Tähtifantasia Award Explained

Tähtifantasia Award is an annual prize by Helsingin science fiction seura ry for the best foreign fantasy book released in Finland.[1] [2]


Tähtifantasia Award winners and shortlists!Year!Author!Title!Result!
2007Pyhimysten ja mielipuolten kaupunki (City of Saints and Madmen)Winner
Miekkamyrsky 2 (A Storm of Swords, part 2)Shortlist
Valkoiset omenat (White Apples)Shortlist
Unohdettu Ombria (Ombria in Shadow)Shortlist
2008Variksen Velho (Wizard of the Crow)Winner
Húrinin lasten tarina (The Children of Húrin)Shortlist
Haltiamaan kuninkaantytär (The King of Elfland's Daughter)Shortlist
Locke Lamoran valheet (The Lies of Locke Lamora)Shortlist
Matkijalintu (Mockingbird)Shortlist
2009Thomas Riiminiekka (Thomas the Rhymer)Winner
Noita (Wicked)Shortlist
Oikukas kuolema (As Intermitências da Morte)Shortlist
Basiliskin laulu (Song for the Basilisk)Shortlist
Kuningas Gilgameš (Gilgamesh the King)Shortlist
2010Kafka rannalla (Kafka on the Shore)Winner
Ase itse (The Blade Itself)Shortlist
Bobby Conroy palaa kuolleista ja muita kertomuksia (20th Century Ghosts)Shortlist
Kuvitteellisten olentojen kirja (The Book of Imaginary Beings)Shortlist
2011Viimeinen toivomus (The Last Wish)Winner
Hiljaisuus soi H-mollissa (The Earth Hums In B Flat)Shortlist
Tuulen nimi (The Name of the Wind)Shortlist
Yövartiosto (Night Watch)Shortlist
Kuolemattomien kaarti (The Year of Our War)Winner
2012Kohtalon miekka (Sword of Destiny)Winner
Tyttö joka muuttui lasiksi (The Girl with Glass Feet)Shortlist
Toiset (The City and the City)Shortlist
Pako helvetistä! (Escape from Hell!)Shortlist
Kultatukka, tähtönen (Lilla Stjärna; Little Star)Shortlist
2013Uusi maailma (The Modern World)Winner
Pohjoiset kultit (Svenska kulter: Skräckberättelser)Shortlist
Kiduttajan varjo (The Shadow of the Torturer)Shortlist
Aavekauppiaan tytär (Snake Agent)Shortlist
Posti kulkee (Going Postal)Shortlist
2014Kanelipuodit ja muita kertomuksia (The Street of Crocodiles)Winner[3]
Yön Kaspar (Gaspard de la Nuit)Shortlist
Kasvoista kasvoihin ()Shortlist
Tyttö joka purjehti Satumaan ympäri itse rakentamallaan laivalla(The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making)Shortlist
Lumilapsi (The Snow Child)Shortlist
2015FC Akateemiset (Unseen Academicals)Winner
Elämä elämältä (Life After Life)Shortlist
Kultainen lohikäärme (Precious Dragon)Shortlist
Kuolematon ja muita novellejaShortlist
Keltainen kuningas (The King in Yellow)Shortlist
2016Etäisten esikaupunkien asioita (Tales from Outer Suburbia)Winner[4]
2017Haudattu jättiläinen (The Buried Giant)Winner[5]
Halki puolen maailman (Half the World)Shortlist[6]
Eläinten valtakunta (Zoo City)Shortlist
Ajattomat aaveet (Timeless Ghosts)Shortlist
and Siobhan DowdHirviön kutsu (A Monster Calls)Shortlist
2018Luukellot (The Bone Clocks)Winner[7]
Kauneus on kirous (Beauty Is A Wound)Shortlist[8]
Ikuisen hämärän maa (The Beginning Place)Shortlist
Aika-arkku (Tímakistan)Shortlist
Viimeinen valtakunta ()Shortlist
2019Kuinka aika pysäytetään (How to Stop Time)Shortlist[9]
Narrin salamurhaaja (Fool’s Assassin)Shortlist
Linna on aina ollut kotimme (We Have Always Lived in the Castle)Shortlist
Houreuni (Fever Dream)Shortlist
Muinainen ja tuleva kuningas (The Once and Future King)Shortlist
2020Pienen hauen pyydystysWinner[10] [11]
Ikuisesti, siskoniShortlist[12]
Pohjoisen mytologia (Norse Mythology)Shortlist
Hitonhauta ja muita puolielävien kohtaloita Shortlist
Magian syvempi sävy (A Darker Shade of Magic)Shortlist
2021Kirjojen tytär (Sorcery of Thorns)Winner[13]
Noiduttu takki ja muita kertomuksia Shortlist[14]
Vesitanssija (The Water Dancer)Shortlist
Runoilija Shortlist
Neljän miekan tanssi Shortlist
2022PiranesiWinner[15] [16]
Viides vuodenaika (The Fifth Season)Shortlist[17]
Talo taivaansinisellä merellä (The House in the Cerulean Sea)Shortlist
Kirke (Circe)Shortlist
Rautasusi (Iron Wolf)Shortlist
2023TäytetytWinner[18] [19]
Yö kuuluu meille  (Nuestra parte de noche; Our Share of the Night)Shortlist[20] [21]
Kuolleiden valssi Shortlist
Namiyan puodin ihmeet (Namiya Zakkaten no Kiseki; The Miracles of the Namiya General Store)Shortlist
Vainajaiset Shortlist
2024Kertomukset Shortlist[22] [23]
Tytär hämärän, piika pimeän Shortlist
Soturi sumussa (Soldier of the Mist)Shortlist

