TimedText:L'Inhumaine (1924).webm.en.srt explained

100:00:11,755 --> 00:00:17,046The Inhuman Woman

200:00:21,213 --> 00:00:29,171A fantasia by Marcel L'Herbier

300:00:53,671 --> 00:00:56,713Here, overlooking the city,

400:01:16,088 --> 00:01:22,296is the mansion of Claire Lescot,famous singer, and unique woman

500:02:41,171 --> 00:02:48,963Her riches release her from banality.Claire Lescot

600:02:49,255 --> 00:02:56,421She holds an "international" salon, where she meetswith notable personalities of the world.

700:03:19,588 --> 00:03:25,838In her fancy she invites a famous clown,academic, a former minister

800:03:26,130 --> 00:03:32,296a boxer, an industrialist, as well as

900:03:40,963 --> 00:03:45,796Frank Mahler, a powerful businessman

1000:03:56,005 --> 00:04:01,171Kranine, "the Apostle",with his theory of the "humanitarian"

1100:04:14,463 --> 00:04:22,588...a practitioner of despotism,the maharajah Djorah of Nopur...

1200:04:50,921 --> 00:04:57,255Among all those admirers,there is a hidden rivalry...

1300:04:57,588 --> 00:05:03,546Each dreams of possessing this famous woman

1400:05:03,838 --> 00:05:08,588whose triumphs have not reduced their loneliness.

1500:05:33,171 --> 00:05:34,588Concert... the protests

1600:05:34,880 --> 00:05:38,296Claire Lescots comeback threatensto cause an uproar.

1700:05:38,588 --> 00:05:44,338The singers upcoming marriageto Frank M.lh.r has just been announced.

1800:05:44,671 --> 00:05:49,630He "only" has twelve important venuesin the United States.

1900:05:49,963 --> 00:05:53,921This announcement, and the strange maneuversbehind it, have upset certain artists.

2000:05:54,213 --> 00:05:57,546Her upcoming recital will havean unexpected chorus of protests.

2100:06:24,130 --> 00:06:25,755At last! Claire...

2200:06:50,963 --> 00:06:57,255Even her closest friends call her"The Inhuman Woman"

2300:07:42,713 --> 00:07:49,421In this privileged court the most secret thingscan be overheard...

2400:07:55,463 --> 00:08:02,546...the servants wear a mask to make them deaf...and grinning.

2500:08:56,130 --> 00:09:04,380A final guest is late... Claire decides not to wait.

2600:10:10,088 --> 00:10:11,880The late guest...

2700:11:18,713 --> 00:11:24,630...a young engineer,with a passion of mechanical sports

2800:11:24,921 --> 00:11:28,421and the magic of modern science...

2900:12:55,005 --> 00:13:05,546Claire, with her glory, power, mystery,deeply impresses the young admirer...

3000:13:05,838 --> 00:13:10,630does he dare enter so late?

3100:14:12,255 --> 00:14:17,630"Yes, after my two concerts,I have decided to leave.

3200:14:17,921 --> 00:14:21,713I will take a trip around the world alone...

3300:14:38,088 --> 00:14:44,713...unless something detains me here..."

3400:15:03,838 --> 00:15:06,046SOMETHING

3500:15:11,296 --> 00:15:12,838Something

3600:15:23,838 --> 00:15:28,171SOMETHING

3700:15:39,130 --> 00:15:40,838SOMETHING?

3800:15:42,296 --> 00:15:43,338WHAT?

3900:15:44,130 --> 00:15:46,046SUCCESS?

4000:15:49,005 --> 00:15:51,255LOVE?

4100:15:55,380 --> 00:15:56,838The unexpected?

4200:16:15,546 --> 00:16:21,546She is leaving! He must speak to her now.

4300:16:21,838 --> 00:16:25,630What would keep her there?

4400:17:00,796 --> 00:17:04,713"Why this trip? Why not go to America?

4500:17:05,005 --> 00:17:10,380There you may do as you please.I offer you all my theaters."

4600:17:28,005 --> 00:17:36,588"NO... thank you...I am only interested in what I can conquer!"

