Qin Lake Scenic Area Explained

Qin Lake Scenic Area is located in Jiangsu province Taizhou City. And it takes about two hours to go there from Shanghai.

Qin Lake (溱湖) is 1.4 kilometers in length, with an area of about 3500 acres around. In the scenic area, lakes and rivers aoccupy about thirty seven percent of the total area of the scenic area. Among these lakes, Qin Lake has the largest scale, it is also named the Magpie lake because many magpies gather there every Spring. Qin Lake is rich in fish, diamond Lotus root and watermelon and pollution-free green food. Fishcakes and shrimp balls made in Qin lake are very delicious, they have a famous name--"Qin lake double off" (溱湖双绝). Every year on the Qingming Festival, there will be a Boat festival. Many boats will compete on Qin Lake. The Qin Lake Boat Festival and the Water-Sprinkling Festival and other famous activities are approved to be The ten top folk activities.

There are also foods famous for Qin Lake--”Qin lake eight fresh”(Chinese: 溱湖八鲜), which consists of: Qin lake Duan crab (Chinese: 溱湖簖蟹), Qin lake turtle (Chinese: 溱湖甲鱼), Qin lake icefish (Chinese: 溱湖银鱼), Qin lake shrimp (Chinese: 溱湖青虾), Qin lake birds (Chinese: 溱湖水禽), Qin lake screw shell (Chinese: 溱湖螺贝), Qin lake or four (Chinese: 溱湖四喜) and Qin lake greenstuffs (Chinese: 溱湖水蔬). All of which have distinguishing features.[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]


  1. http://www.qinlake.com/index.html 溱湖旅游景区电子商务网
  2. http://www.lvmama.com/dest/qinhu/place 泰州姜堰市溱湖风景区介绍_泰州姜堰市溱湖风景区景区概述_简介,玩点,主题,百科-驴妈妈旅游网
  3. http://www.lotour.com/snapshot/2007-9-6/snapshot_89330.shtml 溱湖风景区简介_国内游_乐途旅游网
  4. http://www.17u.cn/scenery/BookSceneryTicket_212.html 溱湖国家湿地公园门票_溱湖湿地门票价格_溱湖公园预订_溱湖风景区_同程网预订平台
  5. http://www.mangocity.com/cms/2006-09/06/content_1451.htm 姜堰溱湖风景区_芒果网 为您提供旅游指南,旅游文章,旅游向导,游记攻略,景点吃住,出行指南,自助游指南
  6. http://spot.cnair.com/jiangsu/taizhou/list_qhfjq.htm 溱湖风景区介绍 - 泰州景点 - 江苏泰州风景区 - 中国航空旅游网