History of the metre explained

The history of the metre starts with the Scientific Revolution that is considered to have begun with Nicolaus Copernicus's publication of Latin: [[De revolutionibus orbium coelestium]] in 1543. Increasingly accurate measurements were required, and scientists looked for measures that were universal and could be based on natural phenomena rather than royal decree or physical prototypes. Rather than the various complex systems of subdivision then in use, they also preferred a decimal system to ease their calculations.

With the French Revolution (1789) came a desire to replace many features of the Ancien Régime, including the traditional units of measure. As a base unit of length, many scientists had favoured the seconds pendulum (a pendulum with a half-period of one second) one century earlier, but this was rejected as it had been discovered that this length varied from place to place with local gravity. A new unit of length, the metre was introduced – defined as one ten-millionth of the shortest distance from the North Pole to the equator passing through Paris, assuming an Earth flattening of .

The historical French official standard of the metre was made available in the form of the French: [[Mètre des Archives]], a platinum bar held in Paris. During the mid nineteenth century, following the American Revolution and independence of Latin America, the metre gained adoption in Americas, particularly in scientific usage, and it was officially established as an international measurement unit by the Metre Convention of 1875 at the beginning of the Second Industrial Revolution.

The French: [[Mètre des Archives]] and its copies such as the Committee Meter were replaced from 1889 at the initiative of the International Geodetic Association by thirty platinum-iridium bars kept across the globe.[1] A better standardization of the new prototypes of the metre and their comparison with each other and with the historical standard involved the development of specialized measuring equipment and the definition of a reproducible temperature scale.[2]

Progress in science finally allowed the definition of the metre to be dematerialized; thus in 1960 a new definition based on a specific number of wavelengths of light from a specific transition in krypton-86 allowed the standard to be universally available by measurement. In 1983 this was updated to a length defined in terms of the speed of light; this definition was reworded in 2019:

The metre, symbol m, is the SI unit of length. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the speed of light in vacuum to be when expressed in the unit m⋅s, where the second is defined in terms of the caesium frequency .

Where older traditional length measures are still used, they are now defined in terms of the metre – for example the yard has since 1959 officially been defined as exactly 0.9144 metre.[3]

Universal measure

The Nippur cubit was one of the oldest known units of length. As the name suggests, before the invention of the metre during the French Revolution, many units of length were based on parts of the human body. The oldest known metal length standard corresponds to this Sumerian unit and dates from 2650 BCE. This copper bar was discovered in Nippur, on the banks of the Euphrates, and is kept in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum. Archaeologists consider that this 51.85 cm long unit was the origin of the Roman foot. Indeed, the Egyptians divided the Sumerian cubit into 28 fingers and 16 of these fingers gave a Roman foot of 29.633 cm.[4] [5] [6]

The Roman foot was divided into 4 palms, 12 inches or 16 fingers. A Roman cubit was equivalent to 1.5 feet, a pace to 5 feet. A Roman mile contained 1000 paces or 5000 feet. A Roman league comprised 7500 Roman feet. The Romans imposed Roman units of measurement throughout their empire. During the Middle Ages, new feet of different lengths appeared in Europe. They all derived more or less directly from the Roman foot. These feet were divided into 12 inches, themselves divided into 12 lines of 6 points each. Multiples of these feet became the length standards in various European cities. For example, the Paris toise included six Paris feet, while the English yard measured three London feet.[7] [8] [9] [10] Scientific revolution began with Copernicus work. Galileo discovered gravitational acceleration explaining the fall of bodies at the surface of the Earth. He also observed the regularity of the period of swing of the pendulum and that this period depended on the length of the pendulum. In 1645 Giovanni Battista Riccioli was the first to determine the length of a "seconds pendulum" (a pendulum with a half-period of one second).[11]

Kepler's laws of planetary motion served both to the discovery of Newton's law of universal gravitation and to the determination of the distance from Earth to the Sun by Giovanni Domenico Cassini.[12] They both also used a determination of the size of the Earth, then considered as a sphere, by Jean Picard through triangulation of Paris meridian. In 1671, Jean Picard also measured the length of a seconds pendulum at Paris Observatory and proposed this unit of measurement to be called the astronomical radius (French: Rayon Astronomique). He found the value of 440.5 lignes of the Toise of Châtelet (a French: [[toise]] [English: [[fathom]]] is defined as 6 French: [[Pied (unit)|pieds]] or 72 French: [[Units of measurement in France before the French Revolution|pouces]] or 864 French: [[ligne]]s [13]), which had been recently renewed. He proposed a universal toise (French: French: toise universelle) which was twice the length of the seconds pendulum. In 1675, Tito Livio Burattini suggested the term meaning universal measure for this unit of length, but then it was discovered that the length of a seconds pendulum varies from place to place: French astronomer Jean Richer had measured the 0.3% difference in length between Cayenne (in French Guiana) and Paris.[14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]

Jean Richer and Giovanni Domenico Cassini measured the parallax of Mars between Paris and Cayenne in French Guiana when Mars was at its closest to Earth in 1672. They arrived at a figure for the solar parallax of 9.5 arcseconds, equivalent to an Earth–Sun distance of about 22,000 Earth radii.[21] They were also the first astronomers to have access to an accurate and reliable value for the radius of Earth, which had been measured by their colleague Jean Picard in 1669 as 3,269,000 French: toises. Isaac Newton used this measurement for establishing his law of universal gravitation.[22] Picard's geodetic observations had been confined to the determination of the magnitude of the earth considered as a sphere, but the discovery made by Jean Richer turned the attention of mathematicians to its deviation from a spherical form.[23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] Christiaan Huygens found out the centrifugal force which explained variations of gravitational acceleration depending on latitude. He also discovered that the seconds pendulum length was a means to measure gravitational acceleration. In the 18th century, in addition to its significance for cartography, geodesy grew in importance as a means of empirically demonstrating the theory of gravity, which Émilie du Châtelet promoted in France in combination with Leibniz's mathematical work and because the radius of the Earth was the unit to which all celestial distances were to be referred. Indeed, Earth proved to be an oblate spheroid through geodetic surveys in Ecuador and Lapland and this new data called into question the value of Earth radius as Picard had calculated it.[29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] According to Alexis Clairaut, the study of variations in gravitational acceleration was a way to determine the figure of the Earth, whose crucial parameter was the flattening of the Earth ellipsoid. In his famous work French: Théorie de la figure de la terre, tirée des principes de l'hydrostatique ('Theory of the Figure of the Earth, drawn from the Principles of Hydrostatics') published in 1743, Alexis Claude Clairaut synthesized the relationships existing between gravity and the shape of the Earth. Clairaut exposed there his theorem which established a relationship between gravity measured at different latitudes and the flattening of the Earth considered as a spheroid composed of concentric layers of variable densities. Towards the end of the 18th century, the geodesists sought to reconcile the values of flattening drawn from the measurements of meridian arcs with that given by Clairaut's spheroid drawn from the measurement of gravity. In 1789, Pierre-Simon de Laplace obtained by a calculation taking into account the measures of meridian arcs known at the time a flattening of . Gravimetry gave him a flattening of . Adrien-Marie Legendre meanwhile found at the same time a flattening of . The Weights and Measures Commission would adopt in 1799 a flattening of by combining the arc of Peru and the data of the meridian arc of Delambre and Méchain. This value was the result of a conjecture based on too limited data. Thus the results of the French Geodetic Mission to Lapland had been excluded, whereas a value close to would have been found, if they had been combined with those of the French Geodetic Mission to the Equator.[35] In 1841, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel would calculate the Earth's flattening from ten meridian arcs measured with sufficient accuracy using the method of least squares and found a value of . His reference ellipsoid would long be used by geodesists. An even more accurate value was proposed in 1901 by Friedrich Robert Helmert according to gravity measurements performed under the auspices of the International Geodetic Association.[36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42]

