List of extinct animals of the British Isles explained

See also: List of endangered species of the British Isles and Extinct animals from the Isle of Man. This is a list of extinct animals of the British Isles, including extirpated species. Only a small number of the listed species are globally extinct (most famously the Irish elk, great auk and woolly mammoth). Most of the remainder survive to some extent outside the islands. The list includes introduced species only in cases where they were able to form self-sustaining colonies for a time. Only Pleistocene species, and specifically those extinct since the Ipswichian/Eemian interglacial (c. 130,000 - c. 115,000 before present (BP)), Devensian glaciation (c. 115,000 – c. 11,700 BP) or into the Holocene (c. 11,700 BP - present), are included (that is, the assemblage that can be approximately considered the 'modern' fauna which displays insular differences from the mainland European fauna). The date beside each species is the last date when a specimen was observed in the wild or, where this is not known, the approximate date of extinction.


For most of its history, the British Isles were part of the main continent of Eurasia, linked by the region now known as Doggerland. Throughout the Pleistocene (Ice age) the climate alternated between cold glacial periods, including times when the climate was too cold to support much fauna, and temperate interglacials when a much larger fauna was present. Insularity first occurred around 125,000 BP, during the Ipswichian interglacial,[1] when a warming climate raised sea levels and flooded Doggerland. This temperate climate supported an assemblage of species characterised by straight-tusked elephant (Palaeodoxodon antiquus). Around 115,000 BP the climate began to cool again as the Devensian glaciation began. The temperate species began to go extinct locally (many survived in southern refugia elsewhere in Europe). With the cooling climate, the sea level fell and by 60,000 BP a land bridge reformed so new or returning species could repopulate Britain. The colder climate supported a biome favoured by woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius).[2] By around 20,000 BP the climate was so cold, with much of Britain under ice and the rest a polar desert, so that little life could survive, and the glacial fauna also went extinct. The climate began to warm again around 11,700 BP, entering the present climatic period known as the Holocene. Animals repopulated Britain and Ireland. Many of the former species had gone extinct during the interval, but the majority of the surviving European temperate fauna, and some new immigrants, including modern humans (Homo sapiens), were able to reach Britain until the rising sea level once again isolated the islands. Great Britain was cut off from mainland Europe in around 8,200 BP by the Storegga Slide tsunami flooding Doggerland.[3]

Extinctions in Britain over the period have thus had three main causes:

It is important to remember that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence; the fossil record is always incomplete;[4] and many of the early dates are very approximate, since caves in Britain were often excavated before modern archaeological stratifications and dating techniques.[5]


† - A species that is globally extinct
* - A species that is known to have been introduced by humans and was never present by natural immigration.

Some animals have gone extinct several times and then recolonized. The date given is of the most recent extinction. Species that have been introduced or reintroduced by humans are noted.


