Paleobiota of the Cañadón Asfalto Formation explained

The Cañadón Asfalto Formation is a geological formation which dates to the Toarcian age of the Early Jurassic period of Argentina. The rocks of the formation preserve a diverse biota, including plants, dinosaurs, invertebrates, mammals and pterosaurs, among others. The formation is divided into two members: the lower Las Chacritas Member, and the overlying Puesto Almada member, though the latter has also been assigned to the overlying Cañadón Calcáreo Formation by some authors. The members are typically composed of fluvial-lacustrine deposits consisting of sandstones and shales, with a limestone carbonate evaporitic sequence also being present in the lower of the two.



Crustacea reported from the Cañadon Asfalto Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Carapacestheria[2] [3] [4]
  • C. taschi
  • Cañadón Asfalto
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Cerro Bayo
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Eosestheriidae (Spinicaudatan). Originally identified as Cyzicus (Euestheria) taschi. This genus is found in identical alkaline lacustrine settings in the also Toarcian Mawson Formation of Antarctica
  • C. rauhuti
  • Sierra de la Manea
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Cañadón Los Chivos
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Afrograptidae (Spinicaudatan). Given the stratigraphic uncertainty, it may come from the Cañadón Calcáreo Formation.
  • D. magna
  • D. spp.
  • Cañadón Asfalto
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Cerro Bayo
  • Cañadón Asfalto
  • Quebrada Subsidiaria
  • Estancia el Torito
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Darwinulidae (Ostracod).
  • E. spp.
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Estancia Fossati[6]
  • Las Chacritas Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Palaeolimnadiopseidae (Spinicaudatan).
  • E. volkheimeri
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Cerro Bayo
  • Alice Creek
  • Quebrada Subsidiaria
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Euestheriidae (Spinicaudatan).
  • C. (Lioestheria) sp. B
  • C. (Lioestheria) sp. C
  • Cañadón Las Chacritas
  • Colan Conhué
  • Alice Creek
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Fushunograptidae (Spinicaudatan).
  • M.? spp.
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Limnocytheridae (Ostracodan). Given the stratigraphic uncertainty, it may come from the Cañadón Calcáreo Formation
  • M. sp.
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Loxoconchidae (Ostracodan). Given the stratigraphic uncertainty, it may come from the Cañadón Calcáreo Formation.
Penthesilenula[7] [8]
  • P. magna
  • P. sarytirmenensis
  • Cañadón de la Angostura
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Darwinulidae (Ostracodan). These species are characteristic of the Middle Jurassic of northern China and where used to correlate the age of the beds
  • P. sp.
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Cañadón Los Chivos
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Antronestheriidae (Spinicaudatan). Given the stratigraphic uncertainty, it may come from the Cañadón Calcáreo Formation.
  • T. barrancalensis minor
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Cytheroidea (Ostracodan). Given the stratigraphic uncertainty, it may come from the Cañadón Calcáreo Formation.
  • T. sp.
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Limnocytheridae (Ostracodan). Given the stratigraphic uncertainty, it may come from the Cañadón Calcáreo Formation.
  • W. patagoniensis
  • W. smekali
  • Cañadón Asfalto
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Estancia La Sin Rumbo
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ValvesA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Fushunograptidae (Spinicaudatan).


Mollusca reported from the Cañadon Asfalto Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
  • C. spp.
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Cerro Bayo
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ShellsA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Corbiculidae (Bivalve).
  • C. spp.
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Cerro Bayo
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Conchas AisladasA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Corbiculidae (Bivalve).
Diplodon[9] [10]
  • D. spix
  • D. cf.matildensis
  • D. cf.spix
  • D. spp.
  • Cañadón Asfalto
  • Cerro Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Miyanao
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Cerro Bayo
  • Alice Creek
  • Quebrada Subsidiaria
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ShellsA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Unionidae (Bivalve). The most abundant Bivalve genus on the Formation. Represents also some of the smallest-sized specimens recorded in the Mesozoic, what can be explained by potential environment stress.
  • Cañadón Asfalto
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
Isolated ShellsA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Unionidae (Bivalve).
  • P. spp.
  • Las Chacritas
  • Las Chacritas Member
Isolated ShellsA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Palaeomutelidae (Bivalve).
  • P.? spp.
  • Cañadón Asfalto
  • Cerro Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
Isolated ShellsA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Tateidae (Snail).
Sphaeriidae[11] Indeterminate
  • Cañadón Asfalto
  • Las Chacritas Member
Isolated ShellsA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Sphaeriida (Bivalve).
  • V. spp.
  • Cañadón Asfalto
  • Cerro Caracoles
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Asfalto
  • Quebrada Subsidiaria
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Isolated ShellsA freshwater (Lacustrine) member of Viviparidae (Snail).


