Positive energy district explained

A positive energy district (PED) is an urban area that produces at least as much energy on an annual basis as it consumes. The purpose of a PED is not to be an island isolated from the rest of the energy system but rather a functional and flexible part of the larger whole. The impetus to develop whole positive energy districts instead of single buildings is based on the possibility of sharing resources, managing energy efficiently systems across many buildings and reaching economics of scale. The overarching design principles of PEDs can be summarized as follows:[1]

The development of PEDs is a topic of intense international R&D activities and first pilot areas have been developed. JPI Urban Europe has listed 29 pilot areas around Europe.[2]

Notes and References

  1. Tuominen, P. (2020): Yes to positive energy districts - but how to make it happen?. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
  2. Gollner, C. (2020): Europe Towards Positive Energy Districts. JPI Urban Europe.