Sursock Purchases Explained

The Sursock Purchases were land purchases made by Jewish organizations from the Christian Arab Sursock family, mainly from 1901 to 1925. These included the Jezreel Valley and Haifa Bay, as well as other lands in what became the Mandate for Palestine. These collectively formed the largest Jewish land purchase in Palestine during the period of early Jewish immigration.[1] [2]

The Jezreel Valley was considered the most fertile region of Palestine. The Sursock Purchase represented 58% of Jewish land purchases from absentee foreign landlords (as identified in a partial list in a 25 February 1946 memorandum submitted by the Arab Higher Committee to the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry). The buyers demanded the existing population be relocated and, as a result, the Palestinian Arab tenant farmers were evicted, and approximately 20–25 villages were depopulated.[3] Some of the evicted population received compensation though the buyers were not required under the new British Mandate law to pay. The total amount sold by the Sursocks and their partners represented 22% of all land purchased by Jews in Palestine until 1948, and, as first identified by Arthur Ruppin in 1907, this sale was perceived as vitally important in sustaining the territorial continuity of Jewish settlement in Palestine.

Palestinians' responses to the Sursock Purchase/'Afula incident at the time constitute "one of the earliest cases of organized opposition to Zionist land purchase in Palestine."[4]


Through much of the period of Ottoman rule, the low-lying land of Palestine had suffered from depopulation due to the unhealthy conditions on the plains, and the insecurity of life there. According to Henry Laurens, this was not peculiar to that region, but rather reflected a general trait also common to all the littoral regions north and south of the Mediterranean.[5] Malaria was widespread in the area, especially in the plains, hindering settlement and allowing Bedouins to settle there. During drought years, Bedouins from the ghor even encroached on lands cultivated by local fellahin, covering the entire area with their tents. The "permanent" nomads, Bedouins of Turkmen descent, lived in the Jezreel Valley during summer and autumn, then spent winters between the Sharon region and the Valley, passing through the Manasseh Hills.[6]

Sursock purchases from the Ottoman Government

In 1872, the Ottoman Government sold the Jezreel Valley (in Arabic, Marj ibn Amir) to the Sursock family for approximately £20,000.[7] The family went on to acquire 230,000 to 400,000 dunams (90,000 acres or 364 km2).[8] [9] These purchases were sustained over a number of years.[10]

This purchase, along with others, dispossessed the local Bedouins. The Sursocks soon began to repopulate long-abandoned villages with tenant sharecroppers.[11] Most of those were located in the outskirts of the valley.

According to Frances E. Newton's testimony at the Shaw Commission noted the genesis of the Sursock purchase: "...these lands came into the possession of Sursock through a loan he had made to the Turkish Government. The Turkish Government never had any intention of turning the Arabs off the land, it was more of a sort of mortgage, and Sursock was collecting the tithes interest on his money... Sursock did not become possessed of the lands by virtue of Title Deeds in the original instance. Later Sursock applied to the Government to give him title deeds."[12]

In 1878, Claude Reignier Conder explained as follows:[13]

One curious fact, as showing the infamous condition of the administration, we here also ascertained. A Greek banker named Sursuk, to whom the Government was under obligations, was allowed to buy the northern half of the Great Plain and some of the Nazareth villages for the ridiculously small sum of £20,000 for an extent of seventy square miles; the taxes of the twenty villages amounted to £4000, so that the average income could not be stated at less than £12,000, taking good and bad years together. The cultivation was materially improved under his care, and the property must be immensely valuable, or would be, if the title could be considered secure; but it is highly probable that the Government will again seize the land when it becomes worth while to do so. The peasantry attributed the purchase to Russian intrigue, being convinced that their hated enemy has his eyes greedily turned to Palestine and to Jerusalem as a religious capital, and is ever busy in gaining a footing in the country.

Jewish purchases

Early discussions

In 1891, Yehoshua Hankin, who had immigrated to Palestine from Russia a few years previously, began negotiations to acquire the Jezreel Valley; the negotiations ended when the Ottoman government enacted a prohibition on Jewish immigration.[14]

On 10 March 1897, Theodor Herzl wrote about the Sursock family in his diary, noting the onset of negotiations with the Jewish Colonisation Association for the purchase of 97 villages in Palestine:[15]

The Jewish Colonisation Association is currently negotiating with a Greek family (Soursouk is the name, I think) for the purchase of 97 villages in Palestine. These Greeks live in Paris, have gambled away their money, and wish to sell their real estate (3 % of the entire area of Palestine, according to Bambus) for 7 million francs.