data-sort-type="text"Common namedata-sort-type="text"Speciesdata-sort-type="text"Order and familydata-sort-type="number"Extinction/extirpation dateNotes and references
data-sort-value="Straight-tusked elephant"Palaeoloxodon antiquus Proboscideadata-sort-value="-113000"c. 115,000 BPPresent during the Eemian interglacial,[6] [7] survived elsewhere in Europe until around 40-30,000 years ago.
data-sort-value="Narrow-nosed rhinoceros" Narrow-nosed rhinocerosStephanorhinus hemitoechus data-sort-value="-12000" c. 115,000 BP Present during the Eemian interglacial, survived elsewhere in Europe until around 40-30,000 years ago.
HippopotamusHippopotamus amphibiusArtiodactylac. 115,000 BPPresent during the Eemian/Ipswitchian interglacial[8]
data-sort-value="Woolly mammoth"Mammuthus primigenius Proboscideadata-sort-value="-12000"c. 14,500-14,000 BP [9]
Woolly rhinocerosCoelodonta antiquitatisPerissodactylac. 35,000 BP[10] Survived elsewhere until at least 14,000 years ago
data-sort-value="Neanderthal"Homo neanderthalensis Primatesdata-sort-value="-48000"c. 50,000 BP Have left some genetic traces in modern humans.[11]
Irish elkMegaloceros giganteusArtiodactylac. 12,000 BP[12]
data-sort-value="Cave hyena" Crocuta crocuta spelaea data-sort-value="-30000" c. 32,000 BP [13]
Cave lionPanthera spelaeaCarnivorac. 40,000 BPSurvived elsewhere until 14-13,000 years ago.[14]
Scimitar-toothed catHomotherium latidensCarnivorac. 28,000 BCKnown from a single specimen from the southern North Sea dating to c. 28,000 years ago.[15]
European Ice Age leopardPanthera pardus spelaeaCarnivorac. 32,000 BP
Steppe bisonBison priscusArtiodactylac. 28,000 BP
Castor fiber Rodentiadata-sort-value="1526"1526 Reintroduced to Britain;[16] [17] never known to have lived in Ireland[18]
Dicrostonyx torquatus data-sort-value="-8000"c. 10,000 BP
Lagurus lagurus data-sort-value="-8000"c. 10,000 BP
data-sort-value="Coypu"Myocastor coypus data-sort-value="1978"1978 Modern, introduced non-native; eradicated in Britain in 1978, introduced to Ireland in 2010.
data-sort-value="Musk rat"Ondatra zibethicus data-sort-value="1937"1937 Introduced, non-native; eradicated in 1937.[19]
data-sort-value="Narrow-headed vole"Microtus gregalis data-sort-value="-8000"c. 10,000 BP
data-sort-value="Root vole"Microtus oeconomus data-sort-value="-1500"c. 1,500 BC
data-sort-value="Steppe pika"Ochotona pusilla data-sort-value="-8000"c. 10,000 BP
data-sort-value="Arctic fox"Vulpes lagopus data-sort-value="-8000"c. 10,000 BP
data-sort-value="Eurasian brown bear"Ursus arctos data-sort-value="500"c. 500 [20] c. 1000 – 500 BC in Ireland;[21] see Bears in Ireland
data-sort-value="Polar bear"Ursus maritimus data-sort-value="-16000"c. 18,000 BP [22]
data-sort-value="Eurasian lynx"Lynx lynx data-sort-value="400"c. 700 [23] or c. 1760[24] Subfossil evidence suggets an early medieval extinction, but a written record indicates persistence in Scotland into the late 18th century.
data-sort-value="Eurasian wolf"Canis lupus data-sort-value="1786/1888"1786/18881166/1888 in Wales, 1390/1888 in England, 1680/1888 in Scotland/Britain, 1786/1888 in Ireland;[25] see Wolves in Great Britain and Wolves in Ireland
data-sort-value="Wolverine" WolverineGulo guloCarnivoradata-sort-value="-9000" c. 11,000 BP[26]
data-sort-value="Walrus"Odobenus rosmarus data-sort-value="-1000"c. 1000 BC Extirpated as a breeder; occasional vagrant[27]
data-sort-value="Greater mouse-eared bat"Myotis myotis data-sort-value="1990"1990 A solitary male is known from a single hibernation site in Sussex, but the species is effectively extirpated.[28]
data-sort-value="Tarpan"Equus ferus ferus data-sort-value="-8000"c. 10,000 BP[29] Re-established proxy in the form of free-roaming domestic horses[30]
data-sort-value="Gray whale"Eschrichtius robustus data-sort-value="-598"c. 598 BC
data-sort-value="Eurasian elk"Alces alces data-sort-value="1300"c. 5600 BP[31]
data-sort-value="Siberian roe deer"Capreolus pygargus data-sort-value="1945"1945 Non-native, introduced in England from escapees in early 20th century; exterminated by 1945[32] [33]
data-sort-value="Reindeer"Rangifer tarandus data-sort-value="1100"c. 11,000 BP[34] Extirpated in Ireland c. 7500 BC.[35] [36] [37]
data-sort-value="Saiga antelope"Saiga tatarica data-sort-value="-10000"c. 12,000 BP
data-sort-value="Musk ox"Ovibos moschatus data-sort-value=""prior to 12000 BP[38]
data-sort-value="Eurasian aurochs"†AurochsBos primigenius primigenius data-sort-value="-1000"c. 1000 BC Select breeds of free-roaming domestic cattle are used as an ecological proxy as part of some conservation grazing initiatives.[39]
data-sort-value="Wild boar"Sus scrofa data-sort-value="1400"c. 1400 Reintroduced to Britain,[40] extirpated from Ireland.[41]







Bees, wasps and ants


Butterflies and moths

General reference: Waring et al., 2009.

