University of King's College explained

University of King's College
Image Upright:0.9
Mottoeng:For God, Law, King, People
Endowment:$51.4 million
Chancellor:Debra Deane Little[1]
President:William Lahey[2]
Vice-President:Sarah Clift[3]
Coordinates:44.6375°N -63.5953°W
Campus:Urban, 52NaN2
Colours:Blue and White
Affiliations:Dalhousie University, AUCC, CUP.

The University of King's College is a public liberal arts university in Halifax, Nova Scotia.[5] Established in 1789, it is the oldest chartered university in Canada, and the oldest English-speaking university in the Commonwealth outside of the United Kingdom.[6] The university is regarded for its Foundation Year Program (FYP), an undergraduate curriculum designed to comprehensively study a variety of intellectual developments—past and present—through great books and ideas.[7] It is also known for its upper-year interdisciplinary programs, particularly in contemporary studies, early modern studies, and the history of science and technology. In addition, the university has a journalism school that attracts students from across the world for its intensive graduate programs in journalism, writing, and publishing.[8] [9]

The university was founded by royal charter in Windsor, Nova Scotia as the King's Collegiate School in 1788, but the school moved to its current location in Halifax after a fire destroyed a large portion of the original university in 1920.[6] [10] The relocation was made possible with the help of Dalhousie University, which has since maintained a joint Faculty of Arts and Sciences with King's. As a result, this has provided students at King's with full access to Dalhousie’s facilities and services. Furthermore, students from King’s and Dalhousie can enroll in courses offered at either institution as both campuses are located adjacent to each other. Despite this academic partnership, the University of King's College remains independent under its own charter.[11]


Late 18th century and 19th century

As part of Evacuation Day, Bishop Charles Inglis, the rector of Trinity Church, led the flight of Loyalists to Windsor, Nova Scotia. In 1788, the resettled Anglican loyalists founded the King's Collegiate School in Windsor and named it for King George III of Great Britain. In the following year, the University of King's College emerged from the collegiate while an act was passed for "the permanent establishment and effectual support of a college at Windsor," and £400 per annum was granted towards its maintenance.[12] The college opened in 1790,[13] and received a royal charter from King George III in 1802, becoming Canada's first English-speaking, degree-granting university. Even though the University of New Brunswick traces its history to another King's College, this one at Fredericton, established in 1785, it did not initially receive degree-granting powers through a Royal Charter until 1827. Similarly, McGill University traces its origins to 1801 but did not receive a Royal Charter until 1821.[14]

Windsor was chosen as the location of the college, as it was described at the time as "a cherished semi-rural retreat for generations of Nova Scotians."[15] Prior to European settlement, the Mi'kmaq occupied the land, called Pesaquid, for more than 10,000 years. In the 16th century, the land was taken from the Mi'kmaq by French colonists, who then named the area Pisiguit as part of the colony of Acadia. British colonists later took over the land from the French, as part of a larger conflict in the Seven Years' War. The founders of King's College, representing the political and financial elite of these British colonists, had only been in the area since the 1750s, with the construction of Fort Edward and the expulsion of the Acadians, beginning in 1755.

A significant reason for the establishment of King's College was to discourage white, Anglican colonial males from studying in the United States, so as to guard against the influence of American Republicanism and maintain loyalty to the British Crown.

The founding of a College or Seminary of learning on a liberal plan in that province [Nova Scotia] where youth may receive a virtuous education and can be qualified for the learned professions, is, we humbly conceive, a member of great consequence, as it would diffuse religious literature, loyalty, and good morals among His Majesty's subjects there.

If such a seminary is not established the inhabitants will have no means of educating their sons at home, but will be under the but will necessity of sending them for that purpose either to Great Britain…or else some of the states of this continent, where they will soon imbibe principles that are unfavourable to the British Constitution.

