TimedText:Phantom (1922).webm.en.srt explained

100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,091Phantomby Gerhart Hauptmann

200:00:20,262 --> 00:00:28,803Based on the novel of the same name,from the Berliner lllustrirten Zeitung

300:00:28,928 --> 00:00:35,387adapted for the film by Thea von Harbou

400:00:42,095 --> 00:00:46,678Direction: F. W. Murnau

500:00:46,803 --> 00:00:53,470Photography: Axel Graatkjärand Theophan Ouchakoff

600:00:53,595 --> 00:00:58,428Sets based on designsby Hermann Warm,

700:00:58,553 --> 00:01:05,803executed by Hermann Warmand Erich Czerwonski

800:01:05,928 --> 00:01:07,887Cast:Lorenz Lubota - Alfred Abel

900:01:08,012 --> 00:01:12,220His mother - Frieda RichardMelanie, his sister - Aud Egede Nissen

1000:01:12,345 --> 00:01:16,137Hugo, his younger brother -H. H. v. Twardowski

1100:01:16,262 --> 00:01:19,678Hardware dealer Harlan - Adolf KleinHis wife - Olga Engl

1200:01:19,803 --> 00:01:23,803Veronika, his daughter - x x xThe Baroness - Ilka Grüning

1300:01:23,928 --> 00:01:26,053Melitta, her daughter - Lya de Putti

1400:01:26,178 --> 00:01:28,345Mrs Schwabe, pawnbroker -Grete Berger

1500:01:28,470 --> 00:01:32,220Wigottschinsky - Anton EdthoferBookbinder Starke - Karl Ettlinger

1600:01:32,345 --> 00:01:36,095Marie, his daughter - Lil DagoverAn usher/clerk - Heinrich Witte

1700:01:36,220 --> 00:01:38,970First Act.

1800:02:03,762 --> 00:02:08,428What were you just thinking about,Lorenz?

1900:02:11,470 --> 00:02:16,178About my former life...!

2000:02:22,137 --> 00:02:30,553Write the story of your life in this book,which Father himself bound for you!

2100:02:42,053 --> 00:02:50,595Do you think the memorywill be less agonising then?

2200:03:23,220 --> 00:03:28,887I, former convict Lorenz Lubota,hereby write down,

2300:03:29,012 --> 00:03:34,345as my dear wife Marie wills it so,the story of my guilt and my atonement.

2400:03:57,053 --> 00:04:01,512Melanie doesn't have any time for this -does she?!

2500:04:38,803 --> 00:04:41,553Call Lorenz!

2600:05:45,595 --> 00:05:48,970Always you with your books, Lorenz!

2700:05:49,095 --> 00:05:52,928With the amount of money you earn

2800:05:53,053 --> 00:05:56,053even God doesn't knowhow you could be able to afford them!

2900:05:58,720 --> 00:06:01,762Just let me have my poor books, Mother.

3000:06:01,887 --> 00:06:05,803At the very least they provide onewith dreams

3100:06:05,928 --> 00:06:09,095of all the thingsone will never experience...

3200:06:55,928 --> 00:07:04,303Isn't it time for you to get to art-school,Hugo?

3300:07:09,720 --> 00:07:14,345I'll be coming home a bit later today.

3400:07:14,470 --> 00:07:20,053I want to help Aunt Schwabewith some accounts.

3500:07:24,928 --> 00:07:33,220I don't want you to have anything to dowith her - with that... usurious witch!!

3600:07:50,678 --> 00:07:56,220She's gotten fat and richoff her cutthroat business!

3700:07:56,345 --> 00:08:03,303And I, I've slaved away my whole lifelike a horse...

3800:08:18,803 --> 00:08:21,553The neighbours.

3900:08:52,262 --> 00:08:56,887Lorenz should be getting here soon,at this point.

4000:09:12,512 --> 00:09:17,762It seems to me, my child,

4100:09:17,887 --> 00:09:22,845that you divide your day upinto Lorenz's comings and goings!