Insect eggs of unknown affinity were reported from several layers of the Estancia Fossati locality.[1]

Insects reported from the Cañadon Asfalto Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
  • Gan Gan
  • Puesto Almada Member
Head capsulesIndeterminate Bittacidae (Migdes) remains, associated with lacustrine facies. Given the stratigraphic uncertainty, it may come from the Cañadón Calcáreo Formation
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Estancia Fossati
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Estancia La Sin Rumbo
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Elytra and body remainsIndeterminate Beetle remains, associated with lacustrine facies
Conchindusia[12] C. isp.
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Gan Gan
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Imprints or compressed moulds of larval casesIndeterminate Trichoptera (Caddisflies) Ichnofossils, associated with lacustrine facies. Larval cases made of conchostracan shells
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Estancia Fossati
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Estancia La Sin Rumbo
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Fragmentary wingsIndeterminate Heteroptera remains, associated with lacustrine facies
Neorthophlebidae[13] Indeterminate
  • Gan Gan
  • Puesto Almada member
Wings and parts of bodyIndeterminate Bittacidae (Scorpionfly) remains, associated with lacustrine facies. Given the stratigraphic uncertainty, it may come from the Cañadón Calcáreo Formation
OstracindusiaO. isp.
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Gan Gan
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Imprints or compressed moulds of larval casesIndeterminate Trichoptera (Caddisflies) Ichnofossils, associated with lacustrine facies. Larval cases made of ostracodan shells
TerrindusiaT. isp.
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Estancia Fossati
  • Gan Gan
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Imprints or compressed moulds of larval casesIndeterminate Trichoptera (Caddisflies) Ichnofossils, associated with lacustrine facies. Larval cases made of clasts or terrigenous particles
Trichoptera[14] [15] Indeterminate
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Estancia Fossati
  • Estancia El Torito
  • Estancia La Sin Rumbo
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
Wings and larval casesIndeterminate Trichoptera (Caddisflies) remains, associated with lacustrine facies



Turtles reported from the Cañadon Asfalto Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Condorchelys[21] [22]
  • C. antiqua
  • C. cf.antiqua
  • C. spp.
  • Queso Rallado
  • Cañadon Bagual
  • Chucrut
  • Canela facies
Las Chacritas Member
  • Holotype: Most of a skull, carapace, and plastron.
  • MPEF-PV 3163, left humerus
  • MPEF-PV 3164, costal plate
A stem turtle (Mesochelydian) outside both extant groups, closely related with Kayentachelys aprix of North America and Indochelys spatulata of India. Likely occupied aquatic or semiaquatic niches.
  • Canela facies
Las Chacritas Member
  • plastrons
Indeterminate Turtle remains


Pterosaurs reported from the Cañadón Asfalto Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Allkaruen[25] A. koiCanadón CarrizalLas Chacritas MemberA braincase, as well as a mandible and cervical vertebrae.A pterosaur either related with Breviquartossa or maybe even a sister group of monofenestratan (Wukongopteridae + Pterodactyloidea) pterosaurs
Scaphognathinae?[26] IndeterminateLas ChacritasLas Chacritas MemberUncatalogued specimens, several mandibles, braincase, shoulder girdle, two humeri, several wing-finger phalangesIndeterminate remains of a pterosaur, possibly a Rhamphorhynchoidea. It seems to represent a rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur with a wingspan of about 1.5–2 meters. The morphology is very similar to that of the lower jaw of the Scaphognathinae.