The Zionist Organization considered the Jezreel Valley as the most strategically attractive area to acquire, even more so than the coastal region of Palestine. This is because of the opportunity to carry out large scale agriculture in the area, and the speed at which settlement could be carried out due to the large landowners; in the coastal region smaller parcels of land were available for purchase, and the land was less fertile. The Ottoman government made a number of attempts to limit mass land acquisition and immigration, but these restrictions did not last long due to European pressure under the terms of the capitulations.[16]

1901 Jewish Colonisation Association purchases

In 1901, the Jewish Colonisation Association, having been blocked from land purchases in the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, made its first major purchase in the north of Palestine in an acquisition of 31,500 dunums of land near Tiberias from the Sursock family and their partners.[17]

1910–1911 Fula affair

Another of the early Zionist purchases from the Sursocks became known as the "Fula affair" (sometimes erroneously referred to as the "Afula affair," and also called sometimes "the al-Fula incident"). In 1910–11, Elias Sursock sold 10,000 dunums around the village of al-Fula, located at the foot of the Nazareth mountains in Marj Ibn 'Amir,[18] to the Jewish National Fund. The Palestinian peasants refused to leave the land and the (district governor) of Nazareth, Shukri al-Asali fought to overturn the sale, and refused to finalize the transaction.[18] The villagers themselves sent a petition to the grand vizier complaining of the oppressive use of arbitrary power . In particular, they claimed that Ilyas Sursuk and a middleman had sold their land to people, whom they called "Zionists" and "sons of the religion of Moses", who were not Ottoman subjects, and that the sale would deprive 1,000 villagers of their livelihoods.[18] In earlier petitions concerning land disputes, Jews had been customarily referred to as "Israelites" .[18]

The existence of a Saladin-era Crusader castle located within the land area was used to allude to the battle against the Crusaders in opposing the land sale.[19] Palestinians made speeches in opposition in Ottoman Parliament and numerous newspaper articles were published on the subject as well. As put by historian Rashid Khalidi, "the important thing was not whether the ruin had originally been built by Saladin: it was that these newspapers' readers believed that part of the heritage of Saladin, savior of Palestine from the Crusaders, was being sold off (by implication, to the "new Crusaders") without the Ottoman government lifting a finger."

The political activity against the sale is considered to be "the first concerted action against the growing Zionist activities", and the sale can be considered "in this context the most significant event that took place in the period before the outbreak of the First World War."[20]

1918 purchase

The Ottomans had refused to authorize numerous sales, such that the Sursocks were unable to sell significant land to Jewish purchasers prior to World War I. In 1912, the Palestine Land Development Company (PLDC) arranged to purchase a large area in the Jezreel Valley from Nagib and Albert Sursock, but the transaction did not complete due to World War I. On 18 December 1918, the agreement was concluded; it covered 71,356 dunams in the Jezreel Valley, including Tel Adashim.

1921–1925, and depopulation

Following the start of the British Mandate, the Land Transfer Ordinance, 1920, removed all such restrictions.[21] Between 1921 and 1925 the Sursock family sold their 80,000 acres (320 km2) of land in the Vale of Jezreel to the American Zion Commonwealth (AZC) for nearly 750,000 pounds. The land was purchased by the Jewish organization as part of an effort to resettle Jews who inhabited the land, as well as others who came from distant lands.[22] In 1924 the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PICA) was established to take over the role of the Jewish Colonisation Association; PICA became the largest Jewish landowner in Palestine. In parallel, the PLDC acted as the purchasing organization for the Jewish National Fund.[23] The high priority given to these lands owes much to the strategy pursued by Menachem Ussishkin, who found himself opposed by other members of the JNF board. The result of the costly purchase was that much of the organization's capital was tied up for the ensuing decade.[24]

Under the British Mandate, the land laws were rewritten, and the Palestinian farmers in the region were deemed tenant farmers by the British authorities. In the face of local opposition, the right of the Sursocks to sell the land and displace its population was upheld by the authorities. A number of purchased villages, particularly those in the Jezreel Valley, were inhabited by tenants of land who were displaced following the sale.[25] The buyers demanded the existing population be relocated and as a result, the Palestinian Arab tenant farmers were evicted, with some receiving compensation the buyers were not required to pay under the new British Mandate law.[26] Although they were not legally owed any compensation, the evicted tenants (1,746 Arab farmer families comprising 8,730 persons in the largest group of purchases), were compensated with $17 per person (approx. $300 in 2024 dollars).[27] [28]