4200:09:28,595 --> 00:09:33,220Does Lorenz know that?!

4300:09:37,720 --> 00:09:41,595...hold onto your heart, Marie!

4400:09:41,720 --> 00:09:46,012Once Lorenz wakes upfrom his dream world...

4500:10:43,303 --> 00:10:48,720Here are a few poems I've done,Father Starke...

4600:10:48,845 --> 00:10:53,595I'd like to hear what you think of them...

4700:10:57,845 --> 00:11:06,512Well well, now you of all people arewishing to tread among the poets - ?!

4800:12:13,720 --> 00:12:20,387Please, don't hold me up!!I have to go to work!

4900:12:22,720 --> 00:12:29,303What kind of workis it that you do anyway - ?!

5000:12:45,303 --> 00:12:48,845Where did you get those silky rags?!

5100:12:48,970 --> 00:12:53,803Where have you been running aroundnight after night - ?!

5200:12:56,428 --> 00:13:02,845Get a grip on yourself, Mother!You're rid of me now - !

5300:13:15,470 --> 00:13:23,928I have no desire to wither away and rotin this miserable hole!

5400:13:27,720 --> 00:13:36,137I can stand on my own two feet!I don't need anybody's help!

5500:13:42,637 --> 00:13:47,512Misery, hunger, poverty -everything's coming down on me!

5600:13:47,637 --> 00:13:51,012And now disgrace too!

5700:14:53,303 --> 00:14:59,970Can't Lorenz Lubota ever get to workon time?!

5800:15:29,512 --> 00:15:37,845The good Lord in a fit of wrathmade Lorenz Lubota town clerk!

5900:15:50,262 --> 00:15:56,845Well - take care, Mother!

6000:16:01,637 --> 00:16:10,012Melanie... where you're headed...there's no way back...

6100:18:45,845 --> 00:18:50,470What do you want here?

6200:18:54,803 --> 00:19:03,137Why are you running after our dear girl?

6300:19:22,470 --> 00:19:27,012End of the First Act.

6400:19:27,137 --> 00:19:29,387Second Act.

6500:19:47,345 --> 00:19:53,137So, I'm telling you, Marie... This Lorenz,who would have thought of it!

6600:19:53,262 --> 00:19:59,470This is more than talent - this is genius!

6700:20:41,095 --> 00:20:43,845Mist- Mister Lubota!

6800:21:01,970 --> 00:21:08,178Professor, old Starke doesn't just throwhis support behind anyone,

6900:21:08,303 --> 00:21:12,303but Lorenz Lubota - that's a genius!

7000:21:17,595 --> 00:21:23,137Are you the one, Muse, /Who takes me in her service, /

7100:21:23,262 --> 00:21:29,428And like the Sphinx /Tears with her claws from my breast /

7200:21:29,553 --> 00:21:31,720My song?

7300:22:27,762 --> 00:22:32,428Lorenz!!! Are you ill?!!

7400:22:34,762 --> 00:22:39,428Have you already found out - ?

7500:22:41,512 --> 00:22:44,178From your sister - ?

7600:23:48,803 --> 00:23:55,345How ugly... how terribly ugly it all is - !

7700:23:59,928 --> 00:24:10,178I want to go get a little fresh air...maybe - that will put me more at ease...

7800:24:38,553 --> 00:24:46,970You, sir - man - lad,do you know you're a genius?!

7900:24:58,512 --> 00:25:03,928I gave your poems to a man who wouldconsider it an honour to be your mentor.

8000:25:04,053 --> 00:25:09,470One fine day, at the hallwhere you were once a lowly clerk,

8100:25:09,595 --> 00:25:14,512you'll be madean honorary citizen of our town!

8200:25:46,970 --> 00:25:50,928Do you really think... that I'm a poet...?

8300:25:51,053 --> 00:25:57,387That I could be a greatand eminent man - ?!