Dragonflies and damselflies






Land snails

Reintroduction and re-establishment

The white-tailed eagle has been successfully re-established on the western coast of Scotland.[59] Having clung on in parts of Wales,[60] red kites have been successfully re-established in parts of England and Scotland.[61] Ongoing projects involve both these species: the corn crake into parts of England and Scotland, and the great bustard on Salisbury Plain.

European beavers have been reintroduced to parts of Scotland, and there are plans to bring them back to other parts of Britain. A five-year trial reintroduction at Knapdale in Argyll started in 2009 and concluded in 2014.[62] A few hundred beavers live wild in the Tay river basin, as a result of escapes from a wildlife park.[63] A similar reintroduction trial is being undertaken on the river otter in Devon, England.[64] Also, around the country, beavers have been introduced into fenced reserves for many reasons including flood prevention.[65] In 2016, beavers were recognised as a British native species, and will be protected under law.[66]

In 2008, Eurasian elk were released into a fenced reserve on the Alladale Estate in the Highlands of Scotland. Reindeer were re-established in 1952; approximately 150–170 reindeer live around the Cairngorms region in Scotland.

Set up by the Wildwood Trust, Konik horses have been established across many reserves as a proxy for the extinct tarpan.[67]

In 1998, MAFF, now known as DEFRA released a report concerning the presence of two populations of wild boar living freely in the UK.[68] These boar are thought to have escaped from wildlife parks, zoos and from farms where they are farmed for their meat, and gone on to establish breeding populations.[69] [70]

Around 20 white storks pass through the UK each year.[71] A colony at the Knepp Wildland in West Sussex, aided by zoologist Roisin Campbell-Palmer, hopes to reinforce these off-path migrants by introducing adults into a fenced reserve, where the juveniles born will be able to establish other colonies further afield.[72]

The northern clade of the pool frog was reintroduced from Swedish stock in 2005, to a single site in Norfolk, England, following detailed research to prove that it had been native before its extinction around 1993.

Smaller species, mainly reptiles, such as the green lizard and Aesculapian snake, have formed colonies probably due to a result of release from captivity.[73] There have also been calls for the return of the European tree frog to the wild.[74]

Established in 2020, Celtic Reptile & Amphibian, aims to reintroduce the lost species of reptile and amphibian that once inhabited Britain, back to rewilding projects.[75] These include the moor frog, European tree frog, agile frog and European pond turtle.[76] They have already had significant success breeding the moor frog in captivity.[77] [78] The organisation also wants to see European pond turtles re-established within wetland restoration projects.[79]

The large blue butterfly has been successfully re-established from Swedish stock at several sites, but very few of these are open-access. There are also several successful cases of the establishment of new populations of heath fritillary.

There have been calls for the reintroduction of the Eurasian lynx, brown bear and grey wolf to the UK, because no large predators are living in viable populations in Great Britain. It is theorized that a large predators presence could create a trophic cascade,[80] thus improving the ecosystem.[81]

There are plans to reintroduce European bison into England in spring 2022. The initial reintroduction would consist of one male and three females being released into a 150-hectare area with no accessible footpaths.[82]