During a campaign conducted in early 2021, remains of a large theropod dinosaur were found near the town of Las Chacritas. In 2020 a new fossil locality was found, named Cañadón de las Huellas due to the large number of sauropod, and probably theropod, footprints on one of the canyon walls. In the same locality in 2021, articulated remains where recovered and represent at least one sauropod and one large theropod.[27] At least four theropod morphotypes, including one with ceratosaur and another with Piatnitzkysauridae affinities, are known from the Cañadón Bagual.[28]

Theropoda reported from the Cañadón Asfalto Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Asfaltovenator[29] A. vialidadiCerro CondorLas Chacritas MemberNearly compete skull and largely complete front half of the skeleton forward of the hips, distal pubis and fermur and proximal fibula and tibia, partial footA probable early member of Allosauroidea
Averostra[30] Indeterminate
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Puesto el Quemado
  • Cerro Bayo
Las Chacritas MemberIsolated teeth: MPEF BA 182/08, BA 40/08, BA 09/80, BA 88/08, BA 252G+165/08 A, BA 252G+165/08 B, BA 252G+165/08 C Theropod dinosaur teeth that resemble those assigned to the families Ceratosauridae, Megalosauridae and Abelisauridae
Ceratosauridae[31] IndeterminateCañadon BagualLas Chacritas MemberA dentary with teeth in situ, MPEF-PV 6775It resembles the dentary of Ceratosaurus
Condorraptor[32] [33] C. currumiliLas ChacritasLas Chacritas MemberPartial articulated skeletonA relative of Piatnitzkysaurus from the same formation, and a possible junior synonym of it as well.
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Puesto el Quemado
  • Cerro Bayo
Las Chacritas MemberIsolated Teeth: MEPF BA 61/08, BA 103/08, BA 32/08 A, BA 32/08 B, BA 104/08, BA 226B/08, PV 3498, BA 29/08, BA51/08, BA 270/08 a, BA 270/08 b, BA 270/08 cTheropod dinosaur teeth that resemble those assigned to the family Dromaeosauridae. Alternatively, they could belong to basal members of Coelurosauria
Eoabelisaurus[34] E. mefiJugo LucoLas Chacritas MemberA nearly complete articulated skeletonA Neoceratosaur, that was suggested to be a basal member of Abelisauria, but also a member of Ceratosauridae
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Puesto el Quemado
  • Cerro Bayo
Las Chacritas MemberIsolated Teeth: MPEF PV 1175, BA 66/08, PV 1356, PV 1357Theropod dinosaur teeth that resemble those assigned to the family Megalosauridae.
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Puesto el Quemado
  • Cerro Bayo
Las Chacritas MemberIsolated Teeth: MPEF BA 68/08, BA 92/08, PV 3499, BA 68/08, BA 183/08Theropod dinosaur teeth that resemble those assigned to basal neotheropods, such as members of Coelophysoidea.
Piatnitzkysauridae[35] Indeterminate
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Puesto el Quemado
  • Cerro Bayo
Las Chacritas MemberIsolated Teeth & Cranial remains: MPEF 1717 CC 205, PV 3440A A, PV 3440A B, PV 3440A C, PV 3440A D, PV 3440A E, PV 3440A F, PV 3440A GTheropod dinosaur teeth that resemble those assigned to members of Piatnitzkysauridae.
Piatnitzkysaurus[36] P. floresiCerro Cóndor SouthLas Chacritas MemberTwo "fragmentary skulls with associated postcranium."[37] Possible senior synonym of Condorraptor from the same formation.
  • Cerro Cóndor
Las Chacritas MemberIsolated Teeth : MEPF PV 1350Theropod dinosaur teeth resembling those assigned to members of Spinosauridae. Alternatively, they could belong to members of Ceratosauria
  • Cerro Cóndor
  • Puesto el Quemado
  • Cerro Bayo
Las Chacritas MemberIsolated Teeth : MEPF BA 84/08, BA 49/08 A, BA 49/08 B, BA 64/08, BA 65/08, BA 266/07Theropod dinosaur teeth that resemble with those assigned to members of Megalosauridae and Dromaeosauridae
  • Cerro Cóndor
Las Chacritas MemberIsolated Teeth : MPEF PV 1640"Outlier" tooth that doesn't fit in any previously known morphotype, maybe due to preservation
Theropodipedia[38] Indeterminate
  • Cerro Cóndor
Las Chacritas MemberFootprintsPossible theropod footprints, unassigned to any concrete ichnogenus