Significant improvements in gravity measuring instruments must also be attributed to Bessel. He devised a gravimeter constructed by Adolf Repsold which was first used in Switzerland by Emile Plantamour, Charles Sanders Peirce and Isaac-Charles Élisée Cellérier (8.01.1818 – 2.10.1889), a Genevan mathematician soon independently discovered a mathematical formula to correct systematic errors of this device which had been noticed by Plantamour and Adolphe Hirsch.[43] This would allow Friedrich Robert Helmert to determine a remarkably accurate value of for the flattening of the Earth when he proposed his ellipsoid of reference.[44] This was also the result of the Metre Convention of 1875, when the metre was adopted as an international scientific unit of length for the convenience of continental European geodesists following forerunners such as Ferdinand Rudolph Hassler later Carl Friedrich Gauss and Carlos Ibáñez e Ibáñez de Ibero.[45] [46] [47] [48] [49]

In the 18th century, geodetic surveys found practical applications in French cartography and in the Anglo-French Survey, which aimed to connect Paris and Greenwich Observatories and led to the Principal Triangulation of Great Britain.[50] [51] The unit of length used by the French was the French: Toise de Paris, while the English one was the yard, which became the geodetic unit used in the British Empire.[52] [53] [54]

Despite scientific progresses in the field of geodesy, little practical advance was made towards the establishment of the "universal measure" until the French Revolution of 1789. France was particularly affected by the proliferation of length measures, and the need for reform was widely accepted across all political viewpoints, even if it needed the push of revolution to bring it about. Talleyrand resurrected the idea of the seconds pendulum before the Constituent Assembly in 1790, suggesting that the new measure be defined at 45°N (a latitude that, in France, runs just north of Bordeaux and just south of Grenoble): despite the support of the Assembly, nothing came of Talleyrand's proposal.[8] This option, with one-third of this length defining the foot, was also considered by Thomas Jefferson and others for redefining the yard in the United States shortly after gaining independence from the British Crown. The idea of the seconds pendulum as a length standard did not die completely, and such a definition was used to define the yard in the United Kingdom. More precisely, it was decided in 1824 that if the genuine standard of the yard was lost, it could be restored by reference to the length of a pendulum vibrating seconds at London. However, when the primary Imperial yard standard was partially destroyed in 1834, a new standard of reference was constructed using copies of the "Standard Yard, 1760" instead of the pendulum's length as provided for in the Weights and Measures Act of 1824.[55] [56] [57]

Meridional definition

The question of measurement reform was placed in the hands of the Academy of Sciences, who appointed a commission chaired by Jean-Charles de Borda. Instead of the seconds pendulum method, the commission of the French Academy of Sciences – whose members included Borda, Lagrange, Laplace, Monge and Condorcet – decided that the new measure should be equal to one ten-millionth of the distance from the North Pole to the Equator (the quadrant of the Earth's circumference), measured along the meridian passing through Paris. Apart from the obvious consideration of safe access for French surveyors, the Paris meridian was also a sound choice for scientific reasons: a portion of the quadrant from Dunkirk to Barcelona (about 1000 km, or one-tenth of the total) could be surveyed with start- and end-points at sea level, and that portion was roughly in the middle of the quadrant, where the effects of the Earth's oblateness were expected not to have to be accounted for. The expedition would take place after the Anglo-French Survey, thus the French meridian arc, which would extend northwards across the United Kingdom, would also extend southwards to Barcelona, later to Balearic Islands. Jean-Baptiste Biot and François Arago would publish in 1821 their observations completing those of Delambre and Mechain. It was an account of the length's variation of the degrees of latitude along the Paris meridian as well as the account of the variation of the seconds pendulum's length along the same meridian between Shetland and the Baleares. Improvements in the measuring devices designed by Borda and used for this survey also raised hopes for a more accurate determination of the length of this meridian arc.[58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66]

Borda was an avid supporter of decimalisation: he had invented the "repeating circle", a surveying instrument which allowed a much-improved precision in the measurement of angles between landmarks, but insisted that two different version of the device be calibrated one in degrees and another in "grades" (of a quarter-circle), with 100 minutes to a grade and 100 seconds to a minute.[67]

The task of surveying the meridian arc fell to Pierre Méchain and Jean-Baptiste Delambre, and took more than six years (1792–1798). The technical difficulties were not the only problems the surveyors had to face in the convulsed period of the aftermath of the Revolution: Méchain and Delambre, and later Arago, were imprisoned several times during their surveys, and Méchain died in 1804 of yellow fever, which he contracted while trying to improve his original results in northern Spain. In the meantime, the commission calculated a provisional value from older surveys of 443.44 French: [[ligne]]s. This value was set by legislation on 7 April 1795.[68] [69]

The project was split into two parts – the northern section of 742.7 km from the belfry, Dunkirk to Rodez Cathedral which was surveyed by Delambre and the southern section of 333.0 km from Rodez to the Montjuïc Fortress, Barcelona which was surveyed by Méchain.[70] [71]

Delambre used a baseline of about 10 km (6,075.90 French: toises) in length along a straight road between French: [[Melun]] and French: [[Lieusaint, Seine-et-Marne|Lieusaint]]. In an operation taking six weeks, the baseline was accurately measured using four platinum rods, each of length two French: toises (a French: toise being about 1.949 m).[70] Thereafter he used, where possible, the triangulation points used by Cassini in his 1744 survey of France. Méchain's baseline, of a similar length (6,006.25 French: toises), and also on a straight section of road between Vernet (in the Perpignan area) and Salces (now Salses-le-Chateau).[72] Although Méchain's sector was half the length of Delambre, it included the Pyrenees and hitherto unsurveyed parts of Spain.

