Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve Explained

Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve
Opened:16 May 1980
Type:Nature reserve
Grid Ref Uk:SE 594088
Location:Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England
Coordinates:53.579°N -1.116°W
Map:South Yorkshire
Label:Thorpe Marsh

Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve is a 77abbr=offNaNabbr=off nature reserve located south-west of Thorpe in Balne, north of Doncaster in South Yorkshire, England. The reserve is managed and maintained by a team of volunteers under the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust[1] as well as Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council.[2]

The reserve shares its name with the coal-fired power station which occupied the adjacent land prior to its closure in 1994[3] and the demolition of its remaining cooling towers in 2012.[4] [5] The site is on an area of lowland susceptible to flooding (floodplain)[6] [7] by the River Don, thus creating an area of marshland on which the reserve sits (hence the appended "marsh").


Before the power station (pre–1959)

Prior to the enclosure (pre–1766)

Middle Ages (pre–14th century)

During the Middle Ages, Thorpe Marsh was an agricultural site on which farmers used the open field system, creating a ridge and furrow pattern via the use of ploughs. This pattern is still visible today, particularly in Reedholme and Applehurst fields.[8]

Early landowners (late 14th century)

Prior to 1385, lands in the present Thorpe Marsh area were owned by one Roger del Grene, of Owston, a landowner in the parishes of Owston, Burghwallis, Campsall and Barnby Dun, the last of which the reserve lies within.[9] On 8 September 1385, del Grene granted all of his lands in the above parishes to John Isbell (chaplain to Agnes, Roger's wife[10]), Edward del Holme, John Leche and Elias Ode.[11]

Henryson Family (early 15th century–1489)

By the early 15th century, land in Thorpe Marsh was owned by chaplain John Shirley, likely purchased from one or multiple of the aforementioned landowners. On 2 November 1440, Shirley granted his lands in the parishes of Owston, Skellow, Carcroft and the Thorpe in Balne area of Barnby Dun parish to his brother-in-law, Robert Henryson, who had married the chaplain's sister.[12] Henryson later granted a messuage including a garden and three closes in Balne to his son, also named Robert Henryson, and all other lands in the parishes of Owston and Barnby Dun to his other son, John Henryson. Robert returned his land to his father on 18 January 1482,[13] whilst John gave the remainder of his lands to his brother by quitclaim on 28 May 1489.[14]

Mellish letters & the Foljambe Family (1489–1731)

In 1731, following the River Dun Navigation Acts of 1725 and 1726,[15] three letters mentioning Thorpe Marsh were addressed to a Joseph Mellish of Doncaster, the likely father of MPs Joseph Mellish and William Mellish, regarding the Navigation Bill. The first letter was dated February 1731 and was written by William Mellish, assumedly addressing the letter to his father.[16] The second letter was dated March 1731 and was written by a T. Yarborough,[17] whilst the third letter was dated April 1731 and written by Edward Simpson, later MP for Dover.[18]

The letters pertain to a cut being made on Thorpe Marsh for the construction of the River Dun Navigation which would conclusively go ahead the following year.[19] The letter composed by Mr Yarborough commented that the cut may be injurious to the estate of one Mr Foljambe, potentially Francis Foljambe of Aldwarke,[20] the maternal grandfather of Francis Ferrand Foljambe MP[21] and patrilineal 7th great-grandson of Sir Godfrey de Foljambe.[22] [23] This letter in conjunction with records held by Foljambe of Osberton implies that the Foljambe family acquired ownership of the Thorpe Marsh area, possibly between 1489 and 1506.[24]

Ancient origins of place names (1339–1849)

The 1731 letters to Joseph Mellish represent the earliest known use of the name Thorpe Marsh, whilst the names of other areas within the reserve have also been in use for centuries; the names Reedholme, Cockshaw, Smallholme and Tilts were all present by 1849.[25] The name Thorpe Marsh is most likely derived from its neighbour village of Thorpe in Balne, whose name emerged no later than 1339 of Norse origin[26] from the original 12th century Latin balneum meaning "bathing place".[27] The use of the names Applehurst ("apple wood"), Reedholme ("water meadow near the reeds") and Smallholme ("narrow water meadow") can be traced to at least circa 1841, 1771 and 1620 respectively.[28] The consistent use of such water-related terminology is indicative of the marish nature of the land – as well as its tendency to flood – drawing parallels to other such flood-prone villages along the Don as Fishlake, Waterside and Arksey.