A sediment tubular shaped mass enriched in organic matter, closely associated within the ventral area of articulated remains of a sauropod, was recovered at Cerro Condor, composed of a high concentration of pollen grains & cuticular fragments, mainly leaves of two morphotypes (Araucariaceae and Cheirolepidaceae), probably representing the gut contents of the sauropod, inferring a conifer-based diet.[39]

Sauropodiformes reported from the Cañadón Asfalto Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Bagualia[40] B. albaCañadon BagualLas Chacritas MemberThe partial skeletons of three individualsAn early member of Eusauropoda, related with the African genus Spinophorosaurus
Diplodocidae[41] [42] IndeterminateCerro Condor SurLas Chacritas MemberMACN-CH 934: axial neural arches and spines, an ilium, a pubis, ?two or ?three ischia, and two maxillaeThis specimen shows strong Diplodocidae affinities, yet it has been considered either a derived non-neosauropodan eusauropod (having resemblance with Lapparentosaurus in some characters) or even a basal neosauropod (also resembling Haplocanthosaurus)
EusauropodaIndeterminateCerro Condor SurLas Chacritas MemberMACN-CH 230: three dorsal vertebraeLikely a eusauropod, possibly a cetiosaurid. Smaller than other sauropod taxa found in the formation.
Patagosaurus[43] [44] P. fariasiCerro CondorLas Chacritas MemberMany specimens, including a partial skull.A non-neosauropodan eusauropodan member of Cetiosauridae. This genus represents the most abundant sauropod in the formation
Sauropodiformes[45] IndeterminateQueso Rallado, near Cerro CóndorLas Chacritas MemberIsolated Teeth: MPEF-PV 10860An indeterminate Sauropodiform or a very basal sauropod or even dental material of Volkheimeria.[46]
SauropodaIndeterminateCerro Condor SurLas Chacritas MemberMACN-CH 219, 223(+221), 231Too fragmentary to be ascribed to any taxon, currently classified as Sauropoda indet.
Titanosauriformes[47] IndeterminateQueso Rallado, near Cerro CóndorLas Chacritas MemberIsolated Teeth: MPEF-PV 10606An indeterminate Titanosauriform. It can be alternatively a basal Eusauropod. Possible relationships with Atlasaurus
VolkheimeriaV. chubutensisCerro Cóndor SouthLas Chacritas Member"Partial skeleton consisting of presacral and sacral vertebrae, pelvis, [and] hindlimb."Either a gravisaur or a sister taxon of the Indian genus Barapasaurus