See also

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Web site: The making of an island. Natural History Museum.
  2. Encyclopedia: Insularity and Quaternary vertebrate faunas in Britain and Ireland. 1995. Island Britain: a Quaternary perspective. Geological Society Special Publication No. 96. Stuart. A. J.. Preece. R. C.. 111–125.
  3. Web site: Bernhard Weninger et al., The catastrophic final flooding of Doggerland by the Storegga Slide tsunami, Documenta Praehistorica XXXV, 2008 . 2019-12-10 . . 2014-11-01 . dead .
  4. Book: Flannery, Tim. Europe: The First 100 Million Years. Penguin UK. 2018. 978-0141989037.
  5. Book: Kurten, Bjorn. Plesitocene Mammals of Europe. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1968. London.
  6. Ipswichian fauna of Victoria Cave and the marine palaeoclimatic record. Nature. Gascoyne. M.. Currant. A. P.. Lord. T. C.. 1981. 294. 5842. 652–654. 10.1038/294652a0. 1981Natur.294..652G. 4336223.
  7. Pleistocene occurrence of hippopotamus in Britain.. Quartärpaläontologie. 6. 209–218. 1986. Stuart. A. J.. 10.1515/9783112652565-023 . 9783112652565 .
  8. Franks . J.W. . 1960 . Interglacial deposits at Trafalgar Square, London. . The New Phytologist . 59 . 2 . 145–150 . 10.1111/j.1469-8137.1960.tb06212.x . 2429192 . free.
  9. Late-glacial mammoth skeletons (Mammuthus primigenius) from Condover (Shropshire, UK): anatomy, pathology, taphonomy and chronological significance. Geological Journal. Lister. Adrian M.. 44. 4. 447–479. 10.1002/gj.1162. 2009. 84944458 . free. 2009GeolJ..44..447L .
  10. Stuart . Anthony J. . Lister . Adrian M. . 2012 . Extinction chronology of the woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis in the context of late Quaternary megafaunal extinctions in northern Eurasia . Quaternary Science Reviews . 51 . 1–17 . 2012QSRv...51....1S . 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.06.007 . 0277-3791.
  11. Web site: First Britons. Natural History Museum.
  12. Lister . Adrian M. . Stuart . Anthony J. . January 2019 . The extinction of the giant deer Megaloceros giganteus (Blumenbach): New radiocarbon evidence . Quaternary International . en . 500 . 185–203 . 2019QuInt.500..185L . 10.1016/j.quaint.2019.03.025 . free.
  13. Web site: database matches. Fossilworks.
  14. Stuart . Anthony J. . Lister . Adrian M. . August 2011 . Extinction chronology of the cave lion Panthera spelaea . Quaternary Science Reviews . en . 30 . 17-18 . 2329–2340 . 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.04.023.
  15. Reumer . Jelle W. F. . Rook . Lorenzo . Van Der Borg . Klaas . Post . Klaas . Mol . Dick . De Vos . John . 11 April 2003 . Late Pleistocene survival of the saber-toothed cat Homotherium in northwestern Europe . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology . 23 . 1 . 260–262 . 10.1671/0272-4634(2003)23[260:LPSOTS]2.0.CO;2 . 140187064.
  16. Web site: Record numbers of beavers are being introduced to the UK . Tammana . Begum . 7 April 2021 . The Natural History Museum . 1 February 2023.
  17. Web site: Beaver reintroduction in the UK . The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds . 1 February 2023.
  18. Web site: The Case for Beavers in Ireland . 18 December 2020 . The Irish Wildlife Trust . 1 February 2023.
  19. Web site: Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus . 27 December 2018 . GB Non Native Species Secretariat.
  20. News: Lost history of brown bears in Britain revealed. BBC News. July 4, 2018.
  21. Web site: Bears. 9 November 2019 .
  22. News: Mystery of the polar bear whose remains were found in Scotland. March 8, 2008. The Independent. 13 May 2020.
  23. Web site: About the lynx .
  24. Raye . Lee . 2021 . An 18th century reference to a Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Scotland" . Mammal Communications . 7. 10.59922/XHXV2212 .