The origin of the name Cockshaw must precede 1849, and was mentioned in railway and land drainage archives of January 1864 when the deviation of Cockshaw Drain was proposed to accommodate a railway.[29] [30] Prior to the 19th century, it appears to have been referred to as "Cobshire" as is mentioned in C. W. Hatfield's 1866 chronicle of the history of otters around Doncaster.[31] It is possible that Reedholme House, mentioned by Hatfield, may have stood on the site of the ruin presently found in Reedholme not far from Cockshaw Dike. If so, it has been ruined since the 1840s at the latest.

Sicklecroft, meaning "a farm by a small stream", whose name can be traced definitively to 1848, can also be found in the 1379 Yorkshire Subsidy Rolls in which there is named an inhabitant of Barnby Dun, "Thomas de Sekilcroft",[32] suggesting the name has been in use for at least 650 years.

Pre-Industrial (1766–1916)

In 1766 a Private Act of Parliament was passed for the enclosure of Thorpe Marsh and Grumblehirst[33] (later known as Grumble Hurst[34]); the enclosing freeholder remains unknown,[35] and the present site likely changed hands between 1731 and 1766 as Francis Ferrand Foljambe only inherited estates in Aldwarke, Wadworth, Steeton and Westow. On 16 September 1768,[36] Thorpe Marsh and Grumble Hirst were enclosed[37] and early landowners on the enclosed site include William Fretwell and Thomas Coward, of Barnby Dun and Burghwallis respectively.[38]

By the late 1770s, primary landowners included farmer William Brook – who granted a £240 mortgage on the site to his sisters-in-law, Sarah and Mary Townrow[39] (spinsters from Conisbrough)[40] in 1778 – Joshua Hepworth, William Fores, and Henry Walker Sr.[41] [42]

By 1804, drainage plans were being produced across the area.[43] [44] The Thorpe Marsh area was drained in 1835 under the first iteration of the Dun Drainage Act,[45] enforced by William Pilkington,[46] whilst other areas of the River Don were drained between 1873 and 1879 under the Dun Drainage Amendment Act.

Early 20th Century (1916–1959)

In 1916[47] [48] the LNER Gowdall and Braithwell Railway was constructed and opened,[49] and this line intersected the modern day area of the reserve, separating Reedholme and Cockshaw.[50] The line was closed in September 1970, leaving a raised bank running through the reserve which is now known as the Main Embankment and presently serves as a primary artery for nature transects and hide placement.

Widespread flooding across Yorkshire in May 1932, which adversely affected the Bentley and Arksey region,[51] elicited planning at Thorpe Marsh for the construction of a barrier bank on the present-day reserve, now known as Norwood Barrier Bank.[45] These plans came to fruition by 1933,[52] alongside earlier bank raising along the Ea Beck in 1929.[53]

The triangulation station at Cockshaw Dyke in the west of the reserve was computed on 1 June 1949 and underwent maintenance in 1961 however has since been lost, potentially due to dyke works.[54]

Thorpe Marsh Power Station (1959–1994)

See main article: Thorpe Marsh Power Station.

The land to construct a power station on the Thorpe Marsh site was acquired in 1957[55] and construction began in 1959.[56] Thorpe Marsh Power Station was opened on 2 June 1967 by Ernest G. Boissier.[57]

For most of its history, the present Thorpe Marsh site was most easily accessed from the village of Barnby Dun to the east via Royalty Bridge from Royalty Lane.[50] In 1959, during the construction of Thorpe Marsh Power Station,[58] Fordstead Lane was extended[59] to connect with the villages of Almholme and Arksey. This provided access to Norwood Sluice which had existed since before 1849 as Norwood Foot Bridge and Floodgate and had previously connected to Almholme via footpath.[25] Norwood Gate is now one of four remaining entrances to the nature reserve and is listed by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust as the reserve's primary entrance.[60]

In the 1960s, land in the present Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve was purchased by the Central Electricity Generating Board where large volumes of fly ash were tipped. This not only raised the embankment at Thorpe Mere View, but also contributed to the proliferation of a wide range of plant species across the reserve.[61]

Following the closure of Thorpe Marsh Power Station in 1994, the CEBG remained as the freehold owner of the Power Station and Nature Reserve sites.