The new owners considered it was inappropriate for these farmers to remain as tenants on land intended for Jewish labor, according to the working-the-land ideology of the Yishuv. British police carried out eviction orders, forcing the farmers from their former homes. Through the 1930s, dispossessed fellahin made their way to the coast in search of work, settling in shanty towns on the edges of Jaffa and Haifa.[29]

The Sursock Purchase became a focus of the 1930 Shaw Commission. Palestinian American Saleem Raji Farah, son of a previous mayor of Nazareth, prepared a detailed table of the Sursock purchases as evidence for the commission showing 1,746 families displaced from 240,000 dunums of land; the information in this table is shown below:[30]

Village Sub-district Dunums Feddans Families Price Date SellerModern location
Tel-el-Adas22,000 120 150 £40,000 1921 Heirs of George Lutfalah SursockTel Adashim
Jalud and Tel el Fer30,000 230 280 £191,000 1921 Najeeb and Albert Sursock Ma'ayan Harod
Mahloul16,000 72 90 £47,000 IDF base (Nahalal is nearby)
Sofsafe-Ain-SheikaKfar HaHoresh
Ain-Beida & Mokbey3,000 20 25 £9,000 Yokneam Moshava
Jinjar4,000 20 25 £13,000 Ginegar
Rob-el-Nasreh7,000 40 50 £21,000 Mizra
ʿAfula16,000 90 130 £56,000 1924 Heirs of Michel Ibrahim Sursock Afula
Jabata11,000 72 90 £32,000 1925 Heirs of Kaleels and Jobran SursockGvat
Kneifis9,000 50 60 £26,000 Sarid
Sulam (two thirds only)6,000 35 45 £40,000 1925 Heirs of Kaleels and Jobran Sursock and partners
Jedro52,000 250 300 £15,000 1925 Alfred SursockKiryat Yam
Kordaneh1,500 15 20 £9,000 Tel Afek
Kefr Etta10,000 60 75 £3,000 Kiryat Ata
Majdal9,000 50 70 £27,000 Ramat Yohanan
Jaida15,000 75 110 £45,000 1925 Heirs of Tueni family (Sursocks partners)Ramat Yishai
Tel-el-Shemmam8,000 40 50 £25,000 Kfar Yehoshua
Subtotal (excluding those below)219,5001,2391,570599,000
Hartiehn.a. 50 60 n.a. 1925 Alexander SursockSha'ar HaAmakim
Sheikh Bureikn.a. 40 50 n.a. Beit She'arim National Park
Harbajn.a. 70 90 n.a. Kfar Hasidim
Kiskis and Tabonn.a. 30 36 n.a. 1925 Heirs of Matta Farah (Sursocks partners)Kiryat Tiv'on

Other villages sold by the Sursocks included:[25]

Jewish settlements

Following the purchase of the land, the Jewish farmers created the first modern-day settlements, founded the modern day city of Afula and drained the swamps to enable further land development of areas that had been uninhabitable for centuries. The country's first moshav, Nahalal, was settled in this valley on 11 September 1921.[32] Moshe Dayan, who grew up in Nahalal, mentioned the moshav – together with three other locations which had been part of the Sursock Purchase – as examples of there being "not one place built in this country which did not have a former Arab population":[33]


. Sami Hadawi. Palestinian Rights and Losses in 1948: A Comprehensive Study. 1988. Saqi Books. 978-0-86356-157-3.

. Sami Hadawi. Village Statistics, 1945: A Classification of Land and Area Ownership in Palestine, with Explanatory Notes. PLO Research Center. 1970 .

. Rashid Khalidi. Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness. 1997. Columbia University Press. 978-0-231-10515-6.

