Lutetium–yttrium oxyorthosilicate explained

Lutetium–yttrium oxyorthosilicate, also known as LYSO, is an inorganic chemical compound with main use as a scintillator crystal for gamma radiation detection.[1] Its chemical formula is Lu2(1-x)Y2xSiO5. The percentage of yttrium varies considerably, with values in the literature ranging from 5% to 70%. It is commonly used to build screens and electromagnetic calorimeters in particle physics. LYSO crystals have the advantages of high light output and density, quick decay time, excellent energy resolution.[2] The crystals are often grown in boules using the Czochralski process, and cutting or polishing can be challenging because LYSO is brittle and hard.[3]

Notes and References

  1. free . Evaluation of Scintillator Detection Materials for Application within Airborne Environmental Radiation Monitoring . Matthew . Lowdon . Peter G. . Martin . M.W.J. . Hubbard . M.P. . Taggart . Dean T. . Connor . Yannick . Verbelen . P.J. . Sellins . Thomas B. . Scott . 10.3390/s19183828 . 2019 . Sensors . 18 . 8 . 13. 31487922 . 6767284 . 2019Senso..19.3828L .
  2. Large Size LSO and LYSO Crystals for Future High Energy Physics Experiments . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . 4 . 3 . 2007 . 718–724 . Jianming . Chen . Rihua . Mao . Liyuan . Zhang . Ren-Yuan . Zhu. 10.1109/TNS.2007.897823 . 2007ITNS...54..718C . 6606410 .
  3. free . 10.3390/s21103376 . Sensors . 2021 . A Novel Portable Gamma Radiation Sensor Based on a Monolithic Lutetium-Yttrium Oxyorthosilicate Ring . Xi . Shang . Qiangqiang . Xie . Siwei . Xie . Xin . Yu . Jianfeng . Xu . Qiyu . Peng . 21 . 10 . 16. 34066224 . 8150370 . 2021Senso..21.3376Z .