Nature reserve (1980–present)

Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve was opened on 16 May 1980 by countryman, author and television presenter Phil Drabble. The site was initially limited to Thorpe Mere, however was later expanded to include the surrounding coal storage and fly ash deposit areas.[62]

From 1990 onwards, the Central Electricity Generating Board underwent rapid privatisation and broke up into four separate companies. In 1995, following the closure of the power station, Able UK acquired 45ha of the power station site.[63] The CEGB conclusively dissolved in 2001[64] and thus relinquished its remaining ownership of Thorpe Marsh Power Station and Nature Reserve to National Grid, its successor in the energy transmission sector. The Banks Group later acquired freehold ownership of the nature reserve land, and presently leases the land to local farmers. The Environment Agency manages the embankments surrounding the reserve.[65]

In October 2011, permission was acquired by Thorpe Marsh Power Limited to construct the Thorpe Marsh Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Station,[66] and further permission to construct the 11.9miles Thorpe Marsh Gas Pipeline between the station and the National Transmission System for gas near Camblesforth in Selby, North Yorkshire was acquired in March 2016.[67] Construction is expected to begin in 2022, and the CCGT plant to enter commercial operation in 2023.[68]

Between 2021 and 2022, drilling – conducted by Acorn Power Development Limited with equipment from General Electric[69] – was ongoing around the site.

In October 2022, Banks Renewables announced the planning of Thorpe Marsh Green Energy Hub, to be constructed adjacent to the nature reserve,[70] its site boundaries encompassing external nature observation areas. The project is estimated to involve the recovery of up to 2.25 million tonnes of pulverised fuel ash tipped by the CEBG, as well as the saving of over 265,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide via the construction of a 2.8 GWh battery hub in the north of the development area, projected to be the largest of its kind in the United Kingdom[71] and the third largest in the world.[72] The project is also expected to involve the preservation of wildlife surrounding the reserve, creating new woodland, wetland and grassland area in the south of the development area. The energy hub is projected to be completed and operational by 2027.

The nature reserve presently contains six hides for use in birdwatching. These hides are:


Thorpe Marsh is home to a variety of plant species. Woodland tree species surrounding the mere include:[73]

Other, smaller plant species may be found on the reserve's middle-age ridge-and-furrow corrugations, including but not limited to:[74]


Lepidoptera species counts are frequently recorded at Thorpe Marsh by volunteer wardens in transects. The reserve is home to 21 species of butterfly, with meadow brown being the most frequently-recorded, and small heath being the least frequently-recorded. Over 100 species of moth have been recorded at the reserve, the most common of which is the garden grass-veneer.

The most successful species between 2016 and 2021 at the reserve were small tortoiseshell (+200%), peacock (+13%) and meadow brown (+6%), whilst the least successful were brimstone (−86%), small skipper (−71%) and common blue (−57%).

The most successful year for butterflies since 2002 was 2013 with a total of 4883 individuals recorded, whilst the least successful year was 2009 with a total of 435 individuals recorded. On average, 2183 butterflies are recorded per year. In total, the most frequently-recorded species since 2002 have been:

The least frequently-recorded species since 2002 have been:

Other butterflies recorded at the reserve include:

Thorpe Marsh is among the best locations in south and south-west Yorkshire for the observation of Purple hairstreaks amongst the mature oaks along the main embankment. 231 were recorded on 16 July 2019 (second-highest count in Yorkshire for 2019), 191 on 22 July 2019, 98 on 24 July 2020, and 226 on 19 July 2021.[75]

The first species of the lepidoptera order to be officially recorded at Thorpe Marsh was a Scorched Wing Moth on 1 January 1973.[76]


Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve is home to 19 species of odonata, composed of 7 damselfly species and 12 dragonfly species, the latter of which include 6 hawker species, 3 chaser species, 1 skimmer species and 3 darter species. Damselfly species include:[77]

Dragonfly species include:

The first species of the odonata order to be officially recorded at Thorpe Marsh was a Blue-tailed Damselfly on 21 June 1970.[78]


At Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve, more than 113 species of bird have been recorded since 1980, including 27 birds listed as Red Conservation Status by the RSPB and 41 listed as Amber.[79] Since 1992, over 38692 birds have been ringed.