8400:26:07,928 --> 00:26:16,012I think that now the boy realiseshe's a poet, he's losing his head!

8500:26:37,303 --> 00:26:43,387What's the name of the daughterin this house here?

8600:27:12,553 --> 00:27:18,887I can't give you anything more, child...I've got nothing myself...!

8700:28:05,970 --> 00:28:13,887Either the money - or the pawn-ticket!Rules are rules in this world!

8800:28:35,512 --> 00:28:40,095This must be your first experiencewith Schwabe...

8900:28:40,220 --> 00:28:45,387as you think you can persuadethe old bird by pleading?!

9000:29:01,595 --> 00:29:07,803You know Mr Wigottschinsky,Lorenz - don't you?

9100:29:23,262 --> 00:29:33,178Pretend I'm not here;act like you would in your own home!

9200:30:08,303 --> 00:30:15,428I gave a number of poemsthat I composed in my spare time

9300:30:15,553 --> 00:30:22,637to an excellent judge of literature -a certain Mr. Starke, to read...

9400:30:44,720 --> 00:30:48,928Now he wants to introduce meto a well-known publisher

9500:30:49,053 --> 00:30:52,637who's supposed to print my poems...

9600:30:56,262 --> 00:31:02,178My boy, you might very well becomequite the famous man.

9700:31:23,095 --> 00:31:28,137How can an old hand such as yoube so far off the mark in your judgment!

9800:31:28,262 --> 00:31:32,220The poems are nice enough...

9900:31:32,345 --> 00:31:36,512but they are certainly not, and neverwill be, publishable material - !

10000:31:52,470 --> 00:32:00,470Now I don't dare go to the publisher...with my shabby suit...

10100:32:03,678 --> 00:32:11,262Considering your impending fame,you do look pretty shabby...

10200:32:11,387 --> 00:32:16,095We'll just have to help fix that for you...

10300:32:46,345 --> 00:32:53,512The old dame seems to have takena fancy to you.

10400:32:53,637 --> 00:32:58,720It's usually hard to pull one over on her!

10500:33:25,262 --> 00:33:30,887I think I'll accompany our poetto look for some new clothes.

10600:33:31,012 --> 00:33:35,803I'm something of an expert there!

10700:33:47,970 --> 00:33:52,137Will you come back again?

10800:34:13,053 --> 00:34:22,553This so-called professorclaims Lorenz's poems have no merit.

10900:34:28,512 --> 00:34:33,970Yes, but...what will Lorenz say about that?

11000:34:55,720 --> 00:34:59,553No, no - my good fellow -

11100:34:59,678 --> 00:35:06,220we must drink to the beginningof this promising literary career!

11200:35:23,803 --> 00:35:26,387Where on earth is Lorenz?!

11300:35:31,595 --> 00:35:37,512...and why on earthisn't Melanie here yet?

11400:36:16,178 --> 00:36:20,095First off, champagne - !

11500:36:33,262 --> 00:36:37,137Even if all the moneygets burnt through -

11600:36:37,262 --> 00:36:40,803the old lady has morein the cashbox, - right?

11700:36:57,678 --> 00:36:59,595Cheers, poet!

11800:37:05,387 --> 00:37:09,428I'll look at whomever I please!

11900:37:18,095 --> 00:37:23,720You've made a conquest, Lubota!

12000:37:57,637 --> 00:38:01,220He's my brother - !!!

12100:39:23,887 --> 00:39:27,512Have you heard, -

12200:39:27,637 --> 00:39:34,345old Harlan wants to have his daughterVeronika engaged to rich Wiedenberg!

12300:39:37,512 --> 00:39:47,803Is that true what you've just said, -about Veronika Harlan's engagement?

12400:41:51,095 --> 00:41:55,345End of the Second Act.

12500:41:55,470 --> 00:41:58,053Third Act.

12600:42:40,887 --> 00:42:46,512Say there, little one -your brother Lorenz -

12700:42:46,637 --> 00:42:51,095he's tight with old Schwabe, isn't he?!