Ornithischians reported from the Cañadón Asfalto Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
IndeterminateQueso RalladoLas Chacritas MemberIsolated ungual phalanx and Isolated Teeth: MPEF-PV 3818, MPEF-PV 3824, MEPF-PV 3820, MEPF-PV 3825, MEPF-PV 10861, MPEF-PV 10823, MPEF-PV 3821 & MPEF-PV 10864An indeterminate Cerapodan with resemblances with Hypsilophodon. Some of the referred remains have been reclassified as Manidens material
HeterodontosauridaeIndeterminateQueso RalladoLas Chacritas MemberMetapodials, caudal vertebrae, and isolated phalanges: MPEF-PV 3826heterodontosaurid that cannot be compared with Manidens due to the lack of overlapping fossils.
Manidens[48] [49] M. condorensis
  • Queso Rallado
  • Sitio Frenguelli
  • Sitio Canela
Las Chacritas MemberPartial articulated specimen, skull & associated elements as well referred isolated teeth: MPEF-PV 3809, MPEF-PV 3211, MPEF-PV 3808, MPEF-PV 10867, MPEF-PV 1719, MPEF-PV 1786, MPEF-PV 1718, MPEF-PV 3810, MPEF-PV 3811, MPEF-PV 3812, MPEF-PV 3813, MPEF-PV 3814, MPEF-PV 3815, MPEF-PV 3816, MPEF-PV 10866A primitive and small heterodontosaurid. Fossils attributed to this genus may have been at least partially arboreal. Principal component analysis found that the feet of Manidens were most similar to those of tree-perching birds.[50]
  • Queso Rallado
Las Chacritas MemberIsolated teeth: MPEF-PV 3817, MPEFPV 3819, MPEF-PV 3822.Not referable to any taxa beyond Ornithischia Indet.


Mammals reported from the Cañadón Asfalto Formation
GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
AllotheriaIndeterminateQueso RalladoLas Chacritas MemberIsolated TeethAn Allotherian whose affinities hasn't been tested
Argentoconodon[51] A. fariasorumQueso RalladoLas Chacritas MemberMPEF-PV2362, fragmentary left maxilla, MPEF-PV2363 partial skeleton, MPEFPV2364 isolated complete right upper last molariformA volaticotherian (Alticonodontinae), closely related to the Asian genus Volaticotherium, having similar postcraneal appearance, indicating possible gliding capabilities, yet better material is needed to prove it.
Asfaltomylos[52] A. patagonicusQueso RalladoLas Chacritas MemberMPEF PV 1671, complete lower maxillaAn Australosphenidan, related to Henosferus in Henosferidae.
Condorodon[53] C. spaniosQueso RalladoLas Chacritas MemberMPEF-PV 2365, isolated complete lower left molariformAn "amphilestid" triconodont, related with the late jurassic African Tendagurodon.
  • H. molus
  • H. sp.
  • Queso Rallado
  • Canela
Las Chacritas MemberMPEF 2353 right lower jaw, MPEF 2354 Left lower jaw, MPEF 2357 Left lower jaw, referred MPEF 2355 isolated upper premolarAn Australosphenidan, related to Asfaltomylos in Henosferidae, being twice as large as this last one.


According to a palynological study the dominant pollen was produced by the conifer families Cheirolepidiaceae (Classopollis) and Araucariaceae (mainly Araucariacites and Callialasporites), suggesting that warm-temperate and relatively humid conditions under highly seasonal climate prevailed during the depositional times of the unit. The abundance of Botryococcus supports the presence of a shallow lake with probably saline conditions.[56] Locally, the Cañadón Asfalto represents a more poor record of the floras seen in the undeliying Lonco Tapial Formation, with its closest floras found on the Antarctic Peninsula Sweeney Formation at Potter Peak, sharing Brachyphyllum spp. and Elatocladus confertus.[57]


Possible freshwater "calcareous algae", associated with conifer shoots and acuatic invertebrates, have been reported from Cerro Caracoles.[58]

GenusSpeciesLocationMemberMaterialEcogroupPalaeoclimate requirementsNotesImages
  • B. sp. cf. B. braunii
  • B. spp
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Cerro Bandera
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
AlgaeAquatic (freshwater); Alkaline indicatorHighly seasonal climateA freshwater algae of the family Botryococcaceae. This genus is the main indicator, due to its abundance, of the presence of a shallow lake with probably saline conditions, reaching in some samples about 96 to 70%.
  • L. sp.
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
ZygosporesAquatic (freshwater)Temperate to warm; seasonal climateAlgae or Algae Acritarch of the family Prasinophyceae.
  • O. spp.
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
ZygosporesAquatic (freshwater)Temperate to warm; seasonal climateAlgae of the family Zygnemataceae