On this, the Archbishop of Nova Scotia and a founder of the college, Charles Inglis, was quite clear: of the principle motives for pushing [the college] forward was to prevent the importation of American Divines and American politics into the province. Unless we have a seminary here, the youth of Nova Scotia will be sent for their education to the Revolted Colonies—the inevitable consequences would be a corruption of their religious and political principle.
Maintaining British English as the dominant language in the colony was another significant reason for the college, as was made clear by the college's founders:
A very principal object of the new institution would be accomplished by assimilating the manner of the rising generation to those of the parent state . . . to teach the genuine use, practice and pronunciation of the English language, which in distant colonies is apt to degenerate, and that the purity of the language, undebased by local or national accents and solecisms, is undeniably to be found in the Kingdom of England.
These ideas continued during the development and appointments of the college's board, principals, and faculty. Influence in the development of the college came from the highest levels, both in Nova Scotia, including the first Bishop of Nova Scotia, and in England, through the Archbishop of Canterbury, and King George III. The first Board of Governors include the colony's Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Chief Justice, the Secretary of the colony, the Speaker of the House of Assembly, the Attorney General, and the Solicitor General.

The university was modelled on older English universities which were generally residential, tutorial, and closely tied to the Church of England.[16] Only white, British males could attend the college, and with its Anglican affiliation, these students, during the 19th century, were required to adhere to the 39 Articles of the Anglican Church. As a result, significant groups were barred from attending, including the Mi'kmaq, Francophones, Roman Catholics, other Protestant sects, and enslaved peoples, including those owned by the founders[17] of the town of Windsor.

Other facts

Upon discovering the chalice and paten of St. Peter's Anglican Church (West LaHave, Nova Scotia) were being sold in Halifax, Senator William Johnston Almon purchased them and donated them to the King's College Chapel (1891). The chalice is reported to be the oldest Anglican chalice in Canada, dated to c. 1663.[18]

The Town of Windsor assert that students at King's College invented ice hockey c. 1800 on Long Pond adjacent to the campus. (A similar game developed, perhaps independently, in Kingston, Ontario several years later which has led to occasional confusion about the sport's origins.)

The noted Canadian poet Sir Charles G. D. Roberts taught at King's College from 1885 to 1895.[19]

Early and mid-20th century

On February 5, 1920, a fire consumed many of the university’s buildings. Although the cause of the blaze is still unknown, legend states it was caused by students playing with matches in a dormitory. Due to frozen fire hydrants at the time of the event, the blaze could not be put out and a majority of the 28-hectare campus burned to the ground.[20]

In 1922, the Carnegie Foundation offered a conditional grant to rebuild King's College. Among the provisions were that King's College was to be rebuilt in Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia, and that it was to enter into an association with Dalhousie University.[21] The partnership required King's to pay the salaries of select Dalhousie professors, who, in return, would help manage King's College.[21] In addition, students at King's would be permitted to study at Dalhousie, while Dalhousie students would be permitted to study at King's with the exception of divinity; the granting of all other degrees outlined in the 1802 charter was to be temporarily halted.[21] The conditions were in hope that one day all of Nova Scotia's universities would merge into a single body, much like the University of Toronto. As consolidation was a way to strengthen a small and financially insecure institution, King's College accepted the funding and relocated to the northwest corner of Dalhousie's Studley Campus, at the intersection of Oxford Street and Coburg Road. Alongside the move, the institution renamed itself “University of King's College”. Other universities in Halifax similarly did not follow through with the Carnegie Foundation's merger plan.

In the formative years of King's College, many more types of degrees were offered than the institution offers today; for example, the University of New Brunswick Faculty of Law traces its history to the "King's College Law School" that was established in 1892 by King's College (in Windsor). While the University of King's College has never lost nor relinquished interest in these granting powers, they are held in abeyance due to agreements with the University of King's College's partner, Dalhousie University, as part of the agreement to allow the portion of Dalhousie's campus to be used by the University of King's College. In addition, professional education in the 19th century expanded beyond the traditional fields of theology, law, and medicine — thus, graduate training based on the German model of specialized course work and the completion of a research thesis was introduced at the school.

In 1923, the former site of King's College in Windsor was designated a National Historic Site.

When World War II broke out, King's was requisitioned by the military for the training of naval officers between 1941 and 1945.[21] King's functioned as a "stone frigate", providing a facility for navigation training before officers were sent to their ships. This role is highlighted in the 1943 Hollywood feature film, Corvette K-225, a part of which was filmed on the University campus. The academic life of the College carried on during those years elsewhere in Halifax, aided by Dalhousie University and the United Church's Pine Hill Divinity Hall. In reflection of this naval past, the student bar on campus is known as the HMCS King's Wardroom, often referred to as "The Wardroom" or "The Wardy".

