Sardana Avksentyeva Explained

Honorific Suffix:MP
Office:Member of the State Duma (Party List Seat)
Term Start:12 October 2021
Office1:6th Mayor of Yakutsk
Term Start1:17 September 2018
Term End1:14 January 2021
Predecessor1:Aysen Nikolayev
Successor1:Yevgeny Grigoryev
Birth Name:Sardana Vladimirovna Gogoleva
Birth Date:2 July 1970
Birth Place:Churapcha, Yakut ASSR, Russian SFSR, USSR
Spouse:Viktor Avksentyev

Sardana Vladimirovna Avksentyeva (née Gogoleva,[1] Russian: Сардана Владимировна Авксентьева, Yakut: Сардаана Владимир кыыһа Авксентьева, born 2 July 1970) is a Russian politician, who served as the mayor of Yakutsk, the capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from 2018 to 2021.

Early life, beginning of career

Sardana Avksentyeva was born on 2 July 1970 in Churapcha, 177 km east of Yakutsk. She graduated from the Faculty of History and Law of the M. K. Ammosov Yakutsk State University (modern North-Eastern Federal University) in 1993 as history teacher, and the Far Eastern Academy of Public Administration in 1998 with a degree in State and Municipal Administration.[2]

In 1993–96 she worked as a specialist in the department for youth affairs, physical culture and sports of Yakutsk City Administration, becoming head of a department of the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Tourism, Physical Culture and Sports of Yakutia in 1996. From 1998 to 2000 Avksentyeva worked as the head of the department of organizational and personnel work at the Sakha National Broadcasting Company. In 2000 she was appointed assistant to the deputy of the State Duma Vitaly Basygysov. From 2004 to 2007, she worked as Deputy General Director of OJSC Tuymaada Diamond.

From 2007 to 2012 she worked as chief of staff of Yakutsk City Administration and deputy for the mayor Yury Zabolev from the United Russia party.[3] Avksentyeva previously headed Zabolev's election headquarters.[1] Since 2012 she was director of the production and commercial complex "Aerotorgservice" of Yakutsk Airport.[4]

2018 Mayoral election

In September 2018 she was elected the mayor of Yakutsk from the minor "Party of Russia's Rebirth",[5] while remaining non-partisan. She won with 39.98%, ahead of Alexander Savvinov of the United Russia party, who received 31.70% of the vote.[6] [7]

Sardana Avksentyeva became the first woman to assume the post of mayor of Yakutsk. In an interview for Meduza, Avksentyeva stated that she decided to try her hand at the suggestion of the Rodina nominee Vladimir Fyodorov, who was forced to withdraw his candidacy.[8] The main sponsor of Avksentyeva's campaign was the Utum group of companies and its founder Vasily Gogolev, who had previously supported Fydorov.[9] [10]


In the first year of her tenure, in order to save budgetary funds, Avksentyeva put up the official cars of administration employees for auction, cut the costs of holidays and other events, external and public relations, the reception of delegations. Subsequently, the mayor's office was unable to sell its off-road vehicles.[11] [12] Instead of a portrait of Vladimir Putin, common for Russian local authorities' offices, Avksentyeva placed a photograph of people celebrating the Yakut summer holiday Yhyakh in her office.[13]

In March 2020 the incident with the mass killing of animals with rabies at the animal transfer station in Yakutsk sparked outrage among animal rights activists.[14] Avksentyeva proposed to the deputies of the Yakutsk City Duma to introduce a tax on pet owners and to use the collected funds for the capture and sterilization of stray animals. She cited as an example the European countries, where "animals are treated as luxury goods, and there is corresponding taxation on it."[15] [16]

In July 2020 Avksentyeva voted against the amendments to the Constitution and initially did not announce her vote. However, a fake photo began to circulate in social networks, in which someone drew a checkmark in the “for” column in the official's bulletin. Avksentyeva's press secretary Alexey Tolstyakov published the original photo in which the mayor voted against.[17] [18] In November 2020, she stated that she supports some of the amendments, including the "zeroing" of Vladimir Putin's presidential terms.[19]

In November 2020 Avksentyeva initiated the sale of the mayor's office building planning to place the new one on the outskirts of the city. Also she announced the administration's refusal from official cars in favor of taxi.[20] The statement was received ambiguously. Most of the townspeople took the idea with hostility, and political scientists considered it a PR stunt.[21]