In 2019, 104 species (17 red, 32 amber) were recorded across 134 days, and 2201 birds were ringed. In 2020, 106 species (16 red, 32 amber) were recorded across 205 days, and 3016 birds were ringed. In 2021, 104 species (21 red, 32 amber) were recorded across 121 days, and 1555 birds were ringed.

A list of birds spotted at the reserve which are denoted as Red Conservation Status are as follows:[80]

Other birds which have been recorded at Thorpe Marsh include but are not limited to Common Tern, Great White Egret, Grey Wagtail, Hobby, Kestrel, Kingfisher, Little Egret, Marsh Harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Ruddy Duck, Spotted Redshank, Water Rail[81] and Wigeon.[82] [83]

The first bird species to be officially recorded at Thorpe Marsh was a Little Stint on 1 September 1892.[84]

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve . Yorkshire Wildlife Trust . 27 July 2022 . 28 July 2022 . . live .
  2. Web site: Thorpe Marsh CCGT Power Station . Sinclair Knight Merz . 29 July 2022 . 30 October 2021 . . live .
  3. Web site: Thorpe Marsh Power Station . Hansard – House of Commons . 29 July 2022 . 1 March 2018 . . . 16 June 1993 . live .
  4. Web site: Thorpe Marsh Final Two Cooling Towers Demoliton 19th August 2012 . YouTube – nobagreqrd . 29 July 2022 . 28 July 2022 . . live .
  5. Web site: ABLE Thorpe Marsh . Able UK . 29 July 2022 . 28 July 2022 . . live .
  6. News: Flood Warnings in Doncaster . Doncaster Free Press . 29 July 2022 . 28 July 2022 . . live .
  7. Web site: Floods at Thorpe Marsh Power Station . Donny Online . 29 July 2022 . 30 July 2022 . . live .
  8. Web site: Thorpe Marsh Gas Pipeline, South, East and North Yorkshire, Detailed Gradiometer Survey Report . Archaeology Data Service UK . Wessex Archaeology . 29 July 2022 . 11 February 2020 . . live .
  9. Web site: Church of England parish map . 30 July 2022 . .
  10. Web site: Robin Hood – The Facts and the Fiction » Ode Names . 30 July 2022.
  11. Book: Grant. 1) Roger del Grene of Ouston. 2) John Isbell, chaplain. Edward del Holme. . 8 September 1385 . Latin.
  12. Book: Grant. 1) John Shirley, chaplain 2) Robert Henryson. (1) to (2) all lands in... . 2 November 1440 .
  13. Book: Grant. 1) Robert Henryson of Carcroft. 2) Robert Henryson, father of (1) (1) to... . 18 January 2021 . Latin.
  14. Book: Quitclaim. 1) John Henryson of Carcroft son of Robert Henryson, senior. 2) Robert... . 28 May 2004 . Latin.
  15. Web site: Inland waterways in Parliament by name . The Railway and Canal Historical Society.
  16. Book: Letter from William Mellish to Joseph Mellish. . 2 February 1730 .
  17. Book: Letter from T. Yarborough to Joseph Mellish. . 6 March 1731 .
  18. Book: Letter from Edward Simpson to Joseph Mellish. . 15 April 1731 .
  19. Web site: Barnby Dun History . 30 July 2022 .
  20. Web site: Record – Ravenfield, Mexbrough deeds . Rotherham Archives.
  21. Book: Burke, Bernard . A genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry of Great Britain & Ireland . 1879 . London, Harrison . Harold B. Lee Library.
  22. Web site: Medieval English genealogy: Pedigree of Foljambe . 30 July 2022 .
  23. Book: Foster, Joseph . Pedigrees of the county families of Yorkshire . 1874 . London : Printed and published by the compiler by W. Wilfred Head . Getty Research Institute.
  24. Book: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate Papers . 1777 . Foljambe family of Osberton, Nottinghamshire .
  25. Web site: Yorkshire Sheet 277 . National Library of Scotland . Ordnance Survey 1854 . 29 July 2022 . 28 July 2022 . . live .
  26. Book: Taggart, Caroline . The Book of English Place Names: How Our Towns and Villages Got Their Names . 8 June 2011 . Random House . 978-1-4090-3498-8 .
  27. Book: Mills, A. D. . Balne . 1 January 2011 . . A Dictionary of British Place Names . 26 November 2023 . Oxford University Press . 10.1093/acref/9780199609086.001.0001/acref-9780199609086-e-1203?rskey=cpv1g1&result=1201 . 978-0-19-960908-6.