  25. Hickey . Kieran R. . A geographical perspective on the decline and extermination of the Irish wolf canis lupus—an initial assessment . Irish Geography . 33 . 2 . 2000 . 0075-0778 . 10.1080/00750770009478590 . 185–198 . . 2012-09-07 .
  26. Coard . R. . Chamberlain . A. T. . April 1999 . The nature and timing of faunal change in the British Isles across the Pleistocene/Holocene transition . The Holocene . en . 9 . 3 . 372–376 . 10.1191/095968399672435429 . 1999Holoc...9..372C . 0959-6836.
  27. News: Walrus basks in Orkney attention. 3 March 2013. 26 September 2018. BBC News.
  28. Web site: Greater mouse-eared bat. 2021-04-21. People's Trust for Endangered Species. en-GB.
  29. Sommer . Robert S. . Benecke . Norbert . Lõugas . Lembi . Nelle . Oliver . Schmölcke . Ulrich . November 2011 . Holocene survival of the wild horse in Europe: a matter of open landscape? . Journal of Quaternary Science . en . 26 . 8 . 805–812 . 10.1002/jqs.1509 . 2011JQS....26..805S . 0267-8179.
  30. Web site: Wildwood Trust: Wildwood's horses roaming free in Wales. 2018-12-18.
  31. Schmölcke . U. . Zachos . F.E. . November 2005 . Holocene distribution and extinction of the moose (Alces alces, Cervidae) in Central Europe . Mammalian Biology . en . 70 . 6 . 329–344 . 10.1016/j.mambio.2005.08.001.
  32. William Ling Taylor . 1939 . The distribution of wild deer in England and Wales . . 8 . 1 . 6–9 . 1249. 10.2307/1249 . 1939JAnEc...8....6T .
  33. Book: Long, John L. . 2003 . Introduced Mammals of the World: their History, Distribution and Influence . Artiodactyla . 361–534 . . 9780643099166 .
  34. Sommer . Robert S. . Kalbe . Johannes . Ekström . Jonas . Benecke . Norbert . Liljegren . Ronnie . February 2014 . Svenning . Jens-Christian . Range dynamics of the reindeer in Europe during the last 25,000 years . Journal of Biogeography . en . 41 . 2 . 298–306 . 10.1111/jbi.12193 . 2014JBiog..41..298S . 0305-0270.
  35. Web site: Are there any reindeer in Ireland?. independent. 11 December 2013 .
  36. Book: Blackwell, Amy Hackney. The Myths, Legends, and Lore of Ireland. December 18, 2010. Simon and Schuster. 9781440509247. Google Books.
  37. Web site: Ancient Ireland - Prehistory, Archaeology, Paleogeography, Geology.
  38. Markova . A.K. . Puzachenko . A.Yu. . van Kolfschoten . T. . Kosintsev . P.A. . Kuznetsova . T.V. . Tikhonov . A.N. . Bachura . O.P. . Ponomarev . D.V. . van der Plicht . J. . Kuitems . M. . August 2015 . Changes in the Eurasian distribution of the musk ox (Ovibos moschatus) and the extinct bison (Bison priscus) during the last 50 ka BP . Quaternary International . en . 378 . 99–110 . 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.01.020. 2015QuInt.378...99M .
  39. Web site: Conservation grazing. 2021-04-21. National Trust. en.
  40. Web site: Wild Boar in Britain. 26 September 2018. 5 December 2017. dead.
  41. Keuling, O. & Leus, K. 2019. Sus scrofa. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T41775A44141833. Downloaded on 26 August 2021.
  42. Web site: Dalmatian pelican seen 'for first time' in UK at Land's End. May 11, 2016. BBC News. 16 July 2020.
  43. Book: The History of British Birds. Derek Yalden. Umberto Albarella. 2008. OUP. 978-0199217519.
  44. News: Spoonbills return to breed in the UK after 300 years. 27 August 2000. The Independent. 20 February 2020.
  45. News: Birdwatch: Rare appearance from Kentish plover . 26 May 2017 . Yorkshire Post . 2016-09-17. Bill Teale.
  46. Web site: Reintroductions. Knepp Wildland. 2018-12-18.
  47. Web site: Eagle owls – are they making a comeback in Britain? - Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust. 20 February 2020.
  48. Charles Snell . 2006 . Status of the common tree frog in Britain . British Wildlife . 17 . 3 . 153–160.
  49. Identifying Ranid urostyle, ilial and anomalous bones from a 15th century London well