Notes and References

  1. Book: Laurens, Henry . La Question de Palestine . 2 (Une mission sacrée de civilisation) . Fayard . Paris . 2002 . 143–148 . 2-213-61251-X . fr .
  2. Book: Avneri, Arieh L. . The Claim of Dispossession : Jewish Land-Settlement and the Arabs 1878–1948 . New Brunswick (USA) and London . 1984 . 117–130 . 0-87855-964-7 .
  3. Book: Mark Sanagan. Lightning through the Clouds: ʿIzz al-Din al-Qassam and the Making of the Modern Middle East. 3 May 2020. University of Texas Press. 978-1-4773-2058-7. 112–113.
  4. Book: Khalidi, Rashid . Palestinian Identity . 2010 . Columbia University Press . 978-0-231-52174-1 . 31 . 1002099098.
  5. [Henry Laurens (scholar)|Henry Laurens]
  6. Book: Grossman, David . Arab Demography and Early Jewish Settlement in Palestine: Distribution and Population Density during the Late Ottoman and Early Mandate Periods . The Hebrew University Magness Press, Jerusalem . 2004 . 978-965-493-184-7 . Jerusalem . 155–156 . he.
  7. Book: Anonymous. Personal recollections of Turkish misrule and corruption in Syria, by a Syrian. 1877. 14.
  8. Seth J. . Frantzman . Ruth . Kark . Ruth Kark . Bedouin Settlement in Late Ottoman and British Mandatory Palestine: Influence on the Cultural and Environmental Landscape, 1870–1948 . New Middle Eastern Studies . 1 . 1–22 [p. 8] . 2011 . 10.29311/nmes.v1i0.2600 . 2024-06-28 . free .
  9. Web site: Zionist Land Broker. November 12, 2015.
  10. Web site: LIFE IN MODERN PALESTINE. 1887 .
  11. Marom . Roy . Tepper . Yotam . Adams . Matthew J. . 2024-01-03 . Al-Lajjun: a Social and geographic account of a Palestinian Village during the British Mandate Period . British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies . en . 18 . 10.1080/13530194.2023.2279340 . eScholarship.
  12. Palestine Commission on the Disturbances of August, 1929, Volume 1, p.433
  13. Book: Conder, Claude Reignier. Claude Reignier Conder . Tent Work in Palestine: A Record of Discovery and Adventure. 1878. R. Bentley & Son. 165–66.
  14. Book: Ruppin, Arthur. Arthur Ruppin

    . Arthur Ruppin. Three Decades of Palestine: Speeches and Papers on the Upbuilding of the Jewish National Home. 1975. Greenwood Press. 978-0-8371-2629-6. 182. In order to execute this plan the Jaffa office communicated with Messrs. Kalvariski and Joshua Hankin. The latter, then a young man of twenty-five had already demonstrated his skill in such negotiations in the acquisition of land for the colonies Rehoboth and Hederah. By energetic work he succeeded, in 1891, in reaching an agreement with large owners in the Jezreel Valley Emek Jezreel and the Plain of Acco for the purchase of 160,000 dunams [160 km²] at 15 francs per dunam [15,000 franc/km²]....Before the consummation of the agreement, however the Turkish Government, alarmed by the increasing inflow of Russian Jews, prohibited Jewish immigration entirely. This blow proved disastrous for the negotiations. The Russian societies formed for the purposes of purchasing land were dissolved, failed to send in the money they had promised, and the entire magnificent project fell through...It was only in 1910 that Hankin – who, in the meanwhile, had purchased land in Lower Galilee for the ICA – resumed his negotiations for land in the Emek..

