Van Biesbroeck's star catalog explained

In 1961 the astronomer George Van Biesbroeck published a catalog of low luminosity stars discovered using the 82inches Otto Struve refractor telescope of the McDonald Observatory in Texas.

Survey and catalog

This survey is similar to earlier dim star surveys that were done by Max Wolf and Frank Elmore Ross but using later equipment and techniques that could detect even fainter stars. The stars in this catalog are all low luminosity stars that appear near known high proper motion stars in the telescope's field of view. The high proper motion indicates that the stars are close enough to Earth for a dim star to be seen with a large telescope. Presuming that these high proper motion stars might be binary stars with dim, previously undetected, companions, he took astrophotographs of the space around these stars looking for low luminosity stars that shared the high proper motions of the primary star. In general, the primary stars were too dim for a direct measurement of their distance by measuring their parallax at that time.[1]

The stars in this catalog are identified by the designation; VB.

The original list ended at 12 with most identified as gravitationally bound in a binary or multiple star system. He also identified an additional 17 known high proper motion stars he later found to have low luminosity stars in the field of view of the bright star. Many of these stars were found to be optical double stars, not gravitationally bound to another star, and not known to be part of a binary system.

Most of the stars in this catalog are type K and M, red dwarf, stars, some with exceptionally low mass and luminosity. Three of the stars are type DC, white dwarf, stars.

The star from this catalog that is known to be closest to Earth is VB 10, at about 19 light years distance.

Low-luminosity stars discovered
Number Magnitude Type Right Ascension Declination Primary Star Proper Motion Parallax Notes
VB 1 16.0 M6V 05 45 43.22 -22 20 03.5 -237 -580
VB 2 14.86 M 06 06 30.57 +04 30 32.7 Ross 413 155 -790
VB 3 16.59 DC 07 45 38.73 -33 47 50.0 GC 10473 -271 1668 65.79
VB 4 15 DC 11 34 29.74 -32 49 56.6 GC 15873 -591 731 104.5
VB 5 15.43 M4 11 46 32.70 -40 29 47.7 GC 16149 -1530 403
VB 6 16 11 58 26.54 -41 55 06.3 CD-41 6879 -643 -367
VB 7 15.23 M7V 14 00 26.62 +47 39 59.1 Ross 1027 -619 -301
VB 8 16.7 M6.5V 16 55 35.29 -08 23 40.1 Wolf 629 -771 -871 153.96
VB 9 13.02 M3.5 18 35 27.23 +45 45 40.3 LFT 1421 460 361 63
17.30 M8V 19 16 57.62 +05 09 02.2 -614 -1368 164.3 Primary is incorrectly listed
as Wolf 1085.
VB 11 16.68 DC 20 56 47.79 -04 50 39.8 Ross 193 787.22 -218.69 56.56
VB 12 16.96 sdM3 23 17 05.00 -13 51 04.1 GC 32412 -525 -1168
VB 13 15 M 00 55 49.48 -11 38 03.6 L 796-10 288 -114
VB 14 14.2 M1 01 52 50.90 -10 34 13.7 Ross 555 346 123
VB 15 15 5 25 33.79 -3 29 48.3 BD -3 3110 Primary coordinates do not agree.
VB 15 is not listed in SIMBAD
VB 16 13.77 M4 06 49 05.42 +37 06 53.4 LFT 487 201 -1586 72
VB 17 15 07 33 11.03 -42 49 31.3 LFT 533 92 -552
VB 18 17 10 57 14.97 +41 57 56.5 Fu 29 -274 -262 The primary is unidentified.
VB 19 18 11 16 05.66 +07 57 43.0 Wolf 373 167 -293
VB 20 10.91 11 17 11.716 +17 29 26.92 LFT 789 -304.84 -33.81 10.25
VB 21 14 12 03 22.74 +69 03 54.5 LFT 880 -265 44
VB 22 15.5 13 36 59.29 +07 51 54.5 Ross 491 372 -14
VB 23 15 14 50 38.26 +07 20 52.3 LFT 1146 -202 55
VB 24A 12.48 M3 15 40 03.53 +43 29 39.7 1171 -317 74.2
VB 24B 13.80 M3.5 15 40 03.74 +43 29 35.5 1171 -317 74.2
VB 25 14 16 45 47.58 +33 26 34.8 BD 33 2777 -146 -366
VB 26 14.05 K 16 55 13.76 -08 07 58.7 BD -8 4352 -243 -664
VB 27 15 M 18 23 17.66 +72 41 55.6 -98 484
VB 28 15 18 41 58.73 +31 40 17.0 Ross 145 -116 -216
VB 29 13 M 21 27 47.51 +55 05 33.7 Ross 198 492 193
The original 1961 catalog has been updated for this table using the latest coordinates from SIMBAD as many of these objects have moved a considerable distance away from their 1961 positions. The original object designations for the primary stars are used but modified to be consistent with SIMBAD standards where necessary. One primary star was incorrectly identified and two primary stars could not be positively identified from the original catalog.


This catalog of stars is significant not only for the intrinsic features of the stars themselves but also for the stars proximity to Earth. These low mass, low luminosity stars close by are uniquely situated for exo-planetary searches using astrometry or optical methods. The low mass of the star enables observers on Earth to see a large motion of the star for a given planetary mass. The low luminosity of the stars makes a direct optical or infrared telescopic survey for orbiting objects, such as planets, near the star possible.

A notable member of this group is VB 10, discovered in 1944. This star was the least massive and dimmest star known at the time of its discovery.[2] Based on a discovery claim made in 2009, VB 10 would have become the first star to have an extrasolar planet detected using astrometry,[3] however this claim was later refuted.[4]

See also

Notes and References

  1. 10.1086/108457 . A search for Stars of Low Luminosity . van Biesbroeck, G. . The Astronomical Journal. 66 . 7 . 528–530 . November 1961 . 1961AJ.....66..528V.
  2. The star of lowest known luminosity. van Biesbroeck, G. . The Astronomical Journal. 51 . 61–62 . August 1944. 10.1086/105801. 1944AJ.....51...61V.
  3. An Ultracool Star's Candidate Planet . 10.1088/0004-637X/700/1/623 . June 2009 . . Steven H. . Pravdo . Stuart B. . Shaklan . 2009-05-30 . 0906.0544 . 2009ApJ...700..623P . 700 . 1 . 623–632 . 119239022 . dead . . 2009-06-04.
  4. The Proposed Giant Planet Orbiting VB 10 Does Not Exist. 4. Bean, Jacob L.. Seifahrt, Andreas. Hartman, Henrik. Nilsson, Hampus. Reiners, Ansgar. Dreizler, Stefan. Henry, Todd J.. Wiedemann, Günter. 2010. The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 711. 1. L19–L23. 10.1088/2041-8205/711/1/L19. 2010ApJ...711L..19B. 0912.0003 .