End of November 1798, Delambre and Méchain returned to Paris with their data, having completed the survey to meet a foreign commission composed of representatives of Batavian Republic: Henricus Aeneae and Jean Henri van Swinden, Cisalpine Republic: Lorenzo Mascheroni, Kingdom of Denmark: Thomas Bugge, Kingdom of Spain: Gabriel Císcar and Agustín de Pedrayes, Helvetic Republic: Johann Georg Tralles, Ligurian Republic: Ambrogio Multedo, Kingdom of Sardinia: Prospero Balbo, Antonio Vassali Eandi, Roman Republic: Pietro Franchini, Tuscan Republic: Giovanni Fabbroni who had been invited by Talleyrand. The French commission comprised Jean-Charles de Borda, Barnabé Brisson, Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, Jean Darcet, René Just Haüy, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, Pierre- Simon Laplace, Louis Lefèvre-Ginneau, Pierre Méchain and Gaspar de Prony.[73]

International prototype metre

After the French Revolution, Napoleonic Wars led to the adoption of the metre in Latin America following independence of Brazil and Hispanic America, while the American Revolution prompted the foundation of the Survey of the Coast in 1807 and the creation of the Office of Standard Weights and Measures in 1830. During the mid nineteenth century, following the defeat and expulsion of Napoleon Bonaparte's forces which brought an end to the short-lived French occupation of Lower Egypt, the metre was adopted in Khedivate of Egypt an autonomous tributary state of the Ottoman Empire for the cadastre work.[74] [75] [76] In continental Europe, metrication and a better standardization of units of measurement respectively followed the successive fall of First French Empire in 1815 and Second French Empire defeated in the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). Napoleonic Wars fostered German nationalism which later led to unification of Germany in 1871. Meanwhile most European countries had adopted the metre. The 1870s marked the beginning of the Technological Revolution a period in which German Empire would challenge Britain as the foremost industrial nation in Europe. This was accompanied by development in cartography which was a prerequisit for both military operations and the creation of the infrastructures needed for industrial development such as railways. During the process of unification of Germany, geodesists called for the creation of a "European international bureau for weights and measures".[77]

The intimate relationships that necessarily existed between metrology and geodesy explain that the International Association of Geodesy, founded to combine the geodetic operations of different countries, in order to reach a new and more exact determination of the shape and dimensions of the Globe, prompted the project of reforming the foundations of the metric system, while expanding it and making it international. Not, as it was mistakenly assumed for a certain time, that the Association had the unscientific thought of modifying the length of the metre, in order to conform exactly to its historical definition according to the new values that would be found for the terrestrial meridian. But, busy combining the arcs measured in the different countries and connecting the neighbouring triangulations, geodesists encountered, as one of the main difficulties, the unfortunate uncertainty which reigned over the equations of the units of length used. Adolphe Hirsch, General Baeyer and Colonel Ibáñez decided, in order to make all the standards comparable, to propose to the Association to choose the metre for geodetic unit, and to create an international prototype metre differing as little as possible from the French: mètre des Archives.[78] In 1867, the General Conference of the European Arc Measurement (German: German: [[International Association of Geodesy|Europäische Gradmessung]]) called for the creation of a new, international prototype metre (IPM) and the arrangement of a system where national standards could be compared with it. The French government gave practical support to the creation of an International Metre Commission, which met in Paris in 1870 and again in 1872 with the participation of about thirty countries.[79]

The Metre Convention was signed on 20 May 1875 in Paris and the International Bureau of Weights and Measures was created under the supervision of the International Committee for Weights and Measures. At the session on 12 October 1872 of the Permanent Committee of the International Metre Commission, which was to become the International Committee for Weights and Measures, Carlos Ibáñez e Ibáñez de Ibero had been elected president.[80] [81] [82] His presidency was confirmed at the first meeting of the International Committee for Weights and Measures, on 19 April 1875. Three other members of the committee, the German astronomer, Wilhelm Julius Foerster, director of the Berlin Observatory and director of the German Weights and Measures Service, the Swiss meteorologist and physicist, Heinrich von Wild representing Russia, and the Swiss geodesist of German origin, Adolphe Hirsch were also among the main architects of the Metre Convention.[83] [84] [85] In the 1870s, German Empire played a pivotal role in the unification of the metric system through the European Arc Measurement but its overwhelming influence was mitigated by that of neutral states. While the German astronomer Wilhelm Julius Foerster along with the Russian and Austrian representatives boycotted the Permanent Committee of the International Metre Commission in order to prompt the reunion of the Diplomatic Conference of the Metre and to promote the foundation of a permanent International Bureau of Weights and Measures, Adolphe Hirsch, delegate of Switzerland at this Diplomatic Conference in 1875, conformed to the opinion of Italy and Spain to create, in spite of French reluctance, the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in France as a permanent institution at the disadvantage of the Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers.[86] [87]

In recognition of France's role in designing the metric system, the BIPM is based in Sèvres, just outside Paris. However, as an international organisation, the BIPM is under the ultimate control of a diplomatic conference, the French: [[Conférence générale des poids et mesures]] (CGPM) rather than the French government.[88]

In 1889 the General Conference on Weights and Measures met at Sèvres, the seat of the International Bureau. It performed the first great deed dictated by the motto inscribed in the pediment of the splendid edifice that is the metric system: "French: A tous les temps, à tous les peuples" (For all times, to all peoples); and this deed consisted in the approval and distribution, among the governments of the states supporting the Metre Convention, of prototype standards of hitherto unknown precision intended to propagate the metric unit throughout the whole world.[89] [90]

For metrology the matter of expansibility was fundamental; as a matter of fact the temperature measuring error related to the length measurement in proportion to the expansibility of the standard and the constantly renewed efforts of metrologists to protect their measuring instruments against the interfering influence of temperature revealed clearly the importance they attached to the expansion-induced errors. It was common knowledge, for instance, that effective measurements were possible only inside a building, the rooms of which were well protected against the changes in outside temperature, and the very presence of the observer created an interference against which it was often necessary to take strict precautions. Thus, the Contracting States also received a collection of thermometers whose accuracy made it possible to ensure that of length measurements. The international prototype would also be a "line standard"; that is, the metre was defined as the distance between two lines marked on the bar, so avoiding the wear problems of end standards.