During the war, the Germans would occasionally broadcast names of Allied ships they had sunk. As ships had to keep radio silence, these reports could not be verified, and it was suspected that many were false. Allies circulated lists of non-active ships in the hopes of feeding the Germans misinformation; when the Germans broadcast that they had sunk HMCS King's, their ruse was exposed.

After the war, the campus was returned to the University. The policy of university education initiated in the 1960s responded to population pressure and the belief that higher education was a key to social justice and economic productivity for individuals and for society.[5]

Late 20th century and 21st century

Until the spring of 1971, the university granted graduate theological degrees as well as undergraduate degrees. In the same year, the Faculty of Divinity was moved to Pine Hill, where it was formally amalgamated into the Atlantic School of Theology, an ecumenical venture with the United Church of Canada and the Roman Catholic Church. While this new institution now grants its own degrees, King's holds in abeyance its rights to grant divinity credentials and still continues to grant annual honorary degrees.

In 1972, King's faculty and alumni created the Foundation Year Program, a first-year great books course that would count for four of a student's five first-year credits. The program consisted of six sections from The Ancient World to The Contemporary World, in which students would read the work of major philosophers, poets, historians and scientists, receive lectures from a range of experts in all these areas, write critical papers and engage in small-group discussion and tutorials. The program initially had 30 students; it now draws almost 300 a year, most of whom live in residence on campus. Many of those who taught in the program in its early days were colleagues and students of the philosopher James Doull, who exercised a considerable degree of influence on the program in its formative stages. In 1989, Doull was awarded an honorary doctorate by the university.

In 1977, King's introduced two Bachelor of Journalism programs: a four-year honours degree and a one-year compressed degree for students who already hold a bachelor's degree.

In 1989, a campus library building was erected to commemorate the bicentennial of the university.[22] It replaced a smaller library in the Arts and Administration building. The library has won numerous architectural awards. In 2000, the same architect designed the school's New Academic Building. In 2001, additional residence rooms were added in the basement of Alexandra Hall to accommodate some of the new students. Residence can currently accommodate 274 students, and nearly all on-campus living spaces are reserved for FYP students, though some spaces are reserved for upper-year students. All buildings on the present campus are celebrated reconstructions and derivations of the buildings of the original 1789 campus in Windsor, Nova Scotia. A system of tunnels connects the residences to the other buildings of the campus, a feature particularly common to North American universities.

The King's Library houses an impressive collection not only of rare Anglican church documents, but also a vast collection of original artwork, Renaissance and medieval books, and extensive archival material of relevance both to the history of Nova Scotia and the university. It also has some ancient artifacts, along with the Weldon Collection of fine imported china. Many of the rare books stem from the original, private collection of university founder, Charles Inglis. Recently, the blueprints for the buildings of the current campus were consulted in the library to restore the famed cupola crowning the A&A Building to its original 1920s condition.

In 1993, King's created the Contemporary Studies program. In 1999, King's launched the Early Modern Studies program. In 2000, King's commenced the History of Science and Technology program.[6] Each of these programs can constitute one component of a jointly conferred combined honours degree with Dalhousie. The Upper Year Program, like the Foundation Year Program, place a strong emphasis on historical contextualized, interdisciplinary study as opposed to traditional university departmentalization.

Today, there are over 1,000 students at King's, which represents significant growth over enrolment in the 1960s and 1970s. Its first-year class is made up mainly of Foundation Year Program students. In 2001, the FYP class was 274 students, with slightly over a hundred of these students coming from Ontario. The growing number of students from out of province reflects King's growing academic reputation and its transformation from a small, local college to a nationally acclaimed university. However, King's maintains strong ties to its host city and province and the number of Nova Scotians attending King's rose 23 per cent between 1994 and 2004.

The largest ever FYP class was in 2004 with 309 students. However, the administration has resolved to cap future classes at just under 300. With improved retention rates, the school's population looks to stabilize at around 1,200 in future years. The number of students leaving after first year has dropped significantly since the introduction of the upper year inter-disciplinary programs.