12800:42:56,012 --> 00:43:03,178My brother Lorenz is the mostupright man in the world -

12900:43:03,303 --> 00:43:10,137and the only one my Aunt Schwabedoesn't consider a scoundrel!

13000:43:45,012 --> 00:43:50,095We would like to enquireas to why the town clerk Lubota

13100:43:50,220 --> 00:43:55,303has been away from workwithout an excused absence!

13200:43:58,220 --> 00:44:00,887My son is sickly...

13300:44:32,553 --> 00:44:37,845We have received complaintsagainst the 'sickly' Mr Lubota,

13400:44:37,970 --> 00:44:43,428who's been carousing in barsand making a scandalous scene

13500:44:43,553 --> 00:44:46,637in front of the Harlan residence!

13600:45:00,303 --> 00:45:04,387According to the coachman

13700:45:04,512 --> 00:45:10,553you're supposed to have followedMiss Veronika once already -

13800:45:32,887 --> 00:45:37,720You used to be town clerk, Mr. Lubota?

13900:46:03,970 --> 00:46:10,428Do you have any idea, Father,where Lorenz is today - ?

14000:46:13,512 --> 00:46:21,970I'm in no hurry to tell himwhat failures his poems are!

14100:46:33,887 --> 00:46:40,387Now for God's sake, Lorenz,what's going on with Harlan - ?

14200:46:43,053 --> 00:46:47,387Mother - last night -

14300:46:49,470 --> 00:46:55,803- the whole worldfell apart around me - !!

14400:47:15,595 --> 00:47:19,762If you love me, Mother, don't ask!

14500:47:19,887 --> 00:47:25,845I have no time to lose!I have to get to the Harlans - !

14600:47:40,012 --> 00:47:45,137If I only knewhow I could get your brother

14700:47:45,262 --> 00:47:50,178to pull the woolover the old dame's eyes!

14800:47:54,262 --> 00:48:00,762I've told you once already!Leave my brother out of it!

14900:48:00,887 --> 00:48:04,553He's above all of this!

15000:49:26,845 --> 00:49:31,012Madame... is it true...

15100:49:31,137 --> 00:49:37,137that you wish your daughterto be engaged to Mr Wiedenberg?

15200:49:49,845 --> 00:49:54,720I know I have no say in this matter!

15300:49:54,845 --> 00:50:02,053Nevertheless - for God's sake...have pity! Give me an answer!

15400:50:22,345 --> 00:50:26,928Call my husband in!

15500:50:55,512 --> 00:50:59,512Madame... I saw your daughteronly once...

15600:50:59,637 --> 00:51:02,512But I can't go on any longer -

15700:51:02,637 --> 00:51:07,678without the hope of somedayacquiring her for myself!

15800:51:14,845 --> 00:51:21,803Don't consider me a fool, Madame!This love overtook me like fate!

15900:51:21,928 --> 00:51:28,845To give up on it would be like -giving up on God!

16000:52:18,387 --> 00:52:23,470Don't you want to tell mewhat's on your mind, Mother Lubota?...

16100:52:23,595 --> 00:52:26,678Is Lorenz ill?

16200:52:34,887 --> 00:52:42,220I don't know what's happened to him!He's no longer my Lorenz at all!

16300:52:42,345 --> 00:52:47,012He's a stranger that I don't know -who doesn't know me!

16400:52:51,637 --> 00:53:00,012How can one have doubts about Lorenz,even for a minute, Mother!

16500:53:31,803 --> 00:53:37,553I take my leave, Mr. Harlan,without the assurance

16600:53:37,678 --> 00:53:44,178that you will supportmy courting your daughter...

16700:53:50,262 --> 00:53:56,428It would be an honour, Mr Lubota,after some time,

16800:53:56,553 --> 00:54:02,595let's say a year from now -to discuss this matter further...

16900:55:06,845 --> 00:55:13,637To the best tavern in the city!