The construction of the international prototype metre and the copies which were the national standards was at the limits of the technology of the time. The bars were made of a special alloy, 90% platinum and 10% iridium, which was significantly harder than pure platinum, and have a special X-shaped cross section (a "Tresca section", named after French engineer Henri Tresca) to minimise the effects of torsional strain during length comparisons. The first castings proved unsatisfactory, and the job was given to the London firm of Johnson Matthey who succeeded in producing thirty bars to the required specification. One of these, No. 6, was determined to be identical in length to the French: mètre des Archives, and was consecrated as the international prototype metre at the first meeting of the CGPM in 1889. The other bars, duly calibrated against the international prototype, were distributed to the signatory nations of the Metre Convention for use as national standards. For example, the United States received No. 27 with a calibrated length of (1.6 μm short of the international prototype).

The first (and only) follow-up comparison of the national standards with the international prototype was carried out between 1921 and 1936, and indicated that the definition of the metre was preserved to within 0.2 μm.[91] At this time, it was decided that a more formal definition of the metre was required (the 1889 decision had said merely that the "prototype, at the temperature of melting ice, shall henceforth represent the metric unit of length"), and this was agreed at the 7th CGPM in 1927.The support requirements represent the Airy points of the prototype—the points, separated by of the total length of the bar, at which the bending or droop of the bar is minimised.[92]

Interferometric options

The first interferometric measurements carried out using the international prototype metre were those of Albert A. Michelson and Jean-René Benoît (1892–1893)[93] and of Benoît, Fabry and Perot (1906),[94] both using the red line of cadmium. These results, which gave the wavelength of the cadmium line (λ ≈ 644 nm), led to the definition of the ångström as a secondary unit of length for spectroscopic measurements, first by the International Union for Cooperation in Solar Research (1907)[95] and later by the CIPM (1927).[96] [97] Michelson's work in "measuring" the prototype metre to within of a wavelength ( μm) was one of the reasons for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1907.[3]

By the 1950s, interferometry had become the method of choice for precise measurements of length, but there remained a practical problem imposed by the system of units used. The natural unit for expressing a length measured by interferometry was the ångström, but this result then had to be converted into metres using an experimental conversion factor – the wavelength of light used, but measured in metres rather than in ångströms. This added an additional measurement uncertainty to any length result in metres, over and above the uncertainty of the actual interferometric measurement.

The solution was to define the metre in the same manner as the angstrom had been defined in 1907, that is in terms of the best interferometric wavelength available. Advances in both experimental technique and theory showed that the cadmium line was actually a cluster of closely separated lines, and that this was due to the presence of different isotopes in natural cadmium (eight in total). To get the most precisely defined line, it was necessary to use a monoisotopic source and this source should contain an isotope with even numbers of protons and neutrons (so as to have zero nuclear spin).[3]

Several isotopes of cadmium, krypton and mercury both fulfil the condition of zero nuclear spin and have bright lines in the visible region of the spectrum.

Krypton standard

Krypton is a gas at room temperature, allowing for easier isotopic enrichment and lower operating temperatures for the lamp (which reduces broadening of the line due to the Doppler effect), and so it was decided to select the orange line of krypton-86 (λ ≈ 606 nm) as the new wavelength standard.[3] [98]

Accordingly, the 11th CGPM in 1960 agreed a new definition of the metre:The measurement of the wavelength of the krypton line was not made directly against the international prototype metre; instead, the ratio of the wavelength of the krypton line to that of the cadmium line was determined in vacuum. This was then compared to the 1906 Fabry–Perot determination of the wavelength of the cadmium line in air (with a correction for the refractive index of air).[3] [91] In this way, the new definition of the metre was traceable to both the old prototype metre and the old definition of the angstrom.

Speed of light standard

The krypton-86 discharge lamp operating at the triple point of nitrogen (63.14 K, −210.01 °C) was the state-of-the-art light source for interferometry in 1960, but it was soon to be superseded by a new invention: the laser, of which the first working version was constructed in the same year as the redefinition of the metre.[99] Laser light is usually highly monochromatic, and is also coherent (all the light has the same phase, unlike the light from a discharge lamp), both of which are advantageous for interferometry.[3]

The shortcomings of the krypton standard were demonstrated by the measurement of the wavelength of the light from a methane-stabilised helium–neon laser (λ ≈ 3.39 μm). The krypton line was found to be asymmetrical, so different wavelengths could be found for the laser light depending on which point on the krypton line was taken for reference.[100] The asymmetry also affected the precision to which the wavelengths could be measured.[101] [102]

Developments in electronics also made it possible for the first time to measure the frequency of light in or near the visible region of the spectrum, instead of inferring the frequency from the wavelength and the speed of light. Although visible and infrared frequencies were still too high to be directly measured, it was possible to construct a "chain" of laser frequencies that, by suitable multiplication, differ from each other by only a directly measurable frequency in the microwave region. The frequency of the light from the methane-stabilised laser was found to be  THz.[101] [103]

Independent measurements of frequency and wavelength are, in effect, a measurement of the speed of light (c = ), and the results from the methane-stabilised laser gave the value for the speed of light with an uncertainty almost 100 times lower than previous measurements in the microwave region. Or, somewhat inconveniently, the results gave two values for the speed of light, depending on which point on the krypton line was chosen to define the metre.[104] This ambiguity was resolved in 1975, when the 15th CGPM approved a conventional value of the speed of light as exactly .[105]

Nevertheless, the infrared light from a methane-stabilised laser was inconvenient for use in practical interferometry. It was not until 1983 that the chain of frequency measurements reached the 633 nm line of the helium–neon laser, stabilised using molecular iodine.[106] [107] That same year, the 17th CGPM adopted a definition of the metre, in terms of the 1975 conventional value for the speed of light:

The metre is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of of a second.