GenusSpeciesLocationMemberMaterialEcogroupPalaeoclimate requirementsNotesImages
  • A. saevus
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesUpland and RiversideCan withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climateAffinities with the family Sphagnaceae in the Sphagnopsida. "Peat moss" spores, related to genera such as Sphagnum that can store large amounts of water.
  • N. cf. suratensis
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesUpland and Lowland Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Selaginellaceae and Lycopodiaceae in the Lycopsida.
  • N. vallatus
  • N. cf. undatus
  • N. cf. radiatus
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesUpland and RiversideCan withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climateAffinities with Bryophyta.
  • R. austroclavatidites
  • R. semimuris
  • R. sp. 1
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesUpland and Lowland Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with Bryophyta.
  • S. sp. cf. S. psilatus
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesUpland and RiversideCan withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climateAffinities with the family Sphagnaceae in the Sphagnopsida.


GenusSpeciesLocationMemberMaterialEcogroupPalaeoclimate requirementsNotesImages
  • B. comaumensis
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesLowland and Riverside Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Osmundaceae in the Polypodiopsida. Near fluvial current ferns, related to the modern Osmunda regalis.
  • B. sp. A
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesLowland and RiversideWarm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the Marattiaceae in the Polypodiopsida. Fern spores from low herbaceous flora.
  • C. sp. cf. C. reticulatus
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesLowland and RiversideWarm to temperate, relatively wetUncertain affinity Fern SporesFilicopsida incertae sedis
  • C. grahami
  • C. oblonga
  • Cañadon Asfalto
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Paso de Indios
  • Pomelo locality
  • Las Chacritas Member
Isolated PinnaeLowland and RiversideWarm to temperate, relatively wetPlants of the family Osmundaceae.
  • C. spp.
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesLowland and RiversideWarm to temperate, relatively wetFilicopsida incertae sedis
  • D. australis
  • D. minor
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesUpland, Lowland and Riverside Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the families Cyatheaceae/Dicksoniaceae Dipteridaceae/Matoniaceae in the Polypodiopsida.
  • D. harrisii
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesLowland and Riverside Warm to temperate, relatively wet
  • G. cf.taquetrensis
  • Paso de Indios
  • Las Chacritas Member
Isolated PinnaeLowland and Riverside Warm to temperate, relatively wetPlants of the family Gleicheniales.
  • I. marburgensis
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesUpland, Lowland RiversideWarm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Lygodiaceae and Schizaeaceae in the Polypodiopsida. Climbing or herbaceous fern spores.
  • K. lacunus
  • K. variegatus
  • K. sp. cf. K. scaberis
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesUpland, Lowland RiversideWarm to temperate, relatively wet
  • O. modestus
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesLowland and RiversideWarm to temperate, relatively wetFilicopsida incertae sedis
  • R. sp.
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesLowland and Riverside Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Osmundaceae in the Polypodiopsida.
  • S. patagonica
  • S. hallei
  • Cañadon Asfalto
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
Isolated PinnaeUpland, Lowland and Riverside Warm to temperate, relatively wetPlants of the group Sphenopteridae, whose affinity for mesozoic specimens is uncertain, yet has been suggested to be fronds of Dicksoniaceae affinity
  • T. minor
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesUplandWarm to temperate, relatively wet. Can withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climateAffinities with the family Osmundaceae in the Polypodiopsida.
  • T. sp.
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesUpland, Lowland and Riverside Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the families Cyatheaceae/Dicksoniaceae Dipteridaceae/Matoniaceae in the Polypodiopsida.
  • V. varians
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
SporesUplandCan withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climateAffinities with the family Osmundaceae in the Polypodiopsida.