  15. The Complete Diaries of Theodor Herzl, ed. Raphael Patai, Herzl Press and Thomas Yoseloff, New York-London, vol.2, p.519
  16. Book: Sufian . Sandra . Healing the Land and the Nation: Malaria and the Zionist Project in Palestine, 1920–1947 . University of Chicago.
  17. Book: Neville J. Mandel. The Arabs and Zionism Before World War I. 1976. University of California Press. 978-0-520-02466-3. 22. In 1897, the year of the first Zionist Congress, a commission was set up in Jerusalem to scrutinise land sales to Jews... the commission effectively halted land sales to Jews in the Mutasarriflik for the next few years. Thus, when the Jewish Colonization Association (JCA — an organisation founded by Baron Maurice de Hirsch in 1891 and un-connected with the Zionist Movement) began to interest itself in Palestine in 1896, it very quickly discovered that the possibilities of buying land were wider in the north of the country... The breakthrough, from JCA's point of view, came in 1901 when the Council of Ministers ruled that JCA’s President, Narcisse Leven, could, as a foreigner, buy land in the Vilayet of Beirut under the Ottoman Land Code of 1867, provided that he undertook not to install foreign Jews on it. The very fact that this concession could be granted shortly after the 1901 regulations went into force points to another weakness in the Government's handling of its own policy. Under this concession, JCA acquired 31,500 dunams of land near Tiberias in the early part of 1901, mainly from the Sursuq family of Beirut..
  18. Ben-Bassat,Yuval, Reactions to Zionist Activity in Palestine before and after the Young Turk Revolution of 1908 as Reflected in Petitions to Istanbul,'Middle Eastern Studies, May 2013,volume =49,3, pp=349–363, pp.355–356
  19. Book: Khalid A. Sulaiman. Palestine and Modern Arab Poetry. 1984. Zed Books. 978-0-86232-238-0. 9.
  20. Emanuel Beska, 2014, Political Opposition to Zionism in Palestine and Greater Syria: 1910–1911 as a Turning Point: "In 1910, the Lebanese landlord Najib Ibrahim al-Asfar began to seek a long-term lease (for a period of 95 years) of the extensive crown lands in Palestine and Syria. A false rumor spread that al-Asfar was acting in the interest of the Zionists... al-Karmil became the most important source of information on Zionist endeavors for other Arabic newspapers in Palestine and beyond. Khayriyya Qasimiyya rightly labels its campaign against the lease of crown lands as "the first concerted action against the growing Zionist activities." As the debate regarding the crown lands was still under way another, more important event started to develop. The sale of lands of the village of al-Fula to the Jewish National Fund can be considered in this context the most significant event that took place in the period before the outbreak of the First World War. The lands of al-Fula belonged to Ilyas Sursuq, the wealthy Greek Orthodox banker, merchant, and landowner from Beirut, who in 1910 reached a deal on their sale with the Zionists. ... The peasant inhabitants refused to leave their village and were supported in their resistance by the (district governor) of Nazareth, Shukri al-‘Asali (1878–1916), who was resolutely opposed to this transaction and became a major protagonist in the affair."
  21. Book: Smith, Barbara Jean . The Roots of Separatism in Palestine: British Economic Policy, 1920–1929 . Syracuse University Press . 1993 . 96–97 . 0-8156-2578-2 . .
  23. Norman, Theodore (1985). An Outstretched Arm: A History of the Jewish Colonization Association. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  24. Kenneth W. . Stein . Kenneth W. Stein . 4282996 . Jewish National Fund: Land Purchase Methods and Priorities, 1924–1939 . . 1984 . 20 . 2 . 190–205 [p. 194] . 10.1080/00263208408700580 .
  25. Book: Stein, Kenneth W. . The Land Question in Palestine, 1917–1939 . University of North Carolina Press . 1987 . 60 . 0-8078-1579-9 .
  26. Web site: Palestine: Report on Immigration, Land Settlement and Development - UK Government report - Non-UN document (see attached also as PDF file at the end of the doc) (1 October 1930).
  27. Shaw Commission Report 1930 (Cmd.3530), p. 118
  28. Book: Tessler, Mark A. . A History of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict . Indiana University Press . 1994 . 177 . 0-253-35848-5 . The Sursock deal is known to have involved the eviction of about 8000 tenants 'compensated' at three pounds ten shillings [about $17] a head. .
  29. Nisi Dominus: A Survey of the Palestine Controversy. George G. Harrap, London 1946, pp. 117–118

    • Polk, Stamler, Asfour: Backdrop to Tragedy: The Struggle for Palestine. Beacon Press, Boston, 1957, pp. 237–238.

    The above two books are quoted in David Gilmour: Dispossessed: the Ordeal of the Palestinians. Sphere Books, Great Britain, 1983, pp. 44–45.

  30. [:File:ShawSursockTable.png|List of villages sold by Sursocks and their partners to the Zionists since British occupation of Palestine]
  31. Said and Hitchens, 2001, p. 217; notes 28, 29, on p. 232
  32. Book: Bernard Reich and David H. Goldberg . Historical Dictionary of Israel . limited . 2 . 329 . 2008 . Scarecrow Press. 9780810855410 .
  33. Book: The War for Palestine: Rewriting the History of 1948 . E.. Rogan . Eugene Rogan. A. . Shlaim . Avi Shlaim . Cambridge University Press . 2001 . 0-521-79476-5 . 207.