This definition was reworded in 2019:

The metre, symbol m, is the SI unit of length. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the speed of light in vacuum to be when expressed in the unit m⋅s, where the second is defined in terms of the caesium frequency .

The concept of defining a unit of length in terms of a time received some comment.[108] In both cases, the practical issue is that time can be measured more accurately than length (one part in 1013 for a second using a caesium clock as opposed to four parts in 109 for the metre in 1983).[96] [108] The definition in terms of the speed of light also means that the metre can be realised using any light source of known frequency, rather than defining a "preferred" source in advance. Given that there are more than 22,000 lines in the visible spectrum of iodine, any of which could be potentially used to stabilise a laser source, the advantages of flexibility are obvious.[108]

History of definitions since 1798

Definitions of the metre since 1798[109] ! Basis of definition! Date! Absoluteuncertainty! Relativeuncertainty
part of one half of a meridian, measurement by Delambre and Méchain17980.5–0.1mm10
First prototype French: [[#Mètre des Archives|Mètre des Archives]] platinum bar standard17990.05–0.01mm10
Platinum-iridium bar at melting point of ice (1st CGPM)18890.2–0.1μm10
Platinum-iridium bar at melting point of ice, atmospheric pressure, supported by two rollers (7th CGPM)1927n/an/a
1,650,763.73 wavelengths of light from a specified transition in krypton-86 (11th CGPM)19600.01–0.005μm10
Length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum in of a second (17th CGPM)19830.1nm10

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: BIPM - Commission internationale du mètre. www.bipm.org. 13 November 2019. 18 November 2018. https://web.archive.org/web/20181118230835/https://www.bipm.org/fr/measurement-units/history-si/international-metre-commission.html. dead.
  2. Web site: BIPM – la définition du mètre . 17 June 2019 . www.bipm.org . 30 April 2017 . https://web.archive.org/web/20170430075245/http://www.bipm.org/fr/measurement-units/history-si/evolution_metre.html . dead .
  3. Nelson . Robert A. . December 1981 . Foundations of the international system of units (SI) . . 19 . 9 . 596–613 . 1981PhTea..19..596N . 10.1119/1.2340901.
  4. News: June 2010 . Du pied au mètredu marc au kiloL'histoire des unités des poids et mesuresévoquée par quelques objets emblématiques descollections du Musée d'histoire des sciences . 2 .
  5. Duran . Zaide . Aydar . Umut . July 2012 . Digital modeling of world's first known length reference unit: The Nippur cubit rod . Journal of Cultural Heritage . en . 13 . 3 . 352–356 . 10.1016/j.culher.2011.12.006.
  6. Z. Duran . U. Aydar . 2008 . Measurement and 3D modelling of an ancient measuring device: Nippur Cubit Rod . The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences . XXXVII . 265 .
  7. Book: Agustoni . Clara . Des chiffres ou des lettres : compter, calculer, mesurer à l'époque romaine . Buchillier . Carmen . Musée romain de Vallon . 2018 . 43, 32 . fr.
  8. Métrique . 11 . 163–164.
  9. Web site: Chevalier De Jaucourt . Article Pié, (Mesure de longueur.), vol. XII (1765), p. 562a–463 [563]b Enccre/ICE - Interface de Consultation de l'Édition numérique collaborative et critique de l'Encyclopédie ]. 2023-10-15 . enccre.academie-sciences.fr.
  10. Web site: Article Mesure longue, (Antiq. Arts & Comm.), vol. X (1765), p. 411b–418a Enccre/ICE - Interface de Consultation de l'Édition numérique collaborative et critique de l'Encyclopédie . 2023-10-15 . enccre.academie-sciences.fr.
  11. Book: Guedj, Denis . Le mètre du monde . 2011 . Éd. du Seuil . 9782757824900 . Paris . 38 . 758713673 . Denis Guedj.
  12. Book: Bond, Peter, (1948- ...). . L'exploration du système solaire . 2014 . De Boeck . Dupont-Bloch, Nicolas. . 9782804184964 . [Édition française revue et corrigée] . Louvain-la-Neuve . 5–6 . 894499177.
  13. Book: Dubost, Christopher . The Elements of Commerce; or, a treatise on different calculations,-operations of exchange, etc . 1818 . 403 . en.
  14. Book: Bigourdan, Guillaume . Le système métrique des poids et mesures ; son établissement et sa propagation graduelle, avec l'histoire des opérations qui ont servi à déterminer le mètre et le kilogramme . 1901 . Paris : Gauthier-Villars . University of Ottawa . 7, 148, 154.
  15. Book: Simaan, Arkan. . La science au péril de sa vie : les aventuriers de la mesure du monde . 2001 . Vuibert . 2711753476 . Paris . 124–125 . 300706536.
  16. Book: Picard, Jean . Mesure de la terre . 1671 . 3–4 . fr . Jean Picard . Gallica.
  17. Book: Bond . Peter . L'exploration du système solaire . Dupont-Bloch . Nicolas . 2014 . De Boeck . 9782804184964 . Louvain-la-Neuve . 5–6 . fr . 894499177.
  18. Book: Poynting . John Henry . A Textbook of Physics: Properties of Matter . Thompson . Joseph John . Charles Griffin . 1907 . 4th . London . 20.
  19. Web site: 25 March 2021 . Science. 1791, l'adoption révolutionnaire du mètre . 3 August 2021 . humanite.fr . fr.
  20. Book: Lucendo . Jorge . Centuries of Inventions: Encyclopedia and History of Inventions . 23 April 2020 . Jorge Lucendo . 246 . en . 2 August 2021.
  21. Since 2012 the astronomical unit has been defined as exactly metres or about 150e6km.
  22. Book: Biot . Jean-Baptiste . Recueil d'observations géodésiques, astronomiques et physiques, exécutées par ordre du Bureau des longitudes de France, en Espagne, en France, en Angleterre et en Écosse, pour déterminer la variation de la pesanteur et des degrés terrestres sur le prolongement du Méridien de Paris, faisant suite au troisième volume de la Base du Système métrique . Arago . François . 1821 . 523, 529 . fr . Jean-Baptiste Biot . François Arago . 14 September 2018 . Gallica.
  23. Book: L'exploration du système solaire . The exploration of the solar system . Bond . Peter . Dupont-Bloch . Nicolas . De Boeck . 2014 . 9782804184964 . Louvain-la-Neuve . 5–6 . fr. 894499177.
  24. Web site: Première détermination de la distance de la Terre au Soleil . First determination of the distance from the Earth to the Sun . Les 350 ans de l'Observatoire de Paris . fr . 5 September 2018.
  25. Web site: 1967LAstr..81..234G Page 234. adsbit.harvard.edu. 237. 5 September 2018.
  26. Web site: INRP – CLEA – Archives : Fascicule N° 137, Printemps 2012 Les distances . NPRI – CLEA – Archives: Issue N ° 137, Spring 2012 Distances . clea-astro.eu . fr . 5 September 2018.
  27. Book: Picard, Jean. Mesure de la terre. Jean Picard. 1671. Gallica. 23. fr. 5 September 2018.
  28. Earth, Figure of the . 08 . 801-813 .
  29. Perrier . Général . 1935 . Historique Sommaire De La Geodesie . Thalès . 2 . 117–129, p. 128 . 0398-7817 . 43861533.
  30. Book: Badinter, Élisabeth . Les passions intellectuelles . 2018 . Robert Laffont . Normandie roto impr.) . 978-2-221-20345-3 . Paris . 1061216207.
  31. Touzery . Mireille . 2008-07-03 . Émilie Du Châtelet, un passeur scientifique au XVIIIe siècle . La revue pour l'histoire du CNRS . fr . 21 . 10.4000/histoire-cnrs.7752 . 1298-9800. free .
  32. Earth, Figure of the. 8. 801-813. 1.
  33. T=2\pi\sqrt{\ell
    The length of the pendulum is a function of the time lapse of half a cycle