17000:56:34,220 --> 00:56:40,887Forgive me... please... an almostunbelievable resemblance...

17100:56:51,387 --> 00:56:59,970You may stay... if you like!We were just on our way in any case!

17200:57:15,012 --> 00:57:19,470Champagne - !I'd like to drink some champagne!

17300:58:28,678 --> 00:58:37,220Tell me, Marie, do you think it's possible...that Lorenz could go astray?

17400:58:40,553 --> 00:58:43,137No, Father!

17501:00:13,053 --> 01:00:18,762What I meant to say... Lorenz Lubotais developing his poetic genius.

17601:00:18,887 --> 01:00:25,220He only movesin the best circles now!

17701:00:33,553 --> 01:00:40,012What that boy could become -if only he had some money - !

17801:00:51,303 --> 01:00:57,678He'd only need some money...just some money!

17901:01:26,512 --> 01:01:34,970Don't - ! Don't - ! Don't you too run -from me! Not you too - !

18001:01:43,595 --> 01:01:46,137Who are you - ?

18101:01:49,470 --> 01:01:55,970I am - a town clerk down on his luck!

18201:02:07,137 --> 01:02:15,512Don't tell this joke in front of my mother,or she'll throw you out - !

18301:02:19,887 --> 01:02:24,553Tell me who you are!

18401:02:30,303 --> 01:02:40,303I... am a poet... a man with no luck...chasing after a shadow... a phantom!

18501:03:14,845 --> 01:03:20,512I want to know... what drove you to me,like a sleepwalker...

18601:03:20,637 --> 01:03:27,220I want to know who you thinkyou're kissing... when you're kissing me!?

18701:04:00,262 --> 01:04:04,720End of the Third Act.

18801:04:04,845 --> 01:04:07,178Fourth Act.

18901:05:13,303 --> 01:05:16,762My daughter and I are,unfortunately, destitute...

19001:05:16,887 --> 01:05:19,595You understand me, don't you?

19101:05:19,720 --> 01:05:22,887Melitta let slipthat you're a well-known poet...

19201:05:23,012 --> 01:05:26,553I hope your income correspondsto your fame!

19301:05:33,887 --> 01:05:39,637You're right... one has to pay...There is a price for everything!

19401:05:57,137 --> 01:06:00,928My son isn't home...

19501:06:08,470 --> 01:06:14,928Mr Lubota doesn't need to bothercoming to the town hall -

19601:06:15,053 --> 01:06:18,845He's free of that concern!

19701:07:08,012 --> 01:07:15,678Love at first sight, brother-in-law! -you know how it is!

19801:07:44,803 --> 01:07:48,970Children, if we stuck togetherand had the right threads -

19901:07:49,095 --> 01:07:53,262we'd make for setting upa splendid business!

20001:08:17,012 --> 01:08:19,845I... I... need money!

20101:08:57,678 --> 01:09:04,095My dear child, I don't concern myselfwith your love affairs;

20201:09:04,220 --> 01:09:08,595be so good as not to interferewith my business affairs!

20301:09:26,053 --> 01:09:32,428The only person we can tapis old Schwabe, that's for sure! -

20401:09:32,553 --> 01:09:40,345What if Lorenz put the royaltieson his poetry up as collateral - ?!

20501:09:47,678 --> 01:09:51,095Well, my boy,if you pass yourself off as a poet,

20601:09:51,220 --> 01:09:55,387you have to pay the consequences -

20701:09:55,512 --> 01:09:58,803or else do without the supportof a gullible aunt.

20801:10:53,303 --> 01:10:56,095The shakedown.

20901:11:22,303 --> 01:11:26,470Only you can help me, Aunt Schwabe!

21001:11:26,595 --> 01:11:30,678The world is closed to thosewho come with empty hands!

21101:11:38,012 --> 01:11:42,220People are scoundrels, Lorenz...each and every one of them!

21201:11:42,345 --> 01:11:46,303I only trust one... That's you!