King's' transformation from a small college catering mainly to local Anglican students into a more intellectually cosmopolitan university with a strong national profile has been a resounding success. In terms of teaching quality, King's has been placed in the same academic league as top Canadian research universities like McGill and Toronto. One recent academic commentator summed up King's growing renown for its quality of teaching and eccentric student culture by remarking "If there is a Harvard of the North, it’s more likely King’s than McGill — although a better analogy would be a cross between Harry Potter’s Hogwarts and Camp Wanapitei in Temagami." The new programs, combined with a rigorous set of academic expectations and a cooperative academic culture, have proven a hit with high achieving high school students. Conservative estimates put the entrance average of first year King's students at 87%, or a strong A in Canadian high school marks.[23]

In October 2003, Dr. William Barker was installed as president and vice-chancellor, replacing Dr. Colin Starnes. Dr. Barker and the rest of the university administration have declared that King's has grown as much as it can and should. They describe the coming years as "a time of consolidation", with a focus on retention and development of new programs.

The university's growth has changed some King's traditions. Formal meals, with Latin grace and academic gowns, formerly held at regular intervals, were suspended from 2001 until 2003. Only with the arrival of Dr. Barker were they reinstated. They now take place on the first Wednesday of every month.

In July 2006, the King's Student Union founded the King's Co-op Bookstore; it stocks every title on the FYP Reading List, as well as all necessary books for King's other courses and a number of Dalhousie courses and general interest fiction and non-fiction. The bookstore is a student-owned co-operative which functions separately from both the student union and the university.

King's College administration has not avoided controversy. After the Sodexo cleaning staff unionized in 2004, the housekeeping contract was awarded to a different company during the summer. The King's Student Union had been involved in encouraging the workers to unionize in order to improve their working conditions, and there were strenuous objections to the awarding of the new contract.

The University of King’s College's arms were registered with the Canadian Heraldic Authority on August 15, 2007.[24]


Since 1972, King's has been offering its Foundation Year Program (FYP) for undergraduate students, an intensive survey course of history, philosophy, and literature in the Western tradition. The core texts[25] program has been described by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada as having "a national reputation for excellence as an alternative first-year of undergraduate studies",[26] and is regarded as a prototype for similar liberal arts programs elsewhere. The Canadian news magazine Maclean's likewise reflected this view in a discussion of small, specialized undergraduate programs in Canada, expressing "it's unlikely that any of the other programs would exist if not for the Foundation Year at King's".[27] In 2008 and 2009, the FYP program was ranked first in Canada by the National Survey of Student Engagement.

King's students take the FYP in their first year, then choose a specific degree program to pursue in their final three years. Furthermore, the college offers First-Year Interest Groups (FIGs), which are small study groups meant to supplement student learning in the FYP as well as the individual’s academic interests; these are open to students from any program and generally consist of tutorials, study sessions, and social events. Because of King’s affiliation with Dalhousie, it is common for students at King's to take some classes for their major and/or minor through Dalhousie University. With the exception of the journalism program, King's students graduate with joint degrees from both institutions. King's students are also eligible to complete these degrees in any subject from Dalhousie's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences or Faculty of Science.

The specialized Contemporary Studies Program (CSP), the Early Modern Studies Program (EMSP), and the History of Science and Technology Program (HOST) are offered jointly with Dalhousie University as combined honours degrees requiring a second honours discipline. If the students decide to do a King's subject as their primary honours subject, they are required to write an honours thesis, varying in length from program to program. A Bachelor of Journalism program is offered as either a four-year honours degree or an intensive one-year program to students already holding a bachelor's degree. King's College and Dalhousie University also jointly offer a 10-month Master of Journalism program[28] and a two-year limited residency Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Nonfiction program.[29]

Student life


Once every two months, formal meals are held. Students wearing traditional academic gowns are led into the meal hall by a bagpiper. Once they have found their seat, a Latin grace is said. Afterwards, the catered meal begins. These meals were formerly held at regular intervals, but were suspended from 2001 until 2003. They were reinstated during the presidency of William Barker at his behest.