    T1/2=1 s

    , therefore


  34. At the time the second was defined as a fraction of the Earth's rotation time and determined by clocks whose precision was checked by astronomical observations. In 1936 French and German astronomers found that Earth rotation's speed is irregular. Since 1967 atomic clocks define the second. For further information see atomic time.
  35. Book: Quinn, Terry J. . From artefacts to atoms: the BIPM and the search for ultimate measurement standards . 2012 . Oxford University Press . 978-0-19-530786-3 . New York Oxford . 13.
  36. Web site: Clairaut's equation mathematics. 10 June 2020. Encyclopedia Britannica. en.
  37. Perrier . Général . 1935 . Historique Sommaire de la Geodesie . Thalès . 2 . 117–129 . 0398-7817 . 43861533.
  38. Levallois . Jean-Jacques . May–June 1986 . L'Académie Royale des Sciences et la Figure de la Terre . The Royal Academy of Sciences and the Shape of the Earth . La Vie des Sciences . FR . 3 . 290 . 1986CRASG...3..261L . 4 September 2018 . Gallica.
  39. Book: Delambre . Jean-Baptiste (1749-1822) Auteur du texte . Base du système métrique décimal, ou Mesure de l'arc du méridien compris entre les parallèles de Dunkerque et Barcelone. T. 1 /, exécutée en 1792 et années suivantes, par MM. Méchain et Delambre, rédigée par M. Delambre,... . Méchain . Pierre (1744-1804) Auteur du texte . 1806–1810 . 10 . EN.
  40. Web site: von Struve . Friedrich Georg Wilhelm . July 1857 . Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences / publiés... par MM. les secrétaires perpétuels . 2021-08-30 . Gallica . 509 . FR.
  41. News: Viik . T . 2006 . F. W. Bessel and geodesy . 10, 6 . Struve Geodetic Arc, 2006 International Conference, The Struve Arc and Extensions in Space and Time, Haparanda and Pajala, Sweden, 13–15 August 2006 . .
  42. Rath . Geheimen . Ritter . January 1842 . Ueber einen Fehler in der Berechnung der französischen Gradmessung und seinen Einfluss auf die Bestimmung der Figur der Erde . Astronomische Nachrichten . en . 19 . 7–8 . 97–116 . 10.1002/asna.18420190702 . 0004-6337.
  43. 1880 . Rapport de M. Faye sur un Mémoire de M. Peirce concernant la constance de la pesanteur à Paris et les corrections exigées par les anciennes déterminations de Borda et de Biot . . 90 . 1463–1466 . 2018-10-10 . Gallica.
  44. Book: Encyclopedia Universalis . Encyclopedia Universalis . 1996 . 978-2-85229-290-1 . 320, 370. Vol 10 . 36747385.
  45. Web site: Brunner . Jean . 1857-01-01 . Appareil construit pour les opérations au moyen desquelles on prolongera dans toute l'étendue de l'Espagne le réseau trigonométrique qui couvre la France in Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences / publiés... par MM. les secrétaires perpétuels . 2023-08-31 . Gallica . 150–153 . FR.
  46. Web site: Pérard . Albert . 1957 . Carlos Ibáñez e Ibáñez de Ibero (14 avril 1825 – 29 janvier 1891), par Albert Pérard (inauguration d'un monument élevé à sa mémoire) . Institut de France – Académie des sciences . 26–28.
  47. Adolphe Hirsch, Le général Ibáñez notice nécrologique lue au comité international des poids et mesures, le 12 septembre et dans la conférence géodésique de Florence, le 8 octobre 1891, Neuchâtel, imprimerie Attinger frères.
  48. Web site: Wolf . Rudolf . 1891-01-01 . Histoire de l'appareil Ibañez-Brunner in Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences / publiés... par MM. les secrétaires perpétuels . 2023-08-31 . Gallica . 370–371 . FR.
  49. Book: Bericht über die Verhandlungen der vom 30. September bis 7. October 1867 zu BERLIN abgehaltenen allgemeinen Conferenz der Europäischen Gradmessung . Central-Bureau der Europäischen Gradmessung . 1868 . Berlin . 123–134 . german.
  50. Book: Murdin, Paul. Full meridian of glory: perilous adventures in the competition to measure the Earth. 2009. Copernicus Books/Springer. 9780387755342. New York; London. en.
  51. Martin. Jean-Pierre. McConnell. Anita. 20 December 2008. Joining the observatories of Paris and Greenwich. Notes and Records of the Royal Society. en. 62. 4. 355–372. 10.1098/rsnr.2008.0029. 0035-9149. free.
  52. Portet . Pierre . Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris . 2011 . La mesure de Paris . The measure of Paris . fr . Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société.
  53. Clarke . Alexander Ross . James . Henry . 1 January 1873 . XIII. Results of the comparisons of the standards of length of England, Austria, Spain, United States, Cape of Good Hope, and of a second Russian standard, made at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton. With a preface and notes on the Greek and Egyptian measures of length by Sir Henry James . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London . en . 163 . 445–469 . 10.1098/rstl.1873.0014 . 0261-0523 . free.
  54. Clarke . Alexander Ross . 1 January 1867 . X. Abstract of the results of the comparisons of the standards of length of England, France, Belgium, Prussia, Russia, India, Australia, made at the ordnance Survey Office, Southampton . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London . en . 157 . 161–180 . 10.1098/rstl.1867.0010 . 0261-0523 . 109333769.
  55. Web site: The seconds pendulum . 2023-10-15 . www.roma1.infn.it.