21301:11:52,303 --> 01:11:55,762This boy here, -he wouldn't get a penny from me!

21401:11:55,887 --> 01:11:58,720But you... you shall have the money!

21501:12:12,387 --> 01:12:15,095I can't stand this - !!!I don't want this - !!

21601:12:15,220 --> 01:12:17,345I'm no scoundrel - !!

21701:12:23,470 --> 01:12:25,845Then blow the lid off the whole swindle

21801:12:25,970 --> 01:12:30,345and remain a nothingand a starveling your entire life - !

21901:12:40,387 --> 01:12:42,303And - her?

22001:13:19,512 --> 01:13:23,137From Miss Anna Schwabe60,000 marks are certified to be paid -

22101:13:23,262 --> 01:13:25,345The practical application...

22201:15:25,137 --> 01:15:28,470I'd like to speak with Lorenz!

22301:15:33,678 --> 01:15:37,637You've come to the wrong place!

22401:15:37,762 --> 01:15:41,345For days now I've had no ideawhere Lorenz is at.

22501:15:49,887 --> 01:15:54,637Now let's go shopping!A hundred thousand things to buy - !

22601:16:11,012 --> 01:16:18,512You don't seem well...I thought Lorenz took better care of you.

22701:16:51,512 --> 01:16:54,845To Mr Lorenz Lubota,

22801:16:54,970 --> 01:16:59,220It is a fact that you have been awayfrom work without an excused absence,

22901:16:59,345 --> 01:17:04,178but you have frequented and behavedscandalously in a questionable tavern

23001:17:04,303 --> 01:17:07,595and, further, you have harassed highlyesteemed citizens of the town.

23101:17:07,720 --> 01:17:13,262- Moreover your unqualified behaviourtoward civil-servant Hermann Schaat

23201:17:13,387 --> 01:17:18,387is considered a serious offenceagainst a public administrator.

23301:17:18,512 --> 01:17:23,095As such, you are dismissed from this dayforward, without claim to further wages.

23401:17:34,512 --> 01:17:39,803What do you really want - ?!Why are you snooping around on me?

23501:17:39,928 --> 01:17:45,178You've never once shown any concernfor me - why today all of a sudden?!

23601:17:48,845 --> 01:17:53,845What do I want here - ?I loaned Lorenz 60,000 marks -

23701:17:53,970 --> 01:17:58,387and now I'd like to knowwhat he's using it for.

23801:18:11,720 --> 01:18:14,095My Lorenz is an honest man - !

23901:18:14,220 --> 01:18:17,637What my Lorenz does,he can answer for - !

24001:18:17,762 --> 01:18:21,053Bear that in mind - and leave me be!

24101:18:25,053 --> 01:18:28,678I want to know where I stand!

24201:18:28,803 --> 01:18:32,595I'll be making enquiries...

24301:18:32,720 --> 01:18:36,428in any case you can tell Lorenzthat I expect him at my place today!

24401:19:26,762 --> 01:19:31,387I'd like to buy this piece for my mother!

24501:19:51,137 --> 01:19:54,595The foundingof the Wigottschinsky-Lubota firm

24601:19:54,720 --> 01:19:57,303calls for a celebration!

24701:21:12,845 --> 01:21:17,262I brought something for you, Mother!

24801:21:20,970 --> 01:21:26,220Did you buy that with the moneyfrom your Aunt Schwabe - ?!

24901:21:35,595 --> 01:21:42,220She was here... she was asking about you...you have to go see her today...

25001:22:56,137 --> 01:23:01,637Why did you want to talk to me, Aunt?

25101:23:07,803 --> 01:23:10,470Lorenz, you are the biggest scoundrel

25201:23:10,595 --> 01:23:14,095that I've ever come acrossin my entire life!

25301:23:25,887 --> 01:23:31,512I've made some enquiries...I now know where I stand with you!

25401:23:31,637 --> 01:23:38,345I demand back the moneyyou swindled me out of!