The UKing's Literary Society (formerly the Haliburton Society), a student-run literary society, has hosted discussions concerning poetry and prose since 1884. The society remains the longest-standing university literary society throughout the Commonwealth of Nations and North America.[30] The society took its original name from the Canadian politician Thomas Chandler Haliburton. It adopted its current name in 2020, as a result of a long-standing controversy over Haliburton's pro-slavery views.[31]


The residences are built in the Georgian style typical of the original campus. Each "bay", as the original residences were termed in Windsor, is modelled on the system of 'staircases' at England's Oxford University. Each has also been named with a seemingly ironic moniker: North Pole Bay sits atop the university's boiler rooms, and is arguably the warmest location on campus; Chapel Bay is named after the campus chapel, but is located the furthest distance from it; Radical Bay originally housed the refined, quiet divinity students; Middle Bay, which was named for its location as it is between Chapel and Radical, is named ironically as being the only non-ironic name; in addition, there is Cochran Bay, named after the first president of the College, William Cochran, and is the closest to the campus chapel.

Often residence-wide parties, known as 'bay parties,' occurred, but were cancelled for in 2003. However, there was a brief a revival during the 2005-2006 school year, with both Radical Bay and Cochran Bay hosting several highly successful events. In place of this tradition, each Bay now organizes a themed-event on campus during different times of the school year.

Another consequence of increased enrolment has been a more unbalanced composition of the residences. Traditionally, students from all years of study have lived in residence, but increasingly, very few upper year students continue to live on campus, thus making way for more first years. In 2006, Alexandra Hall, traditionally the all-women's residence, was made co-ed for the first time with rooms in the basement alternating between male and female occupants as well as one wing of the first floor becoming all-male. In addition, two of the five bays were re-converted to co-ed living spaces in 2006.


The current Arts tuition for a full, 15-credit hour semester at the University of King's College is $3,541.20 CAD. This cost is subject to change from semester to semester. A single, 3-credit hour course in Winter 2023 was reimbursed to students at the cost of $819.75 CAD.

There are separate fees for student services, residence, and meal plans. Some of these are not required to be paid by all students. The following table are the Fall 2023/2024 costs for a domestic student taken from the Dalhousie Online portal 'Student Records - Account Detail by Term."

Tuition - Arts$3,867.75
Health Service Fee$40.08
King's 7 Full Day Meal Plan$2,259.00
Single Room-Bays 4th Floor$3,980.00
Medical Campus Response Team$2.50
King's Administration Fee$17.46
King's College Fee$38.25
King's Athletic Fee Term 10$135.37
King's Facility Renewal Fee$145.87
Fitness Facility Renewal Fee$90.00
KSU Health & Dental Insurance$351.60
King's Student Union Fee FT$166.70
King's Bus Pass Fee$170.22
Society - Arts$8.00
International students pay higher prices, with one student paying a sum total of $35,348.14 for the Fall 2022/Winter 2023 Semester while living in the North Pole Bay residence.

Annual events

Alex Fountain Memorial Lecture

Since 2011, an annual memorial lecture is given by an individual chosen each year by the student body. After a nomination process at the beginning of the winter semester, a long list of twenty is narrowed to a short list of ten by student election. The short list is then prioritized by a student committee, which includes the program directors and president.[32] The lecture is free, open to the public, and concludes in a question and answer period.[33] Previous lecturers and lectures include Michaëlle Jean on 'Building Social Change Locally and Globally',[34] Charles Taylor on 'Is Democracy in Danger?', Michael Ondaatje on 'Mongrel art: A discussion of literature and its neighbours', Jan Zwicky on 'What Meaning Is and Why It Matters', and Tanya Tagaq on 'Climate, culture, and collaboration', as well as Canadian author Joseph Boyden.

The event is held in memorial after Alex Fountain, a student who died by suicide on 22 August 2009 at the age of 20. His family donated $1 million to the mental health program at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, as well as additional contributions to other mental health programs at Dalhousie University, the IWK Health Centre and Capital Health.[35] In addition, they founded the lecture series.