  56. Book: Britain, Great . The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland [1827- |date=1824 |publisher=H.M. statute and law printers |language=en].
  57. Guillaume . Ed. . 1916-01-01 . Le Systeme Metrique est-il en Peril? . L'Astronomie . 30 . 242–249 . 1916LAstr..30..242G . 0004-6302.
  58. Web site: L'histoire des unités Réseau National de la Métrologie Française . 2023-10-06 . metrologie-francaise.lne.fr.
  59. Book: Biot . Jean-Baptiste (1774-1862) Auteur du texte . Recueil d'observations géodésiques, astronomiques et physiques, exécutées par ordre du Bureau des longitudes de France en Espagne, en France, en Angleterre et en Écosse, pour déterminer la variation de la pesanteur et des degrés terrestres sur le prolongement du méridien de Paris... rédigé par MM. Biot et Arago,... . Arago . François (1786-1853) Auteur du texte . 1821 . viii-ix . EN.
  60. Web site: Suzanne . Débarbat . Fixation de la longueur définitive du mètre . 2023-10-06 . FranceArchives . fr.
  61. Web site: Levallois . Jean-Jacques . 1986 . La Vie des sciences . 2019-05-13 . Gallica . 288–290, 269, 276–277, 283 . FR.
  62. Book: Capderou, Michel . Satellites : de Kepler au GPS . 2011-10-31 . Springer Science & Business Media . 978-2-287-99049-6 . 46 . fr.
  63. Web site: Ramani . Madhvi . How France created the metric system . 2019-05-21 . www.bbc.com . en.
  64. Jean-Jacques Levallois, La méridienne de Dunkerque à Barcelone et la détermination du mètre (1792 – 1799), Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik, 89 (1991), 375-380.
  65. Zuerich . ETH-Bibliothek . 1991 . La méridienne de Dunkerque à Barcelone et la déterminiation du mètre (1972-1799) . FR . 377–378 . 10.5169/seals-234595 . 2021-10-12 . E-Periodica.
  66. Martin . Jean-Pierre . McConnell . Anita . 2008-12-20 . Joining the observatories of Paris and Greenwich . Notes and Records of the Royal Society . en . 62 . 4 . 355–372 . 10.1098/rsnr.2008.0029 . 143514819 . 0035-9149.
  67. Web site: Jean Charles de Borda . J. J. . O'Connor. E. F. . Robertson . April 2003 . School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland . 13 October 2015.
  68. Book: National Industrial Conference Board . The metric versus the English system of weights and measures ... . . 1921 . 10–11 . 5 April 2011.
  69. All values in French: lignes are referred to the French: [[toise de Pérou]], not to the later value in French: [[mesures usuelles]]. 1 French: [[toise]] = 6 French: [[Units of measurement in France before the French Revolution|pied]]s; 1 French: pied = 12 French: [[pouce]]s; 1 French: pouce = 12 French: lignes; so 864 French: lignes = 1 French: toises.
  70. Book: Alder, Ken . The Measure of all Things – The Seven-Year-Odyssey that Transformed the World . 2002 . Abacus . London . 0-349-11507-9 . 227–230.
  71. Distances measured using Google Earth. The coordinates are:
    – Belfry, Dunkirk
    Rodez Cathedral
    Montjuïc, Barcelona
  72. Book: Alder , Ken . The Measure of all Things – The Seven-Year-Odyssey that Transformed the World . 2002. Abacus. London. 978-0349115078. 240–241.
  73. Book: Delambre, Jean-Baptiste (1749-1822) Auteur du texte . Grandeur et figure de la terre / J.-B.-J. Delambre ; ouvrage augmenté de notes, de cartes et publié par les soins de G. Bigourdan,... . 1912 . EN.
  74. Book: Jamʻīyah al-Jughrāfīyah al-Miṣrīyah . Bulletin de la Société de géographie d'Égypte . 1876 . [Le Caire] . University of Michigan . 6–16.
  75. Book: texte, Ismāʿīl-Afandī Muṣṭafá (1825-1901) Auteur du . Notes biographiques de S. E. Mahmoud Pacha el Falaki (l'astronome), par Ismail-Bey Moustapha et le colonel Moktar-Bey . 1886 . 10–11 . EN.
  76. Book: texte, Ismāʿīl-Afandī Muṣṭafá (1825-1901) Auteur du . Recherche des coefficients de dilatation et étalonnage de l'appareil à mesurer les bases géodésiques appartenant au gouvernement égyptien / par Ismaïl-Effendi-Moustapha, ... . 1864 . EN.
  77. Book: Alder . Ken . Mesurer le monde: l'incroyable histoire de l'invention du mètre . Devillers-Argouarc'h . Martine . 2015 . Flammarion . 978-2-08-130761-2 . Libres Champs . Paris . 499–520.
  78. Book: commission, Internationale Erdmessung Permanente . Comptes-rendus des séances de la Commission permanente de l'Association géodésique internationale réunie à Florence du 8 au 17 octobre 1891 . 1892 . De Gruyter, Incorporated . 978-3-11-128691-4 . 99–107 . fr.
  79. Book: The International Metre Commission (1870–1872) . International Bureau of Weights and Measures . 15 August 2010.
  80. Web site: A Note on the History of the IAG . 19 September 2018 . IAG Homepage.
  81. Torge . W. . 1 April 2005 . The International Association of Geodesy 1862 to 1922: from a regional project to an international organization . Journal of Geodesy . en . 78 . 9 . 558–568 . 2005JGeod..78..558T . 10.1007/s00190-004-0423-0 . 1432-1394 . 120943411.
  82. Book: Procès-verbaux: Commission Internationale du Mètre. Réunions générales de 1872 . 1872 . Imprim. Nation . 153–155 . fr.
  83. Débarbat . Suzanne . Quinn . Terry . 1 January 2019 . Les origines du système métrique en France et la Convention du mètre de 1875, qui a ouvert la voie au Système international d'unités et à sa révision de 2018 . Comptes Rendus Physique . The new International System of Units / Le nouveau Système international d’unités . fr . 20 . 1 . 6–21 . 2019CRPhy..20....6D . 10.1016/j.crhy.2018.12.002 . 1631-0705 . free.