  28. Web site: THE PLACE-NAMES OF THE WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE . University of Nottingham . Albert Hugh Smith . 28 July 2022 . 24 April 2022 . . live .
  29. Web site: Owston (South Yorkshire) Archive Place Name Index. Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. 29 July 2022. 30 July 2022. live.
  30. Web site: Carcroft (South Yorkshire) Archive Place Name Index. Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. 29 July 2022. 30 July 2022. live.
  31. Howes . Colin Anthony . 19 May 2010 . Changes in the status and distribution of mammals of the order Carnivora in Yorkshire from 1600. County history of the fox, badger, otter, pine marten, stoat, weasel, polecat, American mink, wildcat and domestic cat. .
  32. Web site: GENUKI . Genuki: Subsidy Roll (Poll Tax) for 1379 for the Yorkshire parish of Barnby Dun, Yorkshire (West Riding) . 26 November 2023 . .
  33. Web site: Private Act, 6 George III, c. 72 . UK Parliamentary Archives.
  34. Web site: Grumble Hurst :: Survey of English Place-Names . 30 July 2022 .
  35. Web site: Thorpe Marsh (Thorpe in Balne) enclosure award . The National Archives . Doncaster Archives . 29 July 2022 . 30 July 2022 . . live .
  36. Web site: Copy of the Award of the Commissioners appointed under an Act for inclosing and dividing a Common called Thorpe Marsh . The National Archives . Doncaster Archives . 29 July 2022 . 30 July 2022 . . live .
  37. Web site: Barnby Dun with Kirk Sandall Parish Council Records . The National Archives . Doncaster Archives . 29 July 2022 . 29 July 2022 . . live .
  38. Book: Lease and Release . 30 May 1771 .
  39. Web site: 11 July 1767 . Marriage of William Brook and Elizabeth Townrow . FamilySearch.
  40. Book: Mortgage in £240 . 4 April 1778 .
  41. Book: Reconveyance . 13 February 1779 .
  42. Book: Lease and Release . 17 February 1779 .
  43. Web site: Acts of the Parliaments of the United Kingdom 1826–1827 . . The National Archives UK Legislation . 29 July 2022 . 17 May 2020 . . live .
  44. Web site: River Don (South Yorkshire) Archive Place Name Index. Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. 29 July 2022. 30 July 2022. live.
  45. Web site: Thorpe Marsh (South Yorkshire) Archive Place Name Index. Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. 29 July 2022. 30 July 2022. live.
  46. Web site: Papers in case of Rex v Commissioner . The National Archives . Doncaster Archives.
  47. Web site: England and Wales. Coal Resources of the World 1913 . David Rumsey Map Collection . A. Strahan – Morang & Co..
  48. Web site: England & Wales, Northern Section 1922 . David Rumsey Map Collection . John George Bartholomew – John Bartholomew & Co. (The Times, London) . 30 July 2022 . 30 July 2022 . . live .
  49. Book: Parkes, G. D. . The Hull and Barnsley Railway . The Oakwood Press . 11–12.
  50. Web site: Yorkshire Sheet CCLXXVII.NW . National Library of Scotland . Ordnance Survey 1950 . 29 July 2022 . 28 July 2022 . . live .
  51. Web site: Floods, Yorkshire . Hansard – House of Commons . 29 July 2022 . 30 July 2022 . . . 30 May 1932 . live .
  52. Web site: Correspondence between F. M. Farmer, Clerk to River Ouse Catchment Board, and Valuation Office . The National Archives . Sheffield City Archives . SY/300/A1/22-28 . 29 July 2022 . 30 July 2022 . . live .
  53. Web site: Domesday to the dawn of the New Millennium . . 7 June 2022 . 21 . 30 August 2021 . . live .
  54. Web site: TP17625 – Cockshaw . Trigpointing UK . Chris J. Ottley . 29 July 2022 . 30 July 2022 . . live .
  55. Web site: Thorpe Marsh (South Yorkshire) Archive Place Name Index Maps & Plans. Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. 29 July 2022. 30 July 2022. live.
  56. Web site: Barnby Dun Village History. Barnby Dun Community Association. 30 October 2021. 30 October 2021. live.
  57. Engineering. Site-Assembled Transformer. 203. 775. 1967. Centaur Media. London. 0013-7758.
  58. Web site: Barnby Dun Village History . Barnby Dun Old School . Barnby Dun Community Association . 29 July 2022 . 30 October 2021 . . live .