In 2020 the half of Yakutsk residents assessed activities of Avksentyeva's administration throughout the year negatively, and only 42% positively. Avksentieva's personal rating fell: at the end of the year, only 23% of the poll participants agree to name her the most competent female politician in the region, while 70% said this two years earlier.[22] In January 2021 Avksentyeva announced her early resignation for health reasons[23]


Member of parliament

After Avksentyeva's resignation the media have repeatedly expressed the point of view that administrative pressure was exerted on her to prevent her nomination for the upcoming elections to the 8th State Duma.[28] [29]

On 4 July 2021 at the 3rd congress of the New People, party leader Alexey Nechayev announced that Sardana Avksentyeva would be placed second after him in the federal party list for the lower house.[30] [31] In September, the New People received 5.33% of the vote and gained 13 from 450 seats.


Following the start of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, she was sanctioned by the European Union on 25 February and the United Kingdom on March 11.[32] [33] On 30 September 2022, the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Department of the Treasury added Avksentyeva to the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List due to her support for the Russian annexation of four Ukrainian regions and the Russian 2022 war censorship laws.[34]

For similar reasons, she has been sanctioned by Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland and Ukraine.[35]

Personal life

Sardana Avksentyeva in her second marriage with Viktor Avksentyev. The couple raised four children. From the first marriage with Alexander there is an eldest daughter Natalia. Sardana's second husband Viktor is a candidate of economic sciences. He worked as first deputy mayor of Yakutsk during Yury Zabolev's tenure and in 2018 election he headed his wife's election headquarters.[36]