25501:23:43,012 --> 01:23:47,053...and if you don't have the moneyanymore, as you claim -

25601:23:47,178 --> 01:23:49,637where did you blow it?

25701:24:08,887 --> 01:24:16,512I owe you no explanation of howand where I spend my money.

25801:24:19,345 --> 01:24:23,220Your money? -You dare talk about your money? -

25901:24:23,345 --> 01:24:26,345What's come over you, you - ?

26001:24:26,470 --> 01:24:31,053Have you been suddenly taken overby the devil?!

26101:24:50,553 --> 01:24:54,012Either you give me back the money -

26201:24:54,137 --> 01:24:59,178or I'll have no qualms about handing youand your fine friend over to the police!

26301:25:25,470 --> 01:25:32,553I'll give you three days to clear the matterup completely; not an hour longer.

26401:25:32,678 --> 01:25:39,595If you haven't done it by then,I'm turning you over to the police!

26501:26:49,762 --> 01:26:53,137End of the Fourth Act.

26601:26:53,262 --> 01:26:55,887Fifth Act.

26701:27:18,678 --> 01:27:24,928She's given everything away...she's been to see Mother...

26801:28:21,970 --> 01:28:28,928When she thinks her money's in danger,the old beast knows no pity!

26901:28:29,053 --> 01:28:32,345She'll break your neck without mercy!

27001:29:00,345 --> 01:29:05,053You'll just have to pull the woolover her eyes a second time, -

27101:29:05,178 --> 01:29:08,637and if you have to - with force!

27201:29:13,637 --> 01:29:20,262I'd rather stand in the square andadmit my mistakes in front of everyone

27301:29:20,387 --> 01:29:23,803and do penance!

27401:29:25,887 --> 01:29:32,387Do you think that will getthe money back?

27501:29:41,720 --> 01:29:50,220I'll pay the money back!I'll pay back every last penny!

27601:29:53,012 --> 01:29:58,720From what? From your incomeas a discharged clerk -

27701:29:58,845 --> 01:30:03,387or from the royalties from your poetry?

27801:32:00,262 --> 01:32:06,678I can't break free from her! -I can 't break free from her!

27901:32:27,637 --> 01:32:31,762Don't you seeI'm on the brink of madness - ?

28001:32:31,887 --> 01:32:35,387Then help me!Why aren't you helping me - ?

28101:32:42,178 --> 01:32:50,595If I could help you... if I could save you...then I wouldn't love you anymore...

28201:32:58,553 --> 01:33:01,387The topsy-turvy day...

28301:35:23,303 --> 01:35:26,012The grey day...

28401:35:35,553 --> 01:35:41,845Mother is very ill...I have to run to the drugstore quick!

28501:36:10,303 --> 01:36:15,928Mother... Mother!I've come to you.. Help me!

28601:36:23,970 --> 01:36:28,512There outside... it's my son!

28701:36:55,095 --> 01:36:58,345Your mother is very ill, Lorenz...

28801:36:58,470 --> 01:37:05,553We have to keep her awayfrom any excitement!

28901:37:26,053 --> 01:37:32,553I'm giving you three days' time...not an hour longer!!

29001:37:55,053 --> 01:38:00,803Marie... I have to ask you something...

29101:38:05,595 --> 01:38:09,512Marie... what would you say...

29201:38:09,637 --> 01:38:15,637if someone told you...that I've turned into a scoundrel...?

29301:38:18,595 --> 01:38:22,470I would laugh at him, Lorenz!

29401:38:28,595 --> 01:38:33,387But if he were right, Marie?

29501:39:31,178 --> 01:39:33,887The final attempt...

29601:39:48,970 --> 01:39:53,470I have to talk with you, Aunt...

29701:40:10,303 --> 01:40:16,512Aunt... I beg you... have mercy...

29801:40:16,637 --> 01:40:22,845I can't give you back the money now...And I can't tell you where it went!

29901:40:25,678 --> 01:40:32,887Then the police will have to concernthemselves with this matter.