    Charles A. Snell

  50. Web site: Agile frog population rises following conservation efforts. May 24, 2016. BBC News. 1 January 2021.
  51. Naish, Darren. Britain’s lost tree frogs: sigh, not another ‘neglected native’. 2007. Retrieved 20 December 2017.
  52. Web site: Blue Moor Frog Once Again Seen in the UK After 700 Years in Time for Mating Season. April 7, 2021. The Science Times. 22 May 2021.
  53. News: Species feared extinct as Lucky the pool frog dies. 1999-01-14. The Independent. 2018-12-18.
  54. Web site: Breaking New Ground – Northern clade pool frog reintroduction project. The Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust. 4 August 2016 . 2018-12-18.
  55. Kristensen. Hans. Rasmussen. Arne. Allentoft. Morten. Allentoft. Morten E.. Rasmussen. Arne Redsted. Kristensen. Hans Viborg. March 2018. Centuries-Old DNA from an Extinct Population of Aesculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) Offers New Phylogeographic Insight. Diversity. 10. 1. 14. 10.3390/d10010014. free.
  56. Web site: Darren Naish: Tetrapod Zoology: Hunting Green lizards in Dorset: new aliens or old natives?. 2018-12-18.
  57. Poecilobothrus majesticus. e.T123671476A123674314. Macadam, C.. 2022. 26 April 2023. 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2022-1.RLTS.T123671476A123674314.en.
  58. Web site: Officially extinct butterfly 'making a comeback' in UK . Patrick Barkham . 8 July 2022 . 15 July 2022 . The Guardian.
  59. Web site: 15 species that should be brought back to rewild Britain. George Monbiot. The Guardian. 15 July 2015. 20 December 2015.
  60. Web site: Red Kite Conservation. The RSPB. 20 February 2020.
  61. Web site: The RSPB: Red kite. The RSPB. 20 December 2015.
  62. Web site: Commissioned Report No. 685 The Scottish Beaver Trial: Ecological monitoring of the European beaver Castor fiber and other riparian mammals 2009-2014, final report. 18 December 2016. 20 December 2016. dead.
  63. Web site: Tay Beavers Origin. Scottish Wild Beavers. 20 December 2015. 22 December 2015. dead.
  64. Web site: River Otter Beaver Trial - Devon Wildlife Trust. 26 September 2018.
  65. Web site: Cornwall Beaver Project Cornwall Wildlife Trust. 2018-12-18.
  66. Web site: Beavers given native species status after reintroduction to Scotland. Severin. Carrell. 24 November 2016. The Guardian. 26 September 2018.
  67. News: Wild horses help restore moorland. 2018-06-21. BBC News. 2018-12-18.
  68. Web site: Feral wild boar in England Status, impact and management A report on behalf of Defra European Wildlife Division. National Archives. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. 26 October 2017. bot: unknown. 1 January 2007.
  69. Web site: Feral wild boar in England Status, impact and management A report on behalf of Defra European Wildlife Division. 26 October 2017. bot: unknown. 1 January 2007.
  70. Web site: Wild Boar. The British Association for Shooting and Conservation. BASC. 26 October 2017.
  71. News: White storks to breed in Britain for the first time in 600 years. Crisp. Wil. 2018-07-07. The Telegraph. 2018-12-18. 0307-1235.
  72. Web site: White Storks. Knepp Wildland. 2018-12-18.
  73. Web site: Non-native reptiles. The Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust. July 2016 . 2018-12-18.
  74. News: 2021-02-03. Can Britain's long lost tree frogs bounce back?. 2021-10-28. The Independent. en.
  75. Web site: 2021-01-10. 'Who doesn't love a turtle?' The teenage boys on a mission – to rewild Britain with reptiles. 2021-10-28. The Guardian. en.
  76. Web site: Guest blog by Celtic Reptile and Amphibian - Mark Avery. 2021-10-28.
  77. News: Horton. Helena. 2021-04-06. Frog turns blue for first time in 700 years amid calls for rare amphibians to be reintroduced to Britain. en-GB. The Telegraph. 2021-10-28. 0307-1235.
  78. Web site: Davis. Margaret. 2021-04-07. Blue Moor Frog Once Again Seen in the UK After 700 Years in Time for Mating Season. 2021-10-28. Science Times. en.
  79. Web site: Griffiths. Sarah. Can a long-lost turtle help to restore Britain's wetlands?. 2021-10-28. en.
  80. Web site: Wolf. Britain. Rewilding. Rewilding Britain. 2018-12-18.
  81. Web site: Call for lynx and wolf reintroduction. BBC News. 20 December 2015. 15 July 2015.
  82. News: Carrington . Damian . 2020-07-10. Wild bison to return to UK for first time in 6,000 years. en-GB. The Guardian. 2020-07-10. 0261-3077.