4700:18:42,713 --> 00:18:45,421Worried about Claire's departure,"The Apostle" also makes a proposal.

4800:18:55,046 --> 00:18:58,421"The wheel of society is always turning.

4900:18:58,713 --> 00:19:02,338For a woman of action such as you,

5000:19:02,630 --> 00:19:05,671what could be better thanthe PROGRESS OF HUMANITY!

5100:19:15,421 --> 00:19:20,921...our movement advances in Mongolia.

5200:19:21,213 --> 00:19:26,671Imagine the role you can play... there."

5300:20:54,546 --> 00:21:00,088"Your humanity leaves me cold;

5400:21:00,380 --> 00:21:05,505only superior beings interest me."

5500:21:54,921 --> 00:22:01,088While Claire had provided for entertainments...

5600:22:31,755 --> 00:22:33,671Djorah...

5700:23:38,213 --> 00:23:41,713"... A "wreath"?

5800:23:42,046 --> 00:23:48,463...I'm not dead yet!...Kill me first!"

5900:24:35,546 --> 00:24:43,671Claire's indifference exasperates the impatient Einar...

6000:25:27,463 --> 00:25:33,421"I do not want you to leave"

6100:25:48,713 --> 00:25:52,963"... because I..."

6200:27:13,630 --> 00:27:16,130And Soon...

6300:27:26,546 --> 00:27:30,546they are playing with fire...

6400:28:13,963 --> 00:28:18,213"I am tired of quarelling...

6500:28:18,505 --> 00:28:25,088I need your strength...for me alone"

6600:28:33,463 --> 00:28:36,463"... if you refuse..."

6700:28:40,255 --> 00:28:43,171"... I will kill myself!"

6800:29:05,005 --> 00:29:09,380"If you can destroy your life so easily,

6900:29:09,671 --> 00:29:13,838it wasn't worth much to begin with."

7000:31:55,505 --> 00:32:00,005Claire's irony sharpens Einar's desperation.

7100:33:24,463 --> 00:33:31,588It has been reported...that our great singer Claire Lescot

7200:33:31,880 --> 00:33:39,171has finally accepted the crown thata charming maharajah has offered her.

7300:34:41,130 --> 00:34:44,296Without you this world is odious to me...

7400:34:44,588 --> 00:34:48,796one turn of the wheel will cast meinto the other world.

7500:35:50,421 --> 00:35:56,171Ignoring allClaire agreed to sing

7600:40:12,130 --> 00:40:16,088Without you this world is odious to me...

7700:40:16,380 --> 00:40:21,005one turn of the wheel will cast meinto the other world.

7800:42:30,005 --> 00:42:33,796A little farm girl, an "innocent"...

7900:45:22,213 --> 00:45:28,255It is - already - the morning...Claire has just learned...

8000:45:41,546 --> 00:45:47,713...The search was in vain.The body has been lost in the water...

8100:47:29,880 --> 00:47:37,505Tonight- Claire Lescot -

8200:47:37,796 --> 00:47:45,213Vocal RecitalModern Music

8300:47:55,588 --> 00:48:01,130"... She will not sing, I think, after that!"

8400:48:08,463 --> 00:48:14,671He loved the Beauty too much......and that is what has killed him.

8500:48:14,963 --> 00:48:19,296Einar Norsen, a young engineer who,yesterday afternoon,

8600:48:19,588 --> 00:48:23,296left Claire's house, was found dead(voluntarily, they say),

8700:48:23,588 --> 00:48:28,838after crashing his car down a fatal slope.

8800:48:47,338 --> 00:48:55,546..."the Apostle" prepares his part in the downfallof someone who frustrated his personal ambition.

8900:49:32,005 --> 00:49:36,963"Lets punish this creaturewho has insulted humanity...

9000:49:37,255 --> 00:49:41,213We meet tonight, at her show."

9100:50:15,255 --> 00:50:19,880Tauberger Theater ManagerChamps Elysees

9200:50:20,171 --> 00:50:24,796Unable to sing tonight reimburse box officefrom personal income

9300:50:29,088 --> 00:50:43,588This renunciation, dictated by social conventionscreates a moment of poise.