  59. Web site: Lanes Around Arksey . Arksey Village History . Alison Vainlo . 29 July 2022 . 30 July 2022 . . live .
  60. Web site: Directions to Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve by Car. Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. 29 July 2022. 28 July 2022. live.
  61. Web site: History of Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve. Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. 29 July 2022. 28 July 2022. live.
  62. Web site: The History of Thorpe Marsh Power Station . Dave Cook . 29 July 2022 . 18 September 2016 . . live .
  63. Web site: Able UK Thorpe Marsh . Able UK. . 19 September 2008 .
  64. Web site: The Central Electricity Generating Board (Dissolution) Order 2001 . . The National Archives UK Legislation . 29 July 2022 . 1 October 2019 . . live .
  65. Web site: Thorpe Marsh Gas Pipeline Examining Authority's Report of Findings and Conclusions and Recommendation to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (p. 111; 8.6.15, 8.6.16) . Infrastructure Planning Inspectorate . The Planning Inspectorate (Kelvin MacDonald) . 29 July 2022 . p. 111; 8.6.15, 8.6.16 . 30 July 2022 . . live .
  66. Web site: Construction and Operation of a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Electricity Generating Station at the Thorpe Marsh, Barnby Dun, Doncaster . Government Publishing Service . Department of Energy and Climate Change . 29 July 2022 . 27 August 2019 . . live .
  67. Web site: Thorpe Marsh Gas Pipeline . National Infrastructure Planning . Thorpe Marsh Power Limited . 29 July 2022 . 8 April 2016 . . live .
  68. Web site: Thorpe Marsh Combined Cycle Power Plant, UK . Power Technology . 29 July 2022 . 30 July 2022 . . live .
  69. Web site: Ellis . Vicky . 1 November 2011 . General Electric to build Yorkshire power station . 18 October 2022 . Energy Live News .
  70. Web site: Thorpe Marsh . 18 October 2022 . Banks Group.
  71. Web site: Manyowa . Maynard . 18 October 2022 . Yorkshire power station to be transformed into 'UK's biggest battery hub' . 18 October 2022 . YorkshireLive .
  72. Web site: Lee (an_lee) . Andrew . 18 October 2022 . 'One of world's largest battery hubs' could store North Sea wind power at old UK coal plant Recharge . 18 October 2022 . Recharge Latest renewable energy news .
  73. Web site: Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve . Visit Doncaster . 29 July 2022 . 4 August 2021 . . live .
  74. Web site: Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve . . 29 July 2022 . 24 January 2021 . . live .
  75. Web site: Thorpe Marsh YWT . Butterfly Conservation Yorkshire . Michael Townsend . 29 July 2022 . 30 July 2022 . . live .
  76. Web site: Occurrence of Plagodis dolabraria (Linnaeus, 1767) . . Macro-moth distribution records for the UK for the period pre 2000 from Butterfly Conservation.
  77. Web site: Odonata of Thorpe Marsh . Yorkshire Dragonfly Group . 29 July 2022 . 28 July 2022 . . live .
  78. Web site: Occurrence of Ischnura elegans (Vander Linden, 1820) . . Dragonfly records from the British Dragonfly Society Recording Scheme.
  79. Web site: UK Birds of Conservation Concern Red List . Royal Society for the Protection of Birds . 29 July 2022 . 20 July 2022 . . live .
  80. Web site: Birds of Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve . Landscape Britain . 29 July 2022 . 30 July 2022 . . live .
  81. Web site: Thorpe Marsh Summer Fliers Records . Doncaster Naturalists' Society . Michael Townsend . 29 July 2022 . 18 May 2021 . . live .
  82. Web site: WFV Thorpe Marsh Nr Doncaster 23 November 2010 . Bradford Environmental Education Service . "Margaret" with Michael Townsend . 29 July 2022 . 30 July 2022 . . live .
  83. Book: Townsend . Michael . Thorpe Marsh Nature Reserve Annual Report . Yorkshire Wildlife Trust . YWT Thorpe Marsh . 7 . 2020.
  84. Web site: Occurrence of Calidris minuta (Leisler, 1812) . . UWBM Ornithology Collection.