  84. Book: COMITÉ INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET MESURES. . PROCÈS-VERBAUX DES SÉANCES DE 1875-1876. . Gauthier-Villars . 1876 . Paris . 3.
  86. Web site: 30 March 1875 . Bericht der schweizerischen Delegierten an der internationalen Meterkonferenz an den Bundespräsidenten und Vorsteher des Politischen Departements, J. J. Scherer in Erwin Bucher, Peter Stalder (ed.), Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland, vol. 3, doc. 66, dodis.ch/42045, Bern 1986. . Dodis.
  87. Quinn . Terry . May 2019 . Wilhelm Foerster's Role in the Metre Convention of 1875 and in the Early Years of the International Committee for Weights and Measures . Annalen der Physik . en . 531 . 5 . 10.1002/andp.201800355 . 0003-3804. free . 2019AnP...53100355Q .
  88. Article 3, Metre Convention.
  89. Web site: Guillaume . Charles-Édouard . 11 December 1920 . Nobel lecture: Invar and Elinvar . 21 May 2020 . NobelPrize.org . 448 . en-US.
  90. The term "prototype" does not imply that it was the first in a series and that other standard metres would come after it: the "prototype" metre was the one that came first in the logical chain of comparisons, that is the metre to which all other standards were compared.
  91. H. . Barrell . The Metre . . 1962 . 3 . 6 . 415–434 . 10.1080/00107516208217499 . 1962ConPh...3..415B.
  92. F. M. III . Phelps . 1966 . Airy Points of a Meter Bar . American Journal of Physics . 34 . 5 . 419–422 . 10.1119/1.1973011 . 1966AmJPh..34..419P.
  93. A. A. . Michelson . Albert A. Michelson . Jean-René . Benoît . Détermination expérimentale de la valeur du mètre en longueurs d'ondes lumineuses . fr . Travaux et Mémoires du Bureau International des Poids et Mesures . 11 . 3 . 85 . 1895.
  94. Benoît . Jean-René . Fabry . Charles . Charles Fabry . Perot . A. . Alfred Perot . 1907 . Nouvelle détermination du Mètre en longueurs d'ondes lumieuses . fr . . 144 . 1082–1086 .
  95. Transactions of the International Union for Cooperation in Solar Research . Détermination de la valeur en Ångströms de la longeur d'onde de la raie rouge du Cadmium considérée comme étalon primaire . fr . Determination of the value in Ångströms of the wavelength of the red line of cadmium under consideration as a primary standard . 2 . 18–34 . 21 May 1907 . 1908TIUCS...2...17..
  96. L. . Hollberg . C. W. . Oates . G. . Wilpers . C. W. . Hoyt . Z. W. . Barber . S. A. . Diddams . W. H. . Oskay . J. C. . Bergquist . Optical frequency/wavelength references . . 38 . 9 . 2005 . S469–S495 . 10.1088/0953-4075/38/9/003 . 2005JPhB...38S.469H . 53495023 .
  97. The IUSR (later to become the International Astronomical Union) defined the ångström such that the wavelength (in air) of the cadmium line was  Å.
  98. The International Length Standard . K. M. . Baird . L. E. . Howlett . . 2 . 5 . 455–463 . 1963 . 10.1364/AO.2.000455 . 1963ApOpt...2..455B.
  99. Maiman . T. H. . 4224209 . 1960 . Stimulated optical radiation in ruby . . 187 . 493–494 . 10.1038/187493a0 . 1960Natur.187..493M . 4736.
  100. Taking the point of highest intensity as the reference wavelength, the methane line had a wavelength of  μm; taking the intensity-weighted mean point ("centre of gravity") of the krypton line as the standard, the wavelength of the methane line is  μm.
  101. K. M. . Evenson . J. S. . Wells . F. R. . Petersen . B. L. . Danielson . G. W. . Day . R. L. . Barger . J. L. . Hall . Speed of Light from Direct Frequency and Wavelength Measurements of the Methane-Stabilized Laser . . 29 . 19 . 1346–1349 . 1972 . 10.1103/PhysRevLett.29.1346 . 1972PhRvL..29.1346E.
  102. R. L. . Barger . J. L. . Hall . 1841238 . Wavelength of the 3.39-μm laser-saturated absorption line of methane . . 22 . 4 . 196–199 . 1973 . 10.1063/1.1654608 . 1973ApPhL..22..196B.
  103. K. M. . Evenson . G. W. . Day . J. S. . Wells . L. O. . Mullen . 118871648 . Extension of Absolute Frequency Measurements to the cw He☒Ne Laser at 88 THz (3.39 μ) . . 20 . 3 . 133–134 . 1972 . 10.1063/1.1654077 . 1972ApPhL..20..133E.
  104. The measured speed of light was for the "centre-of-gravity" definition and for the maximum-intensity definition, with a relative uncertainty ur = 3.5.
  105. Resolution 2 of the 15th CGPM . . . 1975.
  106. Pollock . C. R. . Jennings . D. A. . Petersen . F. R. . Wells . J. S. . Drullinger . R. E. . Beaty . E. C. . Evenson . K. M. . 42447654 . 1983 . Direct frequency measurements of transitions at 520 THz (576 nm) in iodine and 260 THz (1.15 μm) in neon . . 8 . 3 . 133–135 . 10.1364/OL.8.000133 . 19714161 . 1983OptL....8..133P.
  107. Jennings . D. A. . Pollock . C. R. . Petersen . F. R. . Drullinger . R. E. . Evenson . K. M. . Wells . J. S. . Hall . J. L. . Layer . H. P. . Direct frequency measurement of the I2-stabilized He–Ne 473-THz (633-nm) laser . . 1983 . 8 . 3 . 136–138 . 10.1364/OL.8.000136 . 19714162 . 1983OptL....8..136J.
  108. Wilkie . Tom . Time to remeasure the metre . . 27 October 1983 . 27 October 1983 . 258–263.
  109. Book: Cardarelli, François . Encyclopaedia of Scientific Units, Weights and Measures . registration . 2003 . . 978-1-4471-1122-1.