GenusSpeciesLocationMemberMaterialEcogroupPalaeoclimate requirementsNotesImages
  • A. similis
  • A. lowoodensis
  • A. spp.
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Cerro Bandera
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
PollenRiverside Warm, can withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climateAffinities with the families Peltaspermaceae, Corystospermaceae or Umkomasiaceae in the Peltaspermales. Pollen of uncertain provenance that can be derived from any of the members of the Peltaspermales.
Antevsia[64] A. sp.
  • Pomelo locality
  • Las Chacritas Member
Pollen-bearing organsLowland and Riverside Warm, can withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climatePlants of the group Peltaspermaceae.
ArchangelskyaA. furcata
  • Cañadon Asfalto
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
Isolated PinnaeLowland and Riverside Warm, can withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climatePlants of the group Pteridospermata
Lepidopteris[65] [66] L. scassoi
  • Pomelo locality
  • A12 locality
  • Las Chacritas Member
Isolated PinnaeLowland and Riverside Warm, can withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climatePlants of the group Peltaspermaceae. This species represents the youngest record of the genus, by more than 20 Myr.
PeltaspermumP. sp.
  • Pomelo locality
  • A12 locality
  • Las Chacritas Member
Ovuliferous ConesLowland and Riverside Warm, can withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climatePlants of the group Peltaspermaceae.
  • V. pallidus
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
PollenRiverside Warm, relatively wetFrom the family Caytoniaceae in the Caytoniales. Caytoniaceae are a complex group of Mesozoic fossil floras that may be related to both Peltaspermales and Ginkgoaceae.


