: Roads closed due to Zichron Yaakov fire. Arutz Sheva. 22 November 2016.
  20. News: Numerous homes destroyed as major blaze hits Zichron Yaakov. Times of Israel. 22 November 2016.
  21. News: Zichron Yaakov, Gilon fires under control; police up patrols amid arson fears. Times of Israel. 23 November 2016.
  22. News: Public security minister: Evidence found that original fire was arson. Haaretz. 25 November 2016.
  23. Web site: Landmark restaurant Rama's Kitchen a victim of Nataf fire .
  24. Web site: Gabbert . Bill . November 26, 2016 . 747 Supertanker drops on a fire in Israel . Fire Aviation.
  25. Web site: Gross . Judah Ari . November 30, 2016 . Palestinian arrested in connection with Nataf fire . Times of Israel.
  26. Web site: Yanovsky . Roi . November 30, 2016 . פרסום ראשון: נעצר פלסטיני בחשד שגרם לשריפת הענק בנטף . Ynet.
  27. News: Benari. Elad. Town near Jerusalem evacuated as fires continue to rage. Arutz Sheva. 25 November 2016.
  28. News: Yanovski. Roi. פרסום ראשון: נעצר פלסטיני בחשד שגרם לשריפת הענק בנטף [Palestinian arrested for causing the huge fire in Nataf]]. Ynet. 30 November 2016. Hebrew.
  29. News: ליל בלהות בחלמיש: "בתים בערו וקרסו באפקט דומינו". Ynet. 26 November 2016. אפרים. עומרי.
  30. News: בנט בחלמיש: "מחבלי אש רצו להרוג יישוב בישראל". Ynet. 27 November 2016.
  31. News: שריפת קוצים במושב עין תמר שבערבה, 4 צוותי כיבוי במקום [Thorn fire in moshav Ein Tamar in the Arava, 4 firefighting crews in the area]]. Arutz Sheva. 23 November 2016.
  32. News: Levi. Eli. Eli. Yossi. Elroi. Hilla. שריפה משתוללת בחיפה: שכונות שלמות פונו, עשרות נפגעו משאיפת עשן [Fire blazing in Haifa: entire neighborhoods were evacuated; doznes hurt from smoke inhalation|url=|work=[[Nana 10]]|date=24 November 2016|language=Hebrew|access-date=25 November 2016|archive-date=26 November 2016|archive-url=|url-status=dead.
  33. News: Baruch. Uzi. אש בקריית גת, סריקות אחר חשודים [Fire in Kiryat Gat, searches for suspects]]. Arutz Sheva. 25 November 2016. Hebrew.
  34. News: Piotrokovsky. Shlomo. Dolev fire extinguished; Zichron Yaakov fire resumes. Arutz Sheva. 22 November 2016.
  35. News: Senyor. Eli. Fire & Rescue Authority suspects arson in four of the fires in Haifa. Ynet. 24 November 2016.
  36. (Hebrew)
  37. Web site: N12 - גל השריפות - דקה אחר דקה. 23 November 2016.
  38. News: Fire breaks out in the Galilee. Arutz Sheva. 24 November 2016.
  39. News: Benari. Elad. MainAll NewsInside IsraelTown near Jerusalem evacuated as fires continue to rage Town near Jerusalem evacuated as fires continue to rage. Arutz Sheva. 25 November 2016.
  40. News: יום רביעי לגל השריפות: דליקות בגליל [Fourth day to the fire wave: blazes in the Galilee|url=|work=[[Channel 2 (Israel)|Channel 2]]|date=25 November 2016|language=Hebrew.
  41. News: Ben Zur. Ra'anan. שריפת קוצים פרצה סמוך למושב גאולים שבשרון [Brushfire erupted near Geulim in the Sharon Plain]]. Ynet. 25 November 2016. Hebrew.
  42. News: Gabai. Shlomi. השריפה בבנימינה: תושב המקום נפגע קל משאיפת עשן. Walla!. 25 November 2016. Hebrew.
  43. News: Rabad. Ahia. שריפה ביישוב חרשים שבצפון, תושבים פונו מבתיהם. Ynet. 25 November 2016. Hebrew.
  44. News: Rabad. Ahia. כוחות הכיבוי השיגו שליטה על השריפה בחרשים שבגליל. Ynet. 26 November 2016. Hebrew.
  45. News: Ashkenazi. Eli. הושגה שליטה על השריפה בסמוך לדליית אל כרמל. Walla!. 26 November 2016. Hebrew.
  46. News: Israel in flames: Suspects detained for arson; 60,000 evacuated from Haifa. Jerusalem Post. 24 November 2016.
  47. News: Police commissioner: Arson likely nationalistically motivated; arrests were made. Ynet. 24 November 2016.
  48. Web site: Csi הצתות. 30 November 2016.
  49. News: Україна відправить свої літаки гасити пожежі в Ізраїлі. 24 November 2016. Українська правда.
  50. News: Tens of thousands flee massive fires raging across Haifa. 24 November 2016. Times of Israel.
  51. News: Bill . Gabbert . November 26, 2016 . "747 Supertanker drops on a fire in Israel" . Reuters.
  52. News: Palestinian firefighters arrive to help put out the flames across Israel. 25 November 2016. Jerusalem Post.
  53. Web site: El Gobierno español envía 4 aviones antiincendios a Israel. 25 November 2016. Cadena SER.
  54. News: Hrvatski piloti su heroji u Izraelu: već prvog dana posjetio ih premijer Netanyahu i zahvalio im!. 26 November 2016. RTL Televizija.
  55. News: Cyprus sends a 69-member team to assist Israel combat massive fires. 26 November 2016. Cyprus Weekly.
  56. News: CL-415 of the Greek Air Forces Dispatched for Israel – Praise from the Israeli Government (Greek: Αποστολή αεροσκαφών CL-415 της πολεμικής αεροπορίας στο Ισραήλ – Έπαινος από την ισραηλινή κυβέρνηση. 30 November 2016. Kathimerini.
  57. הדיל בין האוצר לחברות הביטוח לכיסוי נזקי השריפות: מי מרוויח ומי מפסיד. TheMarker.