9400:51:03,671 --> 00:51:13,046But her reason rebels against her sadness...Was it a betrayal of her duty to serve her art?

9500:51:13,338 --> 00:51:18,796Must she disappoint her audience?

9600:51:19,088 --> 00:51:23,755Out of fear of the murmurings...

9700:51:24,046 --> 00:51:31,130Out of cowardice of the sentimental hypocrisyof humanity?

9800:52:15,130 --> 00:52:22,630"Rumor has it that you will not sing this evening...Is this true?..."

9900:52:32,921 --> 00:52:36,880"... it is wrong... I will sing this evening..."

10000:52:59,088 --> 00:53:05,546Everywhere, little by little,the calumny slowly spreads.

10100:53:31,838 --> 00:53:34,255He loved the Beauty too much...and that is what has killed him

10200:53:34,546 --> 00:53:36,046Einar Norsen, a young engineer who,yesterday evening,

10300:53:36,338 --> 00:53:37,713left Claire's house, was found dead(voluntarily, they say),

10400:53:38,005 --> 00:53:39,963thanks to a fall down a fatal slope.

10500:53:45,130 --> 00:53:54,005"This Lescot, what an outrageous life!She should be locked up!"

10600:54:20,296 --> 00:54:28,963A young engineer commits suicide for an artist.

10700:54:32,755 --> 00:54:37,588"She shouldn't be forgiven...a woman without guts!"

10800:54:50,088 --> 00:54:51,255In the evening

10900:55:28,255 --> 00:55:36,255...The audience swells,shaken by the tragedy and the scandal

11000:56:38,671 --> 00:56:41,796Already the show began

11100:56:59,296 --> 00:57:03,171among the last to arrive

11200:58:01,213 --> 00:58:07,838The ballet is ending. The theater is packed.

11300:59:11,671 --> 00:59:16,463After a brief intermission, Claire appears

11400:59:21,588 --> 00:59:27,130Now a curious murmurs greets Claire's entrance

11501:00:02,005 --> 01:00:04,380Suddenly Kranine attacks

11601:00:37,921 --> 01:00:46,588The entire theater rises up foror against this "inhuman" woman...

11701:01:15,838 --> 01:01:18,671...Who boldly holds her head up to them...

11801:02:44,546 --> 01:02:48,463...Her triumph is complete.

11901:03:49,296 --> 01:03:51,838And while the theater empties?

12001:05:11,546 --> 01:05:14,713"No... For no one!"

12101:07:10,713 --> 01:07:17,630"I would like to speak to you...somewhere else - about Einar Norsen..."

12201:08:24,005 --> 01:08:31,130"They just found his horribly mutilated body..."

12301:08:53,921 --> 01:08:59,880"To legally identify the body,two witnesses are required

12401:09:00,171 --> 01:09:02,963Please be the second witness..."

12501:09:17,421 --> 01:09:24,546"In your home... tomorrow... at seven..."

12601:10:01,005 --> 01:10:05,713At the appointed time

12701:11:25,671 --> 01:11:31,463Towards the strange laboratorywhere Einar Norsen's body lies...

12801:12:24,463 --> 01:12:27,546Claire... weak from shock...

12901:14:00,963 --> 01:14:04,963...unexpected music... hateful...

13001:15:04,671 --> 01:15:13,588in this tortured atmosphere,Claire is increasingly... haunted...

13101:15:57,380 --> 01:15:59,130suddenly the wind...

13201:17:22,296 --> 01:17:29,963when she finally gives vent tothe Secret of her suffering...

13301:18:24,005 --> 01:18:26,130suddenly

13401:21:17,338 --> 01:21:20,880"please forgive this... mystification..."

13501:21:24,380 --> 01:21:33,588"I intended to die when I left your home,but I remembered your saying"

13601:21:42,671 --> 01:21:48,630If you can destroy your life so easily,it wasn't worth much to begin.

13701:22:07,296 --> 01:22:17,796"And then I wanted them to think me deadin order to discover what you kept hidden..."