GenusSpeciesLocationMemberMaterialEcogroupPalaeoclimate requirementsNotesImages
  • A. spp.
  • Cañadon Bagual
  • Las Chacritas Member
Fossil WoodUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Araucariaceae in the Pinales.
  • A. australis
  • A. fissus
  • A. pergranulatus
  • A. cf. A. pergranulatus
  • A. sp. A
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Cerro Bandera
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
PollenUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Araucariaceae in the Pinales. Conifer pollen from medium to large arboreal plants.
  • A. chuchensis
  • A. spp.
  • Cañadon Asfalto
  • Pomelo locality
  • A12 locality
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Estancia La Vistosa
  • Paso de Indios
  • Las Chacritas Member
Ovuliferous scalesUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetPlants of the family Araucariaceae.
  • A. ungeri
  • Cañadon Asfalto
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
Branched shootsUpland?Warm to temperate, relatively wetPlants of the family Taxodiaceae
  • A. asfaltensis
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
Branched shoots & Ovuliferous conesUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetPlants of the family Cunninghamioideae. Along with the also Argentinian species A. minuta, this specimens represent the oldest fossil taxa that can be confidently assigned to Cupressaceae sensu lato
Brachyoxylon[69] B. currumilii
  • Pomelo locality
  • Las Chacritas Member
Fossil WoodUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetPlants of the family Araucariaceae or Cheirolepidiaceae
  • B. cf. lotenaense
  • B. spp.
  • Cañadon Asfalto
  • Cerro Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas
  • Pomelo locality
  • A12 locality
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Paso de Indios
  • Canela locality
  • Las Chacritas Member
Branched shoots & Ovuliferous conesUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetPlants of the family Araucariaceae or Cheirolepidiaceae
  • C. dampieri
  • C. microvelatus
  • C. turbatus
  • C. minus
  • C. sp. 1
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Cerro Bandera
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
PollenUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Araucariaceae in the Pinales. Conifer pollen from medium to large arboreal plants.
  • C. macroverrucosus
  • C. carlylensis
  • C. mesozoicus
  • C. sp. 1
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Cerro Bandera
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
PollenUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with both Sciadopityaceae and Miroviaceae in the Pinopsida. This pollen's resemblance to extant Sciadopitys suggest that Miroviaceae may be an extinct lineage of Sciadopityaceae-like plants.[70]
  • C. classoides
  • C. intrareticulatus
  • C. simplex
  • C. itunensis
  • C. torosus
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Cerro Bandera
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
PollenLowland and Coastal lakeWarm to temperate, can withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climateAffinities with the Hirmeriellaceae in the Pinopsida. Classopollis is the most abundant component of the assemblage, with ranges from 73 to 81.6% to 89.6%-89.7% in some samples.
  • E. confertus
  • E. jabalpurensis
  • Cañadon Asfalto
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Pomelo locality
  • Las Chacritas Member
Branched shootsUpland and LowlandWarm to temperate, can withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climatePlants of the family Cupressaceae
  • E. sp.
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
PollenLowland and Coastal lakeWarm to temperate, can withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climateAffinities with the Hirmeriellaceae in the Pinopsida. Classopollis is the most abundant component of the assemblage, with ranges from 73 to 81.6% to 89.6%-89.7% in some samples.
  • I. parvisaccatus
  • I. sp. 1
  • I. sp. 2
  • I. sp. 3
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
PollenUplandTemperate, relatively dryAffinities with the family Podocarpaceae. Pollen from diverse types of Podocarpaceous conifers, that include morphotypes similar to the low arbustive Microcachrys and the medium arbustive Lepidothamnus, likely linked with Upland settings
  • I. indicus
  • I. giganteus
  • I. microgranulatus
  • I. cf. reidi
  • I. sp. 1
  • I. sp. 2
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
PollenUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Araucariaceae in the Pinales. Conifer pollen from medium to large arboreal plants.
  • K. spp.
  • Cañadon Bagual
  • Las Chacritas Member
Fossil WoodUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Araucariaceae in the Pinales. Represents the youngest record of the genus, otherwise know from Permain or Triassic strata.[71]
  • M. castellanosii
  • M. antarcticus
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Cerro Bandera
  • Las Chacritas Member
  • Puesto Almada Member
PollenUplandTemperate, relatively dryAffinities with the family Podocarpaceae. Pollen from Podocarpaceous conifers similar to the low arbustive Microcachrys
  • P. divaricatum
  • P. fiestmantelli
  • Cañadon Asfalto
  • Pomelo locality
  • A12 locality
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Paso de Indios
  • Canela locality
  • Las Chacritas Member
Branched shootsLowland and Coastal lakeWarm to temperate, can withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climatePlants of the family Araucariaceae or Cheirolepidiaceae
  • P. sp.
  • Cañadon Asfalto
  • Las Chacritas Member
Pollen OrgansLowland and Coastal lakeWarm to temperate, can withstand long periods of drought; seasonal climateIncertae sedis inside Coniferales, suggested as a member of its own family, the "Pelourdeaceae". A hygrophytic riparian conifer with herbaceous or shrubby habit. Some specimens are difficult to identify.
  • P. elatoides
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
PollenUpland and LowlandWarm to temperate; seasonal climateAffinities with the family Cupressaceae in the Pinopsida. Pollen that resembles that of extant genera such as the genus Actinostrobus and Austrocedrus, probably derived from Upland environments.
PhrixipollenitesP. sp.
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Las Chacritas Member
PollenUplandTemperate, relatively dryAffinities with the family Podocarpaceae.
  • P. globosaccus
  • Cañadon Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
PollenUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Pinaceae in the Pinopsida. Conifer pollen from medium to large arboreal plants.
  • P. verrucosus
  • P. astrictus
  • P. ellipticus
  • P. multesimus
  • P. variabilis
  • P. sp. cf. P. radiatus
  • P. sp. cf. P. verrucosus
  • P. sp. 1
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
PollenUplandTemperate, relatively dryAffinities with the family Podocarpaceae in the Pinopsida.
  • P. spp.
  • Cañadon Bagual
  • Las Chacritas Member
Fossil WoodUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Podocarpaceae in the Pinopsida.
  • P. variabilis
  • P. sp. 1
  • Cañadón Lahuincó
  • Cañadón Caracoles
  • Las Chacritas Member
PollenUplandTemperate, relatively dryAffinities with the family Podocarpaceae in the Pinopsida.
  • P. spp.
  • Cañadon Bagual
  • Las Chacritas Member
Fossil WoodUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Hirmeriellaceae in the Pinopsida.
  • P. spp.
  • Cañadon Bagual
  • Las Chacritas Member
Fossil WoodUpland, Lowland and Riverside ?Warm to temperate, relatively wetAffinities with the family Taxaceae in the Pinopsida. Alternatively, it can represent woods of the "Mesozoic Prototaxoxylon Group", a unnamed conifer family of possible Permian affinities.[72]

See also

Notes and References

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