King's is a member of the Atlantic Colleges Athletic Association (ACAA). The Varsity athletics teams at the University of King's College are named the Blue Devils.[36] Sporting teams include men's and women's basketball, soccer, badminton and rugby, and women's volleyball.[37]


List of presidents

Notable current and former faculty

Notable alumni

See also

Further reading

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Debra Deane Little, Chancellor.
  2. Web site: William Lahey, President & Vice-Chancellor.
  3. Web site: Sarah Clift University of King's College . University of Kings College Halifax, Nova Scotia . en . 29 August 2016.
  4. Web site: Full-time plus Part-time Enrollment. 2016-10-01. Association of Atlantic Universities. 2017-01-20.
  5. Roper, Henry. "Aspects of the History of a Loyalist College: King's College, Windsor, and Nova Scotian Higher Education in the Nineteenth Century." Anglican and Episcopal History 61 (1991).
  6. Encyclopedia: University of King's College. Cheryl Bell. The Canadian Encyclopedia.
  7. Web site: University of King's College. University Study.
  8. Web site: Where wannabe journalists are flocking. Alex Ballingall.
  9. Web site: Mastering the art of authoring a book. Heather Feagan.
  10. Book: King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia . Henry Yule Hind . 1890.
  11. Web site: Purple Book . University of King's College . March 23, 2019 . 17–26 . 2014.
  12. Web site: The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History . Lawrence Johnstone . Burpee. Arthur G. . Doughty.
  13. Book: The Intellectual Development of the Canadian People, A historical review . Project Gutenberg . EBook #6466 . John George Bourinot . House of Commons, Ottawa . February 17, 1881.
  14. Roper . Henry . Aspects of the History of a Loyalist College: King's College, Windsor and Nova Scotian Higher Education in the 19th Century . Anglican and Episcopal History . December 1991 . 60 . 4 . 443–459 . 42610538 . 29 September 2022 . See note 2, p.443.
  15. Book: Vroom, F. W. . King's College: A chronicle—1789–1939: Collections and recollections, "Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost." . Imperial Publishing Company . 1941 . Halifax, NS . 37.
  16. Web site: University . dead . . 2009-08-21 . The Canadian Encyclopedia.
  17. Book: Whitfield, Harvey Amani . North to Bondage . 2016 . UBC Press . 9780774832298 . Toronto . 40–41.
  18. F W Vroom. Old Communion Plate in Kings College" Acadiensis. Vol. 3 January 1903.
  19. John Coldwell Adams, "Sir Charles G.D. Roberts," Confederation Voices, Canadian Poetry, UWO, Web, March 2, 2011.
  20. King's College National Historic Site of Canada
  21. Web site: History. University of King's College. March 23, 2019.
  22. Web site: About the Library. dead. 2015-09-06.
  23. The Walrus Magazine » Education » Student Failure » Failure to Fail
  24. Web site: University of King's College. Register of Arms, Flags and Badges. The Governor General of Canada. March 24, 2019.
  25. Web site: . 2023-10-03 . en-US.
  26. The Directory of Canadian University – University of King's College
  27. Web site: Where everybody knows your name . dead . . May 27, 2012 . Maclean's.
  28. Web site: Master of journalism. dead. 2015-04-18.
  29. Web site: Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction.
  30. Web site: Groups & Societies. University of King's College. March 24, 2019.
  31. Web site: UKing's Literary Society: turning the page on Haliburton. The Watch Magazine. August 19, 2020.
  32. Web site: 'What Meaning Is and Why It Matters': 4th Annual Alex Fountain Memorial Lecture by Jan Zwicky - King's College, Halifax.
  33. Web site: Fountain Memorial Lecture.
  34. Web site: ISSUU - Tidings Winter 2011 by University of King's College. University of King's College. Issuu.
  35. Web site: Couple give $1 million in son's memory. The Chronicle Herald.
  36. Web site: University of King's College. NEXT Network. 2015-06-27. 2015-09-24. dead.
  37. Web site: Varsity Sports.
  38. Web site: William Lahey named King's next President and Vice-Chancellor. 2016-07-29.
  39. Web site: Eaton. Arthur Wentworth. Chapter XI. King's College. The Church of England in Nova Scotia and the Tory Clergy of the Revolution. Thomas Whittaker. 1 June 2011. New York. 1891.