Notes and References

  2. Web site: Сведения о проводящихся выборах и референдумах. Information about the ongoing elections and referendums. Election Commission of Yakutia. 2018-09-12.
  3. Web site: Якутск. Главы города.. 2021-08-30.
  4. News: Выборы главы Якутска выиграла Сардана Авксентьева — биография нового мэра. The mayoral election was won by Sardana Avksentieva — biography of the new mayor. SakhaLife. 2018-09-12. ru.
  5. Web site: Список выдвинутых и зарегистрированных кандидатов на выборах главы городского округа "город Якутск". List of nominated and registered candidates for the election of the head of Yakutsk urban okrug. 2018-09-12 . . 2018-09-12 . dead.
  6. News: Якутск выбрал женщину. Yalutsk had elected woman. ru. Kommersant. 2018-09-10.
  7. Web site: Сведения о проводящихся выборах и референдумах. Information about the ongoing elections and referendums. Election Commission of Yakutia. 2018-09-12. ru.
  8. Web site: ru. Ты больше не девочка, ты мэр. Как Сардана Авксентьева победила на выборах в Якутске "Единую Россию" — и стала самым популярным мэром страны. You're not a girl anymore, you're the mayor. How Sardana Avksentyeva defeated "United Russia" in Yakutsk — and became the most popular mayor in the country. Meduza. 2021-08-13.
  9. Web site: Экс-соратника Сарданы Авксентьевой выводят из борьбы за пост мэра Якутска. Ex-companion of Sardana Avksentyeva removed from the mayoral race in Yakutsk. Vedomosti. 14 March 2021 . ru. 2021-09-01.
  10. Web site: Сардана Авксентьева не поддержит своего соратника на выборах мэра. Sardana Avksentyeva will not support her ally in the mayoral elections . FederalPress. 19 February 2021 . ru. 2021-09-01.
  11. Web site: ru. Хозяйка. The mistress. Novaya Gazeta. 2021-08-13.
  12. Web site: ru. "Мэрию чуть не продала, а персональные джипы нет": Почему уходит глава Якутска Сардана Авксентьева. "She almost sold the mayor's office, but no personal jeeps": Why is the head of Yakutsk Sardana Avksentyeva leaving. Komsomolskaya Pravda. 2021-01-11. 2021-08-13.
  13. Web site: "Её победа была системным сбоем". Чем запомнится Сардана Авксентьева на посту мэра Якутска. ru. "Her victory was a systemic glitch." How will Sardana Avksentyeva be remembered as mayor of Yakutsk. TJournal. 2021-01-12. 2021-08-13.
  14. Web site: Сотню собак и кошек зарезали в якутском пункте передержки. ru. One hundred of dogs and cats were slaughtered at the transfer station in Yakutsk. NTV. 2021-09-02.
  15. Web site: Мэр Якутска предложила ввести налог на собак. The mayor of Yakutsk proposed to introduce a tax on dogs. Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2 March 2020 . ru. 2021-09-06.
  16. Web site: Власти Якутска предложили ввести налог на домашних животных. Yakutsk authorities proposed to introduce a tax on pets. ru. TASS. 2021-09-06.
  17. Web site: Мэр Якутска проголосовала против поправок. Но ее бюллетень отфотошопили. ru. The mayor of Yakutsk voted against the amendments. But her bulletin was photoshopped. 2021-08-30.
  18. Web site: ru. Мэр Якутска Сардана Авксентьева демонстративно проголосовала против поправок и за это ее подвергли нападкам. Mayor of Yakutsk Sardana Avksentieva defiantly voted against the amendments and was insulted for this. Rambler. 4 July 2020 . 2021-08-30.
  19. Web site: Мэр Якутска Сардана Авксентьева — о симпатиях к Навальному, поддержке Путина и сотрудничестве с "ЕР". Mayor of Yakutsk Sardana Avksentyeva — about sympathy for Navalny, Putin and cooperation with United Russia. ru. 2021-09-06.
  20. Web site: ru. Глава Якутска Сардана Авксентьева объявила о продаже здания мэрии. Meduza. The head of Yakutsk Sardana Avksentyeva announced the sale of the mayor's office building. 2021-08-28.
  21. Web site: ru. Горожане и эксперты раскритиковали идею продать мэрию Якутска. Citizens and experts criticized the idea to sell the mayor's office of Yakutsk. FederalPress. 19 November 2020 . 2021-08-13.
  22. Web site: ru. Особенности региональной политики: что стоит за отставкой мэра Якутска Сарданы Авксентьевой. Features of regional politics: what is behind the resignation of Yakutsk mayor Sardana Avksentyeva. Sota.Vision. Echo of Moscow. 2021-08-30.
  23. Web site: ru. Мэр Якутска объявила о досрочной отставке по состоянию здоровья. Mayor of Yakutsk announced early resignation for health reasons. RBC. 11 January 2021 . 2021-08-30.
  24. News: The sudden popularity of a Russian mayor who lives modestly. The Economist. 2019-11-07.
  25. News: Сибирское нездоровье. ru. Siberian ill health. Kommersant. 2021-01-11.
  26. Web site: ru. Бывшая сотрудница мэрии Якутска обвинила Авксентьеву в афере. Former employee of the mayor's office of Yakutsk accused Avksentyeva of a fraud. Izvestiya. 2020-09-12. 2021-08-28.
  27. Web site: ru. Мэр Якутска ответила на обвинения о причастности к мошенничеству. RIA Novosti. Mayor of Yakutsk responded to allegations of involvement in fraud scheme. 2020-09-15. 2021-08-28.
  28. Web site: КПРФ: мэра Якутска заставили уйти в отставку. ru. Communist Party: the mayor of Yakutsk was forced to resign. 2021-01-18.
  29. Web site: ru. Предвыборная жертва. Pre-election sacrifice. Novaya Gazeta. 8 November 1981 . 2021-01-18.
  30. Web site: Алексей Нечаев и Сардана Авксентьева возглавили список "Новых людей" на думских выборах. ru. Alexey Nechayev and Sardana Avksentyeva topped the list of the New People in the Duma elections. TASS. 2021-07-04.
  31. Web site: Мэр из "Инстаграма". Сардана Авксентьева о том, как приблизить власть к народу. Fontanka. ru. Mayor from Instagram. Sardana Avksentyeva on how to get the government closer to the people. 2021-07-27. 2021-08-30.
  33. Web site: COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2022/332 of 25 February 2022 implementing Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Official Journal of the European Union. July 13, 2023.
  34. Web site: Treasury Imposes Swift and Severe Costs on Russia for Putin's Purported Annexation of Regions of Ukraine. U.S. Department of State. 2022-09-30. 2023-04-28.
  35. Web site: AVKSENTYEVA, Sardana Vladimirovna. War & Sanctions. 2023-07-13.
  36. Web site: Муж Сарданы Авксентьевой — Виктор: личная жизнь и дети в семье мэра Якутска. Sardana Avksentyeva's husband - Viktor: personal life and children in the family of the Yakutsk mayor. ru. 2021-08-14.