13801:22:39,088 --> 01:22:41,796"You don't know anything more than that!"

13901:22:58,463 --> 01:23:06,546"I know you're here!Otherwise, you would never have come!"

14001:23:23,088 --> 01:23:26,671"Yes! I know something more...

14101:23:32,921 --> 01:23:39,130"Something here will make you cancel your trip."

14201:23:53,963 --> 01:24:02,380While, disarmed, Claire smiles at this mystery,outside Djorah...

14301:24:51,630 --> 01:24:53,046DANGER OF DEATH

14401:24:55,921 --> 01:25:00,296"Beware!This device is dangerous..."

14501:25:21,546 --> 01:25:25,463"Until tomorrow... here..."

14601:25:58,630 --> 01:26:04,380The prince's jealousy increases...

14701:26:48,963 --> 01:26:54,421Claire wants to be alone,her spirit surprisingly obsessed

14801:28:12,380 --> 01:28:21,921My patience will last no longer than this rose!

14901:28:28,088 --> 01:28:38,171All this magical scienceat Einar's home haunts Claire,

15001:28:38,463 --> 01:28:44,255like something as strong as love.

15101:28:59,713 --> 01:29:06,921At the scheduled time at the homeof the scientist, modern "enchanter"

15201:29:42,213 --> 01:29:46,213THE WORLD IS HERE

15301:30:21,005 --> 01:30:26,796MOVE AROUND BY WIRELESS

15401:30:51,005 --> 01:30:54,421"See... Why leave?

15501:30:54,713 --> 01:30:59,963It is enough for you to just sing herein front of the microphone.

15601:31:00,255 --> 01:31:05,463And while the radio broadcasts your voice everywhere,on the same wavelengths,

15701:31:05,755 --> 01:31:11,671by a new process,the image of your listeners will return."

15801:33:07,463 --> 01:33:12,505"On this television screen you will be able to see,

15901:33:12,796 --> 01:33:18,296while you sing, the people listening to youall over the world."

16001:34:37,796 --> 01:34:43,796She travels without moving through space

16101:35:57,046 --> 01:35:58,838...across the joy and pain of people...

16201:37:50,921 --> 01:37:53,380She forgets time...

16301:38:43,713 --> 01:38:47,338...And my concert! it is appalling..."

16401:38:51,713 --> 01:38:55,588"There are already people lining outside of the theaters

16501:40:02,255 --> 01:40:07,463"Yes... it is a new device attached to the onewhere you almost burnt to death yesterday,

16601:40:07,755 --> 01:40:10,838It produces a force of unexpected effects."

16701:40:21,213 --> 01:40:24,588"... perhaps it is possible to revivethe movements of a heart,

16801:40:24,880 --> 01:40:28,421heal humanity from death,but I have not dared to experiment on anyone."

16901:41:01,046 --> 01:41:04,338Careful... The machine...

17001:41:58,546 --> 01:42:02,171"Will you come this evening...after the theater?"

17101:42:12,963 --> 01:42:15,588"But... yes."

17201:43:29,588 --> 01:43:32,213The concert is over

17301:44:07,088 --> 01:44:10,296"I forbid you to go there."

17401:44:15,421 --> 01:44:20,005"Watch out... you will not arrive there alive"

17501:45:49,296 --> 01:45:51,671From Einar.

17601:46:05,130 --> 01:46:09,838A deadly reptile from Asia

17701:46:59,130 --> 01:47:02,588"To Mr. Norsen's house"

17801:50:58,963 --> 01:51:05,546Then Einar, stupefied, discovers...

17901:52:52,713 --> 01:52:58,130And now the great laboratory throbs with activity...

18001:54:37,838 --> 01:54:43,213He attempts an experiment to save Claire

18101:57:04,380 --> 01:57:11,921Einar decides to try again,and under his command everything comes to life...

18201:57:25,963 --> 01:57:31,005...as in a symphony of labor

18301:59:49,713 --> 01:59:57,421"I wanted to come for the dangerous experience..."

18402:00:14,546 --> 02:00:18,130"... it was for love of...

18502:00:24,671 --> 02:00:26,880...humanity..."