30001:40:54,637 --> 01:40:58,137You can ask the gentlemanwho discovered your talent

30101:40:58,262 --> 01:41:00,345to post bail for you...

30201:41:00,470 --> 01:41:04,803or you can sign your future royaltiesover to me...

30301:41:13,053 --> 01:41:16,887But none of that's at all true!It's all lies!

30401:41:17,012 --> 01:41:23,470Nobody would even give me 50 marksfor my ten measly poems!

30501:41:30,345 --> 01:41:33,012Yes!! I lied to you!

30601:41:33,137 --> 01:41:37,470But I don't want to lie anymore -no more!

30701:41:43,178 --> 01:41:48,137You would have been better offif you kept lying, you fool!

30801:41:48,262 --> 01:41:53,387Then maybe I would have deferredyour debt!

30901:41:53,512 --> 01:41:57,428But now - To what end - !?

31001:42:06,553 --> 01:42:11,553I can well imagine what kind of slutyou threw my good money at,

31101:42:11,678 --> 01:42:20,720but I'll have the police as much on thatwoman's throat as they are on yours!

31201:42:34,803 --> 01:42:37,387Where is Lorenz?

31301:42:39,053 --> 01:42:45,470I don't know, Mother... he'll be back soon!

31401:42:55,178 --> 01:42:58,595Now you have no other choice!

31501:42:58,720 --> 01:43:02,178When the whole affair comes to light,

31601:43:02,303 --> 01:43:07,387you'll go to jailand it'll be the death of your mother - !

31701:43:13,887 --> 01:43:18,720Agreed, then... tomorrow night...

31801:43:27,595 --> 01:43:30,637End of the Fifth Act.

31901:43:30,762 --> 01:43:33,470Sixth Act.

32001:43:33,595 --> 01:43:36,303The black day...

32101:43:57,845 --> 01:44:00,553Do you have the money?!

32201:44:10,137 --> 01:44:14,678I don't want to hear anythingabout business right now;

32301:44:14,803 --> 01:44:18,470right now I want to have a nice dinnerwith you.

32401:45:30,220 --> 01:45:34,887Cheers, old lady, live it up!

32501:46:05,803 --> 01:46:10,637Who's making so much noisegoing back and forth?

32601:46:39,303 --> 01:46:47,720Won't you go to sleep, Lorenz,it's 2 o'clock!

32701:48:42,637 --> 01:48:51,887We're lost...Both of us are lost... gone to ruin!

32801:49:23,678 --> 01:49:32,220Can you tell me where this addressee lives?The house number isn't clear.

32901:51:32,470 --> 01:51:39,178Damn it! The old lady's night bell!

33001:52:30,637 --> 01:52:35,303Don't! - Don't! -Don't! -

33101:53:23,595 --> 01:53:32,095You don't need to handcuff me...I'll go with you willingly.

33201:55:04,345 --> 01:55:10,137Don't ask any questions;be good to mother! Farewell!

33301:55:44,637 --> 01:55:47,303Atonement...

33401:56:10,720 --> 01:56:13,553...and redemption.

33501:57:12,595 --> 01:57:21,095We've been waiting, Lorenz,to bring you home!

33601:57:50,845 --> 01:57:55,428Look, Lorenz - your new homestead!

33701:58:08,012 --> 01:58:11,428But I have the consolation

33801:58:11,553 --> 01:58:16,470that my good mother diedin the firm belief that I was a sick man.

33901:58:27,637 --> 01:58:33,720A letter from your sister, Lorenz!

34001:59:06,845 --> 01:59:11,637Life toyed with melike life toys with a rudderless boat.

34101:59:11,762 --> 01:59:15,720Now I've reached dry land, far away.

34201:59:15,845 --> 01:59:19,762Think of me with love,as I think of you.

34301:59:26,720 --> 01:59:33,303Did Father's book fulfill its duty?

34401:59:35,720 --> 01:59:38,553Yes, Marie! -