Shorea scabrida explained

Shorea scabrida is a tree in the family Dipterocarpaceae. The specific epithet scabrida means 'rough', referring to the indumentum.


Shorea scabrida grows up to 45m (148feet) tall, with a trunk diameter of up to . It has buttresses up to tall. The bark is fissured. The leathery leaves are elliptic to obovate and measure up to 9cm (04inches) long. The inflorescences bear cream flowers, pink at their base.

Distribution and habitat

Shorea scabrida is native to Borneo and Sumatra. Its habitat is kerangas forests, swamp forests or mixed dipterocarp forests to elevations of .


Shorea scabrida has been assessed as near threatened on the IUCN Red List. It is threatened by land conversion for agriculture. It is also threatened by logging for its timber, including the construction of logging roads. Mining activities and fires pose additional risks. Shorea scabrida does occur in a number of protected areas.