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Helsinki Science Fiction Society Awards. Science Fiction Awards Watch (www.sfawardswatch.com). https://web.archive.org/web/20161109141135/http://www.sfawardswatch.com/?page_id=124. November 9, 2016.
  2. Web site: Fantasiakirjallisuudelle uusi palkinto. Helsingin Sanomat (www.hs.fi). 3 July 2007. https://web.archive.org/web/20121020073018/https://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/artikkeli/Fantasiakirjallisuudelle+uusi+palkinto/1135228464322/. October 20, 2012.
  3. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2014-07-17 . SF Awards at Finncon 2014 . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-02-06 . https://web.archive.org/web/20230206072514/https://file770.com/sf-awards-at-finncon-2014/ . live .
  4. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2016-07-03 . SF Awards at Finncon 2016 . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-11-20 . https://web.archive.org/web/20231120152617/https://file770.com/sf-awards-at-finncon-2016/ . live .
  5. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2017-08-11 . 2017 Tähtifantasia Award . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-11-20 . https://web.archive.org/web/20231120160929/https://file770.com/2017-tahtifantasia-award/ . live .
  6. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2017-07-13 . 2017 Tähtifantasia Award Shortlist . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-12-25 . https://web.archive.org/web/20231225162228/https://file770.com/2017-tahtifantasia-award-shortlist/ . live .
  7. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2018-07-22 . 2018 Tähtifantasia Award . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-11-20 . https://web.archive.org/web/20231120153351/https://file770.com/2018-tahtifantasia-award/ . live .
  8. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2018-05-14 . 2018 Tähtifantasia Award Shortlist . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-12-25 . https://web.archive.org/web/20231225152944/https://file770.com/2018-tahtifantasia-award-shortlist/ . live .
  9. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2019-05-19 . 2019 Tähtifantasia Award Shortlist . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-11-20 . https://web.archive.org/web/20231120130824/https://file770.com/2019-tahtifantasia-award-shortlist/ . live .
  10. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2020-07-17 . 2020 Tähtifantasia Award . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-12-24 . https://web.archive.org/web/20231224210152/https://file770.com/2020-tahtifantasia-award/ . live .
  11. Web site: 2020-07-17 . 2020 Tähtifantasia Award Winner . 2024-05-18 . . 2024-04-26 . https://web.archive.org/web/20240426004920/https://locusmag.com/2020/07/2020-tahtifantasia-award-winner/ . live .
  12. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2020-05-11 . 2020 Tähtifantasia Award Shortlist . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2022-10-02 . https://web.archive.org/web/20221002201134/https://file770.com/2020-tahtifantasia-award-shortlist/ . live .
  13. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2021-08-13 . 2021 Tähtifantasia Award . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-12-26 . https://web.archive.org/web/20231226002944/https://file770.com/2021-tahtifantasia-award/ . live .
  14. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2021-05-07 . 2021 Tähtifantasia Award Shortlist . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-12-26 . https://web.archive.org/web/20231226210121/https://file770.com/2021-tahtifantasia-award-shortlist/ . live .
  15. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2022-07-24 . 2022 Tähtifantasia Award . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-02-08 . https://web.archive.org/web/20230208130844/https://file770.com/2022-tahtifantasia-award/ . live .
  16. Web site: 2022-07-26 . 2022 Tähtifantasia Award Winner . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-03-26 . https://web.archive.org/web/20230326212857/https://locusmag.com/2022/07/2022-tahtifantasia-award-winner/ . live .
  17. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2022-04-20 . 2022 Tähtifantasia Award Shortlist . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2022-12-04 . https://web.archive.org/web/20221204024101/https://file770.com/2022-tahtifantasia-award-shortlist/ . live .
  18. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2023-08-03 . 2023 Tähtifantasia Award . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-12-28 . https://web.archive.org/web/20231228100425/https://file770.com/2023-tahtifantasia-award/ . live .
  19. Web site: 2023-08-07 . 2023 Tähtifantasia Award Winner . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-08-07 . https://web.archive.org/web/20230807193942/https://locusmag.com/2023/08/2023-tahtifantasia-award-winner/ . live .
  20. Web site: Glyer . Mike . 2023-04-24 . 2023 Tähtifantasia Award Shortlist . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2024-05-18 . https://web.archive.org/web/20240518042151/https://file770.com/2023-tahtifantasia-award-shortlist/ . live .
  21. Web site: 2023-04-25 . 2023 Tähtifantasia Award Shortlist . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2023-05-02 . https://web.archive.org/web/20230502043908/https://locusmag.com/2023/04/2023-tahtifantasia-award-shortlist/ . live .
  22. News: 2024-04-20 . 2024 Tähtifantasia Award Shortlist . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2024-04-24 . https://web.archive.org/web/20240424013911/https://file770.com/2024-tahtifantasia-award-shortlist/ . live .
  23. Web site: 2024-04-23 . 2024 Tähtifantasia Award Shortlist . 2024-05-18 . . en-US . 2024-05-18 . https://web.archive.org/web/20240518042151/https://locusmag.com/2024/04/2024-tahtifantasia